Categories: Bheema

Bheema 24th December 2024 Written Episode Update: Bheema manages to prove the innocence of her mother

Bheema 24th December 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The lawyer informs he has been appointed by the government to fight her case, he promises to not let her mother go to jail in any case then after looking at the time asks Bheema to come inside as it is time for the hearing and even calls the family members of Bheema who all leave, Bheema then goes to praise Baba Sahib for what he has written in the constitution that if no lawyer fights their case then the government is going to provide the lawyer, Baba Sahib says that the constitution was written with the aim to make sure that everyone is equal but it did not happen for which he is regretful

Bheema enters the court room where she sees her mother, Kalasha bua signals Kalika about the lawyer appointed by the government, the judge enters the court room and so they all get up to greet him when Baba

Sahib also comes to stand beside Bheema. The judge orders the start of the case, the prosecutor gets asking to seek permission to call the culprit in the witness box, Dhania comes to stand in the witness box when the prosecutor says that she is not in her proper mental state. Bheema says her mother is not mad, the judge orders her to stay quiet otherwise it would be contempt of court, Dhania also signals her to stay quiet when Bheema asks how can they call her mother as mad, Baba Sahib informs Bheema that she must respect the court. The judge asks the prosecutor to explain his claim, he starts to blame it all on Dhania hearing which even the family members are worried Baba Sahib stops Bheema from walking ahead when Mehwa and people fro the lower class say it is lie. The Prosecutor seeks permission to call his first witness Sunil to the witness box, the vow is taken from Sunil and he says he is not going to say anything else, then the prosecutor asks Sunil to explain what has happened to him, Sunil reveals how he was threatened with the knife and so he tried to escape but Dhania still threatened him with the knife, the prosecutor then calls the second witness from the upper class while the people of lower class are worried . the prosecutor says that the statements from the witnesses prove that Dhania is just making a false claim that her daughter was kidnapped when Dhania says there was even other children were present, Bheema says that it is all a lie and what sort of court is it where everyone is just saying their story, the judge threatens to send Bheema out of the court when they ask the lawyer of Bheema to present his statement but he after standing up says he does not want to say anything this angers the people of lower class who try to plead for what is the truth. The lawyer comes ahead saying he does not have to say anything as Bheema told him a lie which he accepted but after hearing the statements of everyone in this room he has understood it was a lie and so this is why, Bheema says what is all this then mention she just told what happened to her, the judge orders they should remove Bheema from the court hearing. Bheema requests to say something but the judge asks if she is a lawyer.

Baba Sahib replies it is her right and written in the constitution that she can say whatever she feels, Bheema mentions it is right and written in the constitution that anyone can present their side and this case relates to her mother. The judge orders Bheema to say whatever she desires in the witness box, Baba Sahib signals her to go ahead and she starts walking when Kalika asks his mother if Bheema has started to see Baba Sahib again, Kalasha Bua replies they would see what she does. Bheema swears on the Geeta to only speak the truth and nothing else, Bheema praises the judge explaining she is poor and from the lower class which is why no good lawyer is prepared to fight her case and then one who agreed is lying, the lawyer gets furious blaming Bheema for only lying, Bheema ask the lawyer to put his hand in the right pocket of his coat hearing which he gets shocked but Bheema insists and then he puts the hand but is shocked so Bheema asks him to take out whatever is in his pocket, the lawyer gets tensed and then he says he is not her worker to obey the orders, so he asks the judge to do something. Bheema requests the judge to also tell the lawyer to do what she is asking when he blames Bheema for ruining the case. Kalasha Bua remembers when she gave the money to the lawyer asking him to take the case of Bheema and then lose it. Kalasha Bua says if he takes out the money then they would lose the case, Kalika assures he is going to handle it as both the lawyers are hired by them. Bheema insists but even the opposition lawyer asks how can a little girl talk like this with the lawyer, Dhania asks Bheema to go back and stand where she was standing, Nanku and PhulMatia also demand her to come back along with Mehwa but Baba Sahib says that she should explain it is also written that an innocent should not be punished, so Bheema says the same thing to the judge.

Therefor requests the judge to listen to what she is saying then the lawyer tries to once again requests the judge but he also orders the lawyer to take out what is in his pocket. Kalasha Bua and Kalika get worried when the lawyer asks how can the judge take her side and then the judge orders the lawyer to sit back as he would be given the chance to explain himself then the judge orders the lawyer to take out what is in his pocket otherwise it would be a contempt of court, the lawyer finally takes out the money from his pocket seeing which everyone is shocked, Bheema tells the judge that she had already seen the money and why does he have so much money with him in the court, he says the lawyer was not even taking out the money and both the lawyers were standing together when it has never happened, Bheema says if the judge joins all the dots then he will see that her mother is innocent, the people of the lower class start to clap for Bheema. Bheema keeps standing in the witness box.

Update Credit to: Sona

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