Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 21st January 2024 Written Episode Update: Isha gets evicted

Bigg Boss 17 21st January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Weekend ka vaar
Salman shows Anil Kapoor the ATC. He asks where are your fighters? Salman says we have seven fighters. They have been trained for the last 3 months. Next week is their main flying test in our finale. This show is a warzone. Anil says they have eyes on the target. Salman says see Munawar, he lost his missile yesterday. This is Ankita, she has a burden of expectations and her life partner. Anil says Vicky? Salman says everyone has tested their relationship. This show has been his worst nightmare. He wanted to elsewhere but the control tower had other orders. This is Mannara, she knows all the vibes. Arun has fought major fights under the blanket. Isha is the youngest who fights for self-confidence. This is Abshihek, she is a fighter of love. Anil says are they ready to target each

other? Salman says yes next week.

Salman welcomes everyone to the weekend ka vaar. Salman says some people stop time, like Anil Kapoor. Salman says it’s an honor for us that you’re here. This is our last weekend ka vaar. the fight to the finale has started. Anil tells him about his movie Fighter. They sing Salman’s son Dil Deewana.

Salman meets the contestants through a video link. Salman says one of you will get to see his movie outside. Munawar sings a poem for Anil Kapoor. Mannara says I am a big find. Mannara sings tum se mil kar. Salman asks Ankita how are you now? She says I am good now. He says Anil wants to tell you something. Anil says you always have a problem with Vicky right he doesn’t say in your favor or appreciate you. Today he will tell us five things that will prove you are wife no. 1. Ankita says he will have to think a lot. Vicky says she was always a friend, I used to tell her she would keep that house united. She’s very committed. The third thing is she is very pretty in her face and heart. She doesn’t lie. She says how things are.  When our relationship started she used to trust me a lot. Right now it’s shaky but I hope she starts trusting me and us again. Anil says she’s a very good actress today. Salman says you will never find a better partner than her.

Anil says you all have a  chance to launch your missile. Pick one and shoot it for the person who needs it. Isha comes. She picks manners missile. Isha says I wanna call Abhishek. She’s very ill-mannered. She gets aggressive. Salman says it depends on where this missile would hit. Ankita picks entertainment. She says Arun, has entertained people less. Vicky picks unfairly. He says Munawar, has to be fair in his relations. Mannara picks truth. Mannara says she says she has genuine bonds. I tried a lot to believe that but when I made a bond with Vicky, I tried a lot. I don’t know why we didn’t get along. I didn’t see the truth in her. Ankita says I always started and you said you didn’t want any connection with me. Abhishek picks the brain. He says Mannara doesn’t use her brain. Munawar picks loyalty. He says Isha stays alert and talks about her friends on their backs. Arun picks clarity, he says I would give it to Munawar. He has no clarity in his relationship. Anil ass Abhishek and Munawar to pick their fighter gifts from the store room. He says you’re all fighters. Anil Kapoor leaves.

Salman welcomes the Dance Dewanee cast. They tell Salman how motivated they are about the show. She says sir we love you a lot. Salman wishes them luck. He sees them off. Salman says I will give you one good news adn one bad. The good news is, this is last weekend ka vaar. You were being voted for Appy Fizz superstar of the show. The person who won was Mannara Chopra. Mannara gets happy. She gets her hamper. Salman says Isha, Vicky, and Ankita are nominated. The person whose journey is ending today is. Isha. Everyone is shocked. He says your journey ends here. Isha is shocked. He says rest of you congratulations. You’ve made it to the finale. He says well played Isha. Isha says you’ve given me a lot of guidance. It’s a big deal for me that I made it to this platform. Thanks, everyone. Salman says I hope you do well in your life.

Vicky hugs Isha. Isha says it’s fine. Ankita hugs her. Ankita cries. Ankita says I wish I could stop this. She cries. She says I am very proud of you. I wish I was like you. Mannara hugs Isha. She hugs Arun. Abhishek cries as well. Isha hugs Abhishek adn says congratulations. Abhishek cries. Arun says let her go. Isha says it’s fine.  Ankita hugs Isha and cries. Abhishek sobs in the corner. Munawar tries to console her. He says I didn’t want you to go. Isha says it’s fine. He says I am sorry for everything. She says I am sorry too. Isha says our chapter closes here, I won’t say anything bad about you, and neither do you. All the best, and play well in your journey. She hugs Mannara. Abhishek cries in the corner. Isha says to Ankita it is Thurs after coming so close. But it’s fine. Ankita hugs her. Isha says it’s fine. I will see you outside. Munawar says to Abhishek don’t get so affected. You wanted her to lift the trophy. Abhishek says don’t do this right now. You said something outside too. Don’t do this, I will be okay. Is she crying? Abhishek says no. He asks why this happens. Why do I feel bad?

Isha leaves and says thank you Bigg Boss. Thank you all. I will see you all outside, we will party. Do well in the finale. Ankita thanks her for everything. She leaves. Abhishek cries. Ankita cries too. Abhishek goes to the bathroom. Ankita hugs Vicky and cries. Abhishek says why do I feel bad.

At night
Munawar says isn’t good that a competition went. Didn’t you think she’d make it to the top 5? Abhishek says I am not thinking about the top 5 now. Mannar says I thought she was stronger than Ankita. Ankita says to Vicky when I stayed at your family’s house did your family ever find out we fought? He says we fought a lot. You know hit you in a joke. Vicky says you’ve said a lot of things. Because of us, our family is bothered. If we see our future kids fighting we will be affected too. Ankita says you have an explanation for everything. Vicky says you never understand. We always don’t have to respond. I am not telling you your mistake. Ankita says I can’t tell you any point.

Abhishek says Isha’s parents won’t let her talk to Samarth. You get this chance, if you damage a girl’s image you lose it. Abhishek says her mom is very strict. Ankita says mummy said she didn’t want this marriage. Vicky says she said they were skeptical. Ankita says didn’t I change for your family? Vicky says because of us our family is defamed is it bad? Ankita says I did everything. Abhishek says once in a year. You can’t say I did everything. Ankita says didn’t I accept your family? He says they never bothered you either. He says yes. Ankita says have I ever shown I am from this fiend? He says there was nothing to show. Ankita says I don’t know how to ace mummy after her big statements. Vicky says everything will be fine. They will question when things go south. Once we’re doing things right no one will question. Ankita says we try but it’s painful.

She says everything has been messed up. Salman sir told me to not depend too much. He asks if this is Ankita Lokhande. Ankita says I can’t speak in front of you. I always gave up. He says you always say. Ankita says I don’t want to fight. I want to be like how I was. I will say sorry to mummy. He says everything will be fine. We were okay so she was fine. Ankita says we had fights, but she never got to know. Ankita says she got to know I know. Ankita says we never told her. Vicky says we can’t always only think about ourselves. She says I wasn’t the only wrong one. Vicky says you can keep fighting. Ankita says you never accept yours. Vicky leaves.

Abhishek says I feel bad. I wanted you to be in the top 5. I know you will do well in life. I am sorry. He cries.

Salman asks everyone to vote for their favorite contestant. He says Sohail and Arbaz will go in to chill. Sohail and Arbaz meet everyone. He says our control room will decide who will make it to the finale. Sohail says Munawar is the helicopter of this house. All his flights were canceled because of the bad weather. He says Abhishek’s flight also felt. Arbaz says she lost her chance. Arbaz says Munwar we got you double XL clothes because you have so many exes. Arbaz says Mannara are you Munawar’s friend or Ankita’s insecurity. She says things are cool after yesterday. They congratulate the finalists. Sohail says to Arbaz you can’t fly because you’re a married man now. Arbaz says married life is beautiful. Sohail says have you seen Vicky Ankita? Vicky says everyone has seen my experiences. Vicky says Ankita you explain to Vicky. She says what do I explain, you tell me. You have more experience with marriages. Arbaz says no one can explain or understand Vicky. He says Mannara is an aircraft, whoever sits in this craft gets a crash landing like Khanzadi. Whoever became Mannara’s friend got evicted. Mannara says they didn’t listen to me. If Anurag listened to me he won’t have been evicted. Arbaz says Munawar listen. Mannara says he is a hypocrite. Munawar says I can’t do anything if she’s jealous. Sohail asks how many people think Munawar doesn’t give closures. Sohail says he took Samarth to the tunnel. Arbaz says Abhishek also said that about Isha. He says I felt bad about saying that when she was leaving.

Arbaz says now you have to answer us with signs like an air hostess. Arbaz asks who has only taken a business class seat and didn’t do anything. They all say Arun. Arun says I don’t care what they think. The audience wanted me here so I am. I don’t care about these people. Sohial says who is economy class? Ankita says we are all here with our hard work. Does Sohail ask who needs an oxygen mask? Munawar says Ankita. She’s exhausted by what’s happening between her and Vicky. She gets drained. It’s a personal thing. If Vicky had become her oxygen mask or if he does now, she would do so much better. Ankita says we spoke about it. I had many things wrong, I am working on myself adn Vicky is also working on himself. So somewhere my oxygen is working with me. Sohail asks who is flying so much that they forget that ground reality. Mannara says Muawar. He says I am self-aware. Mannara says is this self-aware? Do you even know what you feel about yourself? You need a reality check. He says I am many of them. Mannara says he needs to work on himself. He shouldn’t run away from his problems but face them adn give people closure. If you want respect, you also have to give it. Arbaz says Vicky asks her to chill. Arbaz congratulates them for making it to the final week.

Sohail says have you understood your competitors? Arba,z you have to tell who is the most non undeserving? That person will stand in front of the tank and get a blast. Munawar says Arun. He’s a little undeserving. He slept for a few weeks. He never made any real relations. Arun gets his face blackened. He says the audience loved me that’s why I am here. Ankita says Arun. We have all seen, that he made no relations. His game was weak. Arun says they are jealous. I don’t sit with such fake people. Mannara says for me it’s Ankita. Her words don’t match her personality. She’s deceptive. Sir also told her the same. We can’t figure out what was true. If Munawar is her friend why is she feeling bad about him being in the final? Ankita says you can’t tell me what I didn’t like. I didn’t say I didn’t like him being in the final. Mannara says she said she has no expectations but I’ve seen her being jealous of her friend too. Ankita says she thinks only she knows how to make friendships. Munawar and I know what we had and we spoke about it. Mannara says she speaks out loud that I made tea for you in fights. Ankita says I never said that to you. When did I ever say? Arun says you said it to your husband. She says it’s my husband so you stay out of it. Mannara says she did an act for me. Ankita says I never said anything about you. Mannara says you said go sit in Vicky’s lap. These were your words. Ankita says I already said sorry about it. Ankita’s face gets blackened. Abhishek says it’s Arun for me. His input has been less in the game. He used to sit with us and call us fake. Arun says your game is just fighting with people. Vicky says Arun. I had a good bond. But I realized his friendship is only about his own needs. If he doesn’t need you he will ditch you. He only thinks about himself. Even Tehelka had to leave the show while standing up for him. It was his problem, not Tehelka’s. Arun says Tehelka and I stood up for each other. Arun says they are scared of me. Mannara says he’s never been fake with me.

Sohail says you are all deserving because you all made it here. They dance with Soahil and Arbaz on just chill. Arbaz and Sohail wish them luck and see them off.

Abhishek says to Mannara you said you knew who would go. Why did you give a hypocritical answer? She says I don’t think Ankita deserves to win. Abhishek says you said Arun and now you changed. She says the person who faked doesn’t deserve it. Abhishek says you don’t even match your own words. She says don’t even question then. Ankita says to Arun Abhishek is calling me a hypocrite. She didn’t show her personality. Abhishek says you said a name yesterday. Mannara says I didn’t take a name. He says don’t show me this attitude or I will take you to the tunnel. She says you will take me to the tunnel? Look at your ego. He says don’t do this to me. Mannara says don’t shout at me. You are feeling insecure. Abhishek says she’s acting like Isha and Ayesha. Munawar says she says something and then changes the words. She remembers everything other people said. Abhishek says she’s selfish.

She said so much. Munawar if you question her suddenly you won’t be her favorite anymore. She likes to poke. Abhishek says exactly.

The contestants meet journalists. BB says they question each other. But today they will be questioned. It is so difficult to make it to the finale. You all will face the press with your questions. I welcome them to the house. A journalist asks Munawar Ankita said you didn’t deserve to be here. You didn’t do anything to be here. Your best friend thought that. Munawar says three weeks ago she said we’d both be standing in the final 2. Ankita says you said it. He says it’s fine. People contradict their own selves. When Ankita calms down she will realize I worked. I am deserving that’s what matters. A journalist says my question is for Ankita and Mannara. You two have one thing in common, the equation with Vicky. And second that you both make friendships with heart but you both do character assassination. How is it from the heart. Ankita says we don’t have Vicky in common. He is my husband so I have a much bigger relationship. Mannara says and my brother. Ankita says when this journey started Mannara was nowhere in our lives. We already fought. As a wife, I thought Vicky shouldn’t talk to her.

Episode ends
Precap: Ankita mimics how Mannara used to tease Vicky. She says it might be a joke for her not for me. It’s my marriage. A journalist asks Vicky you said we have 200 people behind me. Why are you so proud? Of your money or being Ankita’s husband? He says I am proud to be Ankita’s husband and so of my money. A journalist asks Munawar when you had to make Mannara jealous you came close to Ankita and did the same with Ankita. You only used girls to move ahead. Munawar says I have always given women respect. A journalist says to Mannara that so much desperation isn’t good either. You call everyone wannabe. You looked the most wannabe in this season. You called Khanzadi characterless. Ankita says when Mannara has a problem with someone she calls them such bad things. She forgets her limits. Mannara she asked me to sit in Vicky’s lap, she asked me to lick his socks, you can’t defend yourself. 

Update Credit to Atiba

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