Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 12th December 2023 Written Episode Update: Munawar performs in a comedy standup show

Bigg Boss 17 12th December 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 59

8 AM

The inmates wake up to BB anthem, they all dance to it.

9 AM

Abhishek tells Munawar that Anurag is provoking everyone. He said that I shouldn’t have nominated Vicky, Munawar says he wants to win Vicky’s loyalty.

Vicky tells Khanzaadi that Abhishek is against me because he got offended that he was called my follower.

Arun jokes with Aoora about Indian food. All others laugh.

10:45 AM

Khanzaadi tells Ankita that she will make poha as she makes it better. Ankita says I am already making it. Khanzaadi says fine but put everything that I want. Ankita says then you make it, you shouldn’t bother me so much. Khanzaadi says don’t get offended, I am just guiding you how to make it. Ankita says you don’t have to

be so rude. Khanzaadi says don’t be angry, you can make it. Vicky tells Ankita to cook it, we have a lot to cook. Ankita says you can cook then. Vicky says I am just asking you to make it. Ankita says I know you don’t want to eat my cooked food. Vicky says what’s wrong with you? I don’t trust your food. Ankita says you are wrong. Vicky says you are being disrespectful, you are playing a game. Ankita says I don’t have an issue, I was making it for Vicky only but he doesn’t trust me. Vicky says you always fight for no reason.

11:30 AM

Khanzaadi tells Ankita to cook it. Ankita says I don’t want to, Vicky doesn’t even want to eat it. Vicky says you think you can keep taunting me? stop all this. Isha asks Vicky to calm down. Vicky says she just says useless things. Isha says he seems right. Ankita says what? Isha says we didn’t have good food for some days. Ankita says so its my fault? Vicky tells Ankita that she could talk to him nicely. Ankita says I won’t cook now. Vicky says you can cook for yourself. Ankita says I will eat Khanzaadi’s food only. Ankita tells Vicky that she was making food for him but he doesn’t deserve it. Vicky says there is life outside from here and you never cooked for me. Don’t misbehave with me. Ankita says you are doing that. Vicky is trying to cook, Ankita tries to hug him but he pushes her away and says leave me alone. Ankita says sorry, what’s wrong? Vicky says you did this before also, you keep misbehaving with me. Ankita says I respect you. He says you don’t. Ankita silently cries. She starts cooking and helping Khanzaadi. She says I know how to cook it. Khanzaadi says you are making it thick. Vicky says this is all wrong. She says I am sorry, I won’t do it again. Isha says Ankita is cooking for her husband. Munawar says Ankita keeps saying its her nature but Vicky never praises her. Ankita says he is like that.

1:45 PM

Aoora jokes around with Samarth.

Ankita apologizes to Vicky, he says you shouldn’t have hurt me. She says I won’t do it again, she hugs hm. Vicky says its enough.

Aoora tells Munawar that he wants to gift his chain to him, he gifts it. Munawar thanks him. Aoora says you are my friend.

Khanzaadi asks Ankita and Vicky if they knew they would marry? Ankita says not initially but Vicky proposed me then. He left me for 1 year but then he came back and proposed me for marriage. Khanzaadi asks why did he leave? Ankita says we had a fight because of me only but he forgave me.

Isha tells Rinku that Aishwarya goes wrong for no reason, She says Neil doesn’t show any personality. Rinku says yes, he doesn’t have any expressions, he just wants to act classy.

5 PM

Ankita tells Abhishek that you shouldn’t taunt Vicky about Sana. Abhishek says his words hurt me too. Ankita asks Abhishek if he moved on from Isha? He says she is in front of me all the time so it brings back memories which hurt me. Ankita says it seems like you are making an affair with Khanzaadi because you can’t get Isha. Abhishek says its not like that otherwise I would have taken that step with her because she was ready. Ankita says she likes you but if you don’t then stop right now.

Vicky tells Isha that Abhishek is dragging your family into all this but it will make you stronger. Isha says we were shooting the show together after we broke up. Samarth says Abhishek was thrown out of the show because of his anger. Isha says when we broke up, he came to my house and created a scene. I was like I am done. When we used to go to parties, I introduced Abhishek to my friends and he was like I have so many friends. Then he got aggressive and hit me. Vicky says really? Isha says yes, I had a bruise later on.

5:15 PM

Isha tells Arun that she will do her duties. Arun says you have to do duties on time. Vicky says I wasn’t even given 5 minutes extra. Mannara says people are still crying about duties.

6 PM

Munawar comes to the confession room. Bigg Boss says you said that audience is everything for your stages. He says yes. Bigg Boss asks what did he earn in the house? he says respect and honor. Bigg Boss says lets test that, give this instruction letter to Rinky.

6:15 PM

Rinku reads the task to the inmates. Each inmate will get 5000rs to buy individual luxury budget for themselves or they can buy a ticket to Munawar’s comedy show. Lets see how many tickets he can sell today, he has 3 hours to prepare for that. We will play buzzers and the storeroom will open for inmates to get their luxury budget. Munawar’s budget will be decided based on how many tickets he sells.

6:30 PM

Munawar requests Arun to buy his ticket. Arun says I will see the ration first. The TV screen shows ration in the storeroom that they can buy, they are all excited seeing the items. Aishwarya says coffee is most important to me.

Ankita tells Munawar that you are really my friend so I am going to buy your ticket, he thanks her. Ankita says food is not important to me. Munawar thanks her. Khanzaadi buys ticket from Munawar and says I want to watch your show. Rinku buys his ticket too. Abhishek buys it too. Mannara buys his ticket too.

The buzzer plays and the inmates run to go to the storeroom. Anurag enters there and gets some items. Aishwarya buys her items too. Aoora buys too.

Isha buys Munawar’s ticket, he thanks her. Munawar tries to convince Arun but he says he will wait for some time.

Aishwarya says I won’t share my budget with anyone now.

Neil buys the ticket from Munawar.

Samarth tells Isha that we lost because of her. She says its okay.

Munawar convinces Arun and he buys his ticket. Vicky buys his ticket too.

Aishwarya tells Neil that Munawar never had any bond with me, he never talked to me so I don’t care.

7:45 PM

Mannara asks Samarth if he trusts Munawar? he says I do but I trust Isha the most. Mannara says I trust you more than Isha in the game.

Vicky tells Arun that you are biased when it comes to duties, you don’t even give me 5 minutes. Arun says you think that but I don’t care. Vicky says Isha and Samarth didn’t clean garden but no one cares.

8 PM

Aishwarya tells Arun that if Vicky thinks we are biased then so be it. Isha says let Vicky say what he wants to. Aishwarya says don’t give him footage, he wants to fight for no reason.

Samarth asks Vicky why was he complaining to Arun about their duties? Vicky says I was talking about him being biased, I didn’t talk about you both. Arun says he had issues with Isha and Samarth. Vicky says no, I had issue with you trying to control all this but being biased. Don’t tell me to do duty on time now. Arun says you can do what you want but you are wrong. Vicky says you are poking me and not even letting me be late for 5 minutes.

9 PM

Bigg Boss says Aoora, Aishwarya and Anurag bought luxury budget items so all others can come to the activity area.

All inmates come to the activity area and Munawar’s comedy show starts. Ankita says he is so lucky. Mannara opens the show and says we will have a fun night with Munawar. He comes on the stage and thanks everyone. He says you all gave me money to roost you, they laugh. Munawar says lets start with Vicky, how are you outside? he says I am a friendly person outside. Munawar says then why do you keep asking Ankita to watch her tone? all laugh. Munawar asks Abhishek to show his abs.. I mean his abbs (shortcomings). Munawar says Vicky is the only businessman whose business was stopped by Bigg Boss only. All laugh. Munawar says Vicky has started and finished many journeys here. All laugh. Munawar says lets talk about Vicky’s friends.. Neil acts like a Bollywood actor who is ready for dialogue delivery in any situation. Munawar says Neil would regret taking Vicky’s phone before coming here. Munawar says lets talk about Ankita, she keeps saying she plays from heart but with whose heart? he says Ankita is a good cook and Vicky likes her food. All laugh.

Munawar says to the inmates lets talk about Rinku, he says she has played gracefully but her words are sharp. He says lets talk about Khanzaadi.. she is most beautiful.. among the nominated inmates now. All laugh. Munawar says no one listens to her except Abhishek. He says lets talk about Isha as she needs to put ‘current’ after saying her boyfriend is here. We were angry that she denied Samarth as her boyfriend initially but now we understand why she did that. All laugh. Munawar says Samarth bought this ticket because he can steal luxury budget item easily. He laughs.

Munawar tells the inmates

Aishwarya tells Anurag that Munawar never had a bond with me so why would I go there? Anurag says same, I can’t be connected to everyone. Munawar says Arun had night only but now he is awake and sunny. He says Mannara asked me what I was writing about but I said its not related to the game so its nothing for her to know. All laugh and tease Mannara. Munawar says Mannara seems to have a good vibe so she might need a bike. All laugh. Munawar says Mannara is a desi girl. Mannara says proudly. Munawar thanks everyone and ends his show. Ankita and others hug him. Samarth says poetry for him. Munawar thanks everyone for buying the tickets. Bigg Boss asks if he has any jokes for him? Munawar says I don’t joke about senior citizens. All laugh. Bigg Boss says Munawar wins 10K currency for luxury items, he will use them personally only. Munawar thanks him for giving the chance.

Munawar goes to the storeroom and gets items for himself.

Khanzaadi tells Aoora that he missed it, Munawar is very talented.

Mannara checks out Munawar’s budget items.

Neil tells Aishwarya that Munawar joked about him and her too. Aishwarya says you said nothing, wow.

10:30 PM

Khanzaadi asks Vicky when did he become fine with Abhishek? Vicky says we are not, we are just ignoring each other.

Vicky tells Khanzaadi that if she doesn’t want to talk to him in front of Abhishek then its okay. Abhishek says I will leave, he leaves. Khanzaadi says I don’t care about him.

Isha tells Ankita that Mannara talks to Samarth too much, its weird. Vicky says Mannara is over-friendly. Ankita says if Mannara knows that he listens to her then she would give him orders. Isha says Samarth is not clarifying about boundaries with her. Isha says she said that she is close with Munawar and Samarth and she miss them. She is putting them in the same category.

Mannara is sitting with Samarth and Munawar. Isha comes there and caresses Samarth’s face. He asks what’s going on? she says we will talk about it.

12 AM

Isha tells Samarth that I felt weird about Mannara being close to you, Vicky mentioned it too. Samarth asks who said it to you? I will confront Vicky and Ankita, these people tried to provoke me against you. Don’t listen to them. You are discussing all this with Vicky? why didn’t you talk to me first? Isha says Mannara said that she miss you and Munawar so I felt weird. Samarth says you could have talked to me directly, you have to change your ways.

12:15 AM

Isha tells Samarth that he doesn’t even give her time to talk to her. I keep waiting the whole day but you give time to other girls like Mannara. Samarth says because you are busy worrying about Abhishek, leave all this. Isha says you are focused on other girls so you don’t even think about me. Samarth says you are so cheap, your upbringing is not good but don’t say all that. Isha says don’t go on my upbringing, is your upbringing about giving attention to all girls? Samarth says you are just a liar.

12:30 AM

Isha tells Ankita that she feels jealous as he is her boyfriend. Ankita says I feel the same, Vicky never praises me. Isha says I get ready for him but he never even look at me. I feel jealous and I have no control over him.

Samarth tells Rinku that Isha is blaming me for no reason, she was consoling Abhishek but I never said anything. She is blaming me for giving attention to other girls.

Khanzaadi tells Anurag that Abhishek and I like each other but we don’t want to cross any line. Abhishek says we will talk outside. Khanzaadi says I haven’t even thought about that,  I don’t care when we don’t talk. Abhishek says I do but lets not talk if you don’t want to.

1:30 AM

Vicky asks Khanzaadi what did Abhishek say? she says he was talking about outside but I clearly told him that I don’t care that much. Vicky says you know how he can flip, you know his attitude.

Update in Progress PRECAP – Bigg Boss announces a task for captaincy. Vicky kicks Abhishek from the captaincy task. Aishwarya kicks Isha out of the captaincy task. Neil kicks Vicky out of the captaincy task. Isha tells Aishwarya that she is no one to judge her game. 

Update Credit to: Atiba

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