Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 25th January 2024 Written Episode Update: Mannara & Munawar’s journey videos show their rollercoaster of emotions

Bigg Boss 17 25th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 102

1 AM

Bigg Boss tells Mannara that there is a technical issue so we won’t be able to play your video, we will give you your CD. Mannara says don’t joke, please. Bigg Boss tells her to come to the garden area, Munawar tells her to let them speak. Mannara says I am so excited.

Mannara comes to the garden area and the audience cheers for her. Mannara says I love you all. She says this is a great vibe, I wouldn’t be here without the audience loving me. Bigg Boss tells Mannara that you were the first one to come to the show, you came from a famous family so it wasn’t easier for you, I would send you to the heart house seeing your journey because you didn’t play the show as a game but lived it as her life. You were possessive about your friends which

is never wrong. Mannara says Bigg Boss was my first friend and I will always be loyal. Bigg Boss says your friends questioned you, they never took a stand for you and made you cry too, you were hurt by your own friends. Bigg Boss says you have played the game from your heart, lets look at your journey.

Mannara’s Journey Video:

The clip shows Mannara entering the house, her antics and tears in the show. Her fights with Ankita and Khanzaadi. Mannara’s entertaining energy in the house. The clip shows her friendship with Munawar, then how he never took a stand for her. Her relationship with Ankita is shown, how Ankita backbited her later on. Her fights with Isha and Rinku are shown too. Abhishek taunting her about her family background. Mannara breaking down in the show is shown. Then how Salman supported her. Her friendship with Munawar is shown, by how he supported her, and entertained her. Mannara smiles seeing their friendship. The clip shows people questioning their friendship and doubting Mannara’s feelings for him. How Mannara kept trying to clarify her name but Isha and Anurag kept questioning her. How Munawar fought with her because he didn’t take a stand for her. Her fights with Anurag is shown too, how she supported him but he nominated her in return. The clip shows Mannara feeling low in the show. Then how Mannara had to welcome Ayesha to the show, how she got dragged into Munawar and Ayesha’s matter. How Mannara questioned Munawar’s character, how she didn’t like his friendship with Ayesha. How Mannara tried to talk to Munawar but he ignored her. How Abhishek and Munawar went against her. How Ankita, Samarth and Isha went against her too. How people questioned her for not taking a stand for herself. How Mannara supported Munawar even when no one was supporting him. The clip shows Mannara’s resilient nature in the tasks and her bubbly nature. Then how she became the finalist in the show as the first girl. The clip ends and the audience cheers for her. Mannara is surprised seeing so much support, she thanks everyone and Bigg Boss. She says I have found many friends here like Munawar and Anurag, this was a special show for me. I promise to be a loyal friend to my fans. Bigg Boss tells Mannara that she had all the emotions needed for this show. The fireworks start and Mannara dances around. She thanks everyone and leaves.

1:45 AM

Ankita hugs Mannara and asks how was it? Mannara says I have realized that I am more independent now. She tells Munawar that she got emotional seeing their friendship journey. Abhishek says Munawar flirted with you initially so much but when you went for him then he distanced himself, he is bad. Its okay. Mannara says he never listened to me.

2 AM

Bigg Boss tells the inmates that the task is done. Munawar says please don’t joke now. Bigg Boss asks Munawar if there will be another wild card entering? Munawar says not at all, let me go to them now. Bigg Boss asks him to come to the garden area.

2:15 AM

Munawar enters the garden and the audience cheers for him, he is happy seeing them all. Bigg Boss says poetry for him and says you have made your journey here. Munawar says poetry for himself that he can fight storms even without his wings. Bigg Boss says we all use our brains to move ahead in life and Munawar has used his brains to play the game. Bigg Boss tells Munawar that you have lived this show with your brain power, you bonded with everyone in the show but you encountered painful moments in the show as well. you will be remembered for coming years of the show. Lets look at your journey.

Munawar’s Journey Video:

The clip shows Munawar’s low moment after Ayesha entered the show and how everyone questioned his character. But then the clip shows his fun moment in the house, how he joked around, entertained people with his poetry. His fights with Anurag and Samarth are shown. His one-liners are shown. Then his friendship with Mannara is shown, how he used to guide her and they were strong friends initially. Munawar smiles seeing their journey. The clip shows how Munawar took a stand for Mannara against Abhishek. Then how he started bonding with Abhishek, his friendship with Abhishek is shown. Munawar laughs seeing their clip. The clip shows Mannara arguing with Munawar, how he was uncomfortable with Mannara later on. The clip shows Ayesha entering the show, how she questioned his character and brought up their personal relationship, how she exposed him for lying about his girlfriend and two-timing both of them. How Munawar broke down after Ayesha entered the show. The clip shows Munawar apologizing to Ayesha and begging her to forgive him. Then how he started bonding with Ayesha but people questioned their relationship. Then how Salman confronted Munawar so he distanced himself from Ayesha later on because Salman questioned Ayesha’s reason for coming on the show. Then how Munawar nominated Ayesha and she went off on him, brought up more about his personal life. How Ankita and Mannara supported Ayesha against Munawar. The clip shows Munawar apologizing and begging Ayesha to let him be. Munawar gets emotional seeing all that. The clip shows his sister coming to the show and giving him confidence. The clip shows how Munawar became the first captain in the house, his fights with Vicky are shown too. The clip ends and the audience cheers for him loudly. Bigg Boss tells Munawar that his journey is seen by everyone and they all liked it. He says we will always remember his journey here. The fireworks start and Munawar thanks everyone. Munawar says in poetry that he is not going to die before arenas clapping for him. He leaves from there.

2:30 AM

Munawar enters the house and says it was amazing.

3 AM

Mannara hugs Ankita and says we have made a film in this house. Ankita says your journey must have happy and sad moments both. I didn’t see happy moments in my journey, it affected me a lot because my family got involved. Mannara says I feel bad for your mother-in-law because she is a very sweet woman. Ankita says I know it will affect Vicky too, I care about my family and Vicky’s family too. Mannara says I am sorry for saying anything that hurt you. Ankita says its okay. Mannara says I don’t know why I got emotional seeing Munawar and I’s friendship and his situation. He is sensible and smart so he will handle it.

Bigg Boss asks the inmates to come to the garden area. They come there and find Rohit Shetty there. They all greet him. He congratulates them for being finalists. Bigg Boss tells the inmates that the danger is still lurking around, he thanks Rohit for coming and asks to start his questions.

Rohit tells the inmates that he is going to question them and they have to clarify allegations on them. He calls Ankita first in his cart which is moving.

Ankita: Rohit says the first allegation on you is when the media came, you conveniently threw Vicky and Mannara under the bus to save your image? Ankita says I don’t think so, the questions were focused on them. Rohit says another allegation is that you say Vicky is friendly with girls so its okay but if Mannara is friendly with him then she is poking you? Ankita says I felt that she was being extra friendly with him to poke me when I was down. I had no issues with any other girl here.

The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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