Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 16th January 2024 Written Episode Update: Nomination task between two teams

Bigg Boss 17 16th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 93

8 AM

The inmates wake up to BB anthem, they all dance together.

10 AM

Mannara asks Vicky what’s going on with Munawar and Ayesha? Vicky says they have nothing going on. Mannara says I feel like they like each other.

Vicky comes to Ankita and asks if she needs tea? she says no.

Abhishek tells Ayesha that I loved Isha like crazy, I went crazy when she left me. If Samarth came a little later in the show then his game would have been different.

Mannara tells Ankita that Vicky gave her coffee, does she want it? Ankita says I will make my own. Vicky says you were sleeping so I didn’t make for you. Ankita says just leave me alone, you are going to stretch it. Vicky says what’s the issue? she leaves. Abhishek tells Vicky that he knows

her problem. She doesn’t like you sitting with others. Vicky says she shouldn’t have issues when she was sleeping herself. Ankita comes there so Vicky tries to talk to her and says why are you so angry? Ankita says enjoy your time with others, go away. Vicky says I am not here to insult you, why are you making faces at me now? Ankita says talk to me calmly otherwise don’t talk. Vicky says I won’t talk then, he angrily leaves. Abhishek tells Ankita to not show her insecurity as her level is very high, he leaves. Vicky comes there and asks Ankita if she wants to talk or if she wants to make faces at him? Ankita says people call me insecure because of you. I am dealing with issues alone so leave me alone. Vicky says why are you making faces? Ankita says you were sitting with her, I am insecure so leave me alone.

Ayesha tells Abhishek that Ankita doesn’t want Vicky to be shown as a womanizer. She can’t be insecure as she is Ankita.

Ankita is crying and tells Vicky to go and sit with others. Vicky says you called me womanizer, when you were sitting with Munawar and hugging him for hours then I should have reacted badly too. You are reacting to me talking to Mannara because Munawar is not talking to you anymore. You question my relationships but you are all pious? I am tired of all this. I have tried everything to sort with you, if I start talking about what I have done for you then you won’t be able to listen to it. I don’t talk to a lot of people here but if I talk then you have issues? I am tired of all this. I never stop you from talking to anyone. I supported you in Sushant’s matter and never questioned your statements so why you keep questioning me? Ankita says I am insecure and that’s it. Vicky says you never give me freedom like I give you that. Take me as a human, I never go to parties because you don’t like it. I stopped going out with my friends because of you. Your friendships are real but my friendships are not? isn’t that unfair? I won’t talk to Mannara anymore. Ankita says I didn’t mean that.

11 AM

Ankita comes to Vicky and hugs him. She says I am sorry for fighting with you. I have become possessive, I didn’t want to react when you were sitting with Mannara. I am not insecure, I get possessive because I love you. You shouldn’t have said all that for Munawar and I. Vicky says you are blaming me in the same manner. You called me a womanizer, I want to live like you live. I don’t question you. Ankita says you don’t understand me. Vicky says this will spoil our relationship, its not a good feeling when I feel like I can’t live my life on my own terms. Ankita says I am trying to understand. Vicky says you are making a narrative about me which is wrong. Ankita says I am a fool that I love you a lot.

11:30 AM

Ankita tells Isha that she won’t be possessive about Vicky anymore. I had many reasons to be like this for Vicky, I am scared to lose him. I wasn’t like this in the past. I have a baggage of the past and I am unable to come out of it and its affecting Vicky too.

Ayesha is joking around with Abhishek and Munawar.

Mannara is cooking in the kitchen and Vicky helps her. Ankita says I am also cooking but you are not helping me. Vicky says its not like that. Ankita says you rushed to Mannara while your wife is working alone.

2 PM

Isha tells Vicky that Ankita is emotional and you can’t kill it. Vicky says I am a human and I have friends too. I am just asking to be myself. Ankita says what am I doing with you? Vicky says you questioned Mannara and I today also. Ankita says you call her gorgeous and whatnot. I am worried that people might start taunting you. Vicky says if I am looking bad then let me handle it. Arun tells Vicky that if he is giving freedom to his wife and then she should give him too. Ankita says he is no one to give me freedom. Vicky says then who are you to stop me? Ankita says I never stop you. Vicky says I never go out with friends because of you. Ankita says so you are so sad with me, just stop talking to me. Vicky says I am wrong, my family is wrong, she is always right. Ankita says people are questioning him and not me. Vicky says because of your reaction. Ankita tells Isha that I always go to pacify him but he never cares about me. Vicky says because you keep making faces.

3 PM

Ankita tells Isha that she is done, she wants to go home. Thing have become so bad for us here, it will affect us. Isha hugs and consoles her. Ankita says I want to leave Vicky.. I didn’t know he was so sad with me, he is unhappy with me so I will leave him. I think he should start his life again, I can’t keep him happy and always hurt him so he should find a new future for him. Isha tells her to calm down. Ankita says he is very sad with me, I don’t think we can work.

Vicky comes to Ankita and asks why is she crying this much? I think you feel I don’t give you importance anymore. Ankita says you don’t love me like I do, I don’t want to make fun of ourselves, I am taking the blame for everything. Vicky says if we don’t talk then nothing will be solved. Mannara comes there and shows off her dress, Vicky leaves from there.

3:15 PM

Arun asks Ankita to eat something. Munawar asks what happened? eat food. Ankita says I will eat later on. I have questions that I can’t clarify. Munawar says Vicky is handling everything strongly and you should too. She nods and leaves from there.

Abhishek tells Munawar that Vicky came when you were talking to Ankita so she left. Munawar says I just wanted to check on her. Abhishek says if your presence severe their situation then let them be.

4:15 PM

Vicky comes to Ankita and asks her to show some love. She says I am not a machine, I can’t fake it anymore.

Mannara tells Arun that she can’t understand Vicky and Ankita.

Vicky asks Ankita what’s the issue? Ankita says I will give you freedom. Vicky says you are doing this. Ankita says don’t talk to me, leave me alone. He says fine and leaves.

5:15 PM

Ankita comes to Vicky and hugs him. He says you are okay now? I was stressed. Ankita says I love you and I don’t like seeing you sad. You got stuck with me. Vicky laughs and says yes. Ankita says don’t joke right now.

Mannara asks Isha where is Vicky and Ankita? what’s wrong with them? Abhishek says they are fighting because of you. Mannara says I never interfere between a couple.

Ankita tells Vicky that its an issue because you keep giving more importance to your friends, she kicks him jokingly. He says don’t do this, we have to have certain manners based on where we are.

7:45 PM

Ankita tells Mannara that she is tired. Mannara says calm down. Ankita says I have nothing against you, I have an issue with Vicky. Since the family came, I didn’t want to fight and that’s making me fight with him more. Mannara says he lives sweetly with you so stop fighting and don’t think too much.

Day 94

3:30 PM

Bigg Boss asks the inmates if they are ready for the nominations? They say yes. Bigg Boss says the nominations will be done between teams today. The teams are:

Team A – Arun, Mannara, Munawar, Abhishek

Team B – Ayesha, Vicky, Ankita, Isha

Bigg Boss says there is a cage in the garden and at a time, one team will enter it in pairs and keep pressing the buzzer. As soon as one person from the pair leaves the buzzer, the person and their partner will get eliminated from the task. The other team will try to make the buzzer pressing team to leave the buzzer. One team will be in the cage for 2 hours. At the end of the task, the team which has pressed the buzzer for more time and with more members still in the game will win the task. The losing team will be nominated for the week.

3:45 PM

Vicky strategies with his team. Ayesha tells Ankita about using items on the other team. Vicky tells Ankita that they can hit Mannara with water to shock her.

4 PM

Bigg Boss says in team A, Mannara-Munawar, Abhishek-Arun will play in pairs. Mannara hugs Munawar and says all the best.

4:15 PM

The task starts and team A starts pressing their buzzers. Ankita starts throwing water at Mannara, Isha hits her with water too. Vicky keeps splashing water at her but she keeps holding the buzzer. She says I can’t even see. Munawar says they are scared that’s why they are doing this, be strong Mannara. Ayesha applies some paste on her hands and face. Vicky keeps splashing water at her. Abhishek tells her to be strong. Ankita waxes Abhishek’s face. She tries to wax Arun’s face but he says no and takes the strip away. Ayesha keeps targeting Mannara and applies chilli paste on her face. Munawar tells Mannara to prove them wrong. You can take this. Ayesha attacks her but Mannara says please stop it.

4:30 PM

Vicky sprays on Mannara’s face. Bigg Boss asks what spray is this? Vicky says its water spray. Mannara cries and says I won’t lose. Vicky keeps spraying on Munawar’s face and he screams. Abhishek is crying because of chilli so Isha splashes water at his face. Ayesha says what is Isha doing? Mannara cries and asks for water, Vicky says you can leave the buzzer then. Arun cries so Isha splashes his face with water. Ankita washes Abhishek’s face too as he is crying because of chilli. Mannara leaves the buzzer and says I am done. Vicky gives her water and makes her wash her face. Ayesha hugs her and says its okay. Vicky washes Abhishek’s face too. Vicky takes Mannara to the washroom and wash her face. Ankita throws water at Abhishek, Vicky tells him to leave the buzzer. Munawar brings water and tries to help Abhishek but Vicky says you can’t do that. Vicky throws powder at Abhishek. Ayesha throws more chilli at Abhishek. Munawar washes Arun’s face, Vicky says this is wrong. Vicky tells Arun to leave the buzzer if he wants them to stop. Ayesha applies chilli on his face. Isha throws water at Abhishek and he leaves the buzzer. Vicky washes his face. Arun and Abhishek jump in the pool to wash their faces. Isha washes Abhishek’s face. Munawar helps them.

Isha and Vicky hide chilli stuff so the other team can’t use it. Munawar comes there and slips so Mannara rushes to him.

4:45 PM

Vicky’s team is getting ready for the task.

5 PM

Bigg Boss tells the inmates that the next round has to start. He says team B shouldn’t be wearing 2-3 layers. We will resume the task tomorrow with Team A’s acceptance. Ankita says we were mentally ready for today.

5:30 PM

Mannara tells Ayesha that she was too extreme with her in the task. Ayesha says you can take revenge tomorrow. Mannara says I am not extreme like you. Ayesha says I am not a wannabe like you. Isha tells Mannara that she doesn’t have to act all pious, we are all fighting to be in the finale. Ayesha says Mannara can just comment on characters and health issues. Your existence is all about Munawar so don’t question me. You were called desperate, not me. Mannara says you are a wannabe.

PRECAP – Vicky throws water buckets on the roof so Team A can’t use them. Munawar tells it to Abhishek and jumps to bring the buckets down. Vicky tries to take away the buckets and Munawar falls down. Munawar shouts at Vicky to not hurt him. They both argue. Vicky tells Munawar that he is a cheap man for using girls. Munawar says what will you do? you can’t do anything. Otherside Isha and Ankita hide chillies from the house. Later on, Bigg Boss tells the inmates that this is injustice with Team A as team B hid everything. They will decide what they want to do with them. Abhishek tells his team that they all want to be in the finale. Mannara says they should face this in the task like us. 

Update Credit to: Atiba

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