Categories: Bheema

Bheema 8th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Bheema tries to file a complaint against the culprits

Bheema 8th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Gaya asks his wife what is this rubbish, she replies she is telling the truth that both Dhania and Bheema would go inside only after they get the separation, Bheema leaves the hand of Dhania who asks the sister in law what is she saying when they all have been living together for so many years so what is the reason for this separation, the aunt asks Dhania to not leave the hand of Bheema, Kundan questions what is she saying, then she replies she did not ask the children for permission. Chabelia also says he is living in this house but does not desire the separation, Gaya also tries to stop her but his wife says that she does not want to listen to anything and just desires a separation, Bheema agrees that there is surely going to be a separation, she goes to hug her aunt tightly saying that she is going to

stand with her aunt while everyone else is on the other side, Chabelia says that she should see how much Bheema loves her, Gaya explains even he does not like the actions of Bheema but this never meant they should separate from her, Bheema replies she is not going to leave her aunt, hearing this the aunt gets furious so slaps Bheema after pushing her back, questioning what is this when Bheema left when she tried to talk to her about the oil so she pushes Bheema away, but Bheema still goes to hug her aunt saying she would do it again if the aunt tries to stop her from studying but this is also the truth tat she loves her, Bheema is emotional when Baba Sahib comes behind her saying that in these relations they tend to give sacrifice which is necessary but Bheema understood it at such a young age so this is very good, as those who try to mend their relations even after being shunned are able to uphold the law.

In the morning Bheema is asking the Inspector to write the report, he asks what is the proof that her mother saw the people throwing her in the river and is there anyone else, Bheema replies she does not have any proof, Inspector questions if she came to act but Bheema replies a lot has happened with her and Inspector is still saying it is an act, while she is doing this all instead of her education and this is also an act but the Inspector is not trying to search for proof, Inspector furiously replies he will do the work on his own terms, Bheema replies she knows he will not try to find the proof but if the Inspector gets a chance to look at the report in the future and realizes about the constitution of Baba Sahib then it would be good, Bheema walks out when she wears the bag then asks her mother to go to work while she would go to Kalasha Bua’s house and take the bag of Dolly. Dhania says that Bheema is able to bear the slap of her aunt while even comes to the police station so quickly so how is she able to do it, Bheema asks her mother to come but she asks the reason then Bheema says that she is going to give the answer.

Bheema asks Jewar what is he doing, he replies he is picking the pebbles from the grains, Bheema asks what would it do, Dhania replies that this would clean the grains so Bheema says she is also picking her rights from the different places but the difference is that the pebbles in the grains are bad while the rights she picks are good for her, she says she desires that one day she is able to get all the rights from this society. Dhania asks Bheema to go to her school, Jewar tells Dhania that there is no difference between the Nag and Snake as Kalika singh is just the same person, so they donot know when he strikes at Bheema hearing which Dhania gets worried while Jewar is also tensed.

Bheema is walking towards the house of Kalasha Bua and going outside calls to Dolly as Pawan has gone to the house of her aunt, Dolly says that she has once again come to yell, Dolly then asks Meera for the bucket of water when Meera asks what will she do with it, Dolly says she is going to throw it on Bheema because of which she will get wet and not able to go to school as she will keep throwing water on her. Meera tries to stop her but Kalasha Bua says she warned Meera to stay in her limits and give Dolly the bucket.

Kalika Singh comes back asking if Bheema came back again, she turning says that Kalasha Bua said that she would let her study if she takes the bag of Dolly and Pawan to the school so she would have to come take it every day, then Kalika Singh says Bheema has started speaking a lot but Bheema replies that Kalika Singh is her elder and she does not like to argue with him all the time as she feels she is mis behaving. Bheema notices Kalika Singh smiling, she turns back with the stick causing the water to fall on Dolly. Kalasha Bua comes saying Bheema has gotten so much courage that she will cause Dolly to be wet, Dolly says Bheema does not know the difference between owner and servant, Kalika says that he will make sure they throw the dirty water on her. Bheema replies they are not even listening to her, she says that Dolly is the one who tried to throw water on her so does it suit the owners while even Kalasha Bua did not say anything to her, and she even asks why has Kalika Singh not advised Dolly to be in her limits, Bheema asks Dolly to go and change her clothes as they are getting late, Bheema says they themselves first make the mistakes then threaten to take revenge, Kalika singh says Bheema should worry about what might happen to her and Kalasha Bua says she herself has out her hands in the hive of the bees so will surely get stung by them, Dolly comes back after changing her clothes and leaves with Bheema. Kalika Singh says they would make the plan with water, Kalasha Bua does not understand so Kalika says that Bheema will leave the school due to water. Vishambar coming says this is the difference, and he is going to do it now, so that seven year old girl is not able to go to school. Kalika says Vishambar forgot the slap very soon but must not forget that he is Kalika singh and can do whatever he desires while Vishambar is not in the position to stop him, Kalika Singh furiously walks away, Kalasha Bua also leaves to go back which worries Vishambar.

Update Credit to: Sona

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