Categories: Bigg Boss 14

Bigg Boss 12th February 2021 Written Episode Update: Rakhi becomes the second finalist by burning 14 lacs

Bigg Boss 12th February 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 132
6 PM
Rakhi says Devo told us yesterday only that Paras would do this. Rahul V says Devo was so right. Paras asks Devo if he told her he would do something like that? Devo says I know you better than yourself, you played your game to highlight yourself, I am angry at people who have done nothing in the show and got everything easily. This is not fair. Rakhi says it was all fate. Devo says no, it was a task and who gave the command to Paras? You all gave the control to him, you all are wrong and not Paras. In the next seasons, don’t come here to do bhajan and yoga.

Aly tells Jasmin that Devo is shouting for no reason now. Rahul asks Devo why did she come here if she didn’t want to do bhajan? Nobody forced you to come here. Devo says I didn’t come here for

bhajan, my blood is boiling seeing that nobody is putting in the effort.

6:30 PM
Rahul asks Nikki is in the finale? Devo says yes she is a finalist. Rakhi tells Rahul that I am telling you Rubina is going to win the show. Devo says don’t give up, don’t listen to this shit. She has accepted her defeat but you don’t think like that. Rakhi says Aly and Rahul will be in the finale but only Rubina will win. Devo says why did you try in the task then? Rakhi says I did it for the episode, I got a nalla brother. Rakhi asks Rubina to give a party when she wins. Rubina says don’t provoke them if they are sad. Rakhi says I am talking about what I think is right. Rubina says but sees Rahul is sad. She leaves. Rakhi says it hurts. Rahul says are you making me sadder or consoling me? Rakhi says I am giving a warning to myself.

6:45 PM
Devo tells Rakhi that if Bigg Boss gives you another chance then understand the task. Rakhi says I am a fool, I am habituated to lose in life. Devo says you don’t have to think like that. Rakhi says they sent a guy like Vindu for my support? Devo says look at my supporter, who is playing against me. Rakhi says I couldn’t play with him. Devo says he is a supporter but you play your game, do what you can. Rakhi says I did everything I could, I am a joker to make people laugh. Devo says don’t say like that. Rakhi says they are all hero/heroines, I am the joker.

8:30 PM
Nikki tells Rubina that Jasmin is very negative. Naina asks Rubina what she feels? Rubina says I don’t want to keep a relationship with her or keep a grudge against her. Nikki asks Naina what Jasmin said outside? Naina says Jasmin said that Rubina cried for me just for the drama and content. She also said that Rubina is manipulative. Rubina says to leave it, let her say what she wants to. I tried so much to manage the friendship with her but it’s okay. Naina says but she keeps taunting you and it’s difficult to not answer her back. Rubina says you came here to support me but you don’t have to fight my battles, you just have to be with me in my weakest moment, it’s fine if they want to defend themselves after getting eliminated from the show.

10:30 PM
Devo tells Rakhi that Aly did a mistake in the task? The same Aly who used to put in efforts in the luxury budget tasks? The same Aly who would allow others to eat if he couldn’t? That Aly was fine giving the ticket to the finale to someone else? The same Aly who said that if the rule was broken then he will get the task rejected then he went ahead and did the same mistake? Rakhi says Aly is a snake against Rahul it means? Devo says the audience can’t see all that? Rakhi says someone should talk about it. Devo says we don’t have to say everything. Rakhi says Paras saw Jasmin and Aly filling at the sametime. Devo says he was against others breaking the rules but he went and broke that rule? Rakhi says it means Paras was not wrong, it’s actually Aly and Jasmin who have stabbed Rahul. Devo laughs.

Day 133
8 AM
The inmates wake up to the song hey papi. They all dance.

4 PM
Bigg Boss tells the inmates that every person coming here wants to win the hearts and win the show. All were nominated this week but Rubina won the task and saved Nikki who became the first finalist. All other 5 inmates are still nominated. Bigg Boss says Aly, Rahul and Rakhi will get a chance to become a finalist. Devo and Rubina are nominated as a punishment so they won’t get this chance. Bigg Boss says this is a golden chance so you will have to pay the price. He asks Rubina to read the instructions. Rakhi says what price? I can’t give away my kidney. Vindu says we will fight fully.

Rubina reads the task in which Rahul, Aly and Rakhi have a chance to become a finalist by using some of the money from the winning amount. There are an ATM and a shredding machine in the garden. There are three envelopes with their names written on them. When the buzzer plays, an amount will be shown on the board. The inmate can write that amount as a cheque and shred that cheque. If you shred the cheque then you will save yourself but that amount will be deducted from the winning amount. If you don’t want to use the cheque then you will put the cheque in the ATM. After every round, the amount will keep increasing. They will decide themselves who will go when in the task. At the end of the task, whoever has deposited the amount in the ATM will remain nominated and the person who shreds the cheque will use the amount and reach the finale. This is an opportunity for you to reach the finale, don’t think about sacrificing for others but make sure that you get a spot in the finale.

4:15 PM
Paras tells Rakhi that if you want to save yourself then shred your cheque and that amount will be deducted from the prize money. Even if you win the show, you will lose this money. Toshi says she has to burn the money to save herself. Rakhi says help me. Paras says just burn the money and save yourself. Rahul says I have to think about it.

Jasmin tells Aly that Rahul is getting more votes than Rubina so he shouldn’t worry. Tell him that he should deposit the cheque in the ATM and you can use that cheque. He should remain nominated and you can go in the finale. Aly says I can’t ask him for that. It’s his choice.

Rubina tells Rakhi that if you want to go to the finale then you have to shred the cheque. Rakhi says I can’t run away with the cheque? Rubina laughs.

Rahul tells Aly that I don’t care about the money but I don’t want Rakhi to go first and get saved by using a very low amount. If you agree then we won’t let Rakhi go first. Aly says I agree. Aly asks Jasmin what’s her gameplan? Jasmin says I don’t care about Rakhi, she can go first but in the next two rounds, the choice will be between you and Rahul with more amount. You can put your money at stake. Nikki says she will get saved. Aly says Jasmin wants Rakhi to be saved? Rakhi won’t care about the amount. Rahul says I am not shredding 20 lacs. Aly says I won’t either.

4:30 PM
Rakhi asks Devo if she should sacrifice? Devo says no one is going empty-handed from here. Rakhi says what if I get the big amount? Devo says I just you to get saved. Rakhi tells Rubina that I think you might be a winner so I don’t want you to get less amount, what if you win 50 lacs then you can give me 20 lacs. Rubina says that’s not going to happen, you don’t know who is going to win the show. Right now, do what you think is right. Rakhi says I can make a deal with Rahul too. Rubina says I am not promising anything. Bigg Boss tells Rakhi that this is not the time to decide how you will divide the money after the show ends, at this point you should worry about saving yourself. Rakhi tells Rubina that I will go first and save myself.

Rahul tells Toshi that I can give up 10 lacs but not more than that. Jasmin says you can bet 25 lacs as everyone is getting paid to be here. Rahul says I don’t like Rubina but even then I wouldn’t want to burn so much money. Jasmin says I have seen voting fluctuate but only you have high voting every week. Rahul says who told you that? Toshi tells Rahul that we can’t be over-confident. Rahul says I like to hear all that but I am not over-confident at all. Rahul asks Aly to think about himself, we will fly solo. Aly asks if I can go first? Rahul says we can toss. Aly says we can get this task rejected if no one goes.

4:45 PM
Vindu tells Rakhi that you need to get saved. This task is about confidence. You need this, just take the small amount. Rakhi says can I go first? Aly says I will go first. Rakhi says why? Rahul says why you will go first? What have you done what we didn’t? Rakhi says what have you done? Let me go first, I am a girl. I am going first. Aly says I am going first. We won’t allow you to go. Rakhi says you can kill me. Aly says you want the task to get rejected? I want to go first. Rakhi says you can kill me. Rakhi you can go second. Aly says if you have done hard work then we have done it too. Why should you go first? Rakhi says then I won’t allow you to go first also. I won’t go third. Nikki says you should worry about saving yourself. Rakhi says I can’t take too much money. Jasmin says you want to act great then get nominated. Rakhi says I don’t want to be great, I want to save myself. Jasmin says then go at the end and shred the money. Rakhi says why can’t I go first? Jasmin says you want to be great and save yourself at the same time. Aly asks Jasmin to not say all that. Aly tells Rakhi that you don’t want to burn more money then why should I let you go first? Toshi asks Rakhi if she can win the show? She says I can’t. Toshi says then why burn someone else’s money? Rakhi says I want to go to the finale.

5 PM
The buzzer plays, Aly-Rahul runs to the ATM. The first amount is 14 lacs. All are stunned. Devo says you people thought you would get 14 thousand? Rakhi says I wanted to go first. Rahul asks if she is okay to give up 14 lacs? Rakhi says I will think about it, I want to go to the finale, please let me go. Rahul asks Aly if he can shred 14 lacs? Rahul says I can’t shred 14 lacs too. Aly says I will deposit 14 lacs. Devo says this amount will go up. Rahul says Rakhi will go next and shred more money so don’t deposit it. Rakhi says 14 lacs is a normal amount. Aly says I am not talking to you, you are a woman who is selfish. Rahul asks Aly what happened? Aly says she is not letting me talk. She is doing anything for money. Aly says let me play my game, I want to shred the money. Rakhi says I will put more money in the shredder then. Aly tells Rakhi that I don’t care. Rahul asks Rakhi to let me handle this. Rahul tells Rakhi that 14 lacs is a big amount, if you trust your fans then don’t do this. Rakhi says let me go in the first round and let me go to the finale. Rubina tells Paras that this is a character-defining moment. Rahul tells Rakhi that I am not ordering you, why are you shouting? I am requesting you if you can deposit 14 lacs? She says no, I want to go to the finale. Rahul says you kept saying that you wouldn’t win then why do this? Paras tells Rubina that they are provoking her to shred the money. Rakhi tells Rahul that please compromise on this amount. Aly says 14 lacs is a big amount, whoever will win has worked hard. The amount will get deducted because of taxes then you want to take 14 lacs from it? Rakhi says so I am here to pray in the mandir? Let me go for 14 lacs. Toshi says to Jaan that the amount will go up the next round. Jaan says Rakhi will not change her decision, she will shred any amount that comes up next. Aly says what rubbish are you saying? Do you think 14 lacs is a joke? You are provoking Rakhi to shred it? Jaan says don’t charge at me. Aly says go away as Nikki is not here. Aly shouts you think that this money is a joke? Rakhi tells Rubina that Bigg Boss has given us this choice, I would deposit any amount. Jasmin asks Jaan to calm down. Jaan says Rakhi will deposit the money in the next round. Nikki asks Rakhi to not worry, you will get a bigger amount. Rakhi says if I go at the third position then I will shred it. Aly says you are threatening me? I am depositing right now. Rakhi says I will go first. Rubina tells Jaan that Rakhi will reach the finale at any cost. Jaan says they are crying for 14 lacs but what if Rakhi gets 28 lacs? Rubina says let them handle it. Rakhi says I want to go first.

5:15 PM
Rahul asks Rakhi and Aly to think about it, 14 lacs is a lot. Aly says it’s not a joke. We are all scared of getting eliminated. Rahul tells Rakhi that if it was about 2-3 lacs then.. Aly asks Rakhi to think about it. Rahul asks Aly why he doesn’t let me talk? Aly asks Rahul to come and start again. Rahul says you both were fighting and I am trying to calm her down. Rahul tells Rakhi that 14 lacs is a lot, if you shred this and go to the finale then what? If you reach the finale without shredding it then you will reach the finale with respect. Rakhi says if a person takes the money bag then there is no respect in it? Aly says you are not getting this money, this is a winning amount. Rakhi says we have all worked hard here, the winner gets the money, enjoys it abroad and what should I get? Just sacrifice for the winner? Rahul says you are saying that you want the winner to not get the money? You won’t get this money. Rakhi shouts that I want to go to the finale. Aly says I will go first or the task will get rejected. Aly says look at Rakhi’s thinking, she is worried that the winner will enjoy the money so she wants to snatch that money?

Bigg Boss tells Aly, Rakhi and Rahul that you people are not making a decision. We want to let you know that you try to get this task rejected then the prize money for the show will become zero. Rakhi cries and says I want to go first. Aly says go on then. He gives her the cheque. Rakhi asks Jaan to write 14 lacs. Devo asks Rakhi to deposit it, this is a big amount. Rahul asks Rakhi to think about how much hard work is required to earn this, don’t burn it. Bigg Boss says let Rakhi take the decision now. Rakhi looks at the cheque and cries. Toshi asks Rakhi to think about what she shows she does to earn this much. Bigg Boss asks them to stop giving the suggestion to Rakhi. Rakhi cries and says you people said that I won’t win the show. I will be saved. She shreds the cheque and says I will go in the finale. Jasmin asks Rakhi why she doesn’t have tears? Rakhi asks her to wear the lenses. Aly shouts at Jasmin to not say anything to her. Rahul says Rakhi was crying a minute ago and now look at her. Rakhi dances and says I am in the finale now. She shakes Nikki’s hand. Aly shouts at Rakhi to stop this drama. Rakhi says you people kept saying that I can’t win the show. Aly shouts that she is laughing after all this. Jasmin takes Aly from there. She asks him to calm down.

Aly tells Jasmin that she is a drama.

Rahul says 14 lacs were shredded without care. Rubina sadly looks on.

5:30 PM
Rakhi says I didn’t know it will be this much amount, I thought it would be 3 lacs. Rahul says you have the guts to say all this after doing what you did, I rest my case. Rakhi says I did what I felt. I wanted to go to the finale. I know you both will act nobly now so only I will get saved. Aly says I will be happy to leave the show tomorrow if I can save the money today. Rakhi says I am a challenger and I am alone here. Vindu laughs and says she is in the finale. Rakhi says I will earn the money and give it to the winner.

Jasmin says she snatched the money from someone else like a decoit.

Rakhi says Jasmin is acting like a double-faced person. She said to play for ourselves and now saying that I am a decoit. Rakhi tells Devo that you were right. Devo says I said that she should play for herself.

Aly tells Jasmin that don’t taunt Rakhi anymore, she keeps saying things for you and I get angry. I will end up saying something to her. Jasmin says you can ignore her. Aly says Rakhi is saying rubbish things to me about you and I can’t ignore that. Jasmin says I was talking to Vindu.

Devo asks Rakhi to not talk right now. Rakhi says I have a right to clarify. Devo says it will be a problem for you. Rakhi says I want to talk.

Vindu tells Toshi that put yourself in Rakhi’s shoes, she will get another week here which will get this week’s payment.

Devo tells Rakhi that I am happy for you but it was a big amount.

Jasmin asks Aly to not lose his calm. Aly says I can’t calm down, even my mother can’t calm me down. I have reached my limit right now, I will get angry at everything. I shouted at you because you have a problem that you keep saying things to people. You are not a contestant so why are you answering everyone? You won’t become a winner so why you are commenting on Rakhi? I cursed Rubina which is a very big thing because she was saying things against you. I am telling you to not taunt people as then they say things for you which makes me angrier. Jasmin says I won’t say anything to anyone now.

Rahul asks Nikki if she would have shredded 14 lacs? Nikki says I have played for myself always. I don’t know.

6 PM
The buzzer plays and the second round starts. Aly sees 15 lacs on the board. Rahul tells Toshi that I am going to shred the amount now. Aly goes to the ATM. Bigg Boss asks Aly what is his decision? Aly says I will deposit it in the ATM because if I get saved tomorrow then I save this money and reach the finale because of the votes. I can’t sacrifice this amount, if the audience likes me then I will go ahead, I don’t need this money to go ahead. All clap for him. Aly deposits the amount. Jasmin says proudly of you. Aly says even if it was 1 lac then I would have deposited it because if I am not entertaining people then I don’t deserve to be in the finale. Rubina says you can’t build castles on others’ money. We are lucky to get work in COVID. Rakhi says we have worked hard here, if I did my task then what? I wanted to be in the finale.

6:15 PM
Vindu tells Rakhi that I know you are thinking about getting one more week’s money. Don’t say the wrong things, just say that you are getting one week’s payment which is important to you. You are going to the finale which is important to you as well. Rakhi says the winner is getting a good amount so I can take 14 lacs. Devo says 50 lacs is not someone’s private property here. Why can’t Rakhi feel that she can be a winner too? She can say that she is giving this 14 lacs from her amount as a winner too. Vindu tells Rakhi that if you get the money bag then take it and run away.

6:30 PM
The buzzer plays and the amount is 16 lacs. Rahul says I am shredding it for sure. He laughs. Rahul writes the cheque and says I want to say from the heart that God has given me everything but I value money, I can’t sacrifice this much amount. I will deposit it and leave it on my fate.

Bigg Boss says the task is finished, Rakhi becomes the second finalist. The nominated inmates are Rubina and Devo, Aly and Rahul. The new prize money for the show is 36 lacs. Rakhi thanks Bigg Boss.

8:30 PM
Rubina reads a task in which the inmates will make delicious food for their supporters. There will be two teams. The team will have Rubina, Nikki, and Rakhi who will make pasta. Team B will be Aly, Rahul, and Devo who will make fries. The supporters will get 1000 points each and the team winning more points from the supporters will win the task. From every team, 2 will be cooks and the third person will try to get more points.

9 PM
Vindu comes to Rahul’s shop. He sells his food. Rubina gives her pasta a name. Rahul tells Rakhi that we would have lifetime’s pasta in 14 lacs. Rakhi says I don’t know what you are saying. Paras gives 100 points to Rakhi. Vindu gives 500 points to them. Naina says I like french fries. Aly makes her eat first. Jasmin says I will give all points to Aly if he makes me eat from his hands. Aly laughs. Aly feeds her fries and she gives her points to him.
Jaan eats the pasta, Rakhi says if you give us the points then I will get Nikki’s kiss for you.

The buzzer plays and they count the points. Rahul’s team has 3600 points while Rubina’s team has 2400 points so Rahul’s team wins.

10:48 PM
Rakhi says I will give 14 lacs at Rahul’s wedding. Rahul says announce it right now. He beats her with a blanket. Rakhi laughs and says I said that Rakhi Sawant will give 14 lacs in his wedding if he wins the show. Rahul says what if I lose? Rakhi says I will give 101 rupees as a gift. Aly and Nikki laugh. Rahul says if I win then you have to give me 14 lacs otherwise I will message you everywhere.
PRECAP – Salman tells Aly that there is no use in asking you as you would say the same as Jasmin. He asks Rahul what crime did Rakhi do by taking the amount? She has the right over winning amount too like you all. Rahul shouts at Rakhi that you kept saying you won’t win the show then why did you take someone’s money? Rakhi asks Rahul why he is shouting at her? Salman asks Rahul why he is shouting at her like you won the show and she took your 14 lacs. Rahul says it’s not like that.
Salman tells Aly that Jasmin is showing you the path by not caring about her image but you keep telling her to shut up and she is a not contestant. You are making Jasmin look bad. Aly says I am losing my temper. Salman says you are rude.
The inmates have to give tags to supporters as per their acts. Rubina says Paras is a matchstick as he keeps provoking others. Nikki says the fire extinguisher is Jaan as he keeps shutting me down. Rubina says Toshi kept shouting at Rakhi in the task.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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