Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 15th January 2024 Written Episode Update: Samarth gets eliminated

Bigg Boss 17 15th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Weekend Ka Vaar

Karan welcomes everyone to the show. He connects the call to the house. He says its time to talk about your guys. He says you have to talk about the inmate who you think is a loser and hit them with foam.

Arun: He calls Munawar as a loser for not taking a stand against Abhishek and not for himself.

Mannara: She says Munawar is a loser for not taking a stand for himself.

Isha: She says Munawar is not taking a stand for himself, he needs to change that.

Ankita: She calls Abhishek as he plays blame-game. He is a loser for cursing Isha.

Abhishek: He calls Arun and says he has no stance of his own, he is a loser.

Munawar: He calls Samarth as he has no game of his own.

Samarth: He calls Ankita and says she keeps comparing herself to

Mannara and others so she is a loser.

Vicky: He calls Abhishek for setting a false narrative, he is a loser.

Ayesha: She says Munawar is a loser for not saying the truth.

Karan says Munawar got the most votes as a loser. Munawar says I don’t talk behind backs, I am giving my best in the game. Karan says we will see in eliminations today. He says Bigg Boss will tell you about the eliminated contestant. He wishes them luck and ends the call.

On the Stage:

Karan says the ticket to finale week will start from tomorrow as the grand finale is in two weeks.

In the House:

Bharti and Harsh enter the house. They all greet the inmates. Harsh says we will do a podcast here which will go on YouTube too.

Bharti calls Ayesha, Mannara, Munawar for the podcast. Bharti jokes about Ayesha’s dances. Bharti asks Mannara why people keep her in a corner? Mannara says I will make my own way. Harsh asks Ayesha what’s her criteria for a boy? Bharti says guys must be learning poetry now. All laugh. Ayesha says my criteria is more height than me and loyal to me. Harsh jokes with Munawar about his poetry.
Bharti jokes with Mannara for not becoming a captain. Bharti says I am scared that my son doesn’t turn up like Munawar. All laugh.

Bharti and Harsh call Ankita and Vicky on the podcast. Bharti says people are expecting a baby from you as a couple because they want maturity in this relationship, all laugh. Harsh calls Arun and Munawar with Vicky. Bharti asks Arun if he doesn’t win then who among them? Arun says I want Vicky to win then.

Harsh calls Isha, Abhishek and Samarth on the podcast. Bharti says I was sad that I couldn’t meet Abhishek when he was thrown out. She jokes about Samarth being a baby. Bharti says Isha that clever kid in the school who makes everyone fight. Bharti jokes about girls being civilised initially in the show but now they shout at the top of their lungs. Bharti says I think Samarth has some issue, he keeps walking weirdly around the house. Harsh asks Samarth to do a pole dance and asks Abhishek to become a pole. Samaarth dances around Abhishek and jumps in his arms. Isha laughs seeing that. Samarth jumps up and down Abhishek.

Bharti and Harsh leave the house.

In the House:

Bigg Boss tells the inmates that you all know the importance of captaincy. All are nominated except Isha and Ankita. Bigg Boss says the nominated inmate is Samarth. All are sad hearing that. Isha hugs him and cries. Mannara hugs him too. Ankita says we will miss you. She consoles Isha. Abhishek hugs him and apologizes. Samarth says its okay. Isha hugs him and says I will miss you. Mannara says he is such a sweet boy. Samarth consoles Isha and says I am leaving because of voting, don’t worry, its okay. Samarth leaves the house. Ankita and Mannara console Isha. Ankita says its okay.

Munawar tells Abhishek that Samarth was protecting Isha’s respect and got eliminated. I am upset because of the way Samarth enjoyed my issues. Ayesha tells Isha that the poking issue might have brought Samarth down. Abhishek says I feel bad but he was a competition. Munawar says you are such a liar, you don’t feel bad at all.

Isha is crying and says he was telling me that if he was the captain then he wouldn’t leave today. I feel so alone now. Ankita says I am with you.

Munawar tells Arun that Samarth poked Abhishek so much that he got eliminated. Abhishek says you sent him out indirectly. Munawar says the audience did.

Isha tells Mannara that Abhishek is such a bad man, he beat up Samarth and came back but Samarth had to leave because of him.

Munawar tells Abhishek that I will tell Isha and Vicky that Samarth is gone so they should stop having fun at other’s expense now.

In the Morning:

Munawar is eating with Abhishek and tells him that he helped Ayesha cook it. Abhishek says you should stay away from her. Ayesha comes there and sits with them.

Day 91

8 AM

The inmates wake up to BB anthem, they all dance to it.

2 PM

Vicky talks to Munawar and says Arun didn’t want to take my name in the podcast as a winner. Ankita says Vicky and Munawar think they already are in the top 2. Vicky says don’t twist my words like that. Ankita says what you mean then? Vicky says it gave me happiness when Arun was asked who he sees as a winner between Munawar and I. Ankita says there is nothing wrong if you think you are in the top 2. Vicky says you are saying that, I am not. Ankita tells him to calm down. Vicky says don’t tell me to calm down. Ankita starts cooking in the kitchen and Vicky tells her to not push things around the counter, he is chopping. Ankita says just forgive me. It makes me sad when I see this behavior. Vicky asks what behaviour? Ankita says I don’t want to talk about it now. I am hurt now so let me silent. Munawar says let her be for now.

3 PM

Mannara asks Abhishek Isha has blamed me you wrongly so many times but you are still okay with her? Abhishek says I am not okay. Mannara says Munawar is still checking out Ayesha after she has blamed him wrongly so much, they are still connected. Abhishek says you like to be a second option for him? Mannara says not at all. Abhishek says then don’t talk about him as it looks like you are pinning after Munawar and jealous of Ayesha. When Salman asked you if you like Munawar, it was not in a friendly manner.

4 PM

Munawar sits with Mannara and asks if she is okay? Mannara says everyone is fake here, I don’t feel like talking to anyone including you. I liked that at least Samarth and my friendship wasn’t fake. Munawar says you called me heartless which hurt me. I have hidden my relationship aspect from the public and I am like that only. I am not good with my relationships romantically. I have done really good things in life too. I am just happy as I didn’t come here to make long lasting relationships here. Mannara nods and leaves from there.

5:45 PM

Vicky is teasing Ankita and sits with her as she is angry. He asks what did he do? she says nothing and goes from there. Vicky sits with Mannara and Isha. Ankita comes there and asks Vicky to wash the dishes as its his duty. Vicky says you are not a captain anymore so don’t give me orders. Ankita says what’s this way of talking to me? don’t fight with me. Vicky says you have no right to ask me to do anything. He goes from there. Ankita tells Ayesha to wake up but she is sleeping. Vicky tells Ankita that she has crossed a line now so he won’t behave now. Ankita says why do you have to fight in everything? Vicky says don’t talk to me anymore, you are not a captain now. Ankita says you just keep fighting these days. Vicky says you embarrass me in front of others all the time. Ankita says I won’t talk to you anymore. She goes from there.

6:15 PM

Ankita comes to Vicky, he says I don’t like it when you are not polite with me. He hugs her and says its okay. He says you embarrassed me in front of others and that hurt me.

Arun hosts a fake show with Mannara and asks about Vicky-Ankita. Mannara says Ankita is insecure which is hurting her relationship too.

Vicky tells Ankita that if you order me around others then it looks like we have issues and they make fun of me. Ankita says you go and sit with them, I am a fool that I came here. Vicky says just do what you want, he leaves.

7 PM

Ayesha asks the inmates whose duty it was to clean the garden? Isha says Mannara cleaned a little bit, you can’t bother Mannara now as Vicky is protecting her. Ayesha says he will bring her down when the time comes. Ankita says its a wrong perception to be set on TV, it seems like Vicky is a womanizer and flirts with girls, he seems disloyal so he needs to stop this joking. I am telling you to stop it because you are not like this in real life. Vicky says I was not included in this joke. Ankita says you are enjoying this image, you had an image of being a loyal husband and I wouldn’t like my husband to be portrayed as disloyal. You can’t enjoy it. Vicky says Ankita you have started it. Ankita says if people joke about me and Munawar then I would stop them right away. Isha says we will be careful now and won’t joke like this. Vicky says Ankita is making it an issue and making faces.

Mannara tells Arun that Ankita has an issue with me, I am stuck between couples.

Ankita tells Isha and Ayesha to not joke and make him look like a flirty man. Vicky says they can joke all they want because my intentions are clear so I don’t care. I am a jolly man and joke around with people so I allow people to joke about me too. I never make faces at her friendships so people don’t joke about it. People are joking about this because you are getting affected, if you tell me to stop people from joking then I can’t because I am not that man.

Abhishek tells Munawar that Isha will breakup in 2 months after the show. Munawar says she will breakup in 4 months, lets have a bet.

9:45 PM

Isha runs to Ankita and says Vicky is sleeping. Ayesha, Isha and Ankita run to him. Ayesha sits on bed with him to shock him. Vicky wakes up and is not surprised. Ayesha says my name is Dolly. Vicky jokingly asks where he has roll? Ankita comes there and says he is not giving any reaction. Ayesha walks around him seductively and says its hot here. Vicky says then cool down. Ankita says don’t cross limits. Vicky asks Ayesha if she likes him lying around in bed? Ankita says don’t be cheap. Ayesha is still in her role and seducing Vicky. Ankita says don’t do this Vicky, its being portrayed wrongly on TV. Ankita tells Ayesha that I know you are joking but stay in your limits. She says I don’t want this to be vulgur. Vicky says your reaction makes things look vulgur. Ankita says I know you are not like this so are you enjoying the tag of being a womanizer? Vicky says I just want to leave this house, I am tired.

10:15 PM

Ankita tells Vicky that she is very sad. He asks with him? She says I don’t know, since the family came, it has made me realize we fought so much. Vicky says don’t think too much, don’t worry about my parents, I will take care of them. Ankita says I am scared of what people think about you. You are having fun but people can point fingers at you and I won’t like it. I stop you because I care about you. Vicky says just say in a better manner then. Ankita says I promise to work on myself.

Day 92

3 PM

Ankita sees a message on the TV that its time to prove themselves in the last 14 days.

4:15 PM

Ankita gets ready and asks Vicky how is she looking? He says you got ready without shower? Ankita tries to kiss him but he says don’t do this, it doesn’t look nice on TV. Ankita says I can’t kiss my husband? Vicky says you don’t talk to me whole day and just want a kiss? it won’t look nice then. Ankita moves away from him and says I just was kissing your cheeks. Vicky says I don’t like kissing on TV but you never listen to me. He angrily leaves.

5:30 PM

Ankita reads about a task in which BB house will be turned into homestay villas after the show where normal people can come and stay here. The contestants have to host a tour show and tell the audience why they should visit the BB house by talking about different incidents around the house. There will be two teams.

Team A: Munawar, Ankita, Isha

Team B: Vicky, Mannara, Arun

Ayesha and Abhishek will be judges. Whichever team host a better tour around the house will win the task.

5:45 PM

Ankita shows the house around to Ayesha and Abhishek. Isha shows them living room and then take them to the heart house. Ankita talks about her fights with Aishwarya there. Munawar shows Abhishek the sofa he used to flirt on with Khanzaadi.

Vicky, Mannara and Arun give a tour around the house. Mannara welcomes them to the lounge. Vicky tells Ayesha how her journey was whole in this house.

The task ends. Ayesha and Abhishek choose Team B as winners so Vicky, Ayesha and Mannara get vouchers.

Ankita tells Isha that they will go on a trip after the show. Isha asks if Vicky will go alone? Ankita says no, I will go with him.

9:45 PM

Munawar tells Mannara that he is being normal with her after his sister came, she told him that his friendship with her was genuine. She told me that they didn’t like you saying too much to me. Mannara asks what’s the issue between us? Munawar says its nothing. Mannara says don’t fight with me. Munawar says I don’t fight with my friends. Mannara says you think I am your assistant? Munawar says you spat so much venom against me. I am proud that I still kept my cool. Mannara says you just want to show how nice of a person you are. You change your feelings every day but you want to show your niceness only. Munawar says we can talk openly. Mannara says don’t twist my words. Munawar says you are so full of yourself, you think it was my mistake only. Vicky and Samarth were blaming you for not nominating me but you didn’t even stop them. I give you respect so you respect me too. Mannara says you want me to forget everything? I was hurt too when you distanced yourself easily. Munawar says Samarth was stuck with you so I couldn’t talk to you. Mannara says you could have come to me then. Munawar says give us time to fix the friendship. Mannara says I didn’t know we would get attached. Munawar says we are okay now? He leaves.

Isha tells Vicky that she isn’t image-conscious like Munawar. Abhishek kept blaming him for not taking a stand for him so Munawar became conscious. Ankita says Munawar keeps grudges. Isha says Munawar keeps changing his statement every 15 days. Vicky says his sister told him that everything is okay outside so he is not giving importance to Ankita and others now. Isha says he successfully played the victim card. Vicky says he is so fake.

Munawar tells Abhishek that he was done talking to Mannara, it was draining for him.

PRECAP – Bigg Boss tells the inmates that nominations will bein teams today. Till the team keep holding their buzzer, they will be safe from nominations. In the task, Vicky and Ayesha are targeting Mannara as she is holding the buzzer. Ayesha is throwing water and chili on Mannara, Mannara cries and says I won’t leave this buzzer. Later on, Vicky tells Ankita that she is making him look like a womanizer. He should have created a scene too when she used to hug and console Munawar for hours. He never had any issues with her but she is projecting him as some sort of a creep. I am tired of all this now. I am tired too. 

Credit to: Atiba

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