Categories: Bheema

Bheema 22nd August 2024 Written Episode Update: The teachers plan to humiliate Bhima again

Bheema 22nd August 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Bhima opens the book given to her by the teacher of her class, Mehwa is returning when he sees Bhima holding the book so he walks over to her asking what is she reading about, Bhima replies they are books about Baba Sahib given to her by the teacher, Mehwa sits wondering what has she gotten into when Chabelia comes saying it is good questioning Mehwa when has anyone come to their house give something so they should be good about it, Chabelia says that there are a lot of times when they are called to dance at the house of someone whose child has become educated so he says that at that moment he is going to dance with all of his strength in the same house, Bhima is smiling.

In the morning Bhima is standing when the teachers say she has to do the same thing as she did yesterday, Bhima thinks about what

the teacher said to her last night and assures she will clean the classrooms but needs to do something first, the Principal asks what will she do, Bhima replies she will do it while staying in the limits of this school then he might himself ask her to not clean the classrooms but the teacher says that no one would say anything of the sort, Bhima once again asks for the broom which the teacher throws in front of her, Bhima picks the broom in her hand, Bhawan goes to the peon saying he is the one who cleans the classrooms for which eh takes the pay saying that he should do it as she has to stay here for three days but if he does not do his work then she will complain to the police station hearing which all the teachers and Principal are shocked, Bhima remembers when Baba Sahib said that doing work is not a bad thing and one should not run away from doing the work but if the person who was hired for the work does not do it then it is a crime and everyone is scared of losing the job so when Bhima will make the peon feel scared for it then Bhima would not have to clean the classrooms. Bhima says he can even lose his job, the peon asks the headmaster to see that the girl who has just arrived is teaching him his work so he cannot lose his job for them, Bhima throwing the broom says he should do his work if he wants to save his job, the headmaster is stunned along with all of the other teachers standing there. Bhima mentions she is different from the people of the upper class who are living near the main road, she says that there are a lot of people in this village to harm the people of lower class but he should just teach her, Thee Principal thinks of how he challenged Bhima to stay in the school for three days after which her name would be written in the register of the school, Principal walks away with all the teachers expect the teacher from the lower class. Bhawan threatens to cut the hair of Bhima but she says he should focus on studying and attaining a higher job, the sister of Bhawan says that Kalasha just hit Dhania with one hundred sticks but had she made sure she died then Bhima would not be doing this act. The Princiapl leaves with the teahcers explaining they have to make sure Bhima leaves the school otherwise it would be very shameful for them.

Mehwa along with Dhania and everyone from the class are in the farm when their son comes running to Dhania informing how Bhima refused to clean the school which angered the teachers so they all went somewhere and he is scared of what they might do, they all try to leave the farm but stop seeing Kalasha Bua standing in front of her with the men, Kalasha Bua threatens to break her feet if she tries to come ahead while they would be fired but Mehwa and the family members decide to not go anywhere, Dhania agrees to not do anything but her work as the fight of Bhima will happen every day and she is going to sacrifice here, Kalasha Bua says there is no point in hitting the rock as they are the ones who get injured and nothing happens to the rock, while if they turn away from this truth then Kalasha Bua praises Dhania for making her heart of stone as who knows when Bhima might die so at that time they would feel less pain. Dhania thinks people like them have been suffering for a lot of generations.

The Principal walks down the stairs with the other teachers while they are holding the bag, they stand in front of Bhima with a smile on their face and then throw all of the shoes from the bags in front of her, the teachers start smiling when the Principal said that Bhima mentioned they are teachers and should show her the right path so he asks Bhima to clean all of the shoes as this is going to be her work today, the peon rings the bell to announce the start of the school. The Principal asks all the other students to go to their classes while telling Bhima to quickly complete her work, Bhawan along with his sister stand in front of Bhima when the teacher of lower class asks Bhima to complain to the police station, Bhima replies they would try their best to make her run while she needs to stay here as it is a challenge and she will not take the help of anyone, the teacher from the lower class also walks away. Baba Sahib comes to Bhima when she tells him it is wrong as they asked her to clean it, Baba Sahib replies they made her do labor work thinking she will get tired but Bhima fought and came to do it again today while they are trying to tease her in another manner and hitting shoes to her dream of becoming DM, explaining it is more dangerous to tell someone that they should just do this work and this is what the teachers are trying to do with her, Bhima asks Baba Sahib what should she do now, he asks if she has ever drank the lemon juice then he tells Bhima to learn how to turn it into a sweet drink, Bhima replies she understood it, Bhima looks at the shoes.

Update Credit to: Sona

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