Categories: Bheema

Bheema 9th September 2024 Written Episode Update: Bheema gets her name registered in the school

Bheema 9th September 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Bheema says she would return after placing the flowers at the foot of Baba Sahib then walk to the school, Bhawan and Dolly are furious as Bheema walks towards the statue of Baba Sahib, the people of the upper class walk away, Bheema standing in front o the statue of Baba Sahib looks at him before putting the flowers at his feet, saying that she is going to the school for the first time and it has happened due to him, she looks around asking if he did not come saying he comes and goes at his own time so she vows to meet him later before walking away.

Kalasha Bua is having the tea with a smile on her face asking Vishambar to also have the tea saying that if they look at the leave fallen then they feel it is in trouble but in reality it has broken from the branch, Kalasha Bua says this would also

happen to Bheema, she asks him o praise her on the victory when the person comes yelling the name of Kalasha Bua who asks why is he yelling then the person mentions that Bheema has went into her farms to put flowers at the feet of Baba Sahib, he informs that Bhawan mentioned their farms would become dirt if sh goes there but Bheema said that she has tied the cloth at her feet and how would the farms become impure, Vishambar starts to smile and then clapping, saying that she has a lot of mental ability explaining that she is telling the truth that if she holds the bags and they donot become impure if her hands are covered then if Maa is going to do something now then it will be going against her own plan, the person says he said that Kalasha bua would surely teach her a lesson and he greets Kalasha bua before walking away Kalasha Bua sits down with a smile on her face, Vishambar asks pinky what did she say that he should give blessings to Maa and so he indeed gives the praise to his mother asking her to have tea, he picks up his own cup asking Kalika to have the tea, Vishambar mentions he is not taunting her but just praising her as Maa should know that she just gave her a room to breathe and Bheema wanted to put flowers in the feet of her Baba Sahib but Bheema was able to do it today when maa je gave her a reason. Kalasha bua Vishambar if he did not hear what the person said that Kalasha Bua would teach Bheema a lesson when the time is right and he should let it arrive after which Bheema would be taught a lesson.

Bheema stops at the entrance of the school while holding the bag of Bhawan and Dolly, she is smiling looking at the board and thinking about how her mother stopped at the entrance. Baba Sahib comes behind her while Bhawan and Dolly keep looking at Bheema, Baba Sahib then comes to stand by her side, signaling her to enter the school. Bheema starts walking ahead while Baba Sahib is staring at her, as she enters the school, Bhawan and Dolly keep looking at her, when Bheema thinks of the first day when the teachers insulted her by trying to help them and she protested by showing the photo of Baba Sahib after which the collector said that she would be granted admission into the school, The Principal challenged her to stay in the school for three days after which her name would be entered in the register of the school, she thinks of how she was forced to do the chores in the school. Bhawan asks everyone to look at Bheema who is his severance, the student asks if she has come to study or become a servant when Bheema asks where should she put the bag, Bhawan and Dolly ask her to hold it till the bell rings, Bheema says her mother told her it is not right to be angry so she just had to keep the bag which she will do without any trouble, Baba Sahib asks Bheema to not be worried as they are thinking her as the servant which is their point of view, while she wants to study which is her point of view, he asks her to go and make sure her name is written in the register so she cannot be weak as the second phase of her fight has just started. Bheema says she has understood it, she walks to the office while Bhawan and Dolly also follow her, Bheema sees the teachers standing in front of her along with the Principal, she walks to stand in front of them when the teachers start to smile at her, The Principal comes to his chair while staring at her when the teacher from the lower class also comes to the office. Bheema requests that her name be admitted in the register of the school, The Principal says he cannot believe how did Kalasha Bua and other people agreed while allowed her to study in the school, Bheema says she has fought a lot and is holding the bags of both Bhawan and Dolly while she even become a servant just to get education so he should not say it was easy, while she has suffered a lot to get her name registered and asks him to write it. The Principal orders the peon to bring the register needed for admission, the principal asks her full name so she says Bheema Kumari Bhartiye, The Principal says that Bhartiye is not with her fathers name then why does she want it written, Bheema says because she is from Bharat and so was born in this country while would also get submerged in this soil, she is from Bharat and the country is from her this is why Bharat. Bheema once again asks him to write her full name hearing which the Principal is shocked but is forced to write it. Baba Sahib while sitting on the chair calls Bheema saying that even after hundred years when the names would be searched then even her name would be present, he says that those whose name are documented are never lost and it is her winning that she reached this place. Baba Sahib gives her the blessing that she studies like she becomes a ideal for everyone and seeing her every Bheema woulds study while their names would be written in the documents. Baba Sahib gets up as Bheema goes to her she vows to study to the extent that she even becomes the DM, Baba Sahib says he trusts her dreams and desires, she touches his feet while he places his hand over head. The Principal asks what is she doing there and orders her to come informing that he has written her name in the register and she should now run, Bheema replies she would not run but study as this is what she has come here for, she appreciates the Principal for writing her name on the register. Bheema is smiling while looking at the register.

Update Credit to: Sona

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