Categories: Bigg Boss 16

Bigg Boss 16 14th January 2023 Written Episode Update: Abdu leaves the house

Bigg Boss 16 14th January 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Weekend ka vaar
Salman welcomes everyone. He says Sreejita left yesterday. Now there are 11 people, and there will be a huge shocker today. He asks who’s missing Sreejita. Tina? She says yes. Salaman says let’s talk about some new things. Sajid was waiting for Sumbul’s dad will come. Sajid says we were waiting and she would ask him to hit Shalin. Shalin says I was scared what was his point of view. It could get wrong but he was very sweet. I made him tea. Salman says he was not hard on you. Shiv says we thought it would be filmy. Sajid says it was fun. Salman says he was very jolly. He says Sumbul baray papa told you a lot of things. Sumbul says he told me not to worry about dad. Shiv says he told him that tell people if you don’t like any joke. Salman says even then

you would laugh behind her back. We stop when Abdu asks. Salman says if Sumbul says she doesn’t like something you all still joke. Stan says we stop but she generally doesn’t say anything. Salman asks Sumbul. She says they joke. It’s fine. They all expected he would be angry but he is very jolly. Salman says they were expecting Tauqeer. Salman says do you agree with all the guidance he gave you? She says yes she did. He gave me a lot of confidence. He appreciated a lot of things. Salman says to have your friends in the house appreciate you that way. Sumbul says not really. Salman says has that never bothered you? Sumbul says maybe I am not doing well. He says but you can expect all that your barya papa said. You could expect that from your friends. It didn’t happen because you’re one of those people who haven’t changed. Your pattern has remained the same. Your papa gave you some suggestions about two people, and later we saw you apologizing to them. You were ashamed of what your dad said. Salman says the same happened this week. Your baray papa told you some things and you were apologetic about it. Sumbul said sorry to Sajid. She said Iqbal doesn’t know what you do here and what happens here. Sajid says Sumbul speak up. Salman says to say what’s in your heart. Sumbul says they pull my leg a lot sometimes. I react at some point. Sajid has protected me a lot. Farah ma’am also told me that Sajid pulls the legs of people he loves so my dad shouldn’t have that doubt. Salman says you could say that to your baray papa.

Salman asks everyone if anyone has seen Sumbul’s pattern. If her parents say something she doesn’t clear and then you guys look like villains. And when she says sorry to you that makes them look wrong and she looks confused. Sajid says yes, we have all tried to give her courage. I told her to fight, I am with you. She has this issue. I love her like a child. She likes the sense of belonging. She doesn’t want to risk it. She’s very strong. But I don’t know why she gets silent. You should say when we get carried away. You’re family to us. Salman says Sumbul say what you feel. You can either speak in front of your family or your family here. Don’t be scared that you would lose people.

Salman says Nimrit your dad also came. He had some thoughts on your game. He tried to explain some things to you but you were not even listening to him. He shows footage of when Nimrit got mad at her dad. Salman says you met your dad after 100 days and you got so rude to him on national TV? Parents don’t need to complement you only. They have the right to point out your mistake. They do it out of love to make you grow. They can’t say all day my daughter is perfect and let you lose. You have an amazing father who wants you to do better. Nirmit says I love him a lot. This is our equation. I know I might be looking like an evil daughter but it’s our real bond. We’re close. I become a 10-year-old in front of him. His way is different, he said it for my better. I got vulnerable in front fo him because I could be in front of him. What he said was for my better. I said just don’t repeat it. He said I have repeated times. Salman says what he was saying was how it’s looking outside. He’s seen this show on a loop. you were negating what he was saying. Like you were right and he was wrong. If you were looking so right he won’t have to say those things. You were not agreeing so he had to repeat. You kept saying I know what to do. You don’t tell me about this industry and this show. Your meaning he doesn’t know this world so he better not comment. So he had to repeat and you were like don’t repeat it again and again. Nimrit says no sir. Salman says he got your perspective from outside as an audience. Nimrit says I am grateful no one would give me those suggestions. Salman says what do you expect an army man to say?? My daughter is the best. Nirmit says papa is strict. He says my dad to this day tells me what’s right and whats wrong and when other people appreciate me he gets proud. He wants you to do better which you don’t want. Your dad said about individual games that your own personality isn’t coming out. She says yes he said that. Salman says I said the same. Do you say the same that I keep repeating and act like your dad. Nimrit says no sir, I am not an evil daughter. Salman says he said exactly what I said. He said absolutely right. He said only 4 weeks ar left. He had to repeat because you were not listening. Nimrit says I was just saying I would look like an evil daughter. Salman says no parent would want if their daughter could win and she let another person win. She says no one. Salman says but you said you will give it to someone else. you need to fight for it. Your father is an army man, he had that zeal to win. Where’s the fire? She says it’s there. I will give my 100%. He says you wanna give the trophy to Shiv? He asks Shiv. Nimrit says I am not giving it to him. Sajid says you said it. Salman says that’s what your dad said, he wasn’t wrong. Nimrit says yes.

Salman says you had one more question why were you on the lot list this week? What would you say, Priyanka? Priyanka says I don’t have much interaction with her. She sits with her group. Shiv and Sajid become voices for her. Sajid and Shiv have their own personality, and Abdu also has cute personality. He stands out. The bit I don’t feel that for Nimrit. The last time when you spoke to her she tried after that. Otherwise, she has no strong opinions of her own. It’s with the group generally. Sajid says so I play mind games? Nimrit says you use your mind, it’s a good thing. Nimrit says Priyanka thinks I don’t have my opinions. I have my opinions. Generally, it’s the same as hers but I think only if you’re loud here do you get heard. If you repeat something 50 times and become loud, you look like you have a personality. Salman says that’s wrong Nimrit. Priyanka says no sir. A strong opinion is when you voice it. I speak my mind. Salman says Nimrit the point is when you play your game right, the audience can see it/ It’s not about decibels. Nimrit says I get it. Salman leaves. Said says to Priyanka I play mind games? She says it’s a compliment. She says you do calculations. Sajid says you called me mastermind before too. Nimrit says she said you use your mind. Priyanka says I was talking about the game.

Stan says to Shiv she has to be vocal. You know what you like about your friends or not. We are looking bad because of that. Shiv says she’s a nice girl but she keeps things in her heart. Shalin says to Sumbul I am the only person who has never pulled your leg and always appreciated you. I told you, you’re a star. Your baray papa made that very clear. Fake news was created against me. I was like you but this has to come out of you. If someone doesn’t like when you take a stand for yourself it’s fine. Sumbul says they joke but it crosses lines sometimes. I should take a stand.

Salman comes back. He says let’s welcome two guests who follow the show very closely. Let’s welcome Sandeep Sikhand and senior anchor ABP news Shibham. Sandeep says you have to tolerate them too much. Shibham says you’re making it very interesting this time. Sandeep says BB is back to what it should be. They go inside the house. Salman says we’ve two people who follow BB very closely. They have many questions that they will ask you. Sandeep says I wanna talk to Shalin Bhanot I know not Tina’s Shalin. Why can’t I find the Shalin I know?? Where is your fire? I know your dynamic personality all you had to do here was fall in love. Shalin says you look for affection in this house and you know I am an emotional fool. Sandeep says but it’s not the same as being foolish. He says Farah came and she told me a lot of things in real. Salman also made me see things. I told her to let’s make the distance. Her interpretation of this house is very different. She thinks it’s a game. Tina says I told him we need to part ways. He told me he has feelings for me, not me. His actions and lies confused me a lot. He’s not a kid that I can fool. Sandeep says you say you’re friends. This is what people used to say in the 80s when they had an affair just to hide it. Is that how friends you are? Is your friendship with Shiv, Stan, and Shalin the same? Nimrit and Shiv are friends too. It doesn’t look that way at all. You look like you lead him o and then you say we are friends. No one understands what you tried doing. Tina says I don’t know him very well. I had this fear. I don’t know about his past. He also agreed we will go out and see there. It’s a small life and time span here. tina says now there is no relationship. Shibham says you both look very fake. Tina says there was nothing and there is nothing. Sandeep says what was that on the 31st? You know the chemistry. You’re so image conscious. If you say I love you your image would get tainted? You asked your mom if Shalin loves you. Why did you if there was no such thing? Nimrit didn’t ask her dad if Shiv loves her. You didn’t ask if Stan loves you. Tina says I had feelings, he said he loves me so I had to validate. We’re deep down very different. So nothing can happen. Shibham says Shalin you got so courageous you stopped Salman and said don’t be hard on her. I thought Salman would go inside the house. Salman says he cares for her. He had to show he was a hero and that he cares. I am standing by her. Brownie points. Shibham says why didn’t you have courage before? Only on weekends? She says I’ve taken a stand for her more than myself. Sandeep says BB is an individual game. Your game is lover boy someday and victim someday. What is your real personality? Salman says this is real, the confused one. Shibham asks Tina you’re so image conscious that it started making you look fake. You are not looking truthful. What are you doing? She says every actor is image conscious. There’s nothing wrong with it. He says truth is the most important. Tina says I was confused, that’s the truth. He says what’s your plan B now?> Tina says it wasn’t my plan. I didn’t come to her with a plan.

Shibham asks Priyanka where are you standing? They are paper flowers. Priyanka says I don’t intend to fake friendships here. If the vibe matches. I become friends. I have my own personality. Salman says you’re wasting time on them. Sandeep says it looks like since Ankit left Priyanka is lost. You had some plot now you have become a love guru for Tina and Shalin. Is that your plan B? She says no not at all. As a friend, I talk to Tina. Sandeep says to stop using the word friends now, please. We’re bored of Tina and Shalin. Shibham says your game is dying. The one person who’s different from formula and people are living him. MC Stna. He’s a new way. He asks Stan what did you learn here? Stan says I am 22. I learned to say no and who to trust. Shibham says do you think people make your friend here because of your fan following? he says it’s a fact. Who are those people? Salman says Abdu. He says no Abdu is my love. He says, Archana. Archana says I don’t need to. Shibham says to Archana the most important quality of a politician is control over the tongue. you don’t have that. She says I am learning. Salman says she’s trying to change. Sandeep says people are hating your language. Do you think anyone will vote for you? Now you look irritating. If you respect others they would respect you. Sandeep asks Shiv, Nimrit talks about friendship but you play it very carefully like chess. She says we should sit and talk one on one. Shiv says if I speak on her behalf people say Shvi is talking for her. Shibham says you keep a safe distance. When the time comes you step back. Shiv says no I stand for my friends but if I do too much it looks like I am playing her game. e

Salman says we will play a game ___ is zero without the dash. Let’s start with the most polite Archana. She says please ask someone else first. Soundarya says Tina has minus Shalin is zero. She told me at the start that love angle has worked in BB always. Sumbul says Tina minus Priyanka is zero. Tina laughs. She says Tina always needs a third person to fight for her. Nimrit says Tina minus Shalin is zero. Tina does bring in people to fight on her behalf. Shiv says Soundarya minus Archana is zero. She plays on backfoot. Stan says Tina minus Shalin is zero. Tina says why are they all targeting me. He’s so mean. Shalin says everyone is saying you used me. Priyanka says don’t be so mean. Abdu says Soundarya without Archana is zero. Sajid says Tina minys Shalin is ero. Archana says Stan minus Shiv is zero. He thinks his fans would save him. He abuses people all the time. Sandeep says we’re all here because of our fans. You can’t shame his fans. Archana says if you’re here you have to be involved and not think you will win because of your fans. Shalin says no one is zero but Soundarya is on the back foot. She is a good individual. Soundarya says how did you notice me beyond Tina? Priyanka says for me too, Soundarya is zero without Archana. She has no game of her own. Soundarya says you did the same for Ankit. Priyanka says I used to fight for myself. Tina says Soundarya is zero without Archana. She can’t play without Archana. She supports her mistakes as well.

Priyanka says to Archana he was talking about your words. You said you won’t get work, no one will marry you. Archana says I will control my language. Other people provoke me too. Priyanka says if you control your tongue you are a very wise girl. Shalin says to Tina I don’t wanna live in past. Tina says I’ve never provoked you. He says I wanted to make things right for you. Tina says you know how I stood for you. He says just don’t talk about me ever again and I won’t either. Tina says absolutely. He says I know how you talk to Priyanka about me. Shalin says you used my love against me. She says you’re taunting me. He says don’t play the blame game. Tina says if you talk about me, I will too. She says we will never talk about each other again. Shalin says if you do, I will also do. Tina says I am not scared of you. Don’t threaten me. He says I am warning. Tina says if you talk about me, I will tell people everything. I don’t wanna talk to you. Shalin says end this chapter from today, please. She says thank you.

Salman meets Simi Agarwal. Salman says I’ve hosted BB for 13 years. I asked many questions. Today Simi will ask me questions. She says I am so happy to be here. She says you are the best host in the world. No one does it like you. You have an eye on everything. You show them the way. Salman says I have been scolded in life to show me the right way. Salman says it’s difficult to stay normal in that house. When they come out, they’re much stronger. She asks have you been confused in your normal life like Shalin? He says on I am very clear about things in life. I don’t play these yes and no games. When things don’t work out, you can bye. She asks if you had a gf moody like Tina what would you do? He says girls are moody. But they’re very strong as well. She asks what’s the most important aspect of relationships. He says peace and loyalty. She asks would you like to go to BB? He says I can take it way more easily. I have seen a lot worse in life. He says I have an amazing family, work, and fans. I am grateful for that. She asks would you choose anyone in the house if you go? He says Sanju, would give good content. Shahrukh. And Karishma Kapoor, Shilpa. Katrina. She says to stay happy.

Salman says no one can compare to Simi ji. Salman says the episode isn’t over. I told you there will be a shocking announcement. BB says in this house, today should have been the finale but the audience made it extended. Abdu, who is an important part of this house, took some work outside the house. And his commitment can’t be ruled out. Abdu and his team have decided that he won’t participate in the show moving forward. Sajid says what? Stan says he doesn’t know. Priyanka says your team is saying you are going. They hug Abdu. Abdu doesn’t know. Abdu says I didn’t know. BB says Abdu’s journey in BB ends today. Abdu hugs Sajid. Nirmit says you didn’t know about it. He says it’s fine. He hugs Sajid and says I will miss you. Sajid cries. Abdu hugs Stan. He says you’re the finalist. He hugs Nimrit, Sumbul, and Shiv. She cries. Abdu says you are my heart, you will win. He hugs Tina. Tina says I will miss you. Abdu hugs Priyanka. He meets Tina, Shalin, and Archana. Abdu says I am very happy to be with you all. My time is over. Love you, guys. He hugs Sajid. Sajid says I could sense in the last 4 days. Nirmit hugs Abdu and cries. Shiv hugs him. He says you will win. He says don’t cry. Don’t make me feel bad. Everyone wishes him luck. Abdu leaves. Sajid says I had a feeling. She says he might not have been allowed to talk about it. Shiv says he was silent all night yesterday. Shiv cries. Soundarya says it’s for his good. Shalin says it feels like a loss. Soundarya says it must be a conscious decision. But it’s good for him. Shiv cries. Sumbul hugs him. Shiv says he said he will miss me. He was silent. Sajid says he said something in my ear too. Sajid said people love you outside. See you outside. He gave me his chocolate too. Sumbul says he knew it. Shiv says he would never give up his chocolate. Nimrit says Abdu knew. He told you, Shiv. shiv says he did, but I didn’t know when and he asked me not to tell anyone. Nimrit says he said he would leave his cap for me. Archana says he’s making a career for himself. It’s for his good. Sajid says yes he will succeed. Soundarya says he’s the only one who works in his house. His family is so innocent.

Sajid says Shiv you were so scared, you didn’t tell us. You knew this moment would come. Sajid says it will be a month only. Nimrit says he was gonna cry so he ran out. Archana says couldn’t they delay his commitment for a month? Sajid says something must be urgent. He’s a huge star. Soundarya says he’s very famous. Sajid says one first day BB told him he was our guest and he will be his translator. I didn’t know we would all fall in love with him. Soundarya says we all did. He places Nimrit minus Abdu zero. Shiv, Stan, Sajid minus Abdu zero. Shiv and Stan hug each other and cry. Nimrit and Sumbul hug them too. Sajid says we will meet him outside. Shiv tries and says I don’t know I feel so bad. Priyanka hugs him. Sajid says no one would want to come back here. He said I sat in the car, I saw buildings, it’s the greatest feeling. Priyanka says one month only. Nimrit says why do I feel it has to do with me. Since then things haven’t gone right with his team. Shiv says it must be something related to work. Nimrit says I am sure he’s gone for a good project. Shiv says he’s self-made. Shiv says he would sit with everyone. Archana cries and says I am trying to control but those people who came they said such bad things. Tina says they said such bad things to me too. Archana says since Vikas came it fired on me. Tina says to be careful. They want you to succeed. She says they demotivate me. Tina says they speak for our better. Soundarya says they made us see the truth. Archana says I will remain who I am. Soundarya says to learn to do things. Your words fight against you. It’s affecting our friendship too. Archana says I won’t’ speak now. You speak only. Soundarya says see what you’re doing now. Archana says okay fine you can stop talking to me. I am honest. Soundarya says people can’t see it. She says I don’t need to fake to show people. You all pretend to be nice. Soundarya says okay fine. Archana says I am honest. You keep things inside you. You can’t take a risk. Soundarya says I don’t need to answer you, I am here to sleep. You can do what you want.

Episode ends

Precap-BB thanks Sajid for taking the difficult decision of coming here and reuniting with his fans. He says you’re the only contestant who everyone respects here. Sajid cries. BB says we have many stories of yours told here. Now BB will become a story for you too. This is houseful for you. Sajid apologizes to everyone, he cries. He says you all have given me so much love. Nimrit hugs him and cries.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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