Categories: Bheema

Bheema 22nd October 2024 Written Episode Update: Bheema agrees to the suggestion of Baba Sahib

Bheema 22nd October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The teacher tells Bheema should ask it from him as who knows his answer might change all of her decisions but it is up to her to think if she must throw the bag or not, Bheema thinks she needs to take an answer from Baba Sahib after which she would throw it.

PhulMatia wonders why has she not returned when the river is not that far away, Dhania says she would be crying after throwing the bag so decides to go and bring her but PhulMatia says she should let Bheema cry for what she has done today, Chabelia agrees explaining that Bheema would stop crying today but they are going to keep doing the same for the generations as Bheema left her fight, Kundan asks why did Baba Sahib not give her the right suggestions Gaya says it is all just false but Dhania thinks she is sure that Baba Sahib would stop her.


is walking while searching for Baba Sahib when she sees him sitting on the wooden trailer, she runs towards him asking why did he not come in front of Kalasha Bua and not told her any way when she returned to the house, she says he is very big and everyone knows him but requests him to not stay quiet. Bheema reveals she was going to throw her books in the river but the teacher advised her to first seek his advice, she questions why did she not get the answer to her problems when he said that education can solve all of their problems, Baba Sahib orders her to first seek apology from the books, she does not understand when he asks how can she cause harm to her books when she got angry, he explains he felt she is very clever but does she not understand that they need to be careful at the time of anger. Bheema says she has apologized and now he should give the answer, Dhania is worried while looking at PhulMatia and wonders where has she gone to so requests them to go, PhulMatia asks what if they both start planning something else but Dhania requests PhulMatia to let go of her hand, PhulMatia says she should pull it if she has the courage, Mehwa also asks what if sister in law doing as Bheema is just a child but Gaya says he should not interfere in the matters of them both.

Baba Sahib says he is going to answer why did the education not become the biggest weapon and he asks her how does she feel helping her mother, Bheema says she feels very nice and is sure Baba Sahib would have felt the same. Baba Sahib says that it takes time to be worthy of offering the help and he says that the destination is very far away and they have to give a lot of tests to attain it, he says they can be of a lot of help but must bear the struggle. Bheema asks it is all right but why did he not help her when he is a very big person, Baba Sahib replies because he is not alive and the person who is not alive cannot do anything by themselves, they can be of emotional support and give advice but cannot fight anyone. Baba Sahib says when he was leaving the world then kept thinking he could not fight and if someone needs him to be there for them then he would not be able to support them, this is why he was not in the house of Kalasha Bua nor when she was leaving the house, he clarifies that her Baba Sahib is not in this world, saying this is what Bheema must understand and not only her but the later generations would have to become Bhim Rao Ambedkar, and fight with people like Kalasha bua and Kalika Singh, without worrying for what happens and throwing their weapons in the river, even understand that it is not a bad thing to lose the small fights in hopes of getting a larger win and to bear the struggles while aiming for more good. Baba Sahib says it is better to make the anger their strength and win, Bheema runs to hug Baba Sahib who also embraces her while placing his hand over her head, he says that it is not important if he is alive or not but that Bheema should stay alive and she is going to become that person who will provide the light for everyone. Bheema agrees to live for her society and get the light for them while even keep Baba Sahib in her heart, Bheema becomes adamant, vowing that she is going to live. Baba Sahib asks her to go and think about what happened while try to bring the change in herself, he says she should have the same attitude as before, while even saying the method of fighting should be as before. Baba Sahib says not only Bheema but each and every Bheema who wants to show their value in the society would have to move ahead and realize that the loss can stop their path and make them lose their hope for some time but cannot end the way of struggle.

Dhania keeps pleading with PhulMatia to let go of her who knows what condition Bheema would be in at the moment, Nanku asks Dhania to not wait saying she would surely come back, Bheema walking towards them says she has returned and is holding the bag. Dhania asks if she is fine, Bheema replies she would not have been fine if she had thrown her books in the river, Bheema says she is feeling good as she saved them while her fight has also not stopped. PhulMatia says that Bheema is not going to understand until Kalika Singh and Kalasha Bua kill the people. Bheema says their fight is not with Kalasha Bua or Kalika Singh but with how they can get even more education PhulMatia says if Bheema cannot throw them then they all would do it, Dhania asks why is PhulMatia always coming after her daughter, PhulMatia asks why are they not saying anything, Nanku calls Mehwa saying it is important to sort the matter from the roots and until the books and pen are not separated then they cannot be sorted, Gaya also asks Mehwa to teach her to stop education, Bheema replies she is only going to stop getting education when they kill her, so she says either they all kill her or let her get the education. Bheema holding the bag vows to study until she is alive and has the strength, Kundan and Chabelia are smiling while everyone else is worried.

Bheema sitting in her house is thinking about what Baba Sahib that they surely get to their destination after a lot of struggle while even informed that her Baba Sahib is not alive and it is important that she should try to bring change in herself, with the same attitude and desire so Bheema thinks how she said that she would live with Baba Sahib in her heart.

Update Credit to: Sona

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