Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 10th January 2024 Written Episode Update: Ayesha exposes Munawar’s flamboyant life

Bigg Boss 17 10th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 86

9:15 PM

Vicky tells Isha that Mannara and Munawar are fooling people. Ayesha says Munawar said I am his priority but then he nominates me giving personal reasons? Munawar says I had my reasons for nominating you. Ayesha says you want to gain points in Mannara’s eyes so you didn’t nominate her. You even said you would nominate Abhishek but you didn’t. Munawar says I never said that. Isha says he is such a liar. Ayesha says he flips so easily, he is just a liar. Ankita says he said he has soft corner for Mannara that’s why he didn’t nominate her. Ayesha says what does that mean? he badmouthed about her so much and now he has soft corner for her? wow.

9:30 PM

Ayesha tells Mannara that I can call out Munawar on so many thing but I am trying

to control it. I don’t care anymore. I will drag him through dirt now. His brother bought a girl’s proposal for him. Ankita says what? Ayesha says he sold Munawar’s marriage proposal to a girl who is a big influencer and told that girl that he wants her in BB house too but then Nazila got to know about that girl when I exposed him. She got to know that Munawar was going out with that influencer girl as well when he was with me and Nazila. Ankita says really? She says yes, he went on trips with her. Abhishek says he even mixed up favorites of girls because he was double timing so many girls. Isha says Munawar accepted that Nazila caught him teaching many times. Ankita says so there were 3 girls in 2 months for him? Ayesha says yes, that influencer girl stalked me on social media and confronted him but he lied to her. Then Nazila contacted her and she told her that he was with her too at the same time. He even fooled Nazila so much saying he was talking to me because he wanted me to feature in his music video and I can’t even talk about the other personal reasons he said to her. Munawar comes there and says what personal reason? Ayesha says you used personal reasons every time. Ankita asks if he gave a proposal to a 3rd girl outside? He says not at all. Ayesha says should I take her name? He says you can take any name but I didn’t give a proposal to anyone. Ayesha says I have screenshots and people would put them up right now. You tried to be fake to make me silent. Isha calls Samarth and Vicky there too. Ayesha tells Munawar that he is making her look like she was wrong and he is a pious man. I will talk about things which I wasn’t because I didn’t want to bring up personal stuff but you said I am here for personal gain. I was calm after your apology. Munawar says what else can I do? Ayesha tells him to shut up, you told Nazila that you didn’t want to pay me for the music video that’s why you were approaching me. You pretend to be a good man but you are not. Munawar says I apologized what I did with you. Ayesha says but you changed after weekend episode, you are saying that I am here for fame? Munawar says when Salman said that then I picked it up. Ayesha says I was a fool to cover up for you and not expose you before. Munawar says I came here to ask what you were talking about. Ayesha says you can flip because Salman said something? He says I talked to others too. Ayesha says you could have nominated me by saying I am not a strong contender but why say I am here for fame on your name? Why were you flirting with me then? you did the same outside as well. I am not here for fame as I would get these chances all my life. I was silent before because Nazila told me that she would get hate too but its enough. You are a liar and I will expose you before I go out of the show. You keep lying to girls and acting like a pious man. Munawar says we will talk as others will get involved here. Ayesha says keep lying to others. You told your GF that you didn’t have money to pay me for the music video that’s why you got in touch with me and tried to fool me. He says when did I say that? She says Nazila told me that, you wanted to trap me because I am a fool, you are so cheap. Munawar says I could never say that to Nazila. Ayesha says you keep lying. He leaves from there. Ayesha says he keeps messaging girls for a music video to trap them.

Munawar sits alone and says Bigg Boss I want to talk, this is very personal and private and I don’t want to open my mouth.

Isha says Munawar is very naughty. Ayesha says he had a girl on his last show as well. He is such a shameless man. I am done hiding his antics, I will expose him before I go.

11:30 PM

Vicky tells Munawar that Ayesha is talking about his character and saying so much, its crazy now. Munawar says she is doing all this because I nominated her. Vicky says if you knew she knew all your secrets then you shouldn’t have nominated her. Munawar says I thought she cared. Vicky says she is in a show and nominated. She is doing it for herself. Munawar says I try to recover but I keep getting stuck in this. Why is she bringing up all this? she should at least think about the girl, she shared everything with her in confidence. I can’t defend everything she is saying.

Ayesha tells Ankita that she has everything, chats and proof. Nazila even talked to me and came to my house. She stayed at my house and met my mom too. She told me that I have been a great help to her as she was waiting for him to come back from the show. He is a liar and kept saying they are in relationship here. He is such a liar.

Vicky tells Munawar that how does she know who you were talking to? Munawar says I don’t know what happened after I came to the show. Vicky says they all got connected. You have to close relationships on the right time. This is a closet that can be opened because you came here.

Mannara says maybe his ex-wife will speak up too. Ayesha says she can’t because he left her in some village. I don’t want to talk about her. I just know that he was with Nazila when he was still married so he cheated on his wife then. Nazila told me that he lied to her and said his wife is not good and fake. He fooled Nazila too. Mannara says I can’t believe Munawar would say all that. Ayesha says he used to say to Nazila that her clothes are *******, she doesn’t have any *** so she should wear revealing clothes. Ankita says really? how can a BF say to his GF? Isha says even Abhishek used to say things like that to me. Ayesha says he tried to say those things to me but I stopped him. I was hugging a friend’s brother who is 13 years old so he said you are hugging him because you are a ******. He is lying and pretending to be a nice person here. Ankita says I can’t believe it. This is all very cheap. How could he cheat on a girl with 2 other girls? Ayesha says his ex-wife used to cry when he was with Nazila but he kept lying to Nazila. Ayesha says he was begging Nazila at the end to come back to him. Ankita says I talked to him at a party and she was crying a lot.

12 AM

Mannara tells Abhishek that Ankita and Vicky are filling Ayesha’s ears in her weak moment. Ayesha also nominated Munawar so why is she angry at him? He says because he gave a personal reason. Mannara says maybe she didn’t like him not nominating me. Munawar leaves from there. Mannara says Munawar should confront Ayesha but he is not. Abhishek says because Ayesha is bringing up things. I am concerned about Munawar. Mannara says I have a lot of grudge against him.

Samarth asks Ayesha about the number of girls for Munawar in the last 2 months? She says around 5-6.

12:15 AM

The doctor checks Munawar and asks if he had any food? He says no. I have to talk to the team before eating anything. I want to talk first to BB. The doctor says I will talk on your behalf.

Ankita tells Isha that she doesn’t know how to react anymore. Its like greed of changing girls. Isha says this is all greed for girls.

Munawar tells the doctor that he can’t eat food if the team doesn’t talk to him.

Ayesha tells Isha and Ankita that I got harrassed when I was 9 years old and I couldn’t speak up at that time so now if anything wrong happens with me then I feel I have to speak up for myself, to protect that Ayesha. He has just used and thrown me. Ayesha cries and tells Ankita that I didn’t speak up even after all that. Ankita hugs her. Ayesha says he has no shame in saying that I am here for fame, I don’t need it. Ankita says I believe you. Ayesha says he said Nazila is a *****. Ankita says he is a dog. A man like this should be exposed. Isha says this is too much. Ankita says I am sorry for not trusting you, I trust you now. A man like him should be kicked. Shame on him. Ayesha says I wasn’t able to defend myself that’s why I came here to confront him. Ankita says I can’t believe this, its so shameful. Ayesha says I was silent even after him saying all that. I can’t even tell you what he said to Nazila on why he was with me. He told her that I had trauma of s*ual assault that’s why I don’t let him come near him.

2:15 AM

Isha tells Ayesha to go and sleep now. Samarth says we will confront him tomorrow. Isha says this is all so dirty. Samarth says his fans take him as inspiration but does he deserve it?

2:30 AM

Ayesha tells Abhishek that she had to say all that because she was looking bad now. Abhishek says it was about nominations but don’t let Ankita and Vicky take advantage of it, don’t get influenced by them. I feel bad for Munawar too.

4:30 AM

Munawar comes to Ayesha and wakes her up. He asks if they can talk for a bit? She says no. He says I am waiting outside.

Day 87

8 AM

The inmates wake up to BB anthem. They all dance to it. Munawar goes back to his bed.

9 AM

Ankita tells Isha that I feel bad for Munawar but Vicky says to stay away from him. I can’t leave him like this, he is wrong but I need to talk to him. I want clarity from him, he is silent so its making it look like he is guilty. Isha says this is all about use and throw. Ankita says he has an innocent face so I can’t believe it.

Ayesha tells Abhishek that he has built an image with girls which makes him look innocent. Abhishek says before you exposed him, we all thought him and Nazila are like couple goals. Arun says he turned out to be a casanova. Vicky laughs.

11:15 AM

Ankita asks Munawar if he wants to eat any fruit? he says no, I can’t defend myself right now. I can say many things but I don’t want to.

Mannara tells Ayesha that Abhishek and I can’t go and ask him if he is okay because of the line he has crossed. Abhishek says he agreed to all charges by Ayesha. Ankita comes there so Mannara and Abhishek leave. Ankita tells Ayesha that I talked to him but he said he can’t defend himself for now. I told him to speak up. Ayesha says I know he wants to talk about Nazila but he has nothing against me. Ankita says I know he must have said bad things about Nazila to you to earn your trust. I know guys like him.

Mannara tells Abhishek that Ankita has no shame, she keeps following me. She has a competition with me, she didn’t even like Vicky talking to me, she is full of herself.

Ankita tells Ayesha that she stands by her.

11:45 AM

Abhishek tells Munawar that so many things have opened, he should go and talk to her. Munawar says I tried talking to her yesterday night but she didn’t. Abhishek says she got nominated so she won’t take it lightly. You have to get up and fight now. Mannara comes there and says she has said everything she had to but Munawar has to face it now.

12:30 PM

Mannara asks Munawar to wake up, Vicky and Ankita are playing on both the sides. Go and nominate people with confidence, don’t take pressure of anyone. Speak up at least now. Get up and talk. Why do you keep avoiding things? there is no personal things here. Everyone is cheap here. He says I need time. Mannara angrily leaves.

1 PM

Ankita tells Munawar that she can’t believe what he has done with Ayesha, he asks what did I do? She says you sent a marriage proposal to another woman? you have disrespected women so much. You need to speak up because you know the truth, I feel like Ayesha didn’t come here for fame. She wanted to confront you but then you fooled her again with your lovey nature and then called her fake yesterday. Munawar says I want to talk to Ayesha, she says talk in front of everyone. He says I want to talk to her alone. Ankita goes to Ayesha and says Munawar wants to talk to her.

1:15 PM

Ayesha comes to Munawar with Ankita. Isha runs there too. Ayesha tells Munawar that you are saying you can say things in your defence, what is it about? Mannara tells Abhishek to come and see what’s happening. He says I don’t want to. Munawar tells Ankita that he wants to talk to her alone, she says fine but it all happened in front of us, she leaves. Munawar tells Ayesha that she was told lies, I promise I never said those words for you. Ayesha says I have seen your chats. Munawar says I will explain things to you outside. Mannara comes there and asks if she wants to be alone? He says I want to talk to her privately. Ayesha says I am okay with anyone coming here. Mannara leaves. Ayesha asks Munawar how come he thinks she came here for fame?

Vicky tells everyone that we have to go there and hear Munawar’s clarification too. Ankita comes to Munawar and says you should talk in front of everyone, we want to hear an explanation too. Munawar says I would accept 2-3 people. Ayesha says Ankita and Isha can sit. All enter the room. Munawar tells Ayesha that I know you got hurt when I nominated you, I nominated you because you nominated me too. Ayesha says I was hurt because of your reason behind the nominations. Munawar says it was out of hurt, I was just lying about things there. Ankita says this is all twisted. Ayesha says you even talked to Nazila about my childhood trauma. Munawar says I haven’t told her anything. Ayesha says you have cheated on her 7-8 times and you have accepted it before. Munawar says I did it 2 times and I have reasons too, I am protecting something. Vicky asks if she was cheating on him too? He says yes, infidelity was from both sides. Ankita says you sent a marriage proposal to a 3rd girl? Munawar says Nazila didn’t want my son to live with me and wanted me to send him to boarding, this was the last reason. Ayesha says then why were you begging her to come back? Munawar says because I thought if I tell her I don’t need her in my life then she would fu*k my life and expose me which she did. Ayesha says it was all true. Ankita says you also said you would be f*cked up without her. Isha says you were crying for her. Ankita says if she didn’t want your son with you then why you were crying for her? Munawar says I was with an elderly and he suggested me a marriage proposal for the 3rd girl. Ayesha says so you thought you would fool me while sending a marriage proposal to another girl? Vicky says he didn’t want to get married to Ayesha. Munawar says I wanted to. I used to get scared when Nazila used to call me. She used to threaten me with all this. One time I had a fight with Nazila and she said such bad things about my sister so I broke up with her. Ayesha says she is not here to defend herself so please don’t lie. Abhishek says don’t talk about her because she is not here, she didn’t bring up personal stuff by coming on the show so don’t badmouth her. Vicky says he is defending himself, why are you stopping him? Munawar tells them to calm down.

Munawar tells the inmates that he is not lying about Nazila. I used to be scared of Nazila and wouldn’t be able to say things to her. Ayesha says I don’t care what you had with her, why were you with me? Munawar says I thought we wouldn’t be able to work out with us. Ayesha says so you were with me for pleasure and then just left? Munawar says Nazila threatened me so much with my secrets. He tells Ayesha that I did wrong with her. Ayesha says what’s my fault? Munawar says I used to break up with Nazila but would go back to her many times. I met an elderly man and told him that I want to settle down with a woman then he didn’t choose Ayesha for me but some other girl which she is saying that I sent a marriage proposal for. He said no to Ayesha’s name for me because he said I would face issues with her. Then I talked to Ayesha and she had doubts about me already. He says I am sorry for hurting Ayesha. Ayesha asks if he is still denying that halal comment he said to her in BB house? He says I said it in a marriage sense only. Ayesha says you denied it in front of Salman. Munawar says I didn’t point it to you, I told you that if I have feelings for you then I would explore it outside the house only. Ankita says you left Ayesha for what? what was her fault? Munawar says I thought I wouldn’t be a good person to you. I am already destroyed, my son is watching me like this. Ayesha says what about my family watching this? Munawar says I am sorry. I know my position, he cries and says I was alone with my son and so confused at that time. I wanted to settle down with Nazila but she denied accepting my son. If I have done wrong then I am apologizing for it. Please forgive me. I have taken people forgranted. Munawar tells Ayesha that I have hurt you so please forgive me Ayesha angrily leaves. Mannara goes to her and says she has to listen to him for closure. Ayesha says I got my closure. Mannara says don’t think about him anymore as he doesn’t like you like that.

Munawar cries and tells Ankita that he was a mess but had to come here. I couldn’t say anything against Nazila. I was scared that this all would come to light and it eventually did without me talking. Mannara says you have to speak up. Munawar says I was so scared of Nazila, she used to say that she would mess up my life if I spoke up against her.

Ankita hugs Ayesha and consoles her. Ayesha says what’s my fault? I am just trying to protect myself. He didn’t even think twice before throwing me under the bus in front of Salman. Ankita says you have a soft corner for Munawar right? She says yes.

Isha tells Munawar to speak up. Mannara says just speak up and say you have no feelings for Ayesha. Isha says what are you saying? Abhishek says you are taking out your personal grudge against Ayesha. Isha says Mannara is obsessed with Munawar and even Abhishek can see it. Mannara says Ayesha wanted closure, why Isha wants to show me in the negative light? Vicky says Munawar has accepted his mistakes so leave him alone.

Ayesha asks Ankita why is he so scared of Nazila? Ankita says he wanted to keep both the girls.

Munawar cries and asks Isha if she felt uncomfortable around him? Mannara says not at all. Munawar says I have worked with many girls and have never tried to trap them.

3:15 PM

Ayesha tells Ankita that he is just using his elderly saint to say that he chose another girl for him. Arun says he is just using his name.

Mannara tells Munawar that he has to speak up here, talk to anyone here you want to. These Vicky, Ankita and Isha are no ones to stop us.

Ankita tells Abhishek that Munawar even said that Nazila used to cheat on him. Abhishek says he didn’t need to portray her negatively. Ankita says he wanted to show Nazila wrong in the relationship. Munawar cheated on her many times so I don’t feel pity for him anymore. He apologized to Ayesha but what about other girls? Abhishek says Ayesha took a stand at least. Ankita says Ayesha was cursed here, scolded by Salman but now he says he was wrong all along? he thought if Salmand called her out so he could also say Ayesha came here for fame, didn’t he know she could open up about his secrets.

PRECAP – The family members of inmates come to the house. They all cry seeing them. Munawar’s sister hugs him and says my brother has cried a lot. Later on, Vicky’s mother tells Vicky and Ankita that they have crossed the limit of using good language. Munawar’s sister tells him that Ayesha did what she had to do but at least make her realize how wrong she has done with you. 

Update Credit to: Atiba

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