Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 25th November 2023 Written Episode Update: Salman is fed up with Khanzaadi

Bigg Boss 17 25th November 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Weekend Ka Vaar

Salman welcomes everyone to BB. He says people keep asking who Orry is, we will bring him here soon but see what happened in the house.

In the House:

Mannara shouts at Ankita that she doesn’t want any bond with her. Ankita cries and says this girl is so rude, she has hurt me so much, I can’t bear all this, I have done so much for her but she keeps insulting me. Vicky hugs her and consoles her. Ankita shouts at Rinku that I am hurt when you all thought my bonds are fake. Rinku says don’t take out anger on me. Ankita says I am hurt with you all. Khanzaadi consoles her and says we can see everything, she tells her to calm down. Ankita tells Vicky that Mannara misbehaved with me so much.

Mannara tells Sana that Ankita makes all girls against

me and then she tries to make a bond with me?

Ankita cries and tells Munawar that she is so hurt, Mannara shouted at me so badly. Vicky consoles her and says its okay its a game, don’t be so affected. Munawar tells Anurag that you told Mannara that I dated an underage girl? Anurag says I never said that. I just told her that you were taking care of a girl who was underage.

Ankita is crying badly, Isha consoles her and says you think of everyone but people are different here. Ankita says I tried so much to make a bond with her but she was so rude.

Mannara asks Munawar if he is okay”? he says we will talk later on, you can talk to people that you talk to about me behind my back. Mannara says I can’t play the game on your level. I got to know from Anurag about your relationship. We don’t know much about each other so I talked to him. I had nothing to do with the underage girl topic. Anurag comes there and says we didn’t talk in that sense. Mannara says I don’t even remember it. Munawar says Mannara didn’t even stop Anurag from talking. Anurag says I didn’t say it in that context. Munawar says so many people tried to talk to me about your hotel story but I never said anything so I expect the same from you. Anurag says I won’t talk anymore, he leaves. Mannara tells Munawar that I didn’t want to confront you, I will talk to you directly from now on. Munawar says if you have any complaints then talk to me. Mannara says I promise that I have a soft corner for you, I don’t know how to play a game, if I was then I would have done many more movies. Munawar says if you think we are friends then be transparent. You have to take care of things from your end as a friend.

On the Stage:

Salman says we want you to focus on Vicky and Ankita, they take each other for granted. Bigg Boss brought their parents here. He welcomes Vicky and Ankita’s mothers there. Vicky’s mother says we are lucky to see you today. Salman asks what they feel when they see them on TV? Ankita’s mother says we like them a lot. Vicky’s mother says we never thought they would fight so much. Thank you for guiding them. Salman says lets see if they will listen to you. I will send you both to the activity area. They both go there.

Salman says people keep asking who Orry is, lets find out. Orry comes on the stage and greets him. Orry says I am a liver because I live. He brings his luggage. Salman says you brought so many bags? Orry says I have everything with me. He opens his bag and shows his soft toys and also his water. Salman says its not allowed. Orry says I want to take my phone with me. He says you can’t. Orry shows his funky covers. Salman takes his phones. He asks how will you party in the house? Orry says I will come back home at night. Salman says you can’t leave  BB house. Orry takes a selfie with him. Salman gives his phone away. He asks why do you post so many photos? Orry says I want to inspire kids so there will be many Orrys. Salman laughs and asks what does Orry do? Orry says I work a lot, I wake up with the sun and sleep with the moon. Salman laughs and asks him seriously. Orry says I work on myself. I wake up, and take care of myself. Write a diary, then go to the gym. Then I edit stories, dance a lot. I did many odd jobs in my youth but I am living my life now as I am old. Orry says I have experienced attempted murder two times. One time my friend threw me and I fell near the window. It was an attempted murder. The second time a bulb blasted near me. Salman laughs. Orry asks how big is the closet in the house? Salman says there is only a luggage room in the house. Orry says what if I cry and want to come out of the house? Salman says we will enjoy that. Salman asks him some questions. He asks if he stalks people? Orry says I don’t stalk people only, only physically. Salman asks if he gets paid to attend parties? Orry says I have 5 managers so they take care of my parties. Salman says what did I do in my life? Orry says people pay me to take photos with them. Salman asks if he is single? Orry says I am a simple boy, I want a rich girl to marry. Salman asks what was the biggest risk in his life? Orry says my name was Ori so I changed it to Orry. Salman says you have to talk in hindi in the house. He says sure and enters the house.

On the Stage:

Sunny Leone and the singer Abhishek come on the stage, they promote their song.

Salman connects the call to the house. He tells Tehelka that you call yourself Sunny right? he says yes. Salman says your wife has commented that you were a fake Sunny and the real one is here. He welcomes Sunny Leone. All laugh. Sunny tells the inmates that they all look nice. Sunny tells Isha that she is hooked on this season because of the ups and downs in her life. All laugh. Salman says another one is coming Isha, don’t worry. All laugh. Sunny says I can become Isha, Munawar will be Samarth-Abhishek. Munawar acts like Samarth and then acts like Abhishek trying to solve fights between Isha and Samarth.

Salman asks the boys to dance to impress Sunny. Neil dances on the pole energetically. Next Samarth funnily dances on the pole. Then Vicky dances. Munawar dances slowly on the pole, all laugh. Anurag dances next. Tehelka dances on the pole next. Abhishek takes off his shirt and dances on the pole. Arun dances on the pole last. Sunny says Tehelka and Samarth impressed me the most.

The singer Abhishek tells the inmates that you people have issues with each other but can’t tell them upfront so I want you to come forward and tell us who is that inmate which you will not get along in the whole season.

Arun: He says I can never bond with Abhishek

Abhishek: He says I can never bond with Ankita

Ankita: She says its clear now that I can’t bond with Mannara as she is very rude

Mannara: She says I can never bond with Ankita because of her tone. She ganged up on me. Salman tells Mannara that Ankita’s tone might be higher but your tone has sarcasm and no respect for your seniors which is wrong. We see that everytime you fight. You need to change about that, be careful that she is your senior.

Tehelka: he says I can never bond with Abhishek because he disrespects girls and has no manners. Salman says you keep repeating that but Abhishek doesn’t misbehave with girls anymore. Khanzaadi says he does that. Isha says he has changed for better. Salman says no one agrees with Tehelka right now but you were shouting at him for no reason, if he did a mistake and changed himself then why keep dragging it? He tells Khanzaadi that even your tone wasn’t good with Abhishek.

Sana: She says I don’t talk to Munawar much and he crosses the line of sarcasm. Salman says she has issues with everyone except one person. Sana says if I fight with Vicky then he pacifies me. Salman teases her.

Munawar: He says I can’t bond with Anurag now, he talks behind people’s backs. He even denied what Salman told us.

Anurag: He says I can’t bond with Munawar now, I tried to clarify everything but he doesn’t just want to listen.

Aishwarya: She says I can’t bond with Vicky as he makes fake friendships.

Vicky: He says I can’t bond with Samarth because he backbites a lot.

Samarth: He says I can’t bond with Vicky because he can even use his wife for the game then I can’t trust him. He even tried to provoke me against Isha using his wife’s name. Vicky says you were crying about your girlfriend with me. Samarth says I wanted to bring out your true face.

Neil: He says I can’t bond with Vicky.

Isha: She says I can’t bond with Khanzaadi as she is fake. She said bad things about Ankita before but now acting like her best friend. Khanzaadi says you did the same. Salman says don’t interfere Khanzaadi. Isha says she doesn’t have guts to take a stand. Khanzaadi says I never had personal fights with Ankita, I have a good bond with Ankita. I had fights with Mannara because of her using bad words for me.

Khanzaadi: She says I can’t bond with Abhishek, he played with my feelings and I should have stopped him. He made fun of my health because I thought he was my friend as he said that I was above Isha for him. Abhishek says I never commented on her health and I never said that she is my priority, Isha is still my priority. Salman says we all saw how Khanzaadi lied after seeing a doctor.

Rinku: She says I can’t bond with Khanzaadi. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but she kept lying and she couldn’t be loyal to anyone.

Jigna: She says I can’t bond with Khanzaadi as she keeps using a health card and lies about that. Khanzaadi says don’t make fun of my health, I never lied about that. Salman tells Khanzaadi to stop talking about her health. Khanzaadi says I know that. Salman says if you didn’t want others to talk about your health then you shouldn’t have brought it up.

Salman says Abhishek, Khanzaadi and Vicky each got 3 votes. Khanzaadi cries and says I want to go home today. Salman says you can’t leave when you want. You will stay here till you get voted out. Khanzaadi cries and says I can’t hear comments on my physical health. Salman says you brought that up, what are you talking about? Khanzaadi runs from there and cries. She goes to the washroom. Salman says don’t try this shit with me. Ankita goes to Khanzaadi but she locks herself up in the washroom. Ankita asks her to come out. She opens the door and Ankita tries to console her. Khanzaadi screams and says I want to go home. She screams and gets a panic attack. She shouts that I know about my body pain, you people have no idea. Ankita consoles her. Khanzaadi screams that this is all *******. Ankita brings her out and tries to give her water. Khanzaadi says I just want to go home. Ankita hugs her and says its okay.

Neil tells Isha that if Khanzaadi lies about her health then people will speak up, she shouldn’t have argued with Salman Sir.

Isha tells Samarth that he shouldn’t have gone to Khanzaadi, she is just throwing tantrums.

Salman connects the call to the house. Ankita sends everyone to the garden. She tells Khanzaadi to come and don’t disrespect Salman. Khanzaadi goes to the washroom. Salman tells the inmates that I won’t bear this drama with me. If she wants to go home then she can pay the penalty and then leave. She is throwing tantrums for no reason. We got her checked up with a doctor but everything is okay with her. He apologizes to Sunny and singer Abhishek. They leave.

Salman asks who went behind Khanzaadi? Ankita says I did because she was triggered, she says she was in a wheelchair 3 years ago. Salman says who brought that up? she did it herself and she never gave any medical reports of her health before entering the show. Rinku says she said she gave all her reports to the creatives. Salman says she is lying, she never gave any reports to us. Munawar says she doesn’t even take medicines. Salman says she is totally fine psychology also. We gave you all your medicines and took your medical history.

Salman says lets talk about elimination now. He says Jigna has been eliminated. He says well-played and ends the call. Jigna cries and hugs everyone. Anurag goes to Khanzaadi and asks her to come out of the washroom. She cries and says I want to go to the washroom.

Jigna hugs Rinku and cries. She says don’t be scared of anyone. She says bye to everyone and leaves.

Anurag asks Khanzaadi to come out. She comes out and says I want to go home.

Munawar cries silently so Abhishek consoles him. Munawar says I knew Jigna would leave. It feels bad. Mannara consoles him.

Anurag tells Khanzaadi that she can’t keep running away from her troubles. Khanzaadi says they are making fun my medical health, this isn’t right. Anurag says Salman said you never gave any medical reports. Khanzaadi says it was in 2015 when I ran away from my house so I left my reports at my house, if they talk to my family then they will find the truth.

Ankita and Abhishek console Rinku. Rinku says I won’t spare anyone now.

Mannara cries alone for Jigna.

Ankita goes to Khanzaadi and says if you want to go home then you will have to quit, Salman said you never gave any reports and you are not ill now. Khanzaadi says I know what’s happening with me inside.

Vicky tells Munawar that everyone has good memories with Jigna.

Khanzaadi tells Ankita that she wants to see a doctor now. She tells Bigg Boss that I want to see a doctor, I want to go home.

The doctor checks Khanzaadi and asks what happened? Khanzaadi says people are making fun of my health here.

Rinku tells Ankita that they should have eliminated Khanzaadi instead. Ankita says people will leave as that’s the game. Mannara says its all about who is creating more drama.

The doctor asks Khanzaadi what is she feeling medically? Khanzaadi says I am mentally disturbed because they are bringing up my health. I want to talk to my family.

Vicky says people think we are just gamers and not humans. Munawar says people don’t even think about families when we are talking negatively about inmates. He apologizes to Anurag for anything that hurt his family.

Ankita tells Samarth that Salman took on Mannara so she is in shock, she thought she could insult anyone here and get away with it. She should be on the ground again now. Mannara passesby there and hears that.

Mannara cries and tells Anurag that I don’t get the feeling to talk to Ankita but they keep telling me to try. I feel mature when I talk to her, I know that couple think they are too smart.

Ankita tells Vicky that don’t take today’s feedback negatively. Vicky says I am taking everything sportingly. Ankita says I like it. Vicky says I know I am good at heart. Ankita says when you pass statements on me then it doesn’t look nice, you don’t need to give advice to anyone. Vicky says I understand.

Sana tells Mannara that I have doubts too seeing the change in Ankita, she is being too sweet, I am spending time with her but I don’t trust her. She told me that she might go against me in the game. Mannara says she is playing a game, I never talk about the game with you. Sana says Ankita said I am Vicky’s puppet without thinking at all. You know I wanted to choose you as Munawar’s puppet because you do listen to him a lot but I didn’t do it because you are my friend. Then Ankita told me that Vicky took Mannara’s name so why are you silent when Mannara is your close friend?  Mannara says lets go and confront her. Sana asks her to calm down. Mannara shouts that she did the same with Khanzaadi and I. Sana says its already clarified. Mannara asks Vicky that you called Sana as my close friend but I said that she is just my friend, why are you playing this ‘close friend’ game? Vicky says what’s wrong with that? Mannara says Sana isn’t my close friend. Sana says Ankita told me to confront Mannara. Mannara says I am not stupid, Ankita is provoking people against me. Vicky says why are you getting angry if I called her as your close friend? Mannara says you are a coward, you are scared of me. Ankita comes there and tells Sana that I just wanted you to talk to Mannara. Mannara shouts that you are provoking people against me. Ankita says I don’t know what you are talking about. Mannara tells Sana that she wants to bond with everyone now. Ankita tells Sana that she got possessive over you because you started talking to me, if you don’t want to talk to me anymore then its okay. I won’t clarify anything. She leaves. Mannara tells Sana that you can do what you want. I don’t know what’s happening in the game, I don’t know why they are interested in my life. She cries so Munawar comes there and consoles her. Mannara says I am good to leave, I am a working girl and I don’t need to change my career. Abhishek tells her to not take Salman’s words so seriously.

Isha tells Ankita that Mannara was shown as the perfect girl till now so she is in shock that she was told that she made mistakes.

Ankita and Vicky come to the activity area. Bigg Boss says some people have come to take your class. The video call connects to Vicky’s mother and Ankita’s mother. Vicky starts crying seeing them. Vicky’s mother asks how are they? Ankita says we are fine. Vicky’s mother asks why is he crying? Ankita tells her mother that she misses her.

PRECAP – Ankita says to their mothers I will handle everything with Vicky, don’t worry. Vicky’s mother says how will you do that? see how much he is crying. We sent Vicky there because of you and now things have gone downhill.

Orry enters the house. Ankita is excited and hugs him. Orry introduces himself. Rinku asks what does he besides living? He says chilling, vibing and breathing. Abhishek asks if India won the World Cup? Orry says isn’t that next week?Later on, Bigg Boss arranges a party for Orry. All inmates enjoy with him. Tehelka teases him so Orry leaves. Anurag tells Tehelka that he got irritated by you.

PRECAP – Ankita says to their mothers I will handle everything with Vicky, don’t worry. Vicky’s mother says how will you do that? see how much he is crying. We sent Vicky there because of you and now things have gone downhill.

Orry enters the house. Ankita is excited and hugs him. Orry introduces himself. Rinku asks what does he besides living? He says chilling, vibing and breathing. Abhishek asks if India won the World Cup? Orry says isn’t that next week? Later on, Bigg Boss arranges a party for Orry. All inmates enjoy with him. Tehelka teases him so Orry leaves. Anurag tells Tehelka that he got irritated by you. 


Update Credit to: Atiba

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