With Bigg Boss OTT progressing towards its grand finale on September 18, the fans are eagerly waiting for the Bigg Boss 15 to commence. The show is expected to be based on a jungle theme where the contestants will be going through tasks to enter the house. According to the latest reports TV actors, Meera Deosthale and Sahil Uppal have been approached for the show.
According to a source close to the show “Udaan fame Meera Deosthale and Pinjara Khubsurati Ka actor Sahil Uppal have been approached for the show. The actors are in talks with the makers and might sign the dotted lines soon.” Though nothing is confirmed yet, the actors being the channel’s faces are most likely to do the show.
Hosted by Salman Khan the Bigg Boss 15 show is also in the news because of legendary actress Rekha giving her voice for Vishwasuntree. Vishwasuntree will be a special tree that will be an integral part of the show. Rekha will be doing a voice-over for the tree.
Coming back to the show, the new season of Bigg Boss is expected to have a lot of drama and “Sankat in the jungle” as the contestants will have to endure many challenges before they enter the house.
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