Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 25th October 2023 Written Episode Update: Bigg Boss closes kitchen

Bigg Boss 17 25th October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 10
9:45 AM
Aishwarya tells Neil that he should have listened to her when she said she won’t follow others anymore. Neil says I didn’t disagree to her, they all took their decision. Aishwarya says you should understand that Vicky and Ankita would never choose us, I am not going to be played by others, nobody have led me in life so I won’t let anyone lead me here, if you want to be led then go ahead but don’t force me. Neil asks her to calm down, others can listen you. Aishwarya says I want others to listen to this. Neil says you want them to listen to us fighting? what’s wrong with you? I am not asking you to follow others, why are you fighting with me? Aishwarya says you are not understanding me. Neil says I am talking to you. She says then don’t

talk to me, don’t shout at me otherwise there will be an issue here. Neil says you are misbehaving with me. Aishwarya mimics him in anger.

12 PM
Munawar tells Jigna that Mannara is making daal (pulse) so he will make rice. Mannara says I will make daal with love today. She starts dancing so Munawar joins her. She says if it tastes good then praise me but if it tastes bad then its on Munawar. Munawar says you are my problem. She says you promised to protect me.

Anurag tells Tehelka and Arun that our house is weak, he telsl Tehelka to not react to others quickly, don’t bow down to Neil. Soniya comes there and says don’t say all that. Anurag says Tehelka should have confronted Neil. Soniya says he did answer him. Anurag says Tehelka got scared of Neil. Soniya tells Anurag to not blame him for this. Tehelka says don’t make me angry.

1 PM
Tehelka tells Neil that Anurag told me that I should have blasted at you when you got angry at me. Neil says you don’t know the game, you should understand why he is provoking you. Tehelka says no one is mature in my house. Neil says one person is rotten in your house. Anurag talks to someone (Vicky) in the night and then he provokes others. Vicky is making others fight but then he hides behind his wife. I sit with everyone in the house and talk to them so don’t get provoked by me.

2:15 PM
Abhishek is shirtless, Isha is in the pool. Abhishek asks Navid to jump in the pool with him. Navid says no no.. I need to change my clothes. Abhishek pulls him while Navid screams. Abhishek throws him in the pool and he screams on top of his lungs. Abhishek throws Mannara in the pool too as she was laughing at him.

Anurag tells Sana that he has nothing against her but we can’t be weak in this game. We can’t be voting for the weakest from our game. We have to vote for our strongest contestant so he would be saved. You should understand what I am saying. Sana says you should try to understand yourself first. Tehelka laughs.

Mannara tells Navid that she can hug him in the pool but Isha can’t hug Abhishek. Its all about fun.

5 PM
Aishwarya is crying silently and tells Neil that I don’t want to be mature anymore, I will fight if someone pokes me now. I can’t keep things inside me anymore. I can’t just keep listening and then don’t react to it. I am a reactive person and right now I am not doing anything.

Anurag tells Vicky that Bigg Boss is a time process show, Abhishek blasted from the first day so what would be his growth in the show then? Vicky says I agree.

Navid asks Munawar how to say ‘I love you’ in hindi? Munawar teaches him but he can’t speak correctly so Munawar laughs.

5:30 PM

Bigg Boss tells the contestants that a man is bound by his duties but then I look at you and you people discuss about duties every day. I heard Khanzaadi did her duty today. She says finally. Bigg Boss says you must be tired now. Khanzaadi says my pinky finger is swollen now. Bigg Boss says these people are cruel to you. He says I changed houses and people in the houses but still you had freedom in terms of duties. He says we have one kitchen for 3 houses. Its a common kitchen which is unfair. Mannara says there is unity in that. Bigg Boss says you are just trying to keep me happy but we have to do something about the kitchen. I can’t provide 3 kitchens then what can I do? He asks Vicky to guess but he says I can’t. Bigg Boss says you might start a script with Isha and Abhishek so leave it. Bigg Boss says my idea is that from now on, only one house can use the kitchen at a time. When one house is cooking then other house people can’t go there. Each house members will cook for their house only. Which house will use the kitchen when.. it will be decided by the brain house. They will decide on the timing and usage of the kitchen for each house. Also the kitchen will be open from time to time only. Some people came here thinking they will be seen on TV if they are in the kitchen all the time so I am sorry to them. He asks Munawar to read to the instructions.

Munawar reads the instructions that for breakfast, the kitchen will open for 2 hours and all houses have to make their breakfasts in that window. For lunch, the kitchen will open for 3 hours only and all 3 houses have to cook lunch in that window. For dinner, the the kitchen will open for 3 hours only and all 3 houses have to cook dinner in that window. There will be announcement for opening and closing of the kitchen. They all are shocked.

Mannara tells Munawar that people who couldn’t cut avacados will have to cook now. Khanzaadi laughs and hugs her.

5:45 PM
There is a message on the digital screen. Munawar discusses about the kitchen timing with the inmates. Abhishek tells them to distribute eggs between houses. Rinku says we don’t eat eggs so why should we get it? Isha says why are distributing ration? anyone can eat what they want.

Ankita tells Aishwarya to hide groceries in her drawer, we will need it in the future. Aishwarya says we will get more groceries. Ankita says there is no guarantee.

Soniya and Mannara mimic people fighting over eggs.

7:30 PM
Bigg Boss announces that the kitchen is now open. Munawar says the order of cooking in terms of houses is 2, 1 and 3. Mannara says we have to wash dishes first. Khanzaadi tells Mannara to start cooking before gas is gone. Isha tells Mannara that its impossible to ignore Khanzaadi, she is so irritating. Mannara says just ignore her.

8 PM
Munawar tells Sana and Arun that you people will have one less egg as distribution was odd numbered. he leaves. Arun tells Tehelka to hide their eggs. Tehelka says hide it in the washroom. Arun says you are crazy.

Munawar gives eggs to Abhishek for his house. He confirms from Vicky if they got their share? He says we got 41 eggs and Munawar took 61 eggs for his house. Vicky says let it be.

9 PM
House 3 is cooking in the kitchen. Anurag is trying to help Arun and Soniya. Tehelka makes rotis but can’t. Soniya says leave it if you can’t cook. Arun says we are working like assistants.

Munawar asks Mannara to eat the food, she says someone touched it so I am not eating. Munawar teases her but she says don’t go overboard.

The eggs blast in the microwave. Abhishek tells Isha that I know you are behind this. Isha says I had put them in for 6 minutes which was too much. Abhishek says we are fighting for eggs and you just blasted them.

10:45 PM
Bigg Boss asks Sana to wear her mic rightly. Abhishek says Sana is getting footage like this only. Sana says I don’t take unnecesarry footage like you. Abhishek says you want to fight? Sana says you can joke but you can’t take it? Navid asks Abhishek to not fight. he says its my matter so don’t interfere in it. Navid says fine. Sana talks with Navid and says we should gossip. Abhishe says people should make her stop. She is talking about me. Soniya tells Sana to not taunt Abhishek for no reason. Abhishek says she was talking about me indirectly, she is provoking me. He starts shouting at her. Sana asks him to get lost, I was talking to Navid. Soniya tells Sana that you were provoking him, you are a fool, shut up. Jigna asks Soniya to calm down. Soniya says Sana has started provoking others, cheap girl. Sana says don’t call me that. Soniya tells her that its not her house. She charges at her but Khanzaadi pulls her back. Sana says I was talking to Navid so what’s wrong with her? Soniya says she wants to pull brains of others. Abhishek says she is distorted after getting nominated. Someone (Vicky) told her to blast on random things if she wants to be saved from nominations and she is doing that now. Where is her mind? She started making fake stands from yesterday, I told her to take the stand yesterday and she did. Sana tells Arun to tell them that we took our own stand yesterday.

Arun tells Soniya and Vicky that I have learned house work here. My wife would be happy that now I can wash dishes and clothes. I live in a lively area so I am going crazy here as I can’t hear car noises. People think that this show is scripted but look at us fighting for eggs. I have hidden my eggs in my drawer. Vicky laughs.

Jigna tells Sana that I love you as a sister. Sana says you could have taken a stand for me. Jigna says for what?

Anurag tells Mannara that Vicky told Sana to blast if she wants to be saved from the nominations. Mannara says everyone is crazy in Vicky’s house. Anurag says if Arun gets manipulated by Vicky then that would be bad. Mannara says Arun is very strong so don’t worry.

Vicky tells Arun to sort his game and tell Anurag to sort his game too. Arun says he is behind Mannara so I can’t do anything.

Sana asks Vicky if he told Abhishek that you told me to blast on others to get saved from the nominations? are you making fun of me with him? Vicky says I am trying to save my people. People are waiting to blast on Abhishek once he does a mistake. I am telling you that I will not spare Abhishek if he goes wrong now. I will tell your team that they can blast on Abhishek and he will support them against Abhishek.

Mannara sees Sana talking with Vicky and asks Anurag if Sana has a crush on Vicky? Sana told me that she has a different bond with Vicky and Ankita is insecure of them. Look at Sana, her face changes when she talks to Vicky.

Vicky tells Sana that I am genuine with you. I don’t think from a game point with you. I connected with you organically so I started talking to you. Sana nods.

Day 11
8 AM
The contestants wake up to BB anthem and dance to it.

9 AM
Arun tells Sana that she shouldn’t have fought with Abhishek, people are laughing at her. Sana says he provoked me first.

Abhishek tells Vicky that I don’t know what you talked to with Sana, I just said what I observed about her. Vicky tells Abhishek that she thought you talked to me about her because I spend time with you a lot.

Vicky tells Munawar that the vibe has changed in the house from yesterday.

Mannara sits with house 3 as they are cooking. Rinku says you shouldn’t sit there when they are cooking. Mannara says I am just talking and eating bread here. Rinku says don’t eat bread with them. You are inviting trouble.

10 AM
Abhishek telsl Rinku to cook fast as they have to cook after them. Rinku says we are cooking in time. The tea overboils and Rinku says Abhishek is putting pressure on them, we won’t take a single extra minute. Abhishek says I am just telling you to be mindful of the time.

Tehelka tells Sana that Abhishek is fighting with them now.

Rinku tells Abhishek to not psyche her. Munawar tells Abhishek to not fight with her, give her time to cook. He asks Vicky to control Abhishek. Abhishek says I didn’t say much to her.

11:30 AM
Khanzaadi is cleaning the slab and says no one is keeping the area clean. Ankita says I used to clean the slab before you, you have just started doing duties so now you are crying. Khanzaadi says I will do what I want.

Isha tells Munawar that if he has issues with Abhishek then don’t involve Vicky or I. We can’t take a stand for him. He says fine and leaves. Isha tells Arun that if Munawar has an issue with Abhishek then he should talk to him directly.

Khanzaadi tells Munawar that Ankita is fighting with her. She is taunting me that I have just started doing duty. Munawar says leave it. He goes from there.

12 PM
Khanzaadi tells Rinku and Munawar that I was observing people even when I was not doing duty but now Ankita is taunting. She tells Munawar that he didn’t give importance to her words. You dance with Vicky and Ankita that’s why you don’t talk against them in front of them. I know your game. I won’t talk to you anymore. Mannara says house 1 becomes united even when Abhishek fights with someone. Munawar says they don’t take Abhishek’s side. When I was sitting in the kitchen, you all charged at me for no reason. Munawar says we didn’t want you to get punished. Mannara says Abhishek insulted you all but we are not united against them. Munawar says if I am dancing with them so I am their friends.. Mannara says I didn’t say that to you. Munawar says you agreed with Khanzaadi. Mannara says you can dance with anyone you want to, I don’t care. Munawar says like I don’t care whom you flirt with. Mannara says yeah sure, I will flirt with whomever I want. I don’t need to ask anyone before flirting.

1 PM
Munawar tells Jigna that Mannara will cut her hand using knife like that. Mannara says I work in my house, my mom has taught me house work. I am not fragile and I can’t hear people taunting me. Munawar laughs. Khanzaadi is mopping the living room. Mannara praises her and says she has taken out so much trash since she has started mopping. Isha says it was your duty before her. Mannara says it was not.

2 PM
Ankita is cooking in the kitchen with her team but the kitchen gets closed before they could cook completely. Vicky says we will eat with yogurt. Isha says they should be mindful of time. Abhishek thanks Rinku for giving them less time. Rinku says we didn’t take much time. Ankita says we didn’t even get 20 minutes to cook.

Aishwarya tells Sana and Soniya to cook fast, they didn’t even get 30 minutes to cook. Rinku tells Khanzaadi and Mannara to give them food, we need to detox. Khanzaadi says keep some food for us. Rinku says its okay, give them food for now. Mannara gives all food she and Rinku cooked to Ankita. Rinku asks Abhishek to eat their food, she can drink his protein shake.

2:30 PM
Mannara tells Khanzaadi that they are saying that I can’t even chop? they think I am a fool and can’t even help? they are doing drama by giving them food (Rinku). Khanzaadi says I don’t trust Munawar at all.

Bigg Boss asks Vicky how was food? Vicky says we couldn’t cook and we were hungry so house 2 gave us food. Bigg Boss says seeing your support to each other has made me emotional. House 2 gave up their own food for house 1. If you people can sacrifice food for each other then I think you don’t need much time to cook so now the kitchen will open for 1 hour only at a time. Khanzaadi asks them if they are happy now? Bigg Boss says you people can show empathy to each other more now. If you do that then we will cut 15 minutes more from 1 hour. Khanzaadi says I was telling you to not give them food. Abhishek says you can be creative next season.

Khanzaadi tells Rinku that she should have listened to her. Mannara says if I had done it then you people would have blamed me. Munawar says I can’t say no to jigna and Rinku. Mannara says you have hurt me, you are not talking to me anymore. Khanzaadi tells them that we all should have agreed before giving them food.

Ankita tells Rinku that we should clean the slab as a duty because we won’t get time to clean the slab when we are cooking. Khanzaadi says you can talk to me. Ankita says its my suggestion to Rinku and Jigna, they can handle a kid like Mannara and Khanzaadi. Mannara says we are not kids. Ankita leaves. Khanzaadi says whoever messes up the slab should clean it. She tells Jigna and Rinku to not get manipulated by Ankita. She is calling me a kid but I have done more films than her. Khanzaadi says don’t get personal Mannara, she didn’t say it in that manner, she is a little dominating but let it be. She didn’t say it in terms of experience of work. She is cunning.

Sana tells Vicky that they were nice to give you all food.

Ankita tells Jigna and Mannara that I called you a kid because you are younger. I didn’t taunt you as a kid. I didn’t even talk about Khanzaadi, I don’t care about her. Khanzaadi says its your problem. Munawar tells Ankita to calm down and takes her from there. Khanzaadi says she is very cunning.

3:45 PM
Mannara tells Munawar that Ankita was trying to be goody goody, she wants to be praised after misbehaving so much. I am done with everything. Munawar says you brought the food for them. Mannara says they want to keep everyone happy. Munawar asks who is doing that? Mannara says Rinku and Jigna want to keep everyone happy. I was praised by Bigg Boss and Ankita was insulted. She is manipulative. Isha asks what happened? Mannara says you are a kid but not me.. they can use you Isha. Isha says what are you saying? Mannara says I am here alone, not with my husband.

Abhishek is eating butter and says to Ankita that he is hungry. She laughs.

Munawar tells Rinku that Mannara didn’t like Ankita’s words. Mannara says I can cook for myself, I can travel all around the world. I am not a baby here, I travel all around the world without even planning. I even take care of Khanzaadi but I don’t talk too much or shout over the top. She tells Rinku and Munawar that you people would have taunted me so much if I took my time cooking but you people didn’t say anything to Ankita. She can eat you up and Munawar is *****. He says don’t use curse words. She says sorry. Rinku says hug me, she says I don’t hug anyone in a fake manner. Munawar tells Mannara to not taunt him like this, he is trying to be nice, she says I am sorry, he leaves.

Munawar tells himself that I am trying to be understanding with Mannara but to hell with her now.

Mannara lies in her bed alone and is sad.

Munawar tells Khanzaadi that Mannara has issues with Ankita, she gets triggered even if someone agrees with Ankita. I am not here to find love. I feel Mannara is innocent and she gets scared when someone shouts at her so I am protective of her. There is no angle of love, I am still there for her but at the same time, I have self-respect. I can answer her back but when she is frustrated then I don’t say anything to her. Khanzaadi says even I don’t say anything to her.

Ankita comes to talk to Mannara but Mannara says you are very cunning and a liar. Ankita says I swear on my father that I didn’t mean to taunt you by calling you a kid. Mannara says be careful with your words. Ankita shouts that I didn’t curse you, what wrong did I say to you? Mannara says I don’t like your tone and one day Isha will realize too. Ankita says I promise on my father that you are very wrong. Mannara says you didn’t even thank my house members when we gave food to you but you came to my house members and called me a kid. Ankita says I am sorry but I wasn’t wrong. Mannara says if I was a kid then my mom wouldn’t have sent me here. Isha takes Ankita from there. Rinku tells Mannara that she swore on her father so let it be. Mannara says I don’t like her. Khanzaadi says I don’t like her too but she didn’t mean with ill-intention when she called you a kid.

Ankita tells Isha that I don’t want to talk to Mannara anymore, she is very negative. Isha says if she comes to you then you will be fine with her again. Ankita says she said that I am using you and before she was telling me that Isha was using me.

Mannara asks Rinku what should she do? She looks down on me. Munawar says why are you getting affected by her? Mannara says she doesn’t even accept her mistakes. Munawar says who does here? Mannara says I do. Munawar says you can’t expect the same from everyone. Do you want me to fight with Ankita? She says no.

Tehelka tells Arun that we should provoke others like Vicky.

Mannara apologizes to Munawar. He says for what? you said so much to me. Mannara hugs him and says I am sorry. He says its okay.

5 PM
People are joking with Navid. Mannara says give me your glasses before you go. He says I am not going anywhere, you are. All laugh. Mannara falls on Navid’s bed and mistakenly hits Khanzaadi. She apologizes to her.

5:45 PM
Ankita is making and rolling rotis with Aishwarya. Aishwarya tells her about flours she used to use. They are in the kitchen.

Bigg Boss asks Jigna if the kitchen is open? Jigna says no. Bigg Boss asks then how come people are working in the kitchen? Ankita and Aishwarya look on. They apologize to Bigg Boss. Bigg Boss asks Jigna how much time it takes to roll rotis? She says 12 minutes. Bigg Boss says then we will deduct 12 minutes from one hour when the kitchen opens. Anurag says Ankita should have been careful. Ankita says we didn’t do it deliberately. Bigg Boss tells them that they we will 48 minutes in total to cook. Ankita says others were trying to cook too.

Anurag tells Vicky that this is making me angry. Arun says all kind of bombs are blasting now. Vicky laughs.

6:45 PM
Sana tells Mannara that she can’t understand Ankita but she gets along with Vicky which is a weird bond. Mannara says I had a good bond with Vicky too. He wouldn’t choose you over his wife and not even over Isha.

Bigg Boss says the kitchen is open. They all run to cook.

Mannara tells Khanzaadi that since I came to house 2, I keep trying to pacify you and Munawar and then Rinku-Jigna keep pressurizing me. I know you care for me, I know you are the only girl who would take a stand for me. Khanzaadi says you say things in a funny manner but its not nice. Mannara says I am not in a mood to pacify you. You can talk to Munawar and leave me alone. I just want to go home. Khanzaadi says I know you joke but I want to tell you that Munawar was concerned about you. Mannara says right, she goes from there.

House 1 and 3 are working in the kitchen quickly. Munawar asks Mannara if she will eat an egg? She says I am not in the mood to eat. You are good with everything right? He says yes. Why are you sleeping in the garden? Mannara says I like it here.

Soniya and Sana are cooking. Tehelka tries to help them.

Mannara tells Navid that whenever I try to talk to Khanzaadi, she tries to show that she is a power lady. Munawar cares for me but half of the time, he doesn’t talk to me. I feel like I am left with no one to talk. I want to enjoy here. I am feeling that they try to supress me. She cries so Navid says I am here with you. Khanzaadi comes there and asks what happened? Mannara says you can find new friends, I am not your friend anymore. You don’t like things about me so its okay. Khanzaadi says are you crazy? I am not telling you to change, I just said that I don’t like your jokes sometimes. This is very bad. Now I know what Ankita felt. Navid says don’t say all that. Khanzaadi says I expressed things for her own good but she is frustrated. Mannara says I am in this room and I am frustrated.

Khanzaadi tells Rinku and Munawar that Mannara is frustrated with all of us. Rinku says just give her space.

Mannara is crying so Navid consoles her and says you are genuine, dont’ cry in front of other people. Mannara says all they care about is food and not people’s emotions. Navid says think positive, you are a strong girl and a champion.

7:15 PM
Ankita and her house members are eating. Abhishek says I don’t eat onions. Ankita says don’t throw it, its a wastage. Abhishek shouts at her to not downgrade him, don’t put him down saying he is wasting food. We are all here because of our own work. Ankita says you are crazy. Abhishek says you are crazy. Get lost. Ankita tells Isha to look at him, he is misbehaving with me. Isha says please don’t include me in this.

Mannara tells Soniya that she isn’t hungry so she is not eating.

Vicky tells Neil that Abhishek’s aggression is too deep but we can’t keep taking it silently. Ankita replied to him and he keeps crossing the line.

Isha asks Abhishek how did the argument start? Abhishek says everyone knows that I don’t eat onions and she had put food in my plate even before asking me.

Munawar makes an egg for Mannara and gives it to her. She asks if he is free? He says I am going to eat. She says then talk to me later on.

Vicky tells Neil and Aishwarya that its not our problem if Abhishek wants food in a certain way.

Bigg Boss tells contestants that he has a song for them. He plays BB anthem in sad tone. They all laugh. Munawar says Bigg Boss knows out pain.


Update Credit to: Atiba

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