Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 20th November 2023 Written Episode Update: Navid gets eliminated

Bigg Boss 17 20th November 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 36

9:45 PM

Abhishek taunts Mannara that everyone gives their 1000% in the tasks even if others are hurt emotionally or physically. Mannara proved that she said all that to win a task and Samarth-Aishwarya got hurt. Mannara says I didn’t enter anyone’s personal space unlike others. Abhishek says you were just too competitive, I didn’t taunt you directly. Mannara says go and watch the video. I didn’t make Anurag my friend because he has good following like you who just makes friends to get footage. Abhishek says you get personal with others too, you have shown what you can do to win. Mannara says I sit with everyone here, you think you are bigger than everyone here. Abhishek says you get personal too. Abhishek says I did everything to win tasks too, its okay

if you do it but if others do it then its not okay? Munawar says you don’t have to question her. Abhishek says don’t come in the middle of this. I just said sorry, she can forgive me if she wants. Mannara says I didn’t even know Anurag had followers. Abhishek tells Munawar to not interfere in this matter. He tells Mannara that she has opened her mouth, he won’t change himself. I can’t become Mannara. Mannara says don’t pass personal comments. Abhishek says then don’t get physical in the tasks. Vicky tells Ankita that Samarth talked to me about Isha. Abhishek tells Mannara to calm down now. she tells him to leave, why should she calm down? Vicky says I am proud of Mannara. Abhishek says she has no point now. Mannara says I won’t take orders from you. Munawar asks Mannara to calm down.

10:45 PM

Munawar tells Mannara that she did everything in the task and Aishwarya took is sportingly. You shouldn’t have hit Samarth on the cheek but don’t go on a guilt trip, you did what you had to do.

Samarth talks to Abhishek. He tells him to go after people who are talking behind his back. Abhishek asks if Munawar said anything behind his back? Samarth says no, he wouldn’t give you a bad advice but he would play his game on both the sides.

Anurag tells Arun that Navid told Khanzaadi that people are frustrated with her as she is not doing her duties so she is fighting with people now.

Khanzaadi tells Neil that the doctor advised me to rest otherwise I was doing my duties before. Neil says you always chose your own duties. Rinku says I am done with her. Khanzaadi says I am not saying anything to you, just leave. Rinku says shut up, you are a fool. Neil says she is insulting Rinku who has always been there for her. Khanzaadi says I wasn’t insulting her. Neil shouts that you are crazy, she always stood by you.

Navid tells Munawar that people are fighting with Khanzaadi over duties.

Rinku shouts at Khanzaadi to get lost. Khanzaadi says I am not a fool like you. Rinku gets angry and says I will hit her. Khanzaadi says I will do what I want to do, you guys are wrong. Aishwarya tells Khanzaadi that she thinks she is always right. Abhishek takes Rinku from there. He says Khanzaadi is thankless.

11:45 PM

Mannara asks Rinku if she got insulted by Khanzaadi? Rinku says don’t come here and joke about that. Mannara says I was just asking, I am sorry. Rinku says you should choose your words wisely.

Khanzaadi tells Ankita that I spend so much time with the doctor, he told me to rest and these people are charging at me.

12:45 AM

Rinku tells Jigna that she would have hit Khanzaadi today.

Arun teases insults to Navid in Hindi. Tehelka jokes with them.

2:30 AM

Abhishek tells Samarth that he should backbite him to Vicky and Ankita. Samarth says I will talk to them tomorrow. Just fight with Ankita tomorrow on a small topic and then I will talk to them about you. Abhishek says yes, then I will know what Vicky is thinking.

Khanzaadi tells Navid that if everyone is against her then it will be so fun.

Abhishek talks to the camera and says Samarth thinks I am part of his gameplan but he is a fool. I just want to get information from him and then I will play my game.

Day 37

8 AM

The contestants wake up to BB anthem, they all dance to it.

10 AM

Aishwarya is cooking in the kitchen. Khanzaadi tries to talk to her.

Isha tells Abhishek that he did right by being honest about Khanzaadi. Now Khanzaadi, Ankita, Vicky and Munawar are playing as a group. Khanzaadi will be used by Vicky now.

Khanzaadi tells Aishwarya that she made coffee the wrong way to the milk got rotten so she wants to make her own coffee. Aishwarya says I will put coffee in your cup, I  can’t give you the jar. Khanzaadi says this is wrong, I want the jar. Aishwarya says I can’t give it to you, get lost. Khanzaadi says I will not be silenced like this. Khanzaadi takes milk to put in her coffee, she pours a little bit and Rinku takes it back. Neil shouts at Khanzaadi that she is making things difficult for everyone. Khanzaadi says you just want footage from me. Aishwarya says she just wants to fight, get lost. Khanzaadi says you get lost. You are a joker. Aishwarya telsl her to get lost. Vicky says Mannara’s milk got rotten too but we didn’t give her extra milk.

10:30 AM

Khanzaadi asks Mannara if she made her coffee again after her milk got rotten? She says no. Khanzaadi says I have to manage my own ration now. Mannara asks if she is okay now? Khanzaadi says I am okay, I meet up with a doctor. She says I thought you were my good friend, I cried after my fights with you. Mannara says I always go to people when they are feeling low. Khanzaadi says I was hurt because it was you who said that, I took you as my friend. Mannara says its fine.

Khanzaadi tells Jigna that Aishwarya took more flour for her rotis. Jigna says I gave her equal so don’t make this into an issue.

12 PM

The contestants are joking with Arun and Tehelka. Bigg Boss asks Vicky to come to the archive area with his housemates.

Vicky, Sana, Anurag, Tehelka and Arun are in the archive room. Bigg Boss says we have different lockers here and all of these are special. You can make good strategies. Bigg Boss gives them a tour and they can find old episodes, newspapers there. Anurag reads instructions from Bigg Boss that a right person should be at the right place at the right time. Bigg Boss says I want to ask you all who 3 inmates are staying here on borrowed time? Sana says I think its Jigna, Rinku and Neil. Anurag, Tehelka and Arun choose Jigna, Rinku and Navid. Vicky says I am aligned with Rinku and Jigna’s names. Lets choose Navid. Vicky says we have chosen 3 inmates. He says Rinku doesn’t have entertainment quotient. Tehelka says Jigna should leave as her game is weak. Anurag says they didn’t play individually. He gives Navid’s name as he gets manipulated easily. Bigg Boss thanks them.

Bigg Boss asks Mannara what’s grace period? Mannara says that’s like extra time. Bigg Boss says we asked house no. 2 people who they think are here on borrowed time and they gave Rinku, Jigna and Navid’s names. Navid tells Vicky that its wrong.

1:15 PM

Vicky tells Neil that we all agreed on Jigna-Rinku names. Neil says you could have proposed your own names. Vicky says why would I when I knew I wouldn’t get a majority. Bigg Boss asks Neil to gather everyone to the lounge.

Bigg Boss tells the contestants that half of the show’s time has passed so we should buckle up. House no. 2 gave us 3 names and now one of those people will get eliminated right now. All are shocked. Bigg Boss says you all will decide who will leave. There is no inmate from heart house so only power house people will decide who should leave today, it depends on whose contribution is less to the show. Neil goes with his housemates.

Neil tries to talk to his housemates but Navid starts crying badly. Neil consoles him.

Khanzaadi talks to Neil and Aishwarya. She says I want to save Navid and I have seen Rinku be more involved than Jigna in the house. I want to save Rinku and Navid. Neil says I think Jigna and Rinku contributed more than Navid. Aishwarya says I think Rinku contributed more than Jigna but I would eliminate Navid.

Vicky tells Anurag and others that if people are not entertaining then they have to leave. Arun says Sana said that Arun is also not entertaining. Sana says Anurag said that. Anurag says don’t drag me in this, Navid took Arun’s name. Vicky tells them to stop fighting.

Aishwarya tells Navid that they have to be fair so they are choosing him.

2 PM

Neil comes to the confession room. Bigg Boss asks who did they choose to eliminate? He says Navid.

2:15 PM

Bigg Boss tells the contestants that Navid has been chosen so he is eliminated from this point on. Navid hugs everyone and says he loves them all. Khanzaadi cries silently. Mannara hugs her. Abhishek cries but Navid consoles him. Abhishek sits on his knees and jokingly asks if he will be his boyfriend? Navid hugs him and says I love you. Navid goes to Khanzaadi and says he loves her. Abhishek says we all have connections. Khanzaadi tells Navid that she is alone now. Aishwarya says she is still thinking about herself.

2:30 PM

Jigna cries and tells Munawar that people are playing games here. Munawar says you have to give it back to them.

Arun tells Navid that everyone is crying for him. Navid says bye to everyone and leaves from the house.

2:45 PM

Vicky tells Anurag that our choices weren’t wrong.

Rinku tells Jigna and Mannara that Vicky is insecure. Vicky found people who are his followers. Jigna says they have no identity.

Abhishek tells Munawar that he had a good connection with Navid.

Jigna tells Ankita that people’s real colors are seen like this.

Arun tells Tehelka that we thought it would be straightforward nominations but Bigg Boss played a game.

Mannara tells Sana that she is under Vicky.. I can see something happening in your house and its not good. Sometimes we think of sacrificing our people to protect ourselves but you will be alone when you them in the game.

Khanzaadi tells Vicky that she is in pain but Neil-Aishwarya won’t make food for me. Vicky says if they tell you no then they will look like villains. If they deny you food then it will show their real faces. Khanzaadi says I just had an apple. Vicky says we can give you our food. Khanzaadi says no no.. you will be punished. Vicky says we can take punishments, don’t take too much tension.

5:45 PM

Khanzaadi tells Rinku that she will cooperate with them. Rinku asks how did she change her mind? Khanzaadi says I don’t want to fight too much. Jigna says you can take anything you want from ration. Khanzaadi says I want to cooperate with you. I will use ration from the house. Jigna says no, you can take your ration.

Munawar tells Vicky that Bigg Boss played a good game. Vicky says now every day is important. Munawar says some people are tired so we shouldn’t give them water. Vicky says Abhishek should waste time on irrelevant people. I am controlling Khanzaadi so that’s good. I think Mannara is an important character so keep things up with her and don’t let her make things up with Khanzaadi. Munawar says she should think that she doesn’t need Khanzaadi. Vicky says just make sure Mannara and Khanzaadi don’t become friends again.

Khanzaadi takes food that others made and eats it.

Ankita finds Munawar and Samarth on her bed. Abhishek says what’s going on? Isha I wasn’t like this.

7 PM

Khanzaadi tells Vicky that she won’t do house duty, they aren’t making food for me. Neil tells Vicky that she is trying to provoke us. Neil says don’t get involved in this. She is threatening us. Vicky says then solve it. Neil says she doesn’t want peace in the house, we can’t do anything. He tells Vicky that they will do their duties so lets end it. Vicky says I just care about house duties.

Isha asks Samarth if he was having fun Munawar?

Khanzaadi is eating laddos. Mannara asks where did you get it from? Khanzaadi gives them to her and leaves. Aishwarya tells Jigna that Khanzaadi is just provoking us. Khanzaadi takes laddos box and offers them to everyone.

8 PM

Aishwarya tells Jigna and Mannara that Khanzaadi is portraying us as villains that we are not giving her food. Mannara says she likes that everyone is talking about her. I know her, she likes that. She stopped fighting with me once I stopped giving her answers.

Abhishek sits with Samarth. Khanzaadi is sitting there so Abhishek jokes if everything is fine? is he getting food? Khanzaadi turns away from Abhishek. Samarth tells Abhishek that he is all alone. Abhishek says I don’t want to fight with you, I have said many things to you which I shouldn’t have. I just want to become friends with you,  I don’t want you to be alone, I want to support you. He says all that indirectly to Khanzaadi. Abhishek says I am apologizing for my mistake. He leaves. Khanzaadi tells Samarth that I have nothing to do with him, illmannered person.

Jigna tells Rinku that no one is caring about us. They want us to shout and manipulate others but I am not that person.

Munawar says some poetry for Ankita. She starts singing Sushant’s song. Munawar says I saw his special screening. I met him once. Ankita says he was very a good man.. I feel weird when I talk about him in the past.. Munawar asks if she knows what went wrong? Ankita says I don’t want to talk about it now. Munawar says everyone has a version of what went wrong but you were close to him. Ankita says I know what happened but I can’t say. It was shocking for me.. I couldn’t go to his funeral but Vicky told me to go. I didn’t even know what death was like. I experienced that once my father died.. I love my parents a lot, I miss my father. She gets emotional so Munawar consoles her.

Jigna tells Aishwarya that she wants her boy to succeed and for his safety, I let him leave the country. I was so heartbroken but I didn’t want risks for him. He couldn’t even get a job. People were ready to take me on dates but they couldn’t give me a job.

Vicky tells Isha that we should have choices in this show. Like you talk to other people, you should speak up too.

Neil tells Jigna and Rinku that they said you both had less contribution to the show. Jigna says we have worked hard for this.

PRECAP – Bigg Boss gives a nomination task to the contestants. Arun nominates Neil. Vicky challenges Munawar for not playing on front foot. Khanzaadi says I like teasin Aishwarya. Aishwarya tells Khanzaadi that she keeps fighting. Neil says we are done with you. Khanzaadi says look at your face. Neil says don’t do this drama with me.. he starts laughing at her and says you want entertainment? 

Update Credit to: Atiba

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