Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 1st November 2023 Written Episode Update: The first task gets rejected because of Abhishek

Bigg Boss 17 1st November 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

DAy 17
8 AM
The inmates wake up to BB anthem, they all gather and dance to it.

9 AM
The alarm plays as Isha and Sana are sleeping. Munawar asks them to wake up. Arun and Tehelka are in bed too. Sana tells Khanzaadi that Ankita sleeps more than me. Ankita says alarm never played because of me. Isha says it did play because of you yesterday. Ankita says don’t put this on me, you were sleeping.

9:15 AM
Manasvi tells Sana that Anurag started fighting with me for no reason. Sana says he is very confused.

Anurag tells Jigna and Rinku that people questioned my career too.

Isha tells Ankita that everyone sleeps do don’t get angry if I said the alarm played because of you too.

11 AM
Isha tells Navid that Abhishek shouldn’t

joke with you and cross a line, he was joking that he wants a massage from you and all that. I think you should tell him to not cross the friendship line. Its hurting you too. He thanks her and leaves.

Navid comes to Vicky and Abhishek. He says I have a question with Abhishek, Isha doesn’t like you joking with me. Isha says I don’t mind you sharing with others. Abhishek says silence speaks more than words. All cheer for him. Khanzaadi says you impressed me. Mannara says heart is beating at both the ends. Ankita tells Vicky to not tease Navid about Abhishek, its not nice. Aishwarya asks Navid if he has feelings for Abhishek? He says yes but I know he is straight. Neil says don’t get hurt. Ankita calls Navid and says don’t let anyone joke about this, she tells Abhishek to not let anyone joke about pairing them.

Vicky tells Isha that he was hurt that she listened to Sana over him, you shouldn’t have questioned me because of her. Isha says I just wanted to clarify. Vicky says you shouldn’t give importance to her.

Abhishek tells Khanzaadi that he roams around shirtless so she could praise him. She says I notice it. He says I don’t like you spending time with Anurag.

11:45 AM
Vicky tells Ankita that Isha gave a point to Sana, she shouldn’t have questioned because of Sana. I want to make relationships here with Isha and Abhishek. Ankita says she shouldn’t confront us because of others. Sana says whoever roams around this couple then they are deserving but if someone goes against them then they are not deserving.

Mannara tells Ankita that Samarth wants to talk to me but Isha is so controlling. Ankita says Sana had no connection with Isha but she is listening to her and talking behind my back, she lost a relationship.

Vicky tells Neil that he should have talked to him instead of shouting at him. Neil says I want to live peacefully with you, please don’t comment on our marriage. Vicky says I won’t say anything that would damage your marriage.

Mannara reads the message on the screen that people walking in herds will lose their individuality. Navid says I am energetic today, I don’t believe in violence, I believe in love. Abhishek says you don’t give love. Navid says you didn’t accept it.

Abhishek goes to Khanzaadi and hugs her tightly.

5 PM
Rinku tells Abhishek that you can’t be too possessive about your girl. Abhishek says I didn’t like Isha partying and becoming too close to directors and producers. I used to wait for her till 5 AM and she wouldn’t come back till now. I can’t tell you much here. Rinku says then don’t say you were bad for her. Abhishek says no, I didn’t deal it properly.

Mannara teases Khanzaadi and says Abhishek is liking me now. Khanzaadi says I am scared about love. Munawar says so you are falling in love? She says stop all this. Abhishek asks Navid who he likes more? Khanzaadi or Abhishek? Khanzaadi says he is my king. Abhishek says Khanzaadi is perfect for me, I think I don’t deserve a perfect girl like her. Munawar teases him.

6:45 PM
Arun, Tehelka and Anurag are sitting in their room. Arun says people keep saying that I don’t come out of my room but they don’t do much.

Bigg Boss calls everyone to the lounge. He says the kitchen is divided so why not divide ration too? Lets do that. He tells house no. 2 to put all grocery items in the storeroom. They put all items in the storeroom. Ankita whispers brain house has all the power, this is not right. Vicky is whispering to Anurag so Bigg Boss asks him to share it with everyone. He says its nothing important. Bigg Boss says if you don’t talk then we won’t start the task. Vicky says I was talking about Sana and how she keeps trying to talk to me, we will ignore her. Bigg Boss says Ankita said it in front of all so why are you whispering?

7 PM
Bigg Boss tells the contestants that we will divide ration among houses but its upto you how you get it. In the first round, house 1 and 2 will fight. Ankita and Mannara will hold a big spoon. They all start talking so Bigg Boss says we don’t have to tell you all the instructions if you don’t want to hear. They all apologize. Manasvi runs around to change and others are talking so Bigg Boss gets angry and says you all can decipher the task on your own, I won’t tell anything. He asks Sana to read instructions. She reads it.

The task starts, Ankita and Mannara hold their spoons. Bigg Boss says your pose is not right. Sana tries to tell them but they can’t hold it correctly. Bigg Boss says you people don’t hear us but want to plot before even starting the task. You people are not serious. He asks Sana who touched their spoon on the floor first? Vicky says it was Mannara. Sana says it was Ankita. Vicky says you shouldn’t lie like this. Bigg Boss says house 2 won this round. I will open the storeroom for 2 minutes and house 2 have to run to get their ration. Ankita argues with Munawar as he says Ankita touched her spoon on the floor first. Ankita tells Mannara that she should tell them the truth, she says I don’t know. Aishwarya says Sana is a big liar. Vicky argues with Sana. Anurag tells Arun that they are not even listening to Bigg Boss. Vicky charges at Sana for being unfair, she shouts at him. Ankita says I know Mannara’s spoon touched the floor first. Vicky asks her to calm down.

7:30 PM
Abhishek argues with Sana as she was biased. Bigg Boss tells house. 2 that they will have 2 minutes to get items from the storeroom and it will be their ration only. The bell rings and they all run to get ration items. They pick up items. Otherside Abhishek tells Sana that she is shown as being a liar on TV. The buzzer plays and Abhishek steals items from Munawar and puts it back in the storeroom. Abhishek says I took it from after the buzzer played, if you people can’t be fair then I will do what I want. He goes to their house so Khanzaadi asks him to leave. Mannara says don’t do this. Abhishek argues with Khanzaadi and Mannara. Bigg Boss asks them to come to the garden.

7:45 PM
Bigg Boss tells everyone to clap for Vicky and Abhishek. You people didn’t even want to hear the instructions because you think you know it all. Abhishek thinks he can be violent, it was not your turn to get ration. House no. 2 had their turn to take their ration, whatever items they brought from there was theirs only so why did Abhishek take items from them and put it back in the storeroom? you people don’t want to hear so I am stopping the task now. House no. 2 will get their items which they won but house no. 1 and 3 will have basic ration only, they won’t get a chance to win their ration. Sana tries to convince Bigg Boss but he says we won’t give you a chance.

8 PM
Vicky asks Mannara to tell the truth now that Sana lied. Mannaras says I didn’t even see Ankita. Vicky says you are Sana’s best friend now?

Munawar says it was karma for Vicky as he said he wants to ignore Sana.

Isha argues with Mannara as she lied. She asks her to get lost. Mannara says you want lollipop from our ration? Isha asks her to get lost.

8:15 PM
Khanzaadi says I won’t do any duties now.

Anurag tells Jigna that we should have been more careful.

Mannara tells Rinku that they are getting personal in the game.

8:30 PM
Manasvi says this all happened because of Abhishek. He tells her to at least take a stand for the right thing, he charges at her and says you didn’t take a stand for the right thing. Vicky asks Navid if he saw Mannara winning against Ankita or not? Bigg Boss says I need therapy, he asks Neil to come to the therapy room.

8:45 PM
Bigg Boss asks Neil what’s going on in the house? the task couldn’t be completed. Neil says people started talking before you could even give instructions, I apologize on everyone’s behalf. Bigg Boss asks if he doesn’t like someone in the heart house? He says I am not understanding Vicky. Bigg Boss says tasks are just a way to make your relationships stronger. The task couldn’t be completed but we exposed some people who think they know the game, they think they can replicated what happened before in BB, they think they are know it all and if they follow ex-contestants then they can move ahead in the game. They want to have good relationships with everyone and want to get credit in every task. You said house no. 2 is united which is right. House no. 1 has a lot of complaints but they don’t take a stand for themselves and just keep compromising.

Khanzaadi tells Ankita to stop it now. Vicky says Sana took a wrong decision and we lost our ration.

Bigg Boss tells Neil that the task couldn’t be completed because some people didn’t want to hear instructions and another inmate acted like old contestant to try to shine. I don’t care if Sana was right or wrong. We want to ask why no one is taking a stand and telling him (Vicky) to stop with his lectures. Neil says I wanted to respect friendship with him. Bigg Boss says we feel like there was a compromise before the show started. I think Vicky met with 4-5 people before coming here and made a pact to move as a group. Vicky has chosen his ladders to use to move to the finale. We wanted to open your eyes to that.

Mannara tells everyone that Abhishek shouldn’t have gone against the instructions, the task couldn’t be completed because of Abhishek.

Khanzaadi tells Abhishek that she doesn’t want to talk to him, he says I am sorry. Khanzaadi says you tried to push me, I don’t want to talk to you, what you did was wrong. Abhishek says you are laughing. He keeps following her and says you can fight with me. Isha sees all that and tries to ignore them. Abhishek asks Khanzaadi to talk to him but she says don’t talk to me.

9 PM
Bigg Boss asks Abhishek why was he apologizing to Khanzaadi? He says I went against her and pushed her in the game. Bigg Boss says why are you apologizing because you were very violent in the game. Abhishek says I am trying to pacify her. Bigg Boss calls him on the balcony and asks Khanzaadi to go in front of him. She laughs. Bigg Boss asks Abhishek to apologize in front of everyone. He says I am sorry, I didn’t want to hurt you, I am really sorry. She says what if you do that again? He says then you can kiss my cheeks. She says that won’t happen. Khanzaadi asks Bigg Boss what should she do? Bigg Boss says I can’t interfere in your personal matter. Khanzaadi says I want Abhishek to keep standing there even after the lights go off. He says sure. They say some film’s dialogues. Bigg Boss says we don’t have rights for this so we can’t use it, all laugh. Isha claps. Abhishek tells Khanzaadi that she is very pretty. He asks if he can go downstairs? Bigg Boss says you do what you want.

9:45 PM
Sana tells Mannara that we can combine houses against house no. 1. Arun asks Mannara if he is not close to her? she says I respect you a lot.

Neil tells Aishwarya that Bigg Boss told me that I had a pact with Vicky before coming to the show. He told me to take a stand if I think he is wrong.

Anurag tells Tehelka that we have to get ration from others if we are hungry.

Neil tells Aishwarya that I can’t talk openly talk about what Bigg Boss said but you have to get my hints. I am requesting you to think about my words. He is placing trust in us so if I say something then don’t argue with me. Bigg Boss said everything for our benefit. He holds her hand and says our relationship is above everything, we don’t need to fight in front of others. Aishwarya says I was angry. Neil says if you have any complaints with me then don’t fight with me in front of Ankita and Vicky. Aishwarya hugs him and cries. Neil says we will need to be vary of Vicky.

11:45 PM
Abhishek tries to talk to Khanzaadi. She says I don’t want to talk to him right now. I am irritated right now. She tells Mannara that I don’t want to continue with him, he should have been more respectful. Mannara says he is like that only.

Khanzaadi tells Arun that Abhishek is going crazy for my attention now, I was just joking around but he is very persistent now. Arun says just give us a hint and we will take on him.

1:15 AM
Anurag and Isha find some food in the kitchen. Isha says I am hungry so I am going to eat it. She finds more items and warms it. Sana comes there, Isha says I am very hungry.

Khanzaadi hugs Munawar and says goodnight to him. He says goodnight to Mannara but she ignores him.

Abhishek tells Isha that they shouldn’t eat items from house no. 2. Isha says its not a lot, I am very hungry.

Ankita eats in her bed. Otherside Isha takes food from the fridge and eats it.

1:45 AM
Abhishek comes to Khanzaadi’s bed and apologizes to her. She says no.. he says I am very sorry. She says I don’t want to talk to you, I won’t forgive you so easily. Mannara says let us sleep. Navid says he is disturbing us. Abhishek says should I sleep between you both? Navid says you are more than welcome. Abhishek goes to sleep on Mannara’s bed. Mannara tells Khanzaadi to not have misunderstanding. She tells Abhishek that he should leave before people doubt us. Abhishek apologizes to Khanzaadi again. She says you are forgiven, go and sleep. He thanks her and leaves.

PRECAP – Samarth shouts at Isha and says you don’t understand my words, he throws a cup from her hand. Abhishek doesn’t like seeing him misbehave with her. Isha tells Samarth that she can end it he is like this. He apologizes to her and they hug. In a task, the guys have to do pushups and take name of the inmate they don’t like. Aishwarya tells Neil to scream Vicky’s name as they hate him.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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