Bigg Boss 16 22nd November 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Day 52
8 AM
Everyone wakes up and sings the anthem. Tina says to Shiv to ask Archana to clean the washroom. All rooms are very dirty. Archana says she took her bedrooms. We are all celebrities here. She’s only hygienic and we’re not? See what I do after breakfast.
10 AM
Archana says room no. 4 is filthy. Tona says I can’t keep cleaning. Don’t show me this drama. Archana says Sumbul does the most work. Tina says no one cleaans. I can’t clean the whole house. Archana says now you’re not hygienic? Things are rotten there. Tina says I am the most hygienic here. I keep everything clean. When I shifted, I cleaned the whole closet. Ask everyone. Sajid says Archana why are you targeting her? Archana says I am doing what is right. She laughs outside. Tina says she said Sumbul does everything. Other people should also stand up. Archana, Priyanka, and Soundarya laugh outside. Shalin says she’s doing it intentionally. She says you get silent in front of her. SUmbul never cleaned the room. No one said anything. Sumbul says let it be. Shalin says to Sumbul, Tina you and I are the strongest bond here. Tina says the whole room is dirty. None of you cleaned. No one speaks. Sumbul says we are not the strongest bond. Tina and I don’t have a strong bond. I don’t trust you too much either. He says okay then let it be. Shalin says you have to stand with your people. Sumbul says I only got insulted by your bond. He says your mentality is the problem. Sumbul says I stood with you and only got allegations from Tina. I know where to stand with people. I won’t stand with people who don’t stand with me.
Archana says they used to make Sumbul work. Priyanka says she does their work. SImbul says you both patched up and got nice but no one cared how I felt. I was crying while you both were laughing. No one cared, I won’t cry for anyone now. Shalin says I am talking about you as a friend. She says I’ve seen your friendship. It all backfired on me. I was your friend and I got insulted. Shalin says she was talking about all of us cleaning the room. Why didn’t you say anything when Archana was targeting her? Sumbul says Tina could handle it on her own. Shalin leaves. Archana says I am so happy. Priyanka laughs. Shalin says she doesn’t know how to stand with people. Tina says I was trying to heal her.
Tina says if she doesn’t consider me her friend I will target her now. Nimrit says she’s not mature like you. Sajid says she’s 19. Tina says so. No one forced her to come here. She lies about her boyfriend She told Shalin that I lied to everyone but I am single. I know what game she plays. I am a girl, I know how it works. Sumbul says to Archana why did you bring me? Archana says I was just saying you work. Sumbul says you took my side. Archana says you keep working for them. You are a superstar. You’re not here to work for them.
12 PM
Abdu tries to break the lock of the chocolate bar. He says it’s not breaking. Abdu takes a bath. Bigg Boss asks him to wear his mic. He roams around in a towel. Everyone laughs. Shalin says Abdu you look so smart today. Abdu picks up the lamp and says I will break this. I was chocolate. Shiv and Stan laugh. He hugs Shiv and tries to find the key.
3:30 PM
Tina says to Shalin Sumbul is staring at us. She feels like I stole you from here. Shalin says where am I stuck? Tina says I don’t want it. She laughs. Shalin says you don’t love me. She says neither do you. I am not a scapegoat to help you out of this situation. Shalin says should I look back? Tina says no, she’s looking here. He says I can love whoever I want. Tina says since when do you love? Don’t use me as a scapegoat. He says how many situations are there? She says be a ladies’ man.
4 PM
Shalin says to save you I.. Tina says I have my own personality. I don’t need anyone to save you. Stopp says this every day. I am not here for you. He says Soundarya let it be She says what? My name is Tina. He says you’re repeating things l; like her. Tina says comparing me with that girl. Go from here. She leaves. Ankit asks Archana if will she contest the elections. She says MP if didi wants. Archana says didi took a risk with me. Bigg Boss warns her that she doesn’t like it when someone else uses her name. Archana says sorry.
4:15 PM
Bigg Boss says there’s a killer in the house who kills people in return for things. The public will be killed by him. Killers will be Shiv, Nimrit, and Tina will be killers one by one. Two people will go and convince the killer to kill the other person. When you ask the killer to kill a contestant you have to give the killer one time. The killer will kill one and get them nominated. The killer will give all the nominated person’s things to Bigg Boss by throwing them in the bin. Shiv is the first killer and Archana and Priyanka will go first.
4:30 PM
Shiv sits in the office. Abdu asks Shiv who will you kill? Sajid says he will kill Priyanka. Archana says to Shiv you will kill me? You like me? Take her protein powder. Priyanka says to take all her multivitamins. Archana says I am your minister and her voice is terrible. Priyanka says she messes up with people. Archana says she only shouts. I also make people laugh. Buzzer blares. They go to the activity area. Shiv says I wanna kill Archana. She doesn’t understand anyone and doesn’t let anyone work. He shoots Archana. Priyanka says to pretend to die. Bigg Boss says Archana you’re nominated. He throws her stuff in the bin. Priyanka thanks him.
5 PM
Sajid asks you made her minister? Priyanka is dangerous. She gets scared when she’s nominated. Shiv says I wanted to be fair. Shiv says to Archana you asked me to be fair. Tina is the next killer. Sajid and Ankit will go to her. Priyanka says this is understood. Bigg Boss asks Shalin and Nimrit to do ups and downs for speaking in English. Everyone laughs. Sajid says to Tina we have heard a lot about you. Ankit says I heard you don’t kill pretty people. Tina says what’s the thing? Ankit says Sajid’s towel. Sajid says his toothbrush. Tina says to get good things first. Sajid says kill him, please. Ankit says he gets angry all the time. Sajid says he only sits. Bigg Boss asks Sajid and Ankit to bring better things. Sumbul says I have done all work for Sajid only.
Sajid and Ankit come back to Tina. Sajid says I got his sunscreen. Ankit says I got you Sajid himself. Tina says it’s Bigg Boss sunscreen. Ankit says I am such a nice person. Buzzer blares. Tina says I am going to kill Ankit. He sleeps all day. Sajid is an active part of the planning. He was a very fair captain. Ankit says hoot me on the heart. Tina says Priyanka will do that. Sajid says so many girls are widowed. He cries. Bigg Boss says Ankit you’re nominated. They all go out. Archana laughs at him.
6 PM
Nimrit is the next killer and Shalin and Sumbul will go in. Abdu comes in. Tina says Shalin gave her that jacket. Shalin says I hate this girl, she’s annoying. Sumbul says he doesn’t use his mind. She gives her Shalin’s brush. Nimrit says to get better things. Abdu and Tina tease Nimrit. Shalin gives her sandals and Sumbul gives her his t-shirt. Shalin says she doesn’t know what to do. People play her and she doesn’t know. Sumbul says I didn’t feel good with some people. He keeps changing sides. Buzzer blares.
6:15 PM
Soundarya says to Sajid please ask Shiv not to nominate him. Sajid says he does what he wants. I will still talk to him. Sajid tells Shiv. Nimrit says I don’t agree with Shalin a lot. I can’t relate to him. But at least he’s very active so I will shoot Sumbul. She shoots her. Sumbul cries.
6:30 PM
Shalin says Nimrit when did we fight? She says we disagree. Shiv says she didn’t shoot you bro still you’re making a point. Sumbul sits alone. Shiv is the next killer. Abdu and Soundarya will come to him. Shiv says give me money. Abdu says, my love. Soundarya says I want to give you life. Abdu gives Soundarya socks. He says I don’t want them. they laugh. Abdu brings her slippers. Abdu says she’s crying, she wants to go to her love Gautam. She’s sad. Soundarya says I am not sad, I am happy. Shalin says to Nimrit I consider you my friend. Nimrit says you lose your cool a lot. Soundarya says Abdu’s personality gets overshadowed by you and Sajid. Language is a barrier for him. Abdu says I speak in English. You get punished for speaking in English all the time. Abdu says she’s crazy. Abdu says look who is talking about language. They go to the activity area.
Nimrit says I didn’t save you for any expectation. Out of the two of you, you’re much better as a player. Shiv says he will shoot Soundarya. Abdu has been very involved in the house. Soundarya says I have been very involved as well. Shiv says Abdu’s reason is valid. She misses Gautam. She stands behind Priyanka and Archana. She doesn’t have her points. Soundarya says those are Nimrit’s traits. Shiv says I want to shoot Soundarya. He shoots her. Bigg Boss says Soundarya you are nominated. Archana, Ankit, Soundarya, SUmbul, and Stan are nominated.
7:15 PM
Shalin and Tina arrange a date. He hugs her. Tina makes him eat. Shalin says can I talk to Sumbubl sometime? She says I never stopped you. Bigg Boss asks is halwa good? Shalin says we just started the date. Bigg Boss says the stove is still open. Tina says I am very sorry. Archana says she can set any house on fire. She says I didn’t do this for cameras. Shalin says you keep taunting me. I am tired. Tina says I am also tired of being compared to Soundarya. Keep it to yourself if you’re tired. Shalin leaves in anger. Tina says now Sumbul is leaving so he needs a second person in Soundarya.
8 PM
Shalin says to Sumbul I was trying to explain things to you for your better. She says you’re shouting for Tina. Shalin says I shout at her too. I regret it.
8:30 PM
Abdu says I want chocolate. Soundaarya says to Shiv get dinner made. Shiv says speak nicely. Soundarya says I am speaking nicely. Abdu says well done Soundarya from London. She says I am from LA.
8:45 PM
Soundarya says Abdu had no reason. Bigg Boss asks Archana to wake up. Bigg Boss says Archana stands in the living area. Bigg Boss says apparently Archana is missing her party a lot today. She has been talking about things from outside all the time. She will go to everyone and tell them I don’t understand anything Bigg Boss says. Archana goes around and tells Ankit I don’t understand what Bigg Boss says. Forgive me. I will not talk about outside work. Ankit says I don’t forgive me. She asks Priyanka for forgiveness. Bigg Boss says you didn’t even hear what statement I said. He repeats it. Abdu says please I want chocolate. Stan says we won’t get groceries. Ankit says sorry to Sajid. Sajid says I forgive you.
9:15 PM
Bigg Boss says hope you have learned your lesson Archana. Your punishment is over. Shalin says to Tina I have feelings for you. I never go after anyone like this. She says I don’t want to break your heart. He says this friendship is precious to me. I don’t want us to risk it for matters in this house. Tina says okay. She gets teary. She hugs Shalin.
Archana fights with Shiv. Shiv says clean the dustbin first. He says don’t tell me what to do. Clean the bins. Abdu says you didn’t clean my bathroom either. Archana says there is so much filth in their room. Archana says don’t threaten me. Shiv says you know how will I ruin your day. Don’t mess with me. Archana says he can’t clean his room. Shiv says she’s crying because she’s nominated. Archana says don’t act smart with me. Sajid says she messes with every captain. Shiv says she uses such bad words.
11:30 PM
Abdu jumps on the sofa. Everyone laughs. Abdu says to Sajid now you bite Shiv. That’s your dare. Sajid runs after him. Abdu runs.
12 PM
Archana does the dishes. Soundarya says it’s stinking. All corriander is stinking? Archana says this doesn’t bother Tina apparently. Show her this. Soundarya says to make her smell it. Archana takes the rotten corriander to her. Tina says we are sleeping and have some shame. I didn’t keep it there. Get out of my room. Nimrit says Archana get out. Archana leaves the trash there. Tina says I will throw it on her bed. She throws it in her room. Nimrit says are you crazy? Who leaves trash in the room? Archana says to tell you where to keep it. Shiv says it’s late at night. Nimrit says I was sleeping. Archana says it’s all rotten because of her. Shiv says is this the time? Tina says she doesn’t listen. She’s so stupid. I will throw it in her bag. Soundarya says you kept it here. Tina says we all work in the kitchen. Archana says I will keep it. Nimi says you’re insane. Soundarya says they ask her to get out too. Tina says we were sleeping. It’s our room. Nimrit says stop your drama Archana. Nimrit says we wanted to leave. Stop provoking it. Tina says she threw a garbage bag in our room. We will do the same. Tina says stop defending her Soundarya. Shiv says Priyanka is there to get footage now and soundarya is doing the same now. Shalin says it’s Archana’s last drama. Soundarya says see their bathroom it’s so dirty. Tina says she has no manners. She touched the garbage bag on my face. Archana says I left it there for them to smell.
Episode ends
Update Credit to: Atiba
I will target Sumbul but you already is that. She don’t how to stand but u nominated her twice. Tina if Sumbul is on Bigg boss, what is your problem. Both Shalin and Tina need Sumbul for the camera. Oh god Nimrit, she wants as tina’s friend just about nomination. Saijd she’s 19, he lives in Mars. When they stand for Sumbul, always nominated her. As Tina is so mature of her age. The have no ear and no heart. Sumbul is not a puppet, funny what they’re saying about her buy don’t what they’re doing themself towards Sumbul. Fake people. I didn’t know from Tina that talking shit about Sumbul is being a friend, she’s calling her a liar.
I don’t know what exactly Tina wants from sumbul, its obvious she’s the one obsessed with sumbul.
But Salman Don’t open his mouth but when Priyanka about Ankit, he’s the first.
This tindi is…..jealous how a 19 year old has….more fan following than her….success than her and ……even housemates like priyanka archana try to take side of her
Tindi ki mummy ji aa gyi mooh utha k video dalne… me maine kisi k bare main itni ghatiya baatein ki hoti ….to ….pehle meri mummy ….mujhe 4 thappad gati ….and then……uss insan k parents se jake khud bhi maafi mangti and mujhse bhi mangwati
I pray she is save this week and show them all i hope she get out of all thier shadow and let them know.Tina is insecure with sumbul
I really donβt understand whatβs going on with Tina and shalin, it looks like they are doing all of it for the camera. One minute they are in love, the second they are insulting each other and saying they hate each other or they are just friends.
Ironic how shalin is telling sumbul that people are using her πwhen he and his so called love are the ones using him β¦ lmaoβ¦ why does sumbul cry about everything though ??
She cries….as she genuinely considered those tinda and his yindi as her friends………………..but she got the biggest betryal………………..She is just alone in that house
Why am I not surprised Tina nominated Ankit!!!π π π How she’s very jealous of Beauty Queen Priyanka with her bestie big fat jealousy woman Nimrit and their relationship Priyankit ππππππππππππππππππππππ
I hope Ankit will be safe and everything will be ok only worry about Ankit so genuine person and Beauty Queen Priyanka!πππ Only matters Priyankit some others are not interested!πππππβ£οΈπ
Ankit or MC go
Sumbul sitting aone near pool after nominated……….damn I wanted to hug her……..
She literally save that tinda from….that violence and her….achhai got….backfired on her……….When she said…my all heart came out………
This tindi…is So obsessed with Sumbul name………..she is so jealous of Sumbul’s fame popularity and they even an ounce of love she gets fro HMs.
Tindi has done all research on Sumbul and …..thats why too she only wants to destroy that Rage couple tag of “:Sumaan” and “Arylie” that she earned….and hense she………started by character assassination so that her fans could hate her…………………but no We will Stand by Sumbul Always
I agree with you guys. Worst of the contestants: Tina, nimrit, shiv, shalin, Stan. Second worst saajid, archana, soundrya. Ankit and priyanka stand tall. Glad that sumbul is standing up for herself now.
Bigg Boss tells Tina that she left the stove on. Agar ye Priyanka or Archana hote tho kitna drama karvate..
i wish i was in bigboss to taunt shalin and tina oh how they are ‘such good friends to sumbul’ i mean for real tina has an issue with sumbul and ironically her and shalin keep on treating sumbul like shit but they want her to still stand by them but if she does not its when they know all about friednship and how she is not a good friend but they do not see themselves
If the gas stove was turned on by Archana, Bigg Boss would say that Archana will be punished because she set the house on fire and she should apologize to Abdu,Sajid.Shiv,Stan,Nimrit and the human rights organization.