Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 28th December 2023 Written Episode Update: Aoora becomes the new captain

Bigg Boss 17 28th December 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 74

8 AM

The inmates wake up to BB anthem, they all dance to it.

10:30 AM

Ayesha tells Neil that Abhishek told me that Munawar did a mistake but people do things in greed. Abhishek says I don’t think Munawar was at fault as you both were not in a relationship. If there was no commitment then you can’t be hurt. Ayesha says he was two-timing, he was giving hope to two people. I was never in a live-in relationship with him. Abhishek says Isha said you were in a live-in relationship. Ayesha says she is lying. Abhishek says you said that you don’t want him anymore but you are spending all day here with him. Ayesha says because I didn’t know it would affect his mental health this much.

Isha tells Mannara that Munawar is not wrong but he would

prioritize Ayesha as he feels something for her.

Neil tells Ayesha that maybe Munawar is doing things for you out of respect. Ayesha says he said he has feelings for me but I don’t have those for now. I like talking to him. Anurag says you are liking his attention. Abhishek says you won’t repeat what happened with you both before? Ayesha says its not going to be like that. Abhishek says you have to take a step back here and feel things for him after you leave the house.

Mannara tells Isha that Munawar is making an image that he is helpless. Isha says he is just doing damage control.

Neil tells Ayesha that she and Munawar have to decide mutually. She gets emotional and leaves from there. Ayesha cries and says I am sorry Nazila, she must have not get clarity on things too.

11 AM

Ayesha tells Vicky that she can make good rotis. Vicky says how cooperative, Ankita can’t do that. Ankita says you are crossing your limit now. Don’t do it. Vicky says what did I do? Ankita says stop making fun of me, don’t talk to me now. Vicky says what wrong did I say? I am sorry. Ankita cries silently and says I am requesting you to stop poking me. Vicky tries hugging her but she pushes him away. He says I am sorry.

1:30 PM

The message comes that they will get a new captain today.

Abhishek tells Munawar that you didn’t have Ayesha in your mind after coming here so don’t get involved with her. If you didn’t commit anything to her then you don’t owe her anything. If Ayesha thinks you were two-timing Nazila then why didn’t she clarify things with her but instead she sold your story and came here. If she was hurt then she wouldn’t come here to defame you. Munawar says I am not in a frame of mind to confront Ayesha.

2 PM

Munawar tells Ayesha that I heard you were talking to people about us. Ayesha says shouldn’t I protect myself and think that you are doing the same thing again with me? If your friend Abhishek thinks you were not wrong then its on you that you didn’t explain things to him. Munawar says he needs to figure things out himself. Ayesha says I don’t want to get involved with you again, I want my time. Munawar says if you want me to stay away from you then I will. Ayesha says I am just trying to understand what you want.

2:15 PM

Vicky asks Ankita why is she hurt with him now? I was just joking. Ankita says just don’t talk to me. Vicky says at least tell me what wrong did I do? Ankita says I just want to be alone so leave me alone, you have a lot of people so go and talk to them. Vicky leaves.

2:45 PM

Ayesha tells Rinku that she looks pretty today. Rinku tells Mannara that she wants to talk to her but you don’t talk alone so lets talk publicly. Mannara says why are you confronting me? Rinku says you found your tribe so happy for you.

Ankita tells Ayesha that Munawar stepped back from Mannara because of you. I asked Mannara if she loves Munawar but she said she is just a friend for him. Ayesha says it feels like he used Mannara in the game and left her, I don’t know why he is doing all this. How can I trust him again? Ankita says I told him that his love angle with you seems fake. Ayesha says he said that he has feelings for me. He might be saying this because he knows that he has lost Nazila. Ankita says he is repeating the same mistake.

3:15 PM

Ayesha is playing around with Munawar. She goes to the washroom so he leaves.

Abhishek asks Munawar to clarify things with Mannara. Mannara says Ayesha is your priority? Munawar says you can do what you think is right and I will do what I think is right. Bigg Boss says Munawar got time to talk to others because Ayesha went to the washroom. Mannara says he gets time only when she leaves him.

3:30 PM

Bigg Boss calls everyone to the garden and asks Mannara if Munawar looked happy? She says he looks happy these days. Bigg Boss says he looked better when he was sad if he is happy like this. Mannara taunts Ayesha that she is Munawar’s Bigg Boss. Ayesha says don’t be so obsessed with me.

Bigg Boss tells the inmates that he has arranged a party for Isha’s captaincy farewell. This party will be for the new captain. Aoora will perform in the party.

All inmates come to the activity area for the party. Bigg Boss calls Isha and Munawar behind bar table. Bigg Boss says Aoora will perform but the crowd gets out of control when the buzzer plays. Then 3 inmates will pick up bottles and break bottles on other inmates’ heads which means they will be eliminated from the captaincy task. Isha and Munawar already became the captains so they will be judges. There will 4 rounds and the last round will mean only one inmate will get the bottle. One inmate will get one bottle only. The inmate who didn’t get bottle broken on his head will become the captain.

The party starts and Aoora starts singing. The inmates dance around. Vicky breaks the bottle on Neil’s head and eliminates him from the task. Neil breaks the bottle on Vicky’s head and eliminates him from the task. Samarth breaks the bottle on Abhishek’s head as he is not sensible to be a captain. He needs to handle himself first so he can’t handle the house. Abhishek says he broke the bottle on my face with force. Samarth says I played the task the way its supposed to be. Abhishek says you are a *****.

4:15 PM

Abhishek tells Isha that her boyfriend was being aggressive with him. Isha tells him to keep shouting. Abhishek says you both are poking me. Rinku asks Abhishek to calm down and stop it.

4:30 PM

The party starts again, the inmates dance around and the buzzer plays. Mannara eliminates Anurag from the task and says I finally listened to him. He has no stand and even know about duties so he doesn’t deserve to the captain. Ankita says I want to eliminate Rinku as she is nominated so might leave. Rinku eliminates Ankita from the task as she respects her a little less.

4:45 PM

Samarth tells Vicky that Aoora is busy singing, we have only 2 rounds left.

Munawar tells Ayesha to eliminate Samarth. Anurag says lets eliminate Mannara too. Anurag says that’s right. Bigg Boss says Munawar and Anurag are friends now for convenience? Anurag says we have common friends.

5 PM

The 3rd round starts, Aoora sings in the party. Vicky dances with Ayesha in the party. The buzzer plays and Aoora, Arun and Anurag get the bottles. Aoora eliminates Ayesha from the task as he wants to be the captain. Arun eliminates Samarth from the task as he is a kid and can’t be the captain. Anurag eliminates Arun from the task as he has no stance in the game.

The last round of the party starts and they all dance. Abhishek takes the bottle and Ayesha says you promised me something. Abhishek asks Mannara if she would choose him for immunity if the time comes? Bigg Boss says you are doing deals now? Abhishek says I want to eliminate Mannara from the task. Mannara says he wanted me to make a deal with him now? he is an ass and such a fake person. You fooled me emotionally. Abhishek says why are you crying? Mannara says I won’t become a fool again. Aoora becomes the captain.

5:15 PM

Bigg Boss asks Munawar if he is happy that Abhishel eliminated Mannara from the captaincy? He says yes, Mannara is in under the bad influence so she would be used. She is listening to Samarth too much. Bigg Boss congratulates Aoora on becoming the captain, Arun will help him manage things as he doesn’t understand hindi much.

Ayesha tells Anurag that if Abhishek talked to Mannara nicely and made a deal with him then she would have followed through with her words, she wouldn’t backstab him. Anurag says it would have damaged me or Munawar.

Samarth tells Munawar that he has stooped so low. Mannara tells Munawar that Abhishek won’t even pick his phone outside the house. You both planned before coming to the show, I know you both connected and plotted all this before entering the house. Munawar tells Samarth to shut up. Mannara says I supported you in your captaincy but you are such a hypocrite. I know another girl will come next week for you. Munawar says you are going personal now. Mannara says he has been exposed so he is going crazy. Samarth says he is a *******. Mannara says let it be. Munawar says you are broken so get lost Samarth. Samarth says I am not two-timing like you. Munawar tells him to get lost.

5:45 PM

Isha tells Ayesha that I don’t like Samarth and Munawar fighting as they are close to me. Ayesha says Samarth is crossing a line and saying things that attacks my character too.

Anurag tells Samarth to get lost. Mannara tells Anurag that you are calling Samarth out when he supported you before?

Abhishek tells Isha that you are cheap like your boyfriend. Samarth tells him to get lost. Abhishek says he is a ******.

Mannara is crying. Ayesha comes to her and says I want to talk to you. I know what you are going through as your friend has backstabbed you but you need to understand that I came here with pent up anger too, I have nothing against you. I diffused in this house but Munawar has been repenting for his mistakes so it calmed me down. Mannara says you got attention from Munawar which you never got from him before. He is doing this for the show. I supported him like he is supporting you now. He didn’t cut me off but he used me in the game and now he has you so he has changed. He has set a narrative in the game but then you came so he changed his sides. You will feel later on that he fooled you again. This man couldn’t be loyal to Nazila so he would do the same with you. You are in a situation that you can set your story here and make your name. Right now what I feel like you leaked your own video to come in the show. You know he doesn’t talk to me because you would get angry and expose him more. Ayesha says I am a secure person so I don’t care if my partner talks to other girls, I don’t know what Munawar is doing. I agree with your reasons.

Munawar tells Vicky that Mannara is crossing her limits.

Mannara tells Ayesha that this is how boys like Munawar use girls and they leave their careers because they get stuck in these issues. You are looking cheesy here. Ayesha says I didn’t come here for Munawar, I just wanted an apology from him. He has accepted mistakes. I am spending time with him because I don’t have anyone else here. I don’t care what you feel about me but I am allowing Munawar to be close to me. I feel you have a liking for him. Mannara says no, I am not into married men. If you think you can make an affair with him here and get work then it will be just for some time but you know Munawar’s career is all about reality shows. You have to think about your career, you will find a good guy.

7:30 PM

Mannara tells Munawar that when you were about to become a captain, I didn’t vote for myself and voted for you because I was emotionally attached to you. You got a new friend so you think I would send her out if I become a captain, this is your hypocrisy. Munawar says I don’t want Samarth to use your powers if you become a captain because he is your priority right now. He attacked me on personal things. Mannara says so your nomination is above my happiness? you have put the game above your friendship. Munawar says you said that we will think about our friendship after the show only. Mannara tells Munawar that he leaves things open-ended and that’s his reality. You played with my emotions. Munawar says don’t have hopes from me now. Mannara says you are so hypocrite. Munawar says I don’t want to be your friend in this game and this is the first thing I have said with clarity here. Mannara says play your game with your friends now. Munawar says you are not my friend and can’t be my friend anymore. This is the best clarity I can give you. Mannara tells him to get lost, you need therapy so go and talk to your angel, get lost. Munawar says you will see me here till the last day. Mannara says you played with my feelings, you are the real villain. Go, your group is waiting for you. Munawar says are you done? Mannara says don’t give me time now. Munawar says this is your new level which is so low. Mannara tells him to get lost.

9 PM

Abhishek asks Aoora why didn’t he ask him for workout? Aoora says I am working out alone, what’s wrong? Abhishek says I was just asking about working out, it was just a joke. Isha tells Arun that Aoora mistook Abhishek’s words. Arun goes to Aoora and asks if everything is okay? He says yes.

Mannara tells Ankita that I heard Munawar telling Ayesha that they can go to BB and act like they don’t know each other to create their angle.

Abhishek asks Arun if Aoora is okay but Aoora goes to his room and tells them to leave him alone.

9:30 PM

Aoora is crying alone so Ankita hugs and consoles him.

Isha tells Abhishek that Aoora is sensitive so he shouldn’t have taunted him. Samarth says he can just hurt and curse people.

Ankita asks Aoora what happened? you can talk to me.

Abhishek tells Samarth to get lost, go and use your girlfriend. Samarth takes Isha aside and tells her to not talk to him. Samarth asks Isha to not interfere in his matter.

Arun tells Ankita that Aoora is confused about relationships between people here.

Isha shouts at Abhishek that he always used her. He says you used me. Isha says you never respected me in the relationship, you were never loyal. No girl would be with you. Abhishek says you used me. Samarth tells him to get lost. He couldn’t even care for his mother and makes her cry. Isha says you always use girls, get lost. If I open my mouth then you will be exposed. Abhishek says you want me to open my mouth? You used me. Samarth takes Isha from there. Abhishek shouts at her to get lost.

Isha tells Samarth to leave her alone, she cries and says I get affected too. Mannara consoles her. Ayesha says don’t do this with this girl. Rinku consoles her.

Abhishek tells Munawar that my mother used to cry because of my condition because of Isha. Samarth taunted me that I make my mother cry but my mother cry when I hit myself because of her. My father was ready to beg her for me.

9:45 PM

Samarth comes to Abhishek and glares at him. Abhishek tells him to get lost or does he want red makeup? Isha comes there and says Samarth is with me so I am happy. Isha and Samarth taunt Abhishek. Isha says I got the respect from Samarth that I never got from Abhishek. Abhishek looks away and starts crying. Samarth leaves with Isha. Anurag consoles Abhishek. Ayesha says this is life.

Isha tells Samarth to stop poking him, why did you go to him now? you wanted to instigate him.

Abhishek says I am going to break today and hit him.

Samarth tells Isha that I am not getting triggered by him but you are so don’t give him any points. Isha tells him to leave her alone. You are senseless.

10:45 PM

Mannara tells Samarth that Munawar made sure that Abhishek and Ayesha go last in the captaincy task so I don’t become the captain. I wanted to solve things but he is dragging things. Samarth says he wants content so he won’t solve it. Samarth jokes about Munawar, Mannara laughs.

Ankita and Vicky have a pillow fight, others join them and laugh around. Vicky hits a light bulb mistakenly and apologizes to BB.

PRECAP – In the task, Vicky will act as a lawyer against Munawar and Ankita would play as Munawar’s lawyer. Vicky says Munawar fulfils his relationship with selective people only. Ankita says I don’t think Munawar is faking anything. Vicky says Munawar kept talking about his outside girlfriend Nazila as he wanted to be a good boy on TV but his image came crashing down when Ayesha exposed him. Munawar says wow, Vicky is a good lawyer (as a taunt). Later on, Munawar is crying so Mannara hugs him and says I know you didn’t sleep all night, just talk to me and sort things out. Munawar cries and says just give me some time. 

Update Credit to: Atiba

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