Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 22nd January 2024 Written Episode Update: Vicky apologizes to Ankita, Ankita apologizes to Mannara

Bigg Boss 17 22nd January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 99

2:45 PM

Abhishek reads the message on the screen that there will be a court day today.

5 PM

Mannara asks Ankita what does she feel? I feel like you are trying to tell Vicky something but you can’t. Ankita says he is not expressive and very carefree, sometimes he needs to appreciate his wife but he doesn’t. I keep appreciating him but he never does. Mannara says I know that romance element is missing.

Munawar tells Vicky to not be insecure of Ankita and Mannara’s friendship now. Vicky says I am so glad they are talking.

6 PM

The inmates come to the garden and find journalists there. Bigg Boss says you people have spent 99 days here and became finalists. I know it was a difficult journey, the media is here with their questions

for you. They can start their questions. The journalist asks Ankita if her fights with Vicky are planned to be seen more? Ankita says I don’t plan anything, my feelings are real, if I wanted to show a perfect image then I wouldn’t be fighting. Vicky says there is nothing more organic than husband and wife fighting. The journalist asks Vicky that you said Abhishek won’t win because he was thrown out? Also you said you should be respecting your wife, you think you were wrong? Vicky says Abhishek shouldn’t have raised his hand and I just think I should have been more polite with Ankita. The journalist asks Munawar that Ankita said Mannara reached the finale without doing anything, do you agree? Munawar says Ankita has negative opinions about everyone, she should calm down and see that everyone has worked to be here. The journalist asks why he thinks Munawar is being fake? Vicky says he was silent even when Ayesha’s allegations, humans have emotions but he doesn’t. Munawar says I am a calm person. The journalist asks Arun if he thinks he has worked as hard as others? Arun says I don’t create useless fights like them. The journalist asks Ankita that you people keep saying you play from heart but why you keep character assassinating Mannara and others? Ankita says I just thought Mannara was trying to create fights when I was having issues with Vicky, she was poking me for no reason. Mannara says Isha, Samarth and Vicky were with me at my low time so I respect them. The journalist asks Ankita if Vicky is unable to be a good husband because he is too involved in the game? Ankita says Vicky’s nature is giving importance to everyone, he wants to prove himself as a good player. The journalist asks Abhishek if Munawar would take a stand for him like he does for him? Abhishek says when Samarth came and I was done, it was Munawar only who supported me, I supported him and connected with him from heart. The journalist asks Ankita and Munawar if Mannara is their friend? Ankita says I don’t think so. Munawar says she is my friend sometimes. The journalist asks Mannara that she never respected any girl in the show, you kept character assassinating girls and even made fun of Munawar’s ex-wife and his kid. You have victimized others but then you play a victim card. Mannara says I can apologize for that, this is my real self and my friendship with Vicky was genuine too. Ankita says she was poking me when I was having issues with Vicky, she kept taunting me. Mannara says I wasn’t trying to poke her, Vicky could have stopped entertaining me but he didn’t. Ankita says Vicky isn’t like that, I told Vicky to choose his priority. The journalist asks Ankita if she wants to take a break after the show? she asks Vicky when will he take a stand for his wife? Vicky says Ankita and I are very vocal, we do have arguments which is natural. The journalist says Vicky was seen saying that he would slap her but they are on TV so he wouldn’t. Vicky says we all do mistakes as humans but we aren’t like this in real life. The journalist asks Vicky that whenever he is confronted on the weekend episode about Ankita, he always tells her that it was her fault, she apologizes to you even when you are at fault. Vicky says this relationship is most important to me, we are comfortable that’s why we share everything openly. The journalist asks Ankita why does Vicky keep bringing up Mannara in your fights? Ankita says our fights increased because of my reactions. There is nothing going on between Vicky and Mannara. The journalist asks Ankita why does she keep apologizing? is she scared of losing her relationship because of her past? Ankita says yes, I have a baggage which makes me scared of losing Vicky. The journalist asks Munawar why is his relationship so weak in the house? you used girls to reached the finale. You kept using Mannara, Ankita and Ayesha to go ahead in the show, are you not able to handle your relationships? Munawar says I have never interfered between Ankita and Vicky, I have never used girls in the game. The journalist says your friendship with Ankita was so weak that it broke in a task? Munawar says I didn’t hurt her in the task, it broke because of her useless expectations. Ankita says I was just trying to talk to him but he didn’t. The journalist asks Abhishek that he kept saying to not pass personal comments but you keep going personal in your fights. Abhishek says I never bring up personal issues myself. Isha used to bring up old things. The journalist asks Munawar that your personal life was brought up in the show but it helped you a lot as everyone is supporting you now. Munawar says you are giving me that information, I am embarrassed that my personal life was brought up. My fans support me because they know me. The journalist asks Abhishek that you kept blaming Isha but you also made fun of your relationship with her in the show. Abhishek says I am emotional so when Isha used to bring up old things, it would hurt me a lot. There was a point that I decided to retialite but I can apologize for my behavior. The journalist asks Vicky that you keep saying to Ankita that they have to go back home after the show but he doesn’t think the same for him? Vicky says it was just a joke. The journalist asks Abhishek if the aggression is just for BB or for outside too? Abhishek says I get hyper early but I am trying to control it. The journalist tells Mannara that you call others wannabe and desperate but you looked desperate calling others characterless, you have used Munawar to reach the finale. Mannara says I connected to Ayesha but she passed comments on me which made me feel awkward. I just thought Ayesha shouldn’t have been desperate to come to the show. Ankita says Mannara stoops so low in the fights, she has issues if Munawar gives attention to others. Mannara says you stooped low too, you told me to smell Vicky’s socks so you can’t talk about stooping low. The journalist asks Munawar if he was threatening his fans with the tunnel comment? Munawar says I don’t talk about other’s characters, I just tell them that I will throw them out of the house. The journalist tells Vicky that you connected with Mannara because you were jealous of Ankita and Munawar’s friendship? Vicky says not at all, I gave freedom to Ankita so I wanted the same from her. Ankita says I had no issues with him being friends with Isha and Sana. I had an issue with Mannara because she used to poke me with it. Mannara says I won’t talk to Vicky from now on. Munawar says Mannara does poke Ankita using Vicky. The journalist asks Munawar that people still don’t understand his game and he still hid things from the fans, you lied about Nazila too. Munawar says its my personal matter, they want to know about my personal life so I lied. The journalist asks if he is not able to win then he would blame his love life? Munawar says I will win for sure but I never blame my actions for any failure.

The journalist asks Ankita that you keep setting a narrative for Vicky, you called him a womanizer. Ankita says I just was telling him to not look like that. It was a wrong word. The journalist asks Abhishek that he said to Munawar that its okay, fights happen with girls, affairs happen but I just want to say beating and abusing girls is not manliness. Abhishek says I never said that, I was supporting Munawar. The journalist says you were going against all women. Abhishek says I was just supporting him, I told him that he was at mistake. The journalist says you are still acting like wrong happened with Munawar. Abhishek says I always say that I was wrong with Isha, I tried to overcome my aggression. The journalist asks Vicky that your wife cried and hurt because of you only and then you keep bringing up your favours on her, you never give her credit for bringing you here. Vicky says I am always thankful, I accept that I could have been more polite to her. The journalist asks Ankita that you said your TV friends would support you in the show but when you come out then you people say you want support from Bollywood only. Do you want Bollywood or TV? Ankita says I am proud of be a TV actor, its always close to me. I am nothing without TV. The journalist asks Abhishek that you cried when Tehelka left after he raised his hand on you but when you slapped Samarth and brought back, as a dignified man you could have said that you deserve to leave the show. Abhishek says I am deserving that’s why I am here, I did a mistake and apologized for it. Arun says the fight was between Isha and I but Abhishek started interfering so it made Tehelka angry too. Abhishek says I just told Arun to not misbehave with Isha so Tehelka and Arun got angry at me.

The journalist asks Ankita that Vicky was getting attention initially in the show so you brought up Sushant, you made friends with Munawar. Was it a strategy to get attention back? Ankita says not at all, Abhishek is Sushant’s fan so he talked to me about him. I just wanted to praise Sushant on this platform, I am proud of his journey and I knew him the best so if Abhishek wanted to take him as an inspiration then I had to talk to him about Sushant. The journalist asks Munawar that you were trying to clarify things with Mannara but later on you told Abhishek that she was giving you headache, isn’t that being dual faced? Munawar says I was just tired of the conversation. Mannara says he did have a dual face, he said that Mannara understands him the most but then he distanced himself, he should have understood me as well. He had energy to talk to others for hours but can’t talk to me. Munawar says she also said that I don’t deserve this platform, I was just like she talks a lot. Mannara says he said that I should get over him but he doesn’t give clarity in relationships.

The journalist asks Vicky and Ankita if they will take couple’s therapy after the show? Vicky says I can apologize to her right now, he sits on his knees and apologizes to her. Ankita says don’t do this. Vicky says sometimes I don’t realize about my mistakes but today so many people are telling me about my mistakes and now I am realizing that I might have been wrong with Ankita here. I am proud to her husband and have never shied away from giving her credit. I got lost in the journey and neglected my relationship with her but I will make it up to her, he tells Ankita that he will rectify his mistakes. Ankita hugs him and says my TV people made him realize his mistakes.

The journalist asks Mannara that you call Munawar your friend but you were seen making fun of his poor background with Samarth. He is sitting there with you today. Mannara asks when I made fun of his poor background? Mannara says I never made fun of that, I have never been a liability to anyone. Bigg Boss tells Mannara that it was not Mannara but Samarth making fun of Munawar’s background so their facts are wrong. The journalist asks Abhishek and Munawar that they can twist words to get out of situations, one has a woman beater tag and the other one has a woman cheater tag, do you really deserve to be here? She says Munawar apologizes for his mistakes but then keeps joking about it too. Munawar says they bring celebrities and if we were all saints then this show wouldn’t be entertaining. I have done mistakes and I am sorry for that, I will handle things when I go out. I am deserving because I showed my real personality. The journalist says you even promised Ayesha about marrying her. Munawar says it was private and personal so I can’t talk about it. Abhishek says I am just sorry for what happened with Isha, I just don’t want to bring up personal stuff now.

The journalist asks Vicky that you said you have 200 people behind you against Munawar, do you have the ego of being rich or being Ankita’s husband. Vicky says I am proud of being rich and Ankita’s husband as I have worked to get these. I was fighting with Munawar so I had to say something but don’t judge me on that as I have done good things too in the show. The journalist asks Ankita that whenever some passes a comment on you then you make a big scene but you were seen saying to Mannara that she should smell Vicky’s socks and sit in men’s laps. So is that right? Ankita says I apologized to Mannara but Mannara says mean things too. She comments on others’ characters too. I said words to her in anger. The journalist tells Vicky that you said your marriage was an investment so did you marry her to become famous? You showed it like if you were not there for her then she would be on the road, she wouldn’t be able to move on and wouldn’t find any guy if it wasn’t for you. She asks Ankita if their relationship is about investment only? Ankita says its not like that, he has loved me the most and sacrificed a lot for me. Vicky says she answered for me. The journalist asks Vicky that you told Ankita if he opens his mouth then it won’t be good for her so you have to say what you were talking about. Vicky says I might have said it in anger but it was very personal. The journalist says then you shouldn’t have brought it up. Vicky says I realize my mistake now, I will work on it. The journalist asks Mannara that you passed comments on Ayesha but when Isha commented on you then you got angry? Mannara says Ayesha used to fish for compliments from Munawar so it looked cheap because of their history. It was a cheap act on Ayesha’s behalf to come here on Munawar’s name, using a podcast and not getting it edited. I don’t use others to make my career like Ayesha.

The journalist asks Vicky why is he finding it difficult to cut from Mannara? you were seen telling Mannara yesterday also that she would look se*y in that outfit. It aggravated Ankita. Vicky says Ankita praised Munawar many times but I never made an issue out of it. Ankita says Munawar doesn’t poke Vicky like Mannara does to Ankita. Ankita asks Vicky if he called her s*xy? he says not at all. The journalist asks Ankita if she set a narrative about Vicky here as a womanizer? maybe her past relationships broke because of her possessiveness too? Ankita says I won’t talk about the past but I talk to Vicky about what I feel. I just feel Mannara used to poke me because she would talk to my husband to make me insecure. I just had an issue with Vicky giving her too much attention.

Bigg Boss thanks the journalists for coming to the show and questioning them. All inmates thank them.

9:15 PM

Ankita tells Mannara that she has become famous, they were asking a lot of questions to her. Mannara says its getting hot because of questions on Vicky and I. I don’t like it at all. Ankita says I clarified everything and apologized to you as well. Vicky says they asked me so many questions. Ankita hugs him, Vicky says it seems like I wasn’t a good husband to you. I feel like all wives are burning my statues outside. Ankita says its not like that, I love you.

9:30 PM

Mannara tells Ankita that I feel like Vicky was close to Isha in the whole show so how come Vicky and my friendship became so famous? Ankita says they might have liked your pair, I clarified that there was nothing between you and Vicky. I was just being an insecure wife and I am okay with that.

Abhishek tells Vicky that there were very less questions against Ankita, Vicky says they were all against me.

Mannara tells Ankita that she is worried about the narrative outside. Ankita says there is no narrative like that, it was my issue with my husband and I have accepted my insecurity towards my husband. Mannara says your husband should have stopped entertaining me then, Ankita says that’s between you and Vicky. Mannara says I was never trying to poke you. Ankita says you told me that I am insecure about my husband which poked me. Mannara says I never deliberately poked you, if I am talking to Vicky then its not to poke you.

Vicky tells Abhishek that Mannara asked me if her dress is nice so I said yes, it is. Abhishek says her question was wrong. Munawar says I ignore her when she asks me something like that.

Ankita tells Mannara that she is sorry for dragging her in all this, I just thought you were poking me but it was Vicky’s fault for not understanding me. Mannara says I just don’t want to put Vicky on the spot for now. Ankita says its your call with him. I am stupid that I gave so much attention to this topic but I want to end it and I apologize to you. I have nothing against you. Mannara says I never knew that they were showing my conversations with Vicky in such a way. Ankita hugs her and says I am really sorry for my bad words and projections. Mannara says you have apologized to me many times. Ankita says I am really sorry for everything.

Abhishek tells Vicky that he should stop Mannara when she asks weird questions. Vicky says I am going to totally ignore her now, I am not a fool. Vicky tells Munawar that Bigg Boss played with them.

10:15 PM

Munawar tells Ankita that Mannara thinks she says she stands by her words then it makes her look like a strong individual but I don’t think things will be normal between us after she said all that to me and still stands by it.

Mannara tells Arun that she talks to everyone but her narrative with Vicky became negative because of Ankita, I don’t understand it. Arun says Ankita accepted her misunderstandings so its okay. Mannara says the media questioned her and Ankita was very rude to me there. She said I did all that to poke her but then she apologized later on.

12 AM

Vicky hugs Ankita and says they will make everything fine with the family also, everything is going to be okay. I am sorry.

Munawar tells Abhishek that Vicky’s mother created more problems for them. Abhishek says she might like to be famous, she liked talking to the media and said things that she didn’t want to. Munawar mimics Vicky’s mother talking to the media, Abhishek laughs.

PRECAP – Bigg Boss tells the inmates that its time for the final nominations and final evictions. They all cast their votes for eviction. 

Update Credit to: Atiba

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