Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 17th January 2024 Written Episode Update: Munawar, Mannara, Arun and Abhishek become first contestants to reach the finale week

Bigg Boss 17 17th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 94

5:30 PM

Abhishek tells Munawar that he was thankful that Isha gave him water, it was a relief.

Ayesha tells Ankita that they have to stay in the game tomorrow. Ankita says we have to all play individually. We can spit spices if they attack us.

Munawar tells Abhishek that they were all attacking Mannara, I wish she didn’t leave the buzzer early.

5:45 PM

Abhishek is hiding chillies in his bed. Otherside Ankita, Isha and Vicky throw away chillies so they can’t use it. Vicky says to throw away green chillies too.

Arun tells Munawar that we all should divide duties for the game tomorrow. Munawar says we can’t just do that.

7 PM

Mannara taunts Ayesha that she took out personal vengeance on me. She tells Ankita that Ayesha

is a wannabe, she is desperate. Ankita says she doesn’t want to give up on her dreams after coming here. Mannara says she did a mistake and then came here. She came here because of her impulsiveness. Ankita says it wasn’t her fault. Mannara says she could have waited to confront Munawar after the show. Ankita says its her call but that doesn’t mean she is wrong.

8:30 PM

Ayesha tells Vicky to hide the buckets. He throws them on the roof.

Munawar tells Ankita that he will make sure she stays alive tomorrow but he can’t promise anything.

9 PM

Isha tells Vicky that she has to take out items from Munawar’s room that he can use. They check his bed and take out chillies to hide. Munawar sees that and comes to them. He says don’t do this, let us play the game too. He tries to take chillies from him and snatches it. He says don’t do this.

9:15 PM

Vicky jokes about Munawar and Mannara crying in the game. Ankita mimics Mannara holding Munawar.

Abhishek tells Arun that Ankita didn’t spare Munawar in the game but she calls herself his best friend.

Ankita tells Munawar that Mannara played very well. Munawar says you thought she would be weakest. Ankita says she is sensitive as a girl. Munawar says you did right but we will do what we think is right tomorrow. Ankita says I didn’t attack you much but you can do what you want. Munawar says I will do what I want, I didn’t complain about anything to you. Ankita says your tone isn’t good with me. Munawar says I am not being rude with you. Ankita says I have a soft corner for you but you are being elusive with me. You can be normal after the task, you never talk to me yourself. Munawar says because you were busy with others. Ankita says then come and talk to me when you have time.

Ankita tells Ayesha that Munawar changes his attitude so suddenly. Vicky says he always expects you to go and talk to him. Why do you keep talking to him? why did you tell him to talk to you when he is free. Do you have any self-worth? Ankita says that’s why I left. I just gave him a chance to talk.

10 PM

Munawar tells Abhishek that he can’t find buckets in the washroom. They are noobs, Ankita laughs at Munawar.

Ankita tells Vicky that they are not happy that we hid the buckets.

Munawar tells Abhishek that they have thrown buckets on the roof, I will bring them down later at night.

12:30 AM

Munawar is taking chillies that others have hidden. Ayesha sees that. Vicky tries to snatch it from Munawar but he says stay away from me. Abhishek pushes Vicky away and says this is wrong. Vicky says I wasn’t talking to you. Munawar says you people took away common chillies from the kitchen and hid them. Vicky tries to push Abhishek away and go to Munawar, Munawar says you can’t take it from me. Mannara tells Vicky to not touch Munawar, Vicky says these were my chillies as I won them in the task. Arun stands in front of Vicky to stop him and says you are a coward. Ankita tells Munawar that she tried to talk to him but he is misbehaving too much. Mannara stands in front of Munawar and won’t let Ankita talk to him. Ankita says Mannara is going crazy. Vicky is fighting with Arun and Abhishek. Arun says Vicky is a ****. Munawar tells Ankita that I was hiding chillies in my jacket and Vicky tried to snatch them, its wrong. Ankita says you are so selfish. Mannara says I am not insecure like Ankita. Ankita says you are calling me insecure? look at yourself. Vicky tells Munawar that he is a weak man, preying on lone girls. Mannara sits in front of Munawar to protect him.

12:45 AM

Vicky is fighting with Munawar and says he is a coward. Mannara sits in Munawar’s lap so Vicky tells her that its inappropriate. She moves away. Vicky goes to Ankita and asks her to come there. Ankita says I don’t want to talk to him, he is misbehaving a lot. Abhishek argues with Ayesha so she tells him to not shout at her, get lost. Ankita goes to Munawar and says he is hiding Vicky’s stuff that he won. Vicky says give it back otherwise I will throw your stuff in the water, Munawar says I won’t, get lost. Mannara tells him to move on.

1 AM

Ankita tells Isha that Munawar is so fake, I was a fool to think he was a genuine friend. Munawar shouts that they all hid his chillies too. Ankita tells him to stop acting. Abhishek says you all hid buckets too, she tells him to get lost. Vicky tells Munawar that if he won’t give his stuff back then he won’t spare him, Munawar says I don’t care. Vicky tries to snatch it from him but Mannara pushes him away. Isha pushes Mannara away. Ankita argues with Munawar, he tells her to stop Vicky. Mannara says she is scared. Ankita says she is crazy. Isha taunts Mannara that she is a fake. Ayesha says she is a wannabe. Mannara says move away, you are smelly. Ayesha says sorry, we are not classy like you. We don’t give character certificates to girls like you. Isha tells Vicky to let them be, Ankita says let him take it.

1:15 AM

Ankita tells Munawar that he can never be a genuine friend. Munawar says you hid my spices too, Ankita says you don’t know what I am talking about, you talk when you want to. I had a reality check today, understand yourself. Mannara says you hid chillies too. Ankita tells her to shut up, she is not his assistant. Ankita tells Munawar that she wanted to talk to him but he wasn’t listening to her. Munawar says you were not listening to me as well. Ankita says I tried talking to you but you never appreciate it, you are just selfish. This is the end of our friendship, I know our connection was from our side only. Munawar says we will talk when you want to. Ankita says I won’t anymore, if you want to be friends then put in efforts now.

Munawar tells Arun that Ankita was crying about our friendship when her team hid all chillies so what will we do tomorrow? Isha comes there and taunts Mannara by calling her Munawar’s assistant.

Ankita tells Vicky that Munawar has been manipulative, he just acts to be nice. Vicky says don’t talk to him anymore. Isha says he misbehaved with you so much, he doesn’t care about you at all. Ankita says I will not talk to him anymore. He is so weak, he can’t take a stand for himself and for his friends.

Abhishek tells Munawar that Ankita just sleeps all day and talks about others’ games.

Day 95

8 AM

The inmates wake up to BB anthem, they all dance to it.

8:45 AM

Ankita tells Ayesha that if they lose today then Munawar will be so angry. He said that his friendships here were just bound till here, he is very emotionless. He doesn’t come across as a strong person, he does self-pity.

Mannara tells Munawar and Abhishek that Ankita is giving justifications now. They must have thrown everything on the roof but how? we have to check it.

Ankita mimics Mannara protecting Munawar. Isha tells Vicky that Mannara keeps talking about others’ class, I don’t know why she keeps getting praised. She talks about our class but she is here with us too,

Munawar jumps on a tree and tries to get the buckets down. Ankita calls Vicky so Munawar calls Abhishek to protect him. Vicky tells Munawar to get down otherwise he will get hurt. Abhishek pulls Vicky back but he says Munawar will fall down like this. Munawar takes a pool stick and tries to bring buckets down. Mannara tells Arun that I could have taken the buckets down silently but Munawar had to make a scene. She asks Arun to come there too. Vicky pulls the stick away from Munawar, Munawar falls down and jumps on Vicky. He says why were you pulling me down? They both attack each other, Abhishek tries to pull them apart. Munawar shouts that he was pulling me down. Ankita tells them to stop it. Munawar says he pulled me down, Vicky says he attacked me, he grabbed my collar. Ankita says Munawar has gone crazy. Munawar says he pulled me down, its wrong. Vicky says he grabbed my collar. Arun shouts that you started all this, Vicky says he jumped the tree, not me. Arun says stop barking, you coward. Mannara tells Munawar that he should have listened to her. Munawar says he pulled me down, I could have gotten hurt. Vicky tells him to stop fighting with him, I will put that stick in you. Isha says Munawar woke up in the 15th week. Ayesha tells Isha that it was scary the way Vicky pulled him down, Munawar could have gotten hurt. Munawar tells Vicky that he has made him crazy, I won’t spare you now. If I had gotten hurt then I wouldn’t have spared you. Vicky says you have already stooped low, look at Ayesha, she is here because of you. Isha says why is Arun getting involved in this? Arun says you are acting like Ankita’s mother. Munawar tells Vicky that he shouldn’t have done this. Vicky says I don’t use girls like you. Munawar says don’t talk about girls, you leer at them too. You said Mannara was enjoying being in my lap. Vicky tells Munawar that he didn’t pull him down. Abhishek tells Vicky to not bring up personal issues here. Vicky says Munawar’s reality is Ayesha. Munawar says we all know how you leer at girls here, get lost. Ankita leaves from there.

Mannara taunts Ankita that she isn’t smart for all this.

Vicky tells Munawar that he has stooped so low, Munawar says you might have money but no class. Vicky says you have a loose character, I didn’t need to pull you down as you are already very low. Munawar says you just enjoy other’s sufferings. Vicky says you are shameless so don’t talk about it. Munawar says he has nothing so he is passing personal comments, you are a liar. Handle your woman (Ankita) as she’s worried about your character. Isha argues with Arun. Munawar tells Vicky to get lost. Abhishek takes him away. Vicky tells Ankita that she has to choose her friends wisely, see his real face now. Ankita says I am.

12 PM

Ayesha tells Vicky that Munawar could have gotten hurt when you pulled him down. Vicky says don’t talk about it.

Ankita asks Munawar what did he say to Vicky about her? Munawar says I didn’t bring you up, I just said you are worried about her. Did you not hear what he said about me? I didn’t bring you up. Ankita says I didn’t see this face of yours before. Mannara says we haven’t seen Vicky like this before also. Ankita says I am not talking to you. She tells Munawar that he shouldn’t have taunted Vicky for leering at girls. Munawar says he also taunted me. Ankita says it was my fault to share things with you, this is your real face. She leaves. Munawar says Vicky was about to hurt me. Mannara tells Munawar that she didn’t need to jump on the tree, I could have silently took them down. Munawar says do you want to argue when I am having mental aggression? Abhishek tells him that he didn’t need to bring those buckets down.

Ankita tells Isha that people have grudges against each other here and now bringing them all up. Munawar taunted Vicky for leering at girls but it was Munawar whose affairs were brought up. He can never be a good friend because he doesn’t have good intentions for others.

3 PM

Bigg Boss asks the inmates if they are ready for the task? Vicky says yes. Bigg Boss asks Munawar, Abhishek, Arun and Mannara to come to the archive room. They all go there while others watch them on TV. Bigg Boss tells them that they have worked hard to come to this stage of the show. Everyone wants to win now, the nominations this week are important. I gave you a simple task so lets see an action replay of yesterday. The clip shows Vicky’s team attacking Munawar’s team with water and chillies. Ankita is sad seeing all that. The clip then how after the task, Vicky’s team hid chillies and buckets. Munawar thanks BB for showing them all that. Bigg Boss tells the inmates that he announced yesterday that the task was stopped but Vicky’s team kept preparing for today’s task. Team B kept hiding chillies, they even threw away common ration. They keep talking about being fair but how is that fair? Ankita was seen saying that she would bear anything in the task but why were they hiding everything? they were so scared that they hid things before the task even started. Mannara says they are all insecure. Bigg Boss says they got this chance because I sent team A to the cage first, this is all unfair for you people. I am announcing now that Team B has to pay for these activities now. Team A will decide what they want to do now. One option is that we will send back all the items that team B hid. He says Team A stayed in the task for 39 minutes yesterday so if team B stays in the task more than that then they will win today. Another option is that Team A can decide to disqualify Team B without giving them a chance to play today and they will get nominated directly. You all can decide mutually. Ankita says they won’t give us a chance now.

Arun talks with his team and says I want them to bear what we had to bear but I want to get things easily. Abhishek says we have worked hard on the task, they were unfair even after the task. Mannara says they even questioned our characters and whatnot. Abhishek says they were unfair with us so I think we can disqualify them. Munawar says I want to fight in the task with them but I want them to lose without even fighting, we will win without being unfair with them. Mannara says I don’t want to lose you 3 at this stage, what happened with us yesterday was wrong and I think they should face consequences so we should choose option B.

Bigg Boss asks Team B about their decision. Munawar says they don’t deserve to play the game so we are choosing option 2. Bigg Boss says so they will be disqualified from the task without even playing today. They will be nominated and you all will go to the finale week. They all agree to that. Vicky says they are such weak people. Munawar thanks Bigg Boss. They all come back in the house, Ankita cheers for them and says they are all cowards. Abhishek says you people deserved this only. Ankita says I wanted to play today. Bigg Boss says this season was not about tasks. He says Team A has disqualified Team B for their unethical gameplay so Team B has lost the task. Isha says they are all so scared. Bigg Boss says Ankita, Vicky, Isha and Ayesha are nominated this week. Mannara, Munawar, Arun and Abhishek are going to reach the finale week. Abhishek thanks Bigg Boss.


Update Credit to: Atiba

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