Categories: Bigg Boss 11

Bigg Boss 11 20th October 2017 Written Episode Update: Hina becomes captain of house

Bigg Boss 11 20th October 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 19
Inmates wake up to song tad tad.. ram ji chaal. They call dance and enjoy. Hiten says good morning everyone, he says today is actually happy diwali.

Hina says to Sabya that Ben is least working, its good I stopped talking to her, Arshi doesnt work too, she is passing comments on me. Sabya says she was laughing when Mehjabi was crying, Hina says she was showing seductive curves.
Arshi says to Bandagi that if I go mad then Sabya wont be saved, I will *****, Hina is already worried about captaincy.

Hina is doing yoga. Arshi laughs at her and does commentary on her actions. Ben says she will be alone because of her behavior. Arshi says she has so much bad behavior.

Bigg boss asks inmates to choose two inmates who performed best

in task and will be contender for captaincy. Ben and Arshi votes for Sapna and Hiten. Puneesh, Vikas, Sabya and others vote for Hina and Sapna. Sapna says I would say Ben and Hina, Ben was tortured a lot. Vikas says majority is voting for Hina and Sapna.

Sapna says to Vikas that Ben was so good in task, she should get chance. Hina says you were better than Ben. Sapna says if you make me captain once then you wont make me captain again, I wont give tasks which are comfortable for inmates.

Luv says to Mehjabi that Puneesh’s group wants to make Sapna captain. Sabya says Sapna is strong, Luv says Hina is trong too.

Ben asks Hiten why he didnt vote for her? we are 7 people, Vikas says we are 6 people. Ben says Sapna voted for me, I worked hard in task.

Hiten says to Vikas that majority is there now. Ben says I am disappointed in all of you, I performed well. Hiten says I will change my vote. Vikas says to Hiten that if we make between Ben and Hina then it will be difficult to support, Hina will be fair, Sapna will do favors.
Shilpa says sorry to Ben and says I got your name in mind later. Ben says its okay. Shilpa says I am sorry.
Vikas says to Hiten that talk to Hina to be clear in captaincy. Hiten says she wont listen, she will blame that we are planning captaincy, she is playing game. Vikas says she is making us divide so we can support Sapna and Hina will know she is alone.
Ben says to Shilpa that its that no one thought that I worked in task too, Shilpa says I will talk to all to change votes fro you.

Hina says to Puneesh that you all tortured Ben too but Sapna bore more, she waited for long. Shilpa says we can choose Ben and Hina. Puneesh says she voted for Hiten? she is biased, my decision will not change. Hina says for me its Sapna, if Ben performs well then I will give her name. Shilpa says she was in task for much time, Hina says not as much as Sapna, Puneesh says just because she is crying, we wont change votes, majority of votes are for Sapna. Arshi comes and says whom you want to vote for? Shilpa says Ben performed well. Puneesh says Ben voted for Hiten, why? he didnt do much, she is just doing favor, so we will do favors too.
Hiten says to Sabya that all are laughing on inmates who voted for me saying I didnt do anything, Sabya says people will do that here.
Puneesh and Arshi talks, Puneesh says Ben will nominate us at the end.

Sapna asks who gave Ben’s name? Sabya it was you only, Arshi says it was only you. Sapna says I want it between Ben and Sapna, Vikas nominated me because I didnt support him in captaincy? it was foolish reason. Hina asks if Hiten is voting for Ben too? Vikas says he cants me to vote for her too.

Vikas says to Ben that dont do this. Ben says why should I leave it? Sapna is saying herself that I performed well. Vikas says Sapna is saying I made people remember Ben, please play with mind. Ben says you dont vote for me but I wont leave this, I had to bear a lot in task, if I deserve to be there then why not? this is not right. Vikas says captaincy is about majority, try to understand.

All inmates are voting for contenders for captaincy. Sapna asks who is voting for Hina? majority votes for Hina and Sapna. Puneesh asks Sapna if she doesnt want to be captain? Ben says you took my name Sapna, made people remember that I worked hard in task too, so thank you so much. Bigg boss asks for names. Hina says inmates have voted for me and Sapna. Bigg boss announces that Hina and Sapna are contenders for captaincy now. Aakash says they will be fair.

Ben comes to Arshi and says I cant bear this, I wont do work of house, I am going to jail. Arshi says come with me, I wont be doing any work. Ben says I am so disappointed, they both will be bad for us.

Hina says to Sapna that there was some message behind Hiten’s gift, they check it and its message from Gauri that he has to be leader. Sapna says I love you Gauri bhabhi but Hiten wont understand it.

Hina and Sapna will choose their supporter, supporter will sit in container and inmates will fill their container with sand, supporter of both contenders will keep throwing sand out of container, at the end of task whose container have less sand will become captain. Sapna chooses Puneesh as her supporter to sit in container. Hiten says to Hina that I will do it for you, Hina chooses Hiten as her supporter.

Hiten and Puneesh sits in container. Hina asks Vikas to support her. Sabya starts filling Puneesh’s container. Ben asks Vikas if he is not working? Vikas says my arm has pain, this is task for 2 hours, I wont exert myself. People are filling containers of both supporters. Puneesh and Hiten are throwing sand out of their containers too. Luv and Sabya are filling Puneesh’s container. Aakash and Bandagi are filling Hiten’s container. Vikas says this task is very tough, my hand will be injured more. Hina coughs due to sand haze and goes to washroom.

Aakash washes his face in pool and starts putting sand in Hiten’s box. Ben is putting sand in Hiten’s box too. Bandagi asks Puneesh to keep throwing sand out of task. Vikas is sitting in corner.

All are filling containers. Puneesh’s container is filled with sand more. Buzzer plays and game is stopped. Sapna says Hina is captain as Hiten’s container has less sand. Bigg boss announces Hina as captain.

Arshi says to Vikas that I didnt expect this from you, you and Hiten supported Hina as a plan, you all play as a group. Sapna says I am miffed that he was sitting in corner and experiencing which team has more support so he will go in that team, I dont have trouble with Hiten as he chose Hina clearly but this Vikas didnt choose any side and was just observing which side is more strong. Vikas says it was physical task, my arm is hurt. Sapna says you can carry Lucinda but cant play? you nominated just because I didnt support you in captaincy and now you were sitting silently observing anything. Sapna says to Vikas that you are playing mind games. Vikas says making strategy is important. Vikas says you are climbing on me. Sapna says you dont have anything to climb on, Vikas says how are you talking? Sapna says I dont know who Vikas Gupta is, I dont know you, dont talk to me, I didnt come here to play games, I just want to be myself. Vikas says I dont want to talk to you. Aakash laughs as Sapna gives him babaji ka thullu.

Ben says to Aakash that now Hina will make you all work, she is very hypocrite.

Puneesh asks Hina what happened to Ben and your friendship? Hina says I asked her to do work and for hygiene, I dont know what happened.

Vikas reads instructions, Aakash, Puneesh, Hina, Sapna and Luv are nominated. They are given last chance, they will be part of talk show, Vikas will be host, they will present their case to inmates as to why other inmate should be eliminated, they have to justify why they should leave.

Talk show starts. Vikas welcomes Aakash first. Aakash says I should be in house because I work, I entertain, I make people laugh. Vikas asks who should leave? Aakash says I choose Luv to leave. Hina says you are overconfident, my dad passed away, my mom used to work, I worked a lot to be here. Hina says you can be grounded. Aakash says Hina ji.. Hina says I am not your baby. Aakash says I called you Hina ji. Hina says sorry for hearing it wrong. Aakash says I helped Hiten when he had pain thigh. Vikas says Aakash has many sides, he can be very caring and there is his Acash side, vote for him as you can.

Luv comes in show, Luv says I am not able to understand show, I was totally different in neighbors’ house, I am shy with everyone. Vikas says whom you want to leave? Luv says Aakash, Bandagi and Puneesh have group, Puneesh should leave. Sapna says to Luv that I saved you because I couldnt talk to Lucinda, I know your character but we dont see you working, you are awake but still sleeping, all laugh. Luv says I am like turtle. Bandagi says you will not get chance.

Hina comes in show, she says I work and put my efforts in tasks. Vikas says she can do anything task, cant take on insects and can work in sand when she has asthma. Hina says I want Sapna to leave only because she has less contribution in work. Ben asks Hina why she thinks she is always right? why do you force things on people? Hina says I think Ben have her ideals, I have my ideals, one girl is spitting on other girl and then you are roaming with that girl? I would have made Arshi say sorry to that girl if I was her friend otherwise I would keep one arm distance from Arshi.

Puneesh comes in show, he says Luv should leave, he thinks that fighting is entertainment, he doesnt know that I am experienced here, you were so mad that you touched girl in fight too, I dont insult girls. Luv says did you not plan fight with me? Vikas says Puneesh will tell story now.Puneesh says Luv came to me and said that you want to stay in house so you wanted to plan a fight with me and have love triangle with me and Bandagi. Luv says I just joked with Bandagi to make Puneesh jealous. Bandagi says Luv didnt do anything in house or tasks so he is insecure.

Sapna comes in show, Sapna says I gave time to Luv to start working in house, I know people from his side, they are sweet but they can take on everyone but Luv didnt do any work. Hiten asks Sapna if she will start singing behind Vikas like she did with Arshi? Sapna says I call people out when they are wrong, when Vikas is wrong then I will do it, I will hit him on butt for when he is wrong.

Inmates start telling who should leave. Arshi says Hina should leave because my tongue gets dirty and I curse a lot because of her. Hiten says Luv didnt work as much as he could so he should leave. Majority of inmates say that Luv should leave because he didnt work. Hina says Vikas you didnt tell who should leave? you are clever.

Bandagi says to Puneesh that diwali ended and now we remember about diya, he says there is still time. Bandagi lights diya, Puneesh puts it in pool so it can float.

PRECAP- Tomorrow will be weekend ka waar. Hina and Arshi are chosen to fight in Sultan wrestling ring, Arshi and Hina are in ring, fight starts, Arshi jumps on Hina and pins her to ground, she strangles her beneath her. Salman says you cant strangle her, time up time up. Hina gets up and throws her stick away in anger, she shouts what the hell are you doing? what were you trying to do?

Update Credit to: Atiba

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