Categories: Bheema

Bheema 3rd October 2024 Written Episode Update: Dhania decides to leave the village with Bheema

Bheema 3rd October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Pandit jee comes to the neighborhood with Kalika Singh, everyone gets up out of respect, Kalika Singh says that Dhania and Bheema got this punishment due to the law of this world and it is justice from it, while being fair with his upper class, Mehwa gets worried.

Dhania and Bheema both are unconscious by the river bed, when two people working in the river see them both there together, they get worried.

Vishambar finally regains consciousness and seeing the time gets worried, he is not able to understand it at first but then seeing he is not tied runs calling his mother.

Mehwa recalls Babu Sahib to not say anything of the sort as his wife and daughter cannot die, Chabelia asks his brother to not be worried as nothing of the sort would happen, Kundan also says that he is sure they will

return but Kalika Singh says that he should keep it to them, they say it is their time to enjoy and he demands Mehwa must come to play the drum while Chabelia must come to dance, but hearing this Chabelia refuses to dance as his sister in law and niece are not to be found, Mehwa pleads for some time but the person says if they donot come to play or dance then would not be allowed to work in the village or anywhere else, they leave informing that the celebration would start in an hour, Chabelia refuses when Gaya says it is good as then he would also stop dancing and then Mehwa also informs that he is very tensed so how can he play at this time.

Vishambar goes out when he asks a person if he has seen Bheema but the person replies both Dhania and Bheema are missing since yesterday night and it is the rule of the world, Vishambar says that it is doing of Kalika Singh so he says he would go and tell the police, Kalika singh coming asks what is he going to do when Vishambar says he warned he is going to complain against Kalika singh to the police when Kalika says Pandit jee should tell Vishambar but he angrily warns Kalika must not give it the name of rule of this world as it is not right, he turns back but the guards put out their sticks to stop him, Vishambar turns to look at Kalika Singh who places his hand on his brothers shoulder, saying he is not going to let Vishambar ruin his place and he orders his men to put away the sticks as do they not know Vishambar is his younger brother so they should take him to their house and not the police station. Kalika Singh thinks Vishambar planned to take him to the police station.

Kundan says it is not the right decision he inform that Chabelia likes to dance while Mehwa prefers to play so they need to learn from Bheema who goes to study after over coming every obstacle that comes in her way, therefor they both should also go to play and dance because when Bheema comes back then she would feel nice, Harkhu replies he does not feel she will come aback, Chabelia says that she will return and even Mehwa explains that nothing can happen to Bheema if she is with Dhania, Kundan asks what are they doing by refusing to go to work, Chabelia agrees saying they cannot break the trust of Bheema and he would go to dance while Mehwa must come to play thinking that Bheema even has the support of Baba Sahib Bheema Rao Ambedkar.

The women are trying to get the water out of the body of Dhania and Bheema but they are still unconscious however Dhania wakes up and just as she calls Bheema then she also opens the eyes, the people are glad and help them both stand up. They ask if both of them are fine, Dhania immediately hugs Bheema who says she is fine, Bheema asks how did they come here and even the villagers ask how did they come here, Bheema remembers when two people came to her in the night and then kidnapped her, Dhania starts pulling the hand of Bheema saying that they would live with her Grandmother, Bheema asks what is the reason when Dhania says she remembered what Bheema said to her in the night about what Kalika singh said to her, Dhania says she is the one who knows how she has saved Bheema from the river in the night by finding her otherwise Bheema would have died while fighting for her rights, Dhania starts crying while holding the hands of Bheema, Baba Sahib is looking at them both while standing away.

The people of the upper class are drinking and they ask if the people of lower class would stay in their limits but then they reply that if the people of lower class donot then would suffer the same fate as Bheema and dhania.

Kalika Singh asks Vishambar if he thinks that Bheema was thrown in the river and Dhania went to search for her but got lost rather they all would believe that it is the justice. Kalasha Bua tells Vishambar that Kalika is saying the truth, she asks him to look at the people who have come outside as they are celebrating and it is up to Vishambar to join them in their celebration. Kalasha Bua asks Kalika Singh to make sure that every guest who has come here only leaves after eating, they see Mehwa and Chabelia standing at the front door. Vishambar is even more saddened by it, the people of upper class praise both Mehwa and Chabelia, then they joke saying Chabelia should show them the performance. Mehwa starts playing when Chabelia walks to the center to start the dance, Kalasha Bua asks if Vishambar can hear the sound of the drums which proves that even the family members of Bheema have accepted her decisions otherwise she forces them to accept it. Dharamshala says Vishambar should go outside to see how the people of the lower class are forced to dance for them, Vishambar replies that today they have to see if either the struggle of lower class wins or the attitude of the upper class wins. Kalika Singh asks how will it be proven, Vishambar replies if Bheema and Dhania return before this celebration ends then it will prove tat the struggle of Bheema and Dhania has won otherwise the attitude of the upper class has won. Kalasha Bua asks everyone to come outside and celebrate while she asks Vishambar to have the food.

Bheema starts pulling the hand of Bheema who keeps requesting her to let it go but she replies she has supported her a lot but not anymore. Bheema is stunned to see Baba Sahib

Update Credit to: Sona

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