Bigg Boss 10 30th October 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on
Weekend Ka Vaar
Diwali Special
Salman comes stage and dances chinta ta song. Salman sees kids in audience giving gifts to other kids. Salman says so much love in small package. He welcomes everyone in Bigg boss weekend ka vaar. He wishes all diwali and new year. He says see what happened in house after lat day.
In Bigg boss house:
Mona says to Manu and Manveer that even after all this, celebs are explaining me things like i am not part of that group, tell me if one person comes to me and tells me not feel bad about others talking behind back, then isnt it backbiting?
Rahul says i asked Mona who backbite then she is like i dont remember, Gaurav says atleast dont talk about anything infront of Mona, Rahul says i awas trying to explain her but my mistake, i cant handle
On stage, Salman says they are celebrating in house with inmates whom they wont even look at outside house. One will be able to go home today. GAURAV, AKANSHA AND NITI ARE NOMINATED.
Call is connected to house. Salman greets everyone. Swami says you are looking great, Salman says it feels like you are long lost friends that met in house. Salman says to Swami that we listened you wanted new life, we adivsed you to find new profession so i am giving you career option, look at it. First picture shows Swami as president of America, all laugh. Second picture shows Swami as rockstar. Manu says i like this Yo Yo Swami. Third picture shows Swami as policeman. Then picture shows Swami as athlete as Bhag Swami bhag, Salman asks Lopa which she liked best? She says i like last one best, Salman says you are checking out his body in athlete costume? Lopa laughs and says is this remaining for me? Salman asks if Swami is running towards her or away from her? Swami says i am running towards her as she spreads indian culture which i like most. Salman shows next picture Swami as Bahubali, all laugh, Manu says he will sacrifice us one day.
Salman says to inmates that we will play game now, its called ‘i am scared of slap’. One inmate will be sent to activity area where they will be asked question and they will answer it while other inmates will see it on Tv and will agree with it showing green card or red card, if majority shows red card then inmate in activity area will slap. Salman asks Rohan to bring placards while ask Gaurav to go to Activity area.
Gaurav comes in activity area and sit on chair, Salman asks him question if he thinks there is difference between celebs and commoners? Gaurav says no. Majority raise green card, they agree with him. Salman asks if he thinks he is mastermind of celebs? Gaurav says no. Celebs raise green card agreeing with him while all commoners raise red card. Salman says majority is red so.. Gaurav gets slapped from fake hand. Salman asks Gaurav if he thinks he is most strong in his team? Gaurav says no, his team agrees but commoners dont and they are 7 in number so he gets slapped.
Manu comes in activity area. Salman asks if he thinks there is no leader in commoner except him? Manu says no. Majority agrees with him. Salman asks Manu if he think that girls of his team are not clever, Manu says they have mind but they dont use it on time. Niti is confused to show red or green card to his answer, Salman says this proves that you actually dont have mind, all laugh, majority agrees with Manu. Salman asks Manu if he thinks celebs do everything for footage? Manu says yes, celebs dont agree with him while his team agrees, Manu gets slapped as majority didnt agree, Manu says i got slapped before answering properly, Salman laughs. Salman says you believe celebs as real celebs? majority doesnt agree so he gets slapped.
Salman calls Naveen in activity area. Salman asks if he shows Swami weak thats why shows him anger? Naveen says no, majority doesnt agree with him, Naveen gets slapped. Salman asks him if Rohan fights deliberately? he says yes, all agree. Naveen asks if he thinks Manveer is biggest enemy of commoners? Naveen says no, Lokesh says wow? Salman asks why she doesnt agree? Lokesh says he is lying, he thinks Manveer is our enemy. majority agrees with him. Salman asks Naveen if believes in cheating? Naveen says no, all are against his answer, Naveen gets slapped. Salman asks if thinks Manu and Manveer are using commoners? he says no, all agree with him.
Salman calls Lopa in activity area, Salman asks if she thinks commoners have more unity than celebs? she says no, all agree with him, Salman says to Manveer that he thinks celebs have more unity? Manveer says yes because all in our team has different thinking, Swami is on his path, Naveen is his path in thinking too, they take decision together, they dont shout on each other like us. Salman asks Lopa if she thinks she is good cook? all laugh, Lopa says Salman ji what kind of question is this? she shyly laughs, Salman says this is personal question, Lopa says yes i think i am good cook, celebs agree with her alongwith Lokesh, Lopa says i am still cooking so let me see who is showing red, she says Manu, Manveer and Naveen are showing red, Salman says question is you think in your mind that you are good cook but that doesnt mean you really are, all laugh. Salman asks Lopa if she thinks is most beautiful in house? Lopa says no, all disagree with her, Salman laughs seeing all red flags, Lopa gets slapped suddenly. Salman asks who is more beautiful? Lopa says all are beautiful. Salman says you will get idwali bonus, she asks what? she gets slapped again, all laugh. Salman ends call.
Salman says bigg boss fans are coming here. They will share their view point. Three women Pooja, Sonia and Deepankshi are called on stage as panel to discuss BB. Deepankshi says Salman will make us eat pani puri, Salman says this pani of pani puri was used to wash Swami’s feet, all laugh. Salman makes them eat pani puri, they gag listening Salman’s joke about Swami using that water for flushing.
Salman says i want to know from panel what they think about this season? One woman Pooja says its interesting because of commoners but celebs are not showing passion, they are image conscious, i feel this is commoners’ weak point, they dont have manners while celebs are so much immersed in manners that they are not coming out well. Salman says we had expectations from Bani, Deepankshi says we had expectations because Bani is strong but it was not shown that she is interested in task, Salman says is it like that let them be i dont care to argue with them? Deepankshi says yes like she generally said dirty people when she found tissues. Salman asks woman Pooja who is going ahead? she says Manu. Sonia says i like Manveer, he has studied well, he is playing smartly, i think Naveen played well in game. Pooja says there are ethics and morals too. Sonia says you are correct but Bigg boss asked him to play game and didnt mention any rules, Pooja says it doesnt mean he can cheat. Other woman says i disagree that Manver is playing smartly, his real qualities are not shown, he didnt do anything in start then Manu started leading his team, he is using all as puppet. Sonia says i dont agree, there were players earlier too who hide behind group in start and go ahead without getting attention then at end they show their real personality, Pooja says its Naveen, he was hiding behind group, now showing his wings which has disgusted everyone, he is teacher so he should show some ethics. Salman says the different behavior bu celebs for Mona why is reason for that? Pooja says her compatibility is with commoners more and Manu is taking advantage of it, she is getting targeted in all this, Salman says i feel Manu would switch team first chance he gets, Sonia says correct, Salman says Manveer will get stuck in all this, he asks about Gaurav? Sonia says he seems like he was doing Savadhan India then going for his saas bahu serial but stopped in middle to enter Bigg boss, all laugh, Sonia says he is dull. Salman asks who is most clever player? Sonia its Karan, he gives remarks like when Mona was crying before going to jail, he commented that girls should go and pacify her, not him so his face might be cute but he is negative. Pooja and Deepankshi says its Naveen, he is fake. Panel leaves.
Salman says we will see how correct this panel was in future. Salman gets box which has phones of inmates. He connects call to house. Salman says to inmates guess what it can be in box? Bani says messages. Salman says you guys are not allowed to use phone inside, you gave your phones to our security, we have got some messages on your phones which we cant read but we have read it in person and we know all your secrets now, bigg boss will use it, inmates oh no. Salman says we dont know whose phone is whose but we will read message and get idea whose it might be. He takes one phone and says it has 156 messages and all are from insurance company, all laugh, Salman asks whose phone it might be? whose life is in danger in house? Manu says Swami, all laugh, Salman says we have got one more message, its from electricity board, they are saying that they are giving him electricity supply contract, he just should pray in bigg boss, all laugh. Salman asks Swami what is secret behind inmates wanting to kill him? Swami says i said that just to take footage, they are protectors of my life, Salman says you dont need footage, you are footage yourself. Salman asks Manu what we can do about Swami? Manu says i feel like he has forgotten his medicine outside, please send it so we can control him, all laugh. Salman says he is Swami, those kind of medicines are not needed for him, (he doesnt go for women), all laugh, Swami says we have some tantars to avoid those needs, all inmates starts acting like pulling ropes hinting that Swami is fooling people with his words, all laugh. Salman says Swami in short for what it is needed? Swami says you must not know as you are not married, all laugh, Swami says but those who are married knows about worldly pleasure, Salman asks what pleasure? Swami says i cant explain openly infront of my daughters here, all laugh, Manu says sir from where did you team find piece like him? Swami says this is documented, you dont information, Manu says i am on your side, all laugh. Salman reads next message that she is cheated in tasks, she should find cheaters, whose phone it might be? Manveer says its Lokesh, Salman asks her to say, Lokesh says i got cheated in task so it might be mine. Salman reads next message that please wake up, its wake up call, Salman asks Rahul whose phone it might be? Rahul laughs and says this is fake allegation on me, Lopa says innocent him.
Bani brings some laados from store room as per Salman’s order, some are green and some are yellow. Salman says to Bani that you are looking beautiful today as Indian girl, Bani says you are looking nice too Sir, Swami says he is always handsome, Salman laughs. Salman says you inmates have to decide which laado you want to make other inmate eat, whom you think is hero of house, make him or her eat yellow laado and who is zero for you, make him or her eat green laado. He asks Lokesh to start task. Lokesh makes yellow laado to Manu, she says he is hero because he makes people smile and take stand too. Lokesh makes Rahul eat green laado, she says i like him but he doesnt speak much, his presence doesnt matter but i like him, Rahul says its bitter, Salman says they are bitter-guard laados. Naveen makes Rohan eat yellow laado, he says i fight him so he is my hero, he makes Karan eat green and says i dont get along with him. Manu makes Gaurav eat yellow and says he is competitor, he makes green eat Karan and says i dont talk to him much, so his presence doesnt matter. Manveer says Rahul is my hero, he is always calm, collected, he makes him eat yellow and says villain is Naveen, he can cheat anyone. Niti says hero is Akansha, she makes her eat yellow and says the one who cheats his own team, he is zero for me, she makes green eat Naveen. Gaurav says sometimes player is not in spot but he keeps your team together from back, his blood has become clean too so i make him yellow, he makes Karan eat yellow and makes Naveen eat green. Mona says he didnt let me feel alone here, he makes laugh too, she makes Manu eat yellow and says Manveer is same for me, she makes Gaurav eat green and says i dont get along with him. Rohan says all are heroes in my team but i want to make manu eat yellow as we thought him instigating his team against us but he proved us wrong. He makes green eat Naveen and says i want him to play fair. Karan says hero for me is who has same thinking as mine, Salman asks is it Lokesh? all laugh, Karan makes Gaurav eat yellow laado and says zero for me is Naveen, his presence doesnt matter to me. Lopa makes Rahul eat yellow laado and says he is our team’s backbone and makes Naveen eat green. Rahul says all are heroes in my team but if we look at other team, i trust gujjars who play from front, i respect him for that, he makes Manveer ear yellow laado, Manveer hugs him. Rahul says Naveen is opposite of Manveer, he backbites so it doesnt matter if he remains here or not. Salman laughs and says real zero is one who didnt get neither yellow laado nor green laado(pointing Swami), all laugh, Salman says he should have gotten 8 laados, now he can get laado only if he chooses himself as hero or zero, all laugh. Salman says now Swami will make others eat laados. Swami says Rohan is future of India, he is peace of India, i have seen him handling all alone, he makes Rohan eat yellow laado, Swami says i did mistake here and i will eat his green laado myself for that mistake, he eats it himself, all clap for him, Salman laughs. Manu asks him to eat whole laado, Swami eats. Salman says you made Rohan eat, remember your team, Swami says he is peace of india. Manu says i just want to see that you are seeing what he is saying then why you are not evicting him? Swami says i want to make this world peaceful, you will TRP of show increasing this year, Salman says i will comeback after checking rating, he ends call.
Salman says Swami can increase fan following of show. Salman says its time evict one contestant who got less votes. Call is connected to house. Salman says its time for eviction. Salman says Gaurav is evicted, all are shocked, Salman ends call. Gaurav starts packing. Niti and Akansha hugs each other and cries. Salman connects call again, Bani runs to TV and says he is messing with everyone. Salman hides behind pillar on stage. All think he was gone. Gaurav comes to garden to leave house. Salman comes on stage, inmates come near TV and says today is Diwali.. but that doesnt mean there wont be elimination. Salman says GAURAV IS SAFE, Bani says i told you, you are not going anywhere. Salman says whoever is getting saved today from Niti and Akansha, is saved from very less margin. Salman says AKANSHA IS EVICTED, he ends call. Rohan hugs Akansha sideways. Akansha takes her things and starts leaving. Niti hugs Akansha and says i will miss you, they cry, Akansha hugs Manu and says be strong everybody. Akansha leaves. Rahul says she got such bright smile.
Manveer says to Rahul that you made Salman clap for me today, Rahul says i said everything genuinely, Manveer says you know i say everything clearly, i dont backbite, i am not like that, i feel scared between these people, Rahul says just shine, Manveer says things can go beyond, i didnt like Salman threatening about real jail, my family will think that i am goon, Rahul says it was said to not raise your hand, he has drawn line for everyone, it was done because of Naveen raising stone on Rohan, wer were away from Rohan so it was dangerous, Manveer says everything is getting caught.
Manveer hugs Swami and says missing Priyanka? Swami says yes, Swami says we should have unity now, i am with you guys. Manu comes, Manveer says to Manu that keep near Swami, Manu sings that we will win. Gaurav sings funnily, manu hugs him, Swami says to Gaurav that for whomever i pray, he got saved. Mona asks he didnt pray for Akansha? Swami says no, she was insulting me continuously, i told Mona and Niti that you both would be safe, Gauav says you have earned entertaining factor, keep using, dont become laughing stock, use it rightly, Swami says i want to use that entertaining factor.
Bharti and Karan Wahi from comedy nights come on stage. Karan dances around her. Bharti says he is dancing like bhabhi, Karan says i was doing it for you, she says Salman you here? he says its my show, Bharti says we want you to come inside ours but you come, Salman laughs. Karan says i like your contestants, make me meet them. Video call is connected to house, inmates greet Bharti, Salman says see Akansha changed. Bani screams Bharti.. Karan says Swami’s movie of 100crores it coming, Bharti says i am making that movie, why inmates laugh on him? Bharti says in first scene Swami was walking on water, shark comes from behind and eats him alive, all laugh. Karan says why you are making fun of him? Bharti says i am doing what audience wants to see, Salman and all laugh. Bharti says in next scene Swami pushes electricity pole with full force but it comes back and hits him. Swami says i greet you devi, Bharti says i love you too. Karan says Mona is more commoner than celeb, you know she lived Swami in jail for two times, Swami says she has become my daughter, Karan says you keep making daughters, Swami says i just make relation with women like daughters, sisters and mother, he says something in other language, Bharti says great but i didnt understand a thing, all laugh. Bharti says i saw episode where Swami became rockstar, she asks Swami to stand up and become rockstar again, song baby ko babe pasand hai plays, Swami dances with full energy, Bharti asks if he needs water? Karan says bharti you have started work to end thrist of people? all laugh. Bharti mimics Lokesh, Lokesh says i want to sing something for Karan, Lokesh sings remix song and says i watched your show remix, Karan asks Lokesh if she wants to do anchoring? she says ofcourse, Bharti says we want you to become anchor of our show, will you do it? Lokesh says yes, Bharti says yay we want to close show soon, all laugh. Bharti asks Lokesh to stand up, she does, song plays, Lokesh dances while all clap. Karan asks to do anhoring, Lokesh says welcome Karan ji.. she blushes, Karan asks if he is prick? Bharti says we thought your voice was bad Karan but Lokesh beat you to it, Karan asks Lokesh why she talk in high pitched voice? Bharti says she talks like 4trains came together on station and making noise, all laugh, but you are doing good Lokesh. Lokesh thanks her. Karan says commoners have left celebs behind, our celebs are always in background. Bharti says i like Lopa because she is unknown, all laugh. Bharti asks Salman to wish Diwali, Salman wishes Diwali, he signs off from show. Salman greets Bharti and Karan and leaves. Karan says he left, what should we do? Bharti says we will scare inmates, remember the one who was slimmer than horse’s tail? yes welcome Priyanka Jagaa. Priyanka comes, Bharti says she was coming like carrot, we have brought special sofa, go and sit. Priyanka sits. Bharti says i saw episode where you broke Karvachauth fast, moon was i should stab her. Karan says people are now dont do(pee) on horse, Priyanka laughs. Bharti says Priyanka gave one number performance on horse. Karan says you know Pryianka Chopra called her, Bharti says Priyanka chopra asked her to change name otherwise she will change her name as Mohan lal, Priyanka is noodle left in plate, Priyanka laughs. Bharti asks her to wish Diwali, Priyanka wishes, Bharti says you are wishing like then wont celebrate without your wishes, Priyanka laughs, Bharti greets her, Priyanka leaves stage.
Update Credit to: Atiba