Categories: Bheema

Bheema 24th September 2024 Written Episode Update: Kundan supports Bheema

Bheema 24th September 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Kundan then says Bheema is right hearing which dhania and everyone are stunned, Kundan says Bheema wants to study then should do it and raise against the Babu Sahib while do whatever she desires, Gaya questions if Kundan has gotten mad because what if Babu Sahib hear what he is saying, Kundan replies he has understood they all come together to beat them which hurts but it also gets better however if the fight of Bheema stops then it will never stop, as she is not the only one to dream of her becoming the DM and if she becomes the DM then he would feel as if he has gotten the position. Bheema thinks how she told Baba Sahib what about the people who are suffering today, Bheema says no on would be hurt due to her from today, Kundan asks her to not think so much because if the people who beat them think of

their pain then there is not going to be any problem, Kundan makes her swear on him that she would have to fight, he says he is not going to walk after raising his moustache as he does not want any problem to happen due to him, but the day when Bheema returns as becoming the DM then he will come near her with his moustache twisted and give respect to her. The mother of Kundan says he has lost his mind along with everyone else and should wait to see what else happens in the future, she leaves along with Gaya followed by the other people from their class, Mehwa also slowly turns to walk away. Dhania walks over to Bheema, Kundan tells her these people who have left would return to her one day but if she leaves to fight then where will they come back, he says she should fight for them all hopes and the desire that those people will return. Bheema turns to think about how Baba Sahib left saying he will never meet her, she walks away after calling Baba sahib.

In the night Kalika is on the dinner table with Kalasha Bua when Vishambar comes asking what is this beautiful scent of the food, he asks his mother I she got the news, Vishambar mentions that if the know the truth before eating such delicious food then it would easy to decide if they should eat or not, Kalasha Bua asks if he can never talk without such suspense, Vishambar says the Kundan whom Kalika Singh along with the upper class people has stood up again with the hope that Bheema will win surely, Vishambar asks what was his brother saying that those people would decide their happiness or sorrow, he says that everything would be decided by those people along with the direction of the society, Vishambar says that the reason due to which his brother was drinking the alcohol has ended. Dharamshala comes saying she forgot the sides, Vishambhar asks if she did not bring the lemon as it is necessary to make everyone return to their senses which she must give to her husband, Kalika gets up when Kalasha Bua asks where is he going, he replies he would not eat untill he sorts out the matter, Kalasha Bua asks Vishambhar to stop his brother but he asks how can he stop his brother when Kalasha Bua has supported him to reach this manner and some places are of the sort from where they cannot stop anyone from going, she warns him to stop talking rubbish, Vishambhar leaves.

Bheema is searching for Baba Sahib while walking and reaches the forest, she is very worried but keeps calling to Baba Sahib and then she while crying says he cannot leave her like this and she is also not going to allow him, Bheema asks where is Baba Sahib, she sits on the floor while still calling to Baba Sahib and gets unconscious. Bheema wakes up after hearing Baba sahib calling her name, she sees him walking towards her and then he asks her to not cry and be quiet as the crying daughters donot seem good, she asks where did he come when he replies she kept thinking of her struggles as a mistake so what would have he done, she says he could have made her realize the truth and even tried to cheer her if she got angry as she is his daughter while he is the Baba Sahib, she says she is from his own class so would he leave her, Baba Sahib that when the person realizes his worth after their relatives leave then they become great people, Baba Sahib says she would have to burn in the fire and he will have to leave her so she is then going to become the DM, Bheema says she does not understand how he becomes like the Murti in the farm whenever she is in trouble, baba Sahib says he would explain it later but first Bheema must tell him what is she going to do in the future, Bheema recalls how Kalika Singh threatened to beat the people as he desires, Bheema says she is going to burn the entire godown of Kalika Singh, baba Sahib says only he is not guilty when Bheema threatens to burn all of their godown, baba Sahib asks how will she burn all of them alone.

Kalika Singh informs the people how Bheema threatened to burn his godown along with them all, the people reply even they know how to make Mashal and if Bheema does anything of the sort then they would burn the entire society, Kalika Singh orders them to prepare the Mashal.

Baba Sahib advises Bheema to find another way because if she burns their godown then they would also do the same thing, Dhania comes with the sister informing Bheema that the people of upper lass are roaming the streets with the Mashal threatening to burn everything if Bheema burns their godown. Baba Sahib stops Bheema saying just one fire is bigger then everything which is of the constitution, he informs her it is both the fire and water and she should take it. Bheema holds the constitution book in her hands, Baba Sahib starts to smile seeing Bheema hold it close to her chest.

The people of upper class are walking together while holding the Mashal, Bheema asks Baba Sahib how will she fight the people holding the Mashal, Baba Sahib says that she should read it carefully as it is written that they cannot harm the property of anyone and if they do it then the law is going tp punish them, Bheema says she will go to show the Inspector, Baba Sahib replies the people of the legal system know it all but only those people whose rights this constitution protects are unaware of it, Baba Sahib takes back the book saying this is why she does not have to take it but make sure the voice reaches all those people. Bheema is worried.

Update Credit to: Sona

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