Categories: Bheema

Bheema 29th August 2024 Written Episode Update: Bheema is pressurized into leaving the education

Bheema 29th August 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Mehwa says their class and poverty are such that it will surely make Bheema leave her education, Bheema tells her father that she will never leave education, Baba Sahib comes saying it is a conversation for the future if Bheema will keep studying or leave it, while the question of her father is of his integrity for which she should give the answer, Bheema says she should first get to know the question, Mehwa looks at Bheema then asks Dhania who is she talking to, Dhania replies she sees Baba Sahib in her imagination and she tends to find the solution to her problems from him, Dhania asks her husband to see that she will even bring the answer. Baba Sahib that it is the matter of the employment of the people from their class so Bheema should make him believe she will even study and make sure they retain their

job, Bheema asks how would she be able to do it when she is just a child, Baba Sahib replies there is just a warrior in the battle when Bheema asks how can she make him believe, Baba Sahib leaves saying it is up to her. Bheema going to her father says she will make him believe that everyone will keep their jobs and even the scales would be the same.

The people of the lower class are apologizing to Kalasha Bua saying why is she punishing them for the mistakes of Bheema, Kalasha Bua asks Chabelia to say as he is a dancer but with the most attitude, Chabelia says what would be left if they donot get any job, Kalika Singh says they donot know what to do about it but the person from lower class says nothing can happen in front of the words of Kalasha Bua, but she says it is all up to them when the people say they can do anything for the job. Kalika calls Bhawan who brings pot in his hands then walks to stand in front of people of the lower class, the uncle of Bheema asks what do they have to do with the black color, Kalasha Bua says she will tell him everything when Kalika starts smiling.

Bheema says her father wants the scale to be balanced which she is going to do, she looks at the scale then pulls it down with the force of her hand to the level of the black board seeing which Dhania starts smiling, Mehwa keeps looking at Bheema who say she vows to get education while make sure no one is unemployed and she is going to go to school while everyone would go back to their work. Mehwa asks if she is unaware of the strength of Kalasha Bua and Kalika Singh, the uncle comes asking Bheema to look at them when Dhania and Mehwa are also shocked, the uncle recals how their faces were covered with the black mask and Kalasha bua ordered them to go and tell Bheema that their future would be like this and if she returns to the work then they all can also return otherwise would not get work in the village, she was lenient as they begged for it but now all of their jobs are on the decision of Bheema.

The uncle of Bheema along with her family and all the neighbors are standing staring at them, they say their future would be dark like their face if Bheema does not listen to their decision and nothing can happen, Bheema runs to pour some water in the glass which she takes to her uncle requesting them to wash their face but they refuse to wash their face untill she refuses to get education but Bheema requests them all to stop and wash their face however the people leave without saying anything, Bheema requests her uncle and aunt to wash their face but her aunt throws the water over the head of Bheema which worries Dhania and Mehwa, then she orders Bheema to stop thinking about getting education as they all will surely wash their face, they angrily enter the house when Dhania rushes to clean the face of Bheema who starts crying, Mehwa asks if Bheema saw that one side of the scale is still heavy before walking away.

The cousin tells Chabelia the this is their reality that if they go away from the reality then everything is ruined, Chabelia says they had a dream that Bheema would be able to get education but they now wonder how it will happen.

Kalika is laughing and tells that he could not control his laugh after seeing their face, he says they all told Bheema that they would not wash their face if Bheema does not go to the work at the house of Kalasha Bua.

In the night everyone is sitting with the black faces while Mehwa is also sitting by their side, then they all are worried.

Priya says that Maa did the right thing when the wife of Kalika says even she wants a black saree and then Kalasha Bua says she is hungry but the wife of Kalika requests for some time so take the food when Kalasha Bua asks if she will cook it now then the daughter in law replies she did not know about the time but Kalasha Bua gets angry saying if she keeps working then would be allowed to do as she desires otherwise would be kept beating, the other daughter in law comes saying she has made it when Kalasha Bua says her son died due to her and says she is not interested in eating the food made by her but her other daughter in law is very lazy.

Bheema comes out while everyone is sitting then requests them all to wash their face and have something to eat as how can they stay like this but then the cousin says they might eat if she keeps saying like this but if they donot have any work then what is the point, he says they work for Babu Sahib and get the things they end in return but the education of Bheema is going to ruin it one of the other neighbor says they would die of hunger if Bheema keeps going to the school while in the end only her bag and school would be left., Bheema tries to examine but her uncle says they just want her to stop getting education for their betterment, the aunt asks her to learn from Baba Sahib who sacrificed for his class when Mehwa says even her mother is sitting quietly along with Chabelia and Kundan so the neighbor advises Bheema to decide in the night if she wants to study or end it to save their future, Bheema gets worried.

Kalasha Bua says now she would see how Bheema decides if Bheema will study as she would not be able to make the decision when it relates to the entire society, Kalasha Bua is having the dinner.

Update Credit to: Sona

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