Bigg Boss 12 21st October 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on
Elimination Day
Salman sings apne liye jiye selfish hoke. Salman welcomes everyone to show, he says its time to be selfish in house, one will be eliminated from Urvashi, Sourabh, Saba and Jasleen. Salman says lets enjoy drama in house.
In house, Deepika says to KV that if Sree changes his opinion then its fine but if we change opinion then its bad, he just says that it was game plan when confronted, he was giving things to Romil, if he shows humanity then fine but if I show it then its wrong?
Surbhi says to Romil that why you talk to Sree? he was insulting to you. Romil says I respect cricket, he can ***** but I respect cricket. Surbhi says Deepika knows that he is destroying her image in house.
On stage, Salman connects call to house. Salman says to KV that you will go to a room where there is something special. KV goes to a secret room, he sees video of his babies and wife and starts crying, Teejay says today is baby’s second birthday, his daughter says its birthday, Teejay says we wish you were here but you are doing great job, just one small suggestion, why do you accept defeat so easily? His daughters ask him to stay strong, video ends. KV weeps and cries.
On stage, Salman says its difficult to live in house, we enjoy their fights but have you thought what their families go through when they see all this? We have called some family memebers. Salman invites Manish Naggdev who is Sristy’s fiance, Bhuvaneshvari Sreesanth and Shoaib Ibrahim to defend their partners in the house against accusations by news anchor Dibang. Salman asks Dibang which inmates seem satisfying to him? Dibang says Sree gets influenced by his wife, his wife’s message changed his attitude, other is Surbhi, she is confident, bold. Salman asks Bhuvaneshvari, she says I didnt like the way she talked, she wipes her tears. Dibang says Surbhi has brought life in house. Dibang says Deepak has grown a lot, since you praised him, he thinks he is a celebrity, but he puts in efforts in tasks. Dibang says Romil is a mastermind, they are playing good, He says Deepika is good, she changed Sree’s behavior when he entered house.
Salman calls for Shoaib to stand in witness box. Salman says Deepika is alleged that she was neutral in task but she was taking side of Saba. Shoaib says Saba was attacked too, if Saba did mistake then others did too, if Sristy didnt react then it wouldnt have been that decision. Manish says Deepika didnt see how intentional that push was by Saba, all are under influence of Deepika, Sristy doesnt follow her but all other listen to her, Deepika saved herself, if she is a good friend of KV then she would have saved him, she plays in hidden, she acts like simar in house. Dibang asks if she is playing game? Shoaib says everyone is playing game in house. Dibang says you said she is like that in real life too, did she throw water on you? Shoaib says we all play with water in holi, all laugh. Manish says she properly threw water on him. Shoaib says it happens in game. Dibang says she makes people believe her. Shoaib says she is playing smoothly and sensibly, she gets attached with people, Sree said he wanted to live so she wanted to help him. Dibang says he was a betrayel. Bhuvaneshvari says the reason she gave when nominated Sree, she said he wanted to celebrate his son’s birthday and his anniversary but it comes in November and December, it was premature elimination. Shoaib says Deepika was right, Sree saw game and went in. Bhuvaneshvari says Bigg boss asked who was less involved in tasks, she nominated him saying he wanted to go home, it was diplomatic. Dibang says he is contender and brother for her so she wanted to make her game easier. Shoaib says all are playing to win. Bhuvaneshvari says if Sree asked to go home then he also said he wanted to be finale opposite her. Salman says you both should come here every week so it will be easier for us all, all laugh.
Salman calls Manish in witness box, he says its first time. Dibang says you think Sristy gets influenced by other celebrities? Manish says Sirsty was said to not be seen since start that she got conscious, she havent showed her colors. Dibang says you agree she is not shown a lot? Manish says she knows a lot of people are fighting without any reason so she doesnt give attention to that. Salman says you are defending her nicely.
Salman calls Bhuvaneshvari in witness box. Salman says first accusation is.. Dibang says people are confused about his game. Bhuvaneshvari says he is an emotional person, he is not playing, he shows his emotions. Dibang says he cries loudly in real life too? Bhuvaneshvari says he didnt get time in life to sit back and think on things, inmates know its easier to target and get reaction from him so he does it. Salman says he is alleged to insult people. Bhuvaneshvari says Sree’s first language is not hindi, Romil talks frankly to girls too. Salman says when he gets angry then he doesnt filter. Bhuvaneshvari says we say things in anger. Dibang says he doesnt talk insultingly to Deepika. Bhuvaneshvari says Deepika never talked to him badly so he gives him respect. Dibang says Saba and Somi talks to him with respect but his bahaviour is not right him. Bhuvaneshvari says if you talk with respect and curse people in same sentence then its not right. Dibang says what about him spiting on Deepak’s name? Bhuvaneshvari says he is used to spit on bowl too, Salman says correct. Salman says he is alleged to follow Deepika. Bhuvaneshvari says Sree said he will expose Deepika but he went in, he forgave Deepika, its his nature, Salman laughs and says amazing. Salman asks to take witness box away as it scares him, all laugh. Dibang says I liked the way Bhuvaneshvari defended Sree. Bhuvaneshvari says I have asked Sree to let me defend him in Supreme court but he doesnt listen, I manage his lawyers too. Salman thanks his panel, all laugh.
On stage, Salman says its time for Sultani ring. He connects call to house and asks KV if he is happy? KV says I love you, thank you. Salman says some important people came here, three family members, we talked a lot. Salman Khan invites Romil and Sreesanth in the Sultani Akhada for an interesting duel. Deepika tries to make Sree listen, Sree says I already know what to do. Shiv asks Sree to focus, Sree says its piece of cake. Deepika asks him to not wear shoes, they will be destroyed in mud. Romil starts changing clothes so Deepika leaves.
Deepika says to KV that Romil starts changing infront of anyone, I was standing there and he was changing his lowers, KV says this is stupidity. Romil comes there, Deepika says you could have asked me to leave before changing, Romil says sorry.
In Sultani ring, Sree and Romil comes there. In the first round of verbal diarrhea, Romil says Sree gives up in tasks which I dont. Sree says Romil is a good actor, he keeps asking me if he is a mastermind so I told him Deepak is a bigger mastermind. Romil says he doesnt respect, he spit on someone’s name. Salman says he spit on ball all his life. All hoot. Sree says he said he will be loud with Sree in task, he knows what he is doing, he got stuck in his strategy. Romil says he was talking to me nicely after a day so he is fake. Sree says this is a game, he told me that people advantage of my emotional state and he takes most advantage. Romil says he keeps going to door and do stuff to attract attention. Sree says even Salman agreed for my strength, respect that. Romil says you dont deserve respect. Deepak, Saba, Somi and Surbhi votes for Romil while all others vote for Sree. In the second round, both of them are asked to stand on a wooden plank. They had to misbalance the other contestant with the use of a prop. Romil and Sree starts fighting, Sree asks him to be strong and hit. Romil hits him and he falls down, Romil wins two points and wins second round. Salman gives a hamper to Romil.
On stage, Salman says something must have happened in house.
In house, Deepak hugs Sree. Romil says to Sree that I never asked you that I am mastermind or not.
Sree says to Shiv that I didnt hit him deliberately otherwise I would have won, he was nervous.
Romil says to inmates that I was nervous at time of fight, Surbhi says you are genuine to accept it. Sree says in camera that I could take him down without any object.
On stage, Salman connects call to house. Salman Khan, who recently lost his pet My Love narrates sweet tales about his dog. Salman says if she was alive then she would be a better singer than inmates here, He shows them videof his dog who is trying to bark and sing. The contestants are overwhelmed to see it. Deepika says how cute. Salman asks Jasleen if she sings better than her? Jasleen says for sure. Salman says four inmates are nominated, Salman says SABA IS SAFE, he says JASLEEN IS SAFE TOO. Salman says SOURABH IS ELIMINATED. Shiv hugs him cries, Sourabh meets everyone. Deepak congrats Urvashi. Sourabh says sorry to everyone and leaves house.
In house, Surbhi says to Romil that Sree is real mastermind.
Sree says to Anup that Deepak is real mastermind, Jasleen says he said he got nervous.
Somi says to Romil that you are making Sree a king by saying all give attention to him.
Deepika gave Jasleen’s name for torture toom, Sree asks why? Deepika says you saw something but Jasleen provoked it and made it an issue so she should have gone. Sree says I asked her so she supported us, it was not her mistake, Deepika leaves from there. Sree says she couldnt take it.
Romil says to Surbhi that I doubt if Sree was wrong or right? Surbhi says just leave him, he might have played intertional cricket but you are a better cricketer. Romil gives bracelet to Sree and thanks him. Sree says dont know what happened to him. Romil says to Surbhi that he gave this bracelet for OJ but I am sorry OJ, your father is better person than him. Surbhi says good.
On stage, Salman says two wild cards are entering house today.
Surbhi says to Deepak that we throw people out and they keep sending more in.
PRECAP- Megha Dhade, and Rohit Suchanti enters house as wild card entried. Rohit asks inmates to welcome him. Megha says to inmates that its going to be a tough game now, if Sree is shown running out then..
Deepak says to Surbhi that Rohit will go to Sree’s clan, Surbhi asys no.
Rohit says to Romil and Deepak that I was about to ask Sree if he is still in house and didnt run? Romil says you want him out? Rohit says he is almost out, lets take him out, who Sreesanth? you both are strong, I am coming to support you too.
Megha says to KV and Jasleen I think you people have problem to understand the game.
Sristy says to KV that Rohit have already chosen his group.
Update Credit to: Atiba
I think sree wife is very sweet…she loves him too much that’s why she defended every accusation posed against him…I just hope that sree shows some maturity and patience in the coming week and plays with a revived sportsman spirit…otherwise surbhi romil r definitely gona make life hell for him..
Og course they are showing him his reality.
yes true
Of course they are showing him his reality.
Exactly……sree’s wife is more matured than him…… don’t know how she is handling him?? Sree is behaving like a kid even now…..
She knew him for many years, so must b capable of handling him.. she has accurate answers for everything he did inside… She s a good wife..
But still i feel respective partners or any relatives should not b questioned for whatever contestants do inside.. they can say their view , they can encourage or advice their relatives through screen…but they r not responsible for doings of HM. questions should be asked to HM only..
If Anup was nominated , Sourabh could stay.. just like Neha left when there wasn’t any Jodis nominated that week.
Afterall, she was a rajasthani princess she knows her things very well
very cute too
Ab aayega maza. Ya nahi. ?
I want anup jalota to eliminate from the bigg boss house next weekend, he is good for nothing in the bigg boss house
true yaar
KV your kids are ultra cute.. Hope you get stronger in coming days..
I dont understand why they are taking again and again deepika mistake of nominating sree
He him self asked so many times to throw him out and he says he is not feeling well all the time
He participated 2 or 3 times in task till now .
If i am in that position i will do same .
I hate sree man fs i just wish dipi opens her eyes and knows the truth of sree that’s he’s tryna ruin her image for f**kawl lol she’s way better than anyone here just cuz she’s gud and she ain’t faking you al can’t take it can’t stand how good she is lol haterz she’s way better I just hope she wins this show nd jas you always turn things around you say one thing and you say another at least stick with one f thing these people are support the wrong peeps DIPIK YOU NEED TO BE AWARE THAT THE FACT DIS GUY IS PLAYING WITH U AND HES TRYNA RUIN U SURBHI IS MUCH BETTER THAN YOU BACK STABS ALERT BEEP??BUT I LOVED DIS, ROMIL YOU DID WEL YOU AL KEEP UP WITH THE GOOD GAME AND DO GOOD EVAI TOO MANY TWO FACED LIL b*t*hES SAY SHIT BEHIND BACK BUT CANT SAY IT TO FACE TO FACE FML SCARY CATS LEARN HOW TO TAKE STAND FOR YOUSELF YOU CANT JUST LET PEOPLE WALK AL OVER YOU ITS BS BRO
After watchung today’s episode.. I realused that sree was trying hard to play the game.. To give up and to said ghar jana h n all was just for the attention and to give content..
But he is not fake and he is kind of emotional person..
Today’s episode was good.. Dibang’s all the questions was bang on..
Sree’s wife defended sree very nicely.. She was very sweet and it seems like she loves him alot..
Sultani akhada task was very good.. And i realised one thing too that sree have some language problem
Romil was playing good but now it looks like he just following surbhi..
I really dont like that surbhi said to romil.. u should return sree’s bracelet.. And romil returned the bracelet.. Bhai thodi tph maturity show karo
Game apni jagah but baaki emotions apni jagah..
In one of the episode i saw that deepak was asking for sree’s stuff by himself and he gave it to him.. So now what’s the point to return thr things like this..
Well after watching this week’s episode it is clear that everything is going around sree…
And i like manish(sristy’s fiance) too.. He is very innocent like sristy… He was not even able to defend her.. ?
I wish kv, sristy and sree ab acche se game play karein..
I felt bad for saurabh cz as per the news urvashi got the least votes. But from game point of view she is beneficial for makers bcz there is still chances to get trp from deepak urvashi’s fight
And really not excited for wild card enteries…
Both Shoib and Bhuvaneshwari defended well
Urvashi got a second chance hope she utilises it well.her game improved in last week.
Shree as Shree again.did the same mistake he did yesterday blamed channel perhaps bazigar couldnt digest his defeat agn complaining abt hathiyaar and all
Its good that deepika left the room.instead of giving attention to him
Surbhis statement of Romil being a greater cricketer than Shree was too muchh..
Hope Deepak and Urvashi patch up they look cute together
Excited for the wildcards
A previous winner in the house( curious )
Competition has increased
today episode is too emotional for me..
sree have a nice family yar ? and her wife is really sweet please play with Sprint sree …
and pet so cute I remember my pets also the died last year?
ohh Saurabh leave the show he’s sweet person and never hurts anyone I hope you’ll get nice future…
I feels poor for shiv really shiv and Saurabh are nice friends it’s Bigg loss for shiv but I hope he’ll play his own anyway best of luck..
and Karan veer ohhhh personally I like his family more his cute daughter I look many footage about his family time I understand his pain in this moment keep playing kv do more because you should play well for them you lost many moment when you leave your family ?
and wild card I never dicided anything let’s see..
kv shiv are my fav in this week next urvasi Deepika and sree….
also. surbi is not bad expect past 2days.
everything only my pov
@ishani.. Even i started like shiv…
He is genuine… He is not t a person what he was looking in the beginning…
If he performs good then there will be some chances of him to stay longer…
Khair is week toh safe h hi shiv.. ?
yes ? yar
Who is Rohit suchanti..??? Stupid banda h?.. Abhi pehle khud to game start kr phir baad sree ka sochna.. Kitne insecure hai ye.. Abhi thek se enter bhi nhi huwi game me or sree k naam ki maala japna start kr diya dono wild cards ne,
I cringed when sree’s wife was sobbing and none of them said anything and there was this awkward pause then they all carried on with their scripted narration lol…I don’t know why was romil so upset?was it that majority voted sree instead of him and he understood that he really isn’t a mastermind or is it that sree called deepak better than him?what exactly hurt him i just didn’t get?and what did he give sree back and say i couldn’t catch it either?but thank god today they didn’t let surbhi gave vaaz with her 1800 ad old sudh hindi
Agreed to u.. I too felt Romil was upset during sultani Akhada.. Sree was getting whistles for his each statement, so romil might had foreseen his failure in verbal round..
Just luckily he got through second round bcs sree lost balance soon.
And surbi’s 1800AD old Shudh Hindi ???
these new entries already looking boring and irritating sigh nobody can save this season now uthaley bhagwaan uthale bb ki creative team ko
I didn’t find anything wrong in sree asking dips why she vote jasleen for torture he did have a point there jasleen actually was part of that video and said whatever she faced there she didn’t lie she didn’t exaggerate so he was right in asking why she choose her instead of bigger “culprit” him or anup, IF sree is backbiting about her then she is doing that too and has already have betrayed him while he hasn’t yet
Only jasleen,Sree and Anup knew what they saw , experienced and understood is true besides Surbhi in house…
But all others were mislead by Salman’s lies to save Surbhi’s dignity. They still believe Jasleen lied.. m sure that video havnt played infront of housemates… BB showed it to viewers only..
Sree was right…
wild cards will go against popular clique of the house blah what’s new?i don’t know what game they will play when there’s none to play all of the existing contestants are dumb yes including mr romil aka “mastemind” among aqal se paidal jhund
Sree’s wife was sweet. Seriously our partner in life is meant to complete us in every sense. But professionally spit use karne wali baat????come on we all are different at home and at work place. I am sure actresses Ghar par 3 baar sar hila Kar react nai karti. And neither do crickters use slang words at home as they do on field.
Liked Dipika after long for taking stand for herself as she can’t just play in first week and critics ki wajeh see phir back foot par khele. She nvr questioned Sree’s decision about anyone. Dipika took jasleen name bcoz she changed her part of Surbhi’s story Everytime. And why she should take Sree or someone’s name after taking a poll at house. Apne grp ko galat m defend karna is not rgt. Dipika just stop doing that Sree ko manana, even if it is game or genuine concern should not be more important than your self respect.
Deepak and Urvashi-it was cute how he holded her hand after she was safe. Romil aaj sultani akhare k baad khel gaya thoda sa sympathy card. He will go till the end.
aap bahot achhe likhe ho yaar.. romil is definitely good
Thanks Vini
Sree for the first time played Deepak against Romil by calling him Mastermind. Divide and rule card, well played by Sree.
“Surbhi says Deepika knows that he is destroying her image in house”–okay this girl is really smart she was the one who made issue out of deepika voting against shree she was the one who kept regurgitating that issue she and whole house was the one having shokhsabha for srees elimination with big fat eulogies and crocodile tears LOL basically she highlighted the issue against deepika kept it alive for days for people to easily pick it up and now blaming shree for ruining deepika’s image? she really knows how to spread her povs and make people believe them…also she wants to be in deepikas side cause she can’t on shrees now
I agree with every word you said
most of the time people’s emotions relationships actions are fake in bb then why are people on twitter making mountain of mole for shreeshanth calling the game farzi?
I loved Sree today in the Sultani Akhada. He was so polite yet he said so much against Romil – that was commendable.
And there is a mistake committed by Dipika that I really disagree to. She should have taken name of Sree or Anupji instead of Jasleen yesterday. They were more at fault.
And, I am really loving Surbhi now
She is a pure soul. And nothing to say. We will miss you, Sourabh.
People here who are regularly commenting on this page of tellyupdates to share their reviews,
I hereby tell you that – Two persons can have same name, but two persons will NEVER have same display photo on their cover unless opened from the same device.
So, if you find these things happening,
Make sure you have only one particular display picture which no one has (and you can’t have the same dp too !)
Last but not the least, I am that girl commenting here for the last few years since season 8 with this same name and the same profile photo. Don’t get confused as I see there are few people with the same names.
But profile photo is what matters. Thank you.
y r u justifying or telling whatever it is???????????
and y u need to prove this point??????
” I am that girl commenting here for the last few years since season 8 with this same name and the same profile photo. Don’t get confused as I see there are few people with the same names.”
I dont think so u r following this page since season 8
bcz if u followed then u will get to know there were lot of ppls who changed their name just bcz of they found some comments with the same name and same pic even..
and even i have remembered 1 or 2 names…who changed their names due to this problem…
Go to inspect element and get the profile pic of anyone u wants to use… simple!!!!!!!
What the hell? ? this is not me ! I m not registered member.
My God ! I never knew someone can have the same dp too..
u can differentiate a fake identity by its name only.. whether it is case sensitive or not…
fake identity uses ABc instead of ABC as name….
Thank you so much. I will change it to all caps.
bdw, r u doing job or still a scl going girl?????????
Arohi ( registered) khelgaye ???
We don’t know who are you but thanks for the information.. I was thinking … thinking …thinking how the imposter did so, since XYZ commented so.
@Aarohi( real) , it’s okay yaar…, We noticed how u write Ur name…
Honestly I burst into laughter when u said..” What the hell? ? this is not me ! “
@Ezra.. Bcz yesterday some used my name and dp and i really got irritated and then suddenly i read aarohis comment after that and i thought aarohi’s that comment was for me..
So i tried to get same dp and name.. ?
Bdw, registered arohi is me. ?
I have deleted the acount .. i have proved what i wants to prove…
Aren’t profile pics given on random by the system itself?
It is given by the system.. But there are some simple techniques by which u can get pic of someone else….
deepika ne boat task ko chhor k aajtk esa kuch b nhi kia jo use attention mile. except har bande k agey piche ghumna sabke fate me haath dalna taki lge ki sab use target kr rhe h. n din me 18 ghnte shree k charo or mandrana . sultani akhade k liye jate hue b uske as pass mandra rhi. like seriously get a life deepika. kuch to apna kro instead of all this chaplusi.
Anupji should not b in the house as he is not showing interest in any tasks n likes sitting most of the time. Someone younger would have better than him. Surbhi is the best so far n Romil. Hope they both last in the house till the end.
I just saw a glimpse of wild cards in extra so so much disappointed..all of them look and sound like tons of more garbage dumped on an already failed season of BB