Bheema 20th December 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on
Bheema says that it does not mean that she got scared but she was just counting them so she can become strong, she is going to go and get justice in the court as Baba Sahib said no matter the out come but they should fight with immense courage, they both hear the beating of the drums so turn back to see Raj Shekar walking towards their house with the Shugun and then Mehwa also comes out with his brothers, Mehwa is staring at Raj Shekar who asks about Mehwa then he reveals his identity, Raj Shekar says he has brought the Shugun for his daughter Bheema on behalf of his son Jag Mohan. Bheema is shocked when PhulMatia asks Bheema to burn the flag and learn how to manage the house hold as she is about to be married. Raj Shekar asks Mehwa to take it who hesitantly accepts the Shugun from Raj Shekar while Bheema
Dhania asks Bindiya how is it possible that Kalasha Bua has not kept any condition but hearing this Bindiya is very tensed.
Bheema refuses to get married but Mehwa asks her to go into the house, Bheema says that her mother would be freed even then but Gaya orders her to go into the house, Bheema replies she has to go to the court and find a lawyer in order to help her mother, PhulMatia warns that Bheema should learn to stay in her limits, Raj Shekar asks Mehwa if he has not taught any manners to Bheema that she is so ill mannered, Chabelia replies that Bheema is not ill mannered but is very troubled, Chabelia calls him brother when Kalasha Bua asks if he is going to call the In Laws as brother, Kalasha bua says she knew Raj Shekar would come here to give the Shugun this is why she has also brought the gift and so asks Raj Shekar to place this Chunri over the head of Bheema, Kalasha Bua lets go of the Chunri which falls on the floor, Bheema tries to run away but both Mehwa and PhulMatia hold her hands then Bheema refuses to get married saying she has to help her mother, Kalasha Bua orders Raj Shekar to place the Chunri over her head, Chabelia says that Mehwa is forcing her and even Kundan explains it is wrong but Gaya orders them both to stay quiet. Kalasha Bua asks why is Raj Shekar waiting as he should place the Chunri over the head of Bheema, Raj Shekar follows the orders of Kalasha Bua, seeing which those who are against Bheema start to smile including Nanku. Raj Shekar tells Mehwa that from today his daughter is going to be their daughter in aw. Kalika s glad and then even throws some money on the floor, instructing Raj Shekar to even give some money to Bheema as per the tradition. Kalasha Bua asks them all to clap and play the drums, Mehwa is controlling his emotions wile staring at everyone, Chabelia furiously goes back into the house followed by Kundan.
Bindiya asks how many time does she have to tell her that Kalasha Bua has not kept any condition and she should have some tea but Dhania asks Bindiya to go and tell Kalasha Bua to meet her, the Inspector asks what does Bindiya think is going on here because if Bheema had brought this tea then Dhania would have surely drank it and but why would she give any importance to her, Dhania tries to say that he is just instigating her however Bindiya leaves saying that from now on Bheema is going to bring the tea, Dhania asks the Inspector why is he filling the mind of the daughter with hatred so the Inspector asks if she cannot see what Bheema is doing to the society.
Kalasha Bua leaves saying she would inform them after setting the date of the functions and so Kalasha Bua leaves, PhulMatia asks why is Bheema crying when this day is of happiness for every girl and then Bheema runs into the house saying she would not get married, Bheema starts to cry while standing against the pillar, Kundan and Chabelia are also crying, Bheema does snot know what to do so she sits down against it. Bheema requests her uncle to do something and not cry as she does not want to get married, Mehwa coming says no one is going to do anything as he will not allow, h says Bheema will surely get married. Kundan holds the feet of Mehwa pleading with him to not do it along with Chabelia, they both ask what is he doing. Mehwa orders them both to get ready as today is the hearing of Dhania and they all would go together, he sits beside Bheema ordering her to not tell anything to her mother about what is happening here, he makes Bheema swear on his life and also on Baba Sahib. Bheema, Kundan and Chabelia keep crying when Mehwa gets up to leave and he even takes both Kundan and Chabelia with him. Bheema realizes how Bindiya has returned so asks her about how is their mother, Bindiya thinks about what the Inspector said to her so she looks at the glass of tea then angrily holds the arm of Bheema while she pours it all over her hand, Bindiya then throws the glass on the floor while Bheema starts crying, Bindiya blames their mother is not nice and it is all happening due to Bheema, Bindiya threatens to never talk to her if their mother is not released today, Bheema keeps trying to twist her hand so it feels better. Baba Sahib comes to Bheema who requests him to do something, she asks what would he do when she forgets he cannot do something but he can even advice her, Baba Sahib blows onto the burnt hand of Bheema and even applies the cloth saying that she should just think about going to the court and find a lawyer while think about everything else later, Bheema agrees with Baba Sahib then she leaves, Baba Sahib is still tensed.
Update Credit to: Sona