Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 12th January 2024 Written Episode Update: Munawar’s family vs. Ayesha’s family

Bigg Boss 17 12th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 87

11:15 PM

Ankita sits with her mom Shweta and cries, she says it affects me when Vicky’s family blames me for everything. My family is not saying Vicky is wrong so why they are blaming me? Shweta says let it be, he enjoys when these things happen but you get affected and bring yourself down. Ankita says I was fine but what I heard has affected me. Shweta asks if Ranjana told all this to you? She says yes. They are making it complicated for no reason. Shweta says Vicky has people around him here that’s why he is calling you irritable and whatnot. Its his nature so don’t let it affect you. He keeps joking around so don’t take this seriously.

11:30 PM

Ankita tells Vicky that they have to talk about their future together. Vicky asks what is she

thinking? Ankita says our people are taunting us, I am looking bad everywhere. Vicky says don’t let it affect you. Ankita says I have loved everyone so it affects me when they question me. I have said a lot to you, I was joking when I kicked you with a slap. Vicky says you want people to not judge you and you can do anything. My family doesn’t question me. Ankita says I apologized to everyone in your family but it feels like nobody is understanding me. You won’t understand my situation, I am sorry for everything, for being so rude and crude. I have hurt you a lot. I didn’t force you to come here, you came here on your own and I am not alone in mistakes, I have things piled up in me. I can’t go against people but I am telling you that I just need a strong hug from you. Vicky says come then. Ankita says I have to ask you everytime and that’s the issue. Vicky says you keep finding issues with me and it affects me. Ankita asks if he wants to take a break? Vicky says we are different in understanding things in life. Ankita says if you have issues with me, if you think I am irritable then I just need your love to make it go away. Vicky says I try but you keep making faces at me. I don’t control you in anything. Ankita says Ranjana also said the same. She said if Vicky calls other girls here as sisters? why that question? Vicky says she was just joking. Ankita says I am complicated, you are chill but I am not. Vicky says everyone is enjoying but you are irritable even today when mothers are here. Ankita says sorry.

12:15 AM

Ankita tells Ranjana that things are upsetting her a lot. Ranjana says don’t say anything. Ankita says I have to because I feel weird. Ranjana says don’t talk here. Ankita says you already talked so let me talk. I have made mistakes in life. I am sorry if I have hurt you or papa. Ranjana says just do good and everyone will be happy with you. Ankita says I am not the only one wrong here. Ranjana says Vicky is wrong too. Ankita says things happened from both ends but if I am blamed for everything then I feel bad because I have made good relations with everyone. You haven’t lived with me or with Vicky so you don’t know how we live. We have fun like this all the time and its affecting me that my family and papa is thinking bad about me. I feel bad when you think wrong about me. Ranjana says if you don’t listen to me then it would look bad. Ankita says you have already talked. Ranjana says I didn’t come here for this, I came to meet here. Ankita says but you started all that. Shweta says we decided to not talk about outside issues but Ranjana brought it up. Ankita says its okay but I am very sorry for hurting anyone. Ranjana says I am sorry, I just want you to be happy. I was just telling you that it didn’t look nice when you both fought.

Malee tells Munawar that she watched his video and it was very nice.

Vicky hugs Ankita and tells her to stop thinking too much. Ankita cries and says I am sorry for saying things that hurt you. Everyone thinks I am the only one wrong here. Ranjana says we just see what’s shown on TV. Ankita says I am sorry that I have hurt papa. I have worked a lot to earn everyone’s love so I don’t want to lose it. I know they will blame me when I go out. Vicky says its okay, things happen and I am sorry for my mistakes too. She cries and says I don’t feel good when we fight. Vicky says this place makes people fight so don’t worry.

Malee tells everyone that Munawar likes Ayesha. All tease her.

Day 88

8 AM

The inmates wake up to BB anthem. They all dance together with the guests.

11:45 AM

Bigg Boss asks everyone to freeze. Arun’s daughter Juhi enters the house and looks around for her mom, she starts crying so Malee rushes to her and picks her up. She brings her to Arun. He is shocked and hugs her. He starts crying and hugs Malee too. Vicky they are a cool family. Arun shows his daughter to the inmates. Samarth says she is so pretty. Bigg Boss releases Ankita and she picks up their daughter. All inmates are released and they all greet Juhi. They all sit with her.

12:15 PM

Bigg Boss freezes everyone. He tells Shweta, Ranjana and Malee to leave the house with Juhi. Shweta hugs Ankita and Vicky. Ranjana hugs them too. Bigg Boss releases everyone so they all greet the guests. Arun cries while saying bye to Juhi. Malee tells him to not cry, we have to go now. Arun doesn’t want Juhi to leave. He makes her touch BB board and gives his shirt to Malee. They all say bye to the inmates and leave the house.

Ayesha says Vicky is getting ready to welcome Isha’s mother. Abhishek says you are getting ready to meet Munawar’s family for a marriage proposal. Ayesha says please don’t say all that. Abhishek says then you shouldn’t have taunted me. Vicky says don’t say all that to her, you are not a loyal friend to anyone. Abhishek says I didn’t fight with you when your mother came so don’t make my mood spoil now. Ayesha also taunted me with Isha’s mother so I did the same. Vicky says she wasn’t even talking to you. Get lost. Abhishek says she was taunting me. He charges at him. Ayesha says I wasn’t talking to him, I was talking to Vicky. Abhishek says why would she say that Vicky? she was indirectly taunting me. Munawar tells Abhishek to stop fighting. Abhishek says she keeps taunting me but I can’t? Ayesha says he is wrong. Samarth says he is just a dog, he charges at Abhishek and tells him to get lost.

1:45 PM

Bigg Boss asks all inmates to freeze. He welcomes Mannara’s sister Mitali in the house. Mannara screams in excitement and says I will be decent. Mitali hugs her and says I am proud of you. She says family is good and they all know you are here. Everyone likes your blabbering mouth. People are loving you for your drama. Mannara asks if she is doing right in the show? Mitali says we will talk about it. Bigg Boss releases Isha so she goes to greet Mitali. She shows the house to her. Mitali greets everyone. Vicky asks if she talks as much as Mannara? She says not at all. She says Isha is very cute. Samarth says she is also cute, Mitali thanks him. Isha says she doesn’t look like Mannara. Bigg Boss releases Ankita so she goes to meet Mitali. Munawar is released too. Mitali greets him.

2:15 PM

All inmates come to Mannara, Isha asks her if she doesn’t feel like crying? Mannara says I am just excited. Bigg Boss releases Mannara and she hugs Mitali. Vicky says you both are different? Mitali says we are more like friends. Vicky asks how is Mannara playing? Mitali says she has no support like others so she is doing well. Vicky says everyone fights here except Munawar. Mitali says he is sorted and you are very chill.

2:45 PM

Bigg Boss freezes everyone and Munawar’s sister Ambreen enters the house. She hugs Munawar and cries. Mannara says I didn’t cry like that, we are shameless people. Abhishek starts crying too. Ambreen says my brother cried so much, you are our strength and work so hard. She massages his hand. Bigg Boss releases Abhishek so he greets her. Ambreen says he is our strength. Bigg Boss releases Munawar and he hugs Ambreen. Ambreen greets Ankita and thanks her for taking care of Munawar. She greets others too. Ambreen greets Mannara and lightly greets Ayesha. Ayesha tells Mannara that she didn’t hug me, ofcourse she doesn’t like me. Mannara says I like you so don’t worry. Bigg Boss releases Ayesha.

Munawar tells Ambreen to greet everyone nicely. Ayesha comes there and hugs Ambreen. Bigg Boss releases Mannara and she goes to meet Ambreen and talks with her. Munawar says she is shy. Mannara says he is shy too. Ambreen says I will tell how he is. Bigg Boss releases Samarth and Vicky. Samarth greets Ambreen. Ambreen tells Mannara that she talks a lot, you shouldn’t scold Munawar so much.

3:30 PM

Isha tells Mannara that Ambreen doesn’t like Ayesha here. Mannara says she must have not liked her conduct.

Ambreen tells Munawar that he didn’t to share personal stuff with Ayesha. You were silent and respected her. I felt bad when you didn’t speak up but I know you wouldn’t. Munawar says I didn’t want to open the pandora box. Ambreen says you understand that, others don’t.

Ankita tells Ayesha that Munawar’s sister came here in rage. Ayesha says she didn’t make eye contact with me at all. Ankita says its her brother so understandable.

Ambreen tells Munawar that he didn’t need to give justification to everyone here about his personal life, who are these people to explain things to? You are not alone as a divorcee, why were you so down? Munawar says I was worried about you all. Ambreen says she put so much sh*t on you but you didn’t say anything back which shows your character. Abhishek likes you a lot. She says Mannara is very possessive about you, she talks a lot. She tells him to speak up when he needs to, everyone likes it.

Mitali tells Mannara that you had friendship with Munawar and family is clear about that. He gave you emotional support so he was like Mitali for you here. Mannara says right.

4 PM

Bigg Boss freezes everyone and welcomes Ayesha’s brother Shahbaz in the house. Ayesha starts crying hearing that. Samarth says he is very handsome. Shahbaz goes to Ayesha and hugs her as she is crying. She falls down and cries. Samarth says Munawar and Ambreen are there too. Shahbaz asks how is she? She says yes and asks about Nazila. He says she is fine. Bigg Boss releases Munawar and Shahbaz greets him and Ambreen. He tells Mannara that their mom is her fan. Ayesha shows him around the house and people. Shahbaz greets Ankita and says we have watched you since childhood. Vicky says he is handsome. Ayesha says I know. Bigg Boss releases Mannara and Abhishek. Shahbaz thanks Abhishek for supporting Ayesha.

4:15 PM

Shahbaz tells Ayesha that you and Munawar might be right on your places but you both are not good together. Our family doesn’t like you together, papa doesn’t like him with you. It looks bad for you outside. It looks like you both love each other because of flirting so take care of that, just treat him as a contestant. You might win the show but lose your world with him. Just forget what people are saying and moving on. Ayesha asks if she is looking wrong outside? Shahbaz says you can’t make everyone love you. Just don’t be with him and maintain a distance.

Ambreen tells Munawar to take a stand for himself but don’t give justification to people here. I liked Mannara but I told her to stop saying too much to you. She looks desperate.

Shahbaz tells Ayesha that they are saying you came here for fame but if that was the case then you would have come when Munawar approached you to enter the show with him. Ayesha asks if coming here was a wrong decision? He says no but you should have stayed away from him after confrontation.

Ambreen sits with Abhishek and Munawar, she tells them to be close friends. Abhishek says I apologized to him but he doesn’t listen.

4:30 PM

Ambreen tells Mannara that Munawar still treat you as a friend. He says he has 3 friends Abhishek, Ankita and Mannara. He didn’t cross a line but you did. He is not fake, he cares about relationships so much. Mannara says you want me close to him as a friend? Ambreen says he doesn’t fight with you because he cares about his relationships and friends. Mannara says I felt like he likes Ayesha a lot and she likes him too that’s why he distanced himself. Ambreen says Ayesha has hurt him so much, Munawar is being blamed for everything but Ayesha must have some fault too.

Shahbaz tells Munawar that he has nothing personal with him. Munawar says I am sorry for hurting you. Shahbaz says I just want to know if you think Ayesha did anything wrong with him? Munawar says she shouldn’t have exposed my personal stuff on the show. I tried talking to her alone but she said so many things about me. I had to say some personal stuff to defend myself.

Mannara tells Ambreen that people are saying to not talk to Munawar to show I don’t have feelings for him but I want to talk to him as a friend. I think he is conscious and doesn’t talk to me because of Ayesha. Ambreen says he has nothing for Ayesha and I cleared his confusion now.

Shahbaz asks Munawar if Ambreen is miffed with them? Munawar says she raised me after my mother so she doesn’t see anything right or wrong in front of her brother. Shahbaz says understandable, nice talking to you.

11:15 PM

Ankita tells Abhishek that he left an apple behind a couch. Abhishek says I threw it there so it doesn’t look dirty. Isha says he can never clean up his dirt. Abhishek says don’t talk to me when I am not. Isha says you can just throw dirt around. Abhishek says don’t start now, I didn’t pass any comment on you. Ayesha tells Shahbaz to go and check out their fight. Ayesha tells Abhishek to calm down but he shouts at Isha. Isha says keep shouting and barking, get lost. Abhishek says she is jealous that I am back. Isha tells him to get lost. Abhishek says you are a ***********, ****. Isha says you are a ******. Samarth charges at him. Vicky shouts at him to not curse her like that. Samarth says this is his standard. Abhishek asks Ambreen if he started it or her? Samarth says he is shameless. Vicky shouts at Abhishek to stop cursing her. Arun says Isha started cursing him first. Isha says he is lying. Samarth pushes him away and don’t curse her out. Abhishek says he is pushing me, its wrong. Munawar tells Abhishek to calm down, he asks Isha to tell the camera that she can’t take this abuse. Vicky tells Abhishek to stay in his limit, I am your father. I will slap you for poking others. Abhishek says he is poking me. Vicky says I will slap you so hard. Ankita says Abhishek is a coward. Abhishek says why did you interfere in my fight? I will see who is a real father outside. Vicky says we will see. Ayesha tells Shahbaz that Abhishek can’t keep cursing Isha like this. Ankita says Abhishek is a coward, Isha didn’t curse him. Abhishek says you are biased. Ankita says I was a fool to bring you back. Vicky says Abhishek is a *******. Mannara says they are all poking Abhishek again. Vicky says Abhishek is a chupri.

PRECAP – PRECAP – Abhishek’s mother enters the house, he hugs her and cries, he says its very difficult being here. Later on, she asks Isha when did she slap Abhishek in front of her? Isha says Abhishek told me about it. She says don’t bring up old stories here. If you can’t bear him then stay away from him. If you say so many things about him then he will answer you back as well. Later on, Karan tells Munawar that Isha said he has used and thrown many girls, you were so interested in his personal life that you have won hearts. I means what’s your stake in Munawar and Ayesha’s issue? Isha says Munawar agreed too. Karan says your relationships weren’t straight in the house for you to point at other people’s relationships. Stop acting innocent now. 

Update Credit to: Atiba

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