Categories: Bigg Boss 15

Bigg Boss 15 21st November 2021 Written Episode Update: Pratik-Karan’s ugly fight scares Bharti for her safety

Bigg Boss 15 21st November 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Weekend Special
Salman welcomes everyone to the episode. He says the nominated inmates are Karan, Tejasswi, Neha, Rajiv and Jay. Let’s go inside and talk to them. We have already started the process of finding out our top 5. He connects the call to the house. Salman tells the inmates that I feel you all are in your comfort zone right now, you know about each other so you have to come one by one and tell us who is a pass in these weeks and who is a fail for this season.
Jay: He says Shamita is a pass and Simba is a fail. He says Shamita’s journey had lows and ups but she recovers quickly. He says Simba is not involved in the house matters.
Simba: He says Rajiv is a pass and Jay is a fail. He says Rajiv was called weak but I think he is funny and has made good relationships.

He says Jay is not on any side, I am noticing that his opinions are useless, he gets too aggressive for no reason.
Rajiv: He says Shamita is a pass because she takes a clear stand and she is becoming stronger. He says Simba is a fail because he has potential so he should get more involved in the show.
Shamita: She says Rajiv is a pass because he is showing his personality and standing up for himself. She puts Simba as a fail as he should speak up more.
Neha: She says I want to pass Rajiv as we have seen a transformation, he has that kindness which is needed in this house. He has made me learn that you can play the game with kindness, he makes everyone laugh. She says Nishant is a fail as he gives too much opinion, he says he doesn’t hurt people but that’s not true.
Karan: He says Nishant is a fail for me, he says he might be doing things for the game but he has lost a friend. He says Tejasswi is a pass for me as she is killing the show.
Tejasswi: She puts Karan as a pass and says he is honest with people and gives importance to relationships. She says Simba is a fail for me as I tried to talk to him in the captaincy task also to play for himself. I like that he doesn’t give too many opinions on other’s matters as I am like that also. But he should speak when it comes to his matters.
Vishal: He says I want to pass Umar as I have seen his growth, he is not playing as Karan’s shadow, he has a good thought process and he puts others first which I like. He says Neha is a fail for me, I was a fan of hers in OTT, she has an x-factor but she got too stuck in herself. I want her to up her game.
Umar: He says I want to pass Karan as he plays nicely but gives priority to relationships also. He says Jay is a fail for me as I thought he was a strong player but he is all over the place right now. He is trying to make relationships with everyone. He has failed in making strong bonds.
Nishant: He says Pratik is a pass for me as he knows how to make relationships and he is fierce. He says I want to fail Vishal as he was a strong player in the beginning but he has gone into a shell.
Pratik: He says I want to pass Nishant, he gets emotionally confused but it’s natural. He says I want to fail Karan as he gets too aggressive in the tasks but then he acts normal half an hour later. I don’t think it’s natural.

Salman ends the call. He says we will get their real report card in 24 hours when we will get our top 5. Bharti and Harsh enter the stage. Bharti promotes her YT channel. Bharti says we will go in the house to meet the inmates. Bharti dances with Salman funnily. He sends her to the house.

On the Stage:
Salman connects the call to the house. He says it’s time to talk about the elimination but since my movie is releasing so there will be no elimination today. All inmates cheer up. Salman tells the inmates that some people are coming into the house to take away their peace, even VIPs won’t be safe from them. He says only the top 5 will remain in the house in the next 24 hours, all others will be out of the house. All inmates are shocked to hear that. He ends the call.

In the House:
Tejasswi says he said everyone except the top 5 will be out of the house. Jay says if it’s like that then we will have to fight each other. Karan laughs and says he ends relationships before we even make them. Shamita asks where will the others go? Karan says all will be out of the house except the top 5.

On the Stage:
Salman welcomes John Abraham and Divya come on the stage to promote their movie. Salman dances with that.

In the House:
Bharti and Harsh enter the house. Tejasswi runs to them. Bharti and Harsh promote their YT channel show. Bharti says you people are too calm. Bharti asks Nishant where is his mind when he is called mastermind? Nishant laughs. Bharti says Shamita is a queen of Buckingham palace here. Bharti says the audience’s favorite is Rajiv who came from London in a business class but washing dishes here. Rajiv laughs. Bharti says Rajiv is a cherry on the cake here. Harsh says he came from London but he fights like a neighborhood bhabhi (aunt). All laugh. Bharti says Rajiv will dance for her. Rajiv dances on dil cheez kia hai. He does a classical dance with Bharti following him. All clap for him. Bharti says these monkeys talk more than Simba. All laugh. Harsh says I find Vishal entertaining. Bharti says he talks to the cameras with his pouty lips, all laugh. Bharti says Umar is very handsome. He laughs and says thank you. Harsh asks Tejasswi-Karan what’s going on between them? Bharti asks Karan if he likes her? Karan says yes, I am waiting for her answer. Tejasswi blushes and says I like him also. All tease them. Rajiv says they bore me with their romance all day long. Bharti says they start from the morning and keep whispering in each other’s ears all day lone. Tejasswi laughs. Bharti says it’s good Pratik a man, if he was a woman then he would bicker all day long. Harsh says you all are doing good. Bharti asks Shamita if she still has pain? Shamita says I am getting pain. Bharti says she still has lipstick on, that’s why she is a heroine. Bharti and Harsh eat pizza and brownies in front of them. Rajiv says don’t do this. Tejasswi asks them to stop it. Harsh says we will play a game and the winner will get some luxury items. All cheer up. Harsh says it’s a partner game, one partner will keep a cone in their mouth and the other partner will get up on the ladder and put an ice-cream scoop on the cone. They will get 4 tries, whoever gets the perfect cone will win. First is Nishant-Neha.
Nishant-Neha: Nishant holds the cone in his mouth. Neha stands on the stool behind him and throws an ice cream on him. Nishant catches two scoops out of 4. Neha hugs him. They both dance on the floor.
Pratik-Simba: Simba holds the cone in his mouth. Pratik throws an ice cream scoop on him. Simba catches one scoop only.

Harsh tells the inmates that let’s play another game. Bharti says you have to put foam on the slap prop and you can slap anyone as an answer to our questions. Harsh says Neha is first.
Neha: Harsh asks you talked about wanting to slap someone then who was it? Neha says Pratik, we shout at each other also but I have decided to move on. This is my last respectful act. Pratik says just do it with full force. Neha lightly slaps him. Harsh asks Neha who can cheat her when the time comes? Neha says Karan. Karan laughs and says why would I cheat you? Neha says I can’t trust him in the game but I like talking to him now. She lightly slaps him with foam. Karan wipes his face on her shirt. Harsh asks who is most controlling in the house? Neha says Tejasswi and says then Shamita. She says Tejasswi likes things her way but then she understands. Neha foam slaps her. Tejasswi laughs. Harsh asks whose voice is big but words have no meaning? Neha laughs and says it’s Vishal. Neha foam slaps his face and says Vishal talks big but his talks are weird. Vishal says I won’t spare you.
Karan: Bharti asks who manipulates the most in this house? Karan says Nishant. Karan says he even manipulated me. Karan foam slaps him and says I couldn’t even understand he manipulated me. Bharti says Nishant looks very serious, he is angry, I have never seen him like that. Nishant says it’s silence before the storm. Bharti asks Karan who he can’t trust at all? Karan says it’s Nishant. Nishant goes and slaps himself. Karan says he doesn’t deserve to be trusted, I trusted him but he cut me off badly. Bharti asks Nishant if it’s true? Nishant gets emotional and says it’s fine. Karan says chill. Nishant says he is right. Tejasswi consoles him. Nishant says you all are making it awkward. Bharti asks Karan who is his target this week? Karan calls Pratik. He foam slaps Pratik. Bharti asks Karan who he loves the most in the house? Karan calls Tejasswi and sweetly applies foam on her face. Bharti asks Karan which inmate you don’t care about? Karan says it’s Jay. Karan applies foam on him. Karan says I don’t understand his game, he has preconceived notions about me.
Tejasswi: Harsh asks who is most self-obsessed in the house? Tejasswi says it’s Rajiv as I think he is self-obsessed. Rajiv says that’s a lie. Tejasswi says he is too full of himself. She foam slaps his face. Rajiv slaps himself, all clap for him. Harsh asks Tejasswi who irritates her the most? She says I fight with Pratik a lot. She foam slaps him. Harsh asks Tejasswi who is brainless in the house? Tejasswi calls Neha and foam slaps her. Harsh asks Tejasswi which inmate broke her trust? She thinks about it, Nishant comes to her. Tejasswi says I didn’t want to take your name, you didn’t break my trust. She calls Jay. Jay asks what have I done? Just don’t take my name for the sake of it. Tejasswi calls Nishant and says sorry. She applies foam on his face.
Pratik: Bharti asks who doesn’t deserve to be in the house? Pratik says Karan as he gets physical in the game and then acts diplomatic. He applies foam on his face. Bharti asks Pratik who is seen in the show because of others? Pratik says it’s Umar, I would like him to take his own decisions. Umar says I don’t get involved in others’ matters, I respect my friends unlike him. Pratik applies foam on him. Bharti asks Pratik who doesn’t do their duty nicely? Pratik says Tejasswi runs away from her cooking duty sometimes. Tejasswi says when? Are you serious? Karan says he won’t take the names of his friends. Pratik says I am not like you. You can break glasses but we can’t be violent when you are wrong? You can’t do much. Karan charges at him. Pratik says what can you do? Pratik says you are a *****. Karan says you are a *****. Karan asks him to get lost. Pratik says you have no power in our words. Karan says I have power where I need it to be. Tejasswi applies foam on her face. Pratik asks Karan to shut up, you are no one here. You are too egoistic about being Karan Kundra here. Karan says you are just frustrated. Pratik says you can’t even talk with a loud voice. Karan says I don’t care about you. You are a *****. Pratik says this is your reality. Karan says yes, this is me. Pratik says you are just frustrated. Vishal asks them to stop it. Pratik says he is blo*dy disrespectful, he started talking shit in front of the guests. Karan says he keeps talking about violence. He is a ****. Pratik says don’t curse at me, it shows your reality. Karan charges at him but Umar takes him away. Tejasswi asks Pratik to end it. Nishant pulls Pratik away and asks him to relax. Karan charges at him but Vishal pulls him back. Karan says what can you do? Nishant pulls Pratik back. Karan says Nishant is Pratik’s mummy. Pratik charges at him. Karan says I am here, do anything you can. Shamita tries to calm Pratik down. Harsh and Bharti look on. Pratik says he is talking about my mom, you should think about your mom. Karan says come and beat me. Rajiv asks Pratik to calm down. Pratik says he has no humanity. Karan charges at him and says oh I am so scared of you. He teases Pratik and asks him to do anything if he has guts. Pratik says why do you keep talking about my mom? Karan asks him to come and beat him. You can’t do anything. Simba tries to pull them apart. Harsh-Bharti ask them to stop it from the glass box. Karan pins Pratik to the wall and says do anything you can. Rajiv tries to pull them apart and says enough. Pratik pushes Rajiv away. Karan says you can push him but you can’t do anything against me? Bharti asks Tejasswi to control them. Harsh-Bharti leave the house as they don’t stop fighting.
Bharti tells the camera that we came to promote our show, we wanted to play games with them but I thought they would break the glass and it would hurt me so we had to leave because of safety reasons. This was a good promotion. Harsh-Bharti leave the show.

In the House:
Karan tells Tejasswi that he keeps blaming me for being violent but I am here now. Rajiv shouts at Pratik to stop like this. Shamita says we shouldn’t behave like this when guests are here. She tells Pratik that you started it, there were guests here. Pratik says he brought my mom into the conversation. Karan charges at him again and says I am standing in front of you so do anything you can. Don’t threaten me when you can’t do anything. Pratik says I am not cheap as you. Karan says don’t instigate me then, you get scared when I am in front of you but you talk shit behind my back. Pratik says the audience can see your reality. Karan pats his face and says yes they can. Pratik says don’t touch me. Karan keeps touching him and says what can you do? Pratik says move away. Karan says he is an idiot. Pratik says he has no manners, Karan says your **** has no guts.

Jay asks Karan why did you take my name saying you don’t care about me in the show? Karan says it was a fun task. Jay says I am trying to sort things out with you but you are saying all that? Karan says it was a fun task, don’t take it too seriously. Jay says if you are taking my name then you are slapping me in the face. Tejasswi asks Jay to stop it, you can talk to him tomorrow. Jay says don’t tell me when I can or can’t talk to Karan. Umar asks Jay to let Karan breathe for a moment. Tejasswi says Karan has already answered you, he can’t talk to you right now. Karan says it was not my intention, it was a fun task. Tejasswi tells Jay that Karan has already clarified. Jay says I am talking to Karan so why are you answering for him? Karan tells Jay that I didn’t mean it. It was just a fun task for me. Jay says those were not fun tags. Jay says if you mean it then give it to me but then don’t call it fun. Jay leaves from there. Vishal tells Karan that you looked wrong today, you should have stopped after a point. Karan says he keeps saying that I am violent. He likes to have the last say I gave it back to him today. He instigated me so I instigated him back. Tejasswi says you are showing weakness to him. Karan says I get angry after a certain point.

Nishant tells Jay that I will change my bed, I can’t sleep on this bed (with Karan).

Nishant tells Rajiv that I want to go home. Rajiv says have some strength, don’t lose like this for anyone. Everything will be fine. Rajiv hugs him. Nishant smiles.

Neha is changing Pratik’s batteries. She asks if he is crying? Tejasswi comes there and asks Pratik if he really thinks I run away from my duties? Why do you provoke people? Pratik says don’t talk to me. Tejasswi says what now? You can instigate people but others can’t instigate you? Do you like when someone is instigating you? You can call me lazy or anything just to provoke me? She keeps moving behind and asks if he is getting instigated? Pratik says it’s fun. Tejasswi says not everyone is like you. Pratik says he talked about my mother but he is still here. Tejasswi says he didn’t say anything about your mother, he called Nishant your mother. Do you want to show Karan talked bad about your mother? He never did. Pratik leaves from there. Nishant sadly looks on.

On the Stage:
Salman tells the inmates that there was no elimination today but soon wild-cards will enter to shake up the show. We will also find out our top 5 soon.

In the House:
The inmates come into the garden to see the media people sitting there. Bigg Boss welcomes the reporters and says everything they bring something new. They will ask questions and then will give news of the bottom 6 inmates. He asks a reporter to talk about VIPs breaking rules. The reporter says no VIP understood the value of being a VIP, you all wanted to be morally correct and did your own work so we have decided to dissolve the VIP-Non-VIP division. You all are equals now. The inmates laugh. Bigg Boss says this is not funny, VIP members deserved to be the winners but these reporters think nobody deserves to win the show right now. The VIP members take off their stars.
The reporter asks Tejasswi-Karan that we saw Tejasswi talking with Nishant about not wanting to start a new relationship but then she went into a relationship with Karan so is it fake? He asks Karan if he faked this relationship to get more hype? Karan says I am not here to break hearts, I didn’t want to like anyone but I like her from the bottom of my heart. Tejasswi says I found it very cliched to like someone on the show. I try to stay away from the actors and rumors on the show. Another reporter says you both have got lost in the relationship. Karan has gone on the back foot, Tejasswi is a bubbly but strong player. It looks like you are image-conscious. Tejasswi says I am not image-conscious, I am very selective about using my energy on giving opinions in every matter. I give my opinions when I think it’s required. I can’t fake anything so there is no point in being image-conscious. Karan tells the reporter that I am not playing on the back foot, this is all new for me so I take my time to understand things.
A reporter asks Shamita if she thinks being blind is good? Your family, friends and well-wishers have told you many times that Vishal acts like your brother but he talks bad about you and your relationship behind your back. Why do you keep trusting him? Shamita says I have got warnings but we are living these moments. I heard him saying that he liked that Raqesh is gone so I will be dependent on him. I just know that he will never backstab me, I might be wrong but that will be a lesson for me. I can hear people but I won’t make a decision on the basis of that, it’s my faith in him that he won’t do anything wrong. Vishal gets emotional. Another reporter asks Vishal that you keep talking about Shamita and her family, if you take her as a sister then how can you talk about her family? Vishal says I was joking about Raqesh. The reporter says your words were that Raqesh got a lottery with Shamita. Vishal says I was enacting Amitabh Bachan’s movie scene, it was kind of a roast. Shamita says it’s not funny. Vishal says I am sorry, I was just joking. The reporter says these are not nice words. Vishal says my language is not polished, I am sorry for that. Shamita says keeping my respect is important also. Vishal says I am sorry.
The reporter asks Karan that you call Umar your brother but you called Umar a donkey and he should be treated like a donkey. You also said that Nishant-Pratik have no class to even stand up to you. Are you being classist? People say Umar plays behind your back but it’s you who have a supporting cast like Tejasswi and Umar while you are just here to romance. Tejasswi laughs. Karan says if I called Umar a donkey then it must be out of love, Umar’s place in my heart is like a brother, he is my companion. He is not my follower. As for Nishant-Pratik, I was not being classist, I stand for some things and if you are making a girl cry that I like then I will have a reaction. Nishant says it was random, it was not like we were forcing Tejasswi to cry. We were not against Tejasswi but she started crying because she was emotional. Nishant asks Tejasswi to speak up. The reporter asks Umar if he is okay with the comment? Umar says I am hurt if Karan called me a donkey. I didn’t have a bond with Tejasswi but I made her a VIP just for Karan. That’s his importance in my life but if he thinks I am a donkey then I can’t change people.
The reporter asks Tejasswi that Nishant-Pratik were not disrespectful to you but you started crying. You get rude with others but you have no strength to hear others? Tejasswi says I have a close bond with Nishant. I didn’t like the way Nishant was ordering me around. I never ordered them around. Nishant says I was talking to her calmly, she was not even listening to me that’s why I got a little angry. Pratik says we were being respectful. Tejasswi says I thought the question was for me. The reporter says you started cheating in the devil task also but then you got angry at Pratik for stopping Karan. Tejasswi says the good thing is I cheated and didn’t get caught. All laugh. Pratik says what a couple. All laugh. Tejasswi says you people laugh so he gets more guts. Neha says you don’t listen to others. Tejasswi says I cheated so what? I didn’t get the task rejected.

Salman signs off from the episode.

Update in Progress

Update Credit to: Atiba

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