Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 2nd December 2023 Written Episode Update: Sunny gets eliminated

Bigg Boss 17 2nd December 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Karan welcomes everyone to the weekend ka vaar. Karan says I spoke about Munawar’s friend no year earlier, now let’s talk about the second one. Mannara Chopra. All she wants is validation and friendship. You both have a friendship. She expects you to be there for her when she feels low. Mannara says yes I expect that from Munnawar and Anurag. Karan says who are two people? She says Munawar and Anurag. Karan says you think they should spend maximum time with you. She says yes. Karan says that’s a genius move. Munawar can sit with you only if he stays in the house when Anurag nominated Munawar to be nominated for the whole season. Did you even question him once? Is that friendship? You didn’t even take a stand. Mannara says I asked him yesterday what is his problem

with Munawar. Karan says you expect Munawar to be there for you when you get nominated. You were all okay. She says I knew it wouldn’t happen. Anurag had no one else. Karan says it’s not clear. You took 4 days to question it. You were so busy? Do you expect the same thing from Munawar? Would you like it if Munawar sits with you after 4 days? She says he didn’t get nominated. Karan says it’s not funny, it’s hypocrisy. You take people for granted. You want their support but you’re never there for them. It’s double standards. Anurag is nodding. Your friend nominated the other one for the whole season. Not one time you stood up for him. Munawar fights his own battles. He only gets taunted by you and Ankita. He explains to you and Abhishek when they fight. then Abhishek misbehaves with him and asks whose side he is on. Mannara cries. Karan says to think about it.

Karan says now a friendship trio, Ankita, Vicky, and Munawar. He asks Munawr are you 100% convinced you and Ankita are friends? He says no 100%. I’ve always been honest but I’ve felt hesitation. She said she wanted to take a step back. She expects a lot from you. Now let me tell her what she expects from you. She told Vicky I can’t stop talking to Khanzadi. But Munawar’s priority is Mannara so I will take a step back. In so many weeks, you said openly your priority is Mannara and Rinku. Ankita says he took my name as well. I am a very emotional person. I stay connected with people. It would bother me. He says you set up a disclaimer before any conversation. I am emotional, I am loyal I am like this. We’ve only heard this and haven’t seen it in your actions. If I ask Vicky alone, he’d say the same thing. Did you take a step back because of Manara? She says I didn’t want him to be in two boats. Munawar says I told her she didn’t have to worry about it. I can handle it. Ankita says I didn’t want to be a third wheel there. It would have gotten difficult for him. Karan says but he had no issue. She says Mannara and I have too much negativity. So I knew it would get difficult. We fight a lot. Karan says you and Vicky fight a lot too. She says he’s my husband. I can’t do much but I can take a step back. Karan says Munawar could also step back. It’s very convenient. When you want a friend you’re with them. And then you step back. Munawar says you tuanted when I took a stand for Mannara and then you took a step back. Ankita says no.

Karan Munawar and Vicky you both planned that you need to control Mannara and Khanzadi and Vicky said I told Ankita to be nice to Mannara and Khanzadi. Ankita says he never said it with that intention. Karan says you have claimed. Vicky says I told Ankita to be nice when Khanzadi was upset. Ankita says it was very natural with Khaznadi. That’s not my nature. Karan says again with nature. Disclaimer. Does Virat say before batting he’s the best batsman? She says people misunderstand them. He says I don’t give this disclaimer before the movie. You see it to know what it’s about. Karan says Munawar since you resigned as Vicky’s assistant, an intern got promoted. that’s Anurag. They have a clear agenda show will manage Mannara. And instruction is clear, Anurag will manage Mannara. Anurag says I wasn’t part of that conversation. Karan says there are 116 cameras in the house. Vicky says was it our conversation? Anurag says we never discussed that. Karan says Ankita, Anurag, Vicky, and Khanzadi were sitting. Ankita says I told her to be there for her. He was worried for Mannara. I told her please be with her. She’s very possessive about her people. Mannara says I am not possessive. Ankita says you are. Karan says aren’t you Ankita? She says I am. That was my reason to go away from Muanwar. Karan says Vicky gets all the attention for fooling people.

Karan says it was said, there are 2 to 3 people in this house that are uncontrollable. Abhishek was gotten in control. Mannara isn’t getting in control. Why is it so important for Vicky and Ankita to manage Mannara? You both are scared that she can expose you both and she’s gotten you both right. She says the right thing. Why do you need so many people to walk with you, Vicky? Vicky says we stay here so we talk to everyone. Karan asks Ankita how many times has Vicky said we need to keep people on our side so we can control our final aim better. Mannara says wow. Ankita says he said we can have a goal and we need people one our side. Karan says so he said it. Vicky says we’ve to survive here. Karan says wow super answer, clapping. Vicky says I asked Ankita to be cordial. She wasn’t friendly. Ankita says Salman also asked me to make friends. My focus was on Vicky a lot. Vicky says everyone needs friends here. Karan says then why do you have old seasons in your sales pitch when you wanna get Abhishek on your side? This append in season 16. Vicky says we discuss it generally. Karan says your exact words were, season 16 had a mandali. A lot of people questioned them. But two of them made it to the finale and won. Vicky says it had context. This is getting misunderstood. I told him you can prioritize friendship, it doesn’t harm the friendship. Karan says when you had a fight with you you told everyone there should be a gana against Abhishek. Am I right Munawar? He says yes. Karan says it’s fine. It’s all a game. But at least accept it. You both always have a disclaimer. Say it openly that you wanna play a number game and you wanna make a mandali. All people are different.

Karan says Munawar this is your friendship. If you still go to everyone and convince them we will have to check you up. You chose very difficult papers. He says heart house doesn’t have a heart. He says Vicky you didn’t even question Anurag on nominating Vicky. Because Anurag was also part of your masterplan now. Vicky says I never agreed. Karan says I don’t wanna get into relationships. I can’t compete with Vicky. Aishwarya says all his relations are fake. Karan says this man said on national TV about his wife, that she’s an investment for me. Everyone agrees. Karan says isha said it. Isha says we spoke about destiney. I asked him you ddn’t know years ago you’d marry Ankita. He corrected me and said she’s somewhat of an investment. I went to Mumbai and made friends and then I became friends with her. So it’s an investment for me. I’d give it’s credit to myself not destiny.

Karan says Sana, yu’re looking like a hypocrite on national TV. If you’re okay with that fact, it’s not a problem for us. You tell Arun to respect women. On the other hand, you’re okay with what your mentor told you about you at Orry’s party. Vicky if you don’t remember let me remind you what you said. You told Sana, take off your jacket in a seducing way, just do all of that. Make him comfortable like a girl. In between just play with him. I am mot saying your intention was wrong. You were on a task. I have a problem with Sana. You ask people to respect women. How can you listen to such words? She says I know. It was a task. Karan says words like take off your jacket, seduce him, give him a massage, appreciate him, tell him I love your fragrance. Who does this? And which woman takes it? Don’t call it a task. Other people also did the task. Don’t play the woman card conveniently. Arun and Tehelka clap. Karan says if you are a feminist be it. I am a proud feminist and I would never listen to such things. You don’t need to give any clarification. If you tell anyone another man to respect women, it’d look like a shallow lie. Think about it. Arun says thank you, sir. No one tells me that next time.

Rinku says to Munawar Ankita has bio data of all the emotions. I am emotional, I am this, I am that. Arun and Abhishek fight. Abhishek shouts in the camera. He says BB I want to talk about yesterday. He throws his mic in anger. Abhishek shouts talking about yesterday. Samarth and Isha try to calm him down. Abhishek says talk about it BB. Arun says keep crying. Isha says to wear the mic. Abhishek says I was a stand on it. Arun says keep crying. Abhishek breaks things in anger. Isha tries to calm him down. Arun says he’s doing a drama. Isha calms Abhishek down. Abhishek screams and cries. Tehelka says he’s such a drama. Arun says he wants to play the sympathy cards. Abhishek screams. Isha asks him to calm down. She says don’t think about it. Ankita says to Anurag I am going to protect myself. I will get hurt. his priority is Manara, and that’s fine. Muanwar says to Abhishek they care about us. They’re not here to get us beaten. They will talk about it.

Karan says the incident Abhishek is talking about, let me show you. A day prior: The alarm blared, and everyone got up. Abhishek told Arun Ankita, Samarth, and Isha are sleeping. Vicky asked Ankita to get up. Arun came there and asked Samarth to get up. He says are you here to sleep? Isha says to look in other rooms. he says I will go everywhere. Isha says you only order us around. I won’t get up. He says I will not let you sleep. You’re making a mistake. Isha says I will sleep. You sleep all day. You are in bed all day. Arun says the alarm never blared. Isha and Arun aruged. Neil asked what are they talking about? Abhishek told Arun to talk nicely. Arun said you stay out of it. You don’t teach me how to talk. Abhishek says I will. You’re shouting in the morning. Arun said you stay out of if. Why you come in between? Isha says he only has this way of talking. Abhishek says you don’t know how to talk to a girl. Khanzadi said like he knows how to talk to girls.s Abhishek and Arun argued and fought. Arun said why did you come in between? Isha said you’re sleeping all day yourself. You are always joked about. At leat, I get seen. Arun shouted you, shameless woman. Khanzadi said he still hasn’t stooped to your level Abhishek. Abhishek says I sad sorry. Khanzadi said I don’t need your sorry. You will do the same thing. I’ve nothing to do with you. Isha and Arun fought. Isha said you’re only seen in a blanket for 5 weeks. Arun said and you’re only seen in a triangle. You’re here to play these games. Choose one guy at least. Isha said your’e also useless outside.

Ankita says don’t taunt their work. Isha said to Ankita he’s also saying it. Arun said to Abhishek never dare to come into my matter again. Abhishek said I would. Tehelka says tell me how. Stay out of it. Tehelka touched his face and said don’t you dare next time. Abhishek said I will. Tehelka grasped his collar and pulled it. Arun says you chick. What can you do? Abhishek says he otuchd me. He pulled my shirt. Tehelka said why did you come in Arun’s matter? Tehelkla shoved him. Abhishek says they’re hitting me. They touched my face and threatened me. They pulled my shirt. Arun said get out of here. Abhishek said they’re breaking the rules. Tehelka said you also threatened us. Arun shoved his head and said go from here. Arun said go form here monkey. Abhishek said BB you said they have the last warning. And they’re still doing it again. Abhishek said hit your head on the wall. Tehelka shoves Anurag. Sana says BB this is very wrong. Please take an action. Tehelka shoves Abhishek aggressively. Sana says he’s getting physical. Isha says Tehelka has hit him and shoved him. Munawar asks Arun and Tehelka to stop it. Abhishek says you both are getting physical. Anurag says you are wrong here. Arun says the audience and BB will decide. You all stay out of it. Abhishek came to Arun and said you are sacred so you do such things. Arun shoved him and said he’s standing on my foot. Get lost. Tehelka shoved Abhishek. Abhishek says I will speak to Salman sir about it. Arun says you play with girls only.

Karan says how could we overlook such a big matter? Karan asks Abhishek what happened. She says I feel very bad. Karan asks about what? He says I was disrespected. They pulled my collar and shoved me multiple times. Karan says I also saw what you did. I saw everything. Abhishek says I want to talk about it. Abhishek says I am very hurt. Karan asks how many times does Abhishek instance in this house? Abhishek says I never got physical. Abhishek says not yesterday. Karna says do other people cry about it like you are. This isn’t a normal reaction. He says I was disrespected. I’ve not been like this with anyone. Karan asks whose fight was it. Isha says my and Arun’s. Abhishek says if you want to frame me wrong you can say it. Karan says let me talk. Karan asks Isha and Arun to fight. Karan says Abhishek let me talk. Abhishek says I came after an hour. Karan shouts you wanted to talk about it so let me. Karan says whose fight was it? He says Arun and Isha. Did Isha ask you to fight for her? he says no sir. Karan says you always jump into other people’s fights. Abhishek says what other fight? And there’s no such rule but there’s a rule for physical fight. Karan says would you let me talk or should I go? Abhishek says it’s not in the rules. Karan says you won’t teach me rules. Abhishek says it was between Isha and Arun. Karan asks why did you jump? Abhishek says when Mannara and I fought Arun told me to behave with girls. I told him the same. Karan says were you this polite? The tone and attitude you have, you’re telling me the rules. Abhishek says you are deviating it. Karan says am I deviating from it? I know my work. You all decide if yu want a discussion or not. They say yes sir you do. Karan says you’ve no right to tell me what to say or deviate. I am showing you the mirror. See it. I will talk about yesterday’s matter. Do you think we’d let it slide? You’ve always crossed the line in this house. Who was instigating Arun yesterday? Who brought his family to this? All that is okay. Abhishek says that’s my fault I am sorry. Karan says you’re also telling me how to host? Am I here to waste my time? Everyone knows what happened and what’s happening. Karan says I am telling everyone if Abhishek keeps instigating you all, you decide how much you wanna entertain him. It’s not on us.

Karan says if I don’t talk about yesterday, what you did today is self-harm. Abhishek says I was angry. Karan says so should I kick you out as per the rule? Abhishek says I let my anger out, I dodn’t hrm myself. Karan asks Isha if did he not hit his hand on the table. Isha says I asked him to calm down. He did. Karna says you threw things. Did you not throw the mic? Who were you threatening? Abhishek says who am I to threaten? Karna says I am asking you the same thing. But I want it to be discussed. Karna says I am also angry but you have control. I can also throw the mic and go out. I have the right to do that but I am not doing that. This is my work. You’re not respecting your work.

Karan asks Tehelka how many warnings have you gotten? He says 1 warning. Karan says 1? Munawar says every week. Karan says how many times have you been aggressive? he says 4 to 5 times. Karan says should we make a separate rule book for you? He says it was a mistake. Karan asks was it even your fight yesterday? He says every time he comes into our matters os I asked him to not come into Arun’s matter. I told him to not provoke Arun. Karan says you started the fight again when it calmed down. Vicky told Arun you should be awarded for silencing Abhishek. And after that, you got into the fight. You started provoking him. You pulled his collar two times. You tried to slap him on the cheek. Tehelka says he was threatening me. Karan says why were you clapping on his cheek? Let me show you. You’re taking this very lightly. Karan plays how many times he’s been aggressive. There are 10 times he got offensive. Tehelka says I am sorry sir. Kran says no one needs your sorry. Tehelka says sorry to Abhishek. Karan says no one needs your story. This footage shows you’re a repeat offender. You keep doing this. there is no excuse for being aggressive. You have no control over your anger and hands. You have proved it multiple times. We ignored it many times with warnings. But not today.

Karan says Sunny Ariya for breaking the rule of physical violence, you’re eliminated from this house. Everyoen is shocked. Karan says BB told you the last time there will be a clear decision next time and it’s that decision. Munawar says you were told many times. I nominated you for this reason. Karan says your journey ends here. Please come out. Arun hugs Tehelka. They both cry. Tehelka cries. Anurag hugs him. Arun tries to console him. Arun cries and sobs. He hugs Tehelka. Arun says I am sorry. It’s your mistake. Tehelka hugs Munawar and Anurag. Tehelka says it was my fault. Abhishek says sir most of the fight was related to me. Please take him back. I have no issues. Please take this decision back. If it’s possible please reverse. This will be a warning for him. Tehelka says to everyone Arun has a very good heart. Don’t hurt him. He loves everyone. Hed’ be alone without me. Arun and Tehelka cry. Tehelka says don’t cry, win for me. Manna says BB I will correct him. Please try to stop it if you can.

Arun cries. Tehelka says don’t do this. Munawar says to Abhishek you’ve to control your anger here. This platform can work for you. You’ve to learn to be patient. Abhishek says I was waiting. They both instigated me. Rinku says it reflected him. Vicky hugs Tehelka and cries. Tehelka hugs Isha. Rinku says he’s responsible for these actions and so are you. Ankita says just say sorry. Tehelka says sorry Abhsihek. Abhishek says I am sorry. They hug. Abhishek says I’ve requested if there’s any chance then please reverse it with one last warning. Arun hugs Tehelka. Abhishek cries and panics. He says sorry sir. Please stop this. Please sorry. Abhishek says please don’t do this. It’s my fault. Sorry. They cry. Please punish me but don’t do this to my brother. Tehelka says it’s my fault. Abhishek hugs Tehelka and cries. he says please don’t go bhai. Please. It’s my fault. They will call you. Abhishek says I am responsible for this. Please.  Please stop this. Arun cries. Abhishek panics. Tehelka leaves. Arun cries inside.

Abhishek says I am responsible for this. I shouldn’t have spoken about this. Rinku says you are not responsible. BB told him he’d get the final decision. Abhishek says I shouldn’t have spoken about it. Neil says you speaking about something doesn’t decide who will stay. Arun ccries. Abhishek cries in his room. Munawar says this is to set an example and make people learn. It’s not your fault. Varun says my game ended. Neil says don’t say that. Don’t make another mistake. Vicky says take care of yourself. Munawar says anger can do so much harm. Neil gives Tehela’s scarf to Varun and says your brother is with you. Ankita says everyone has to go. Abhishek cries. Vicky hugs him.

Mannara says he did this fight for Arun. His own game was very good. Arun says what are you trying to say? Mannara says I am saying he got emotional about you. He says you don’t come betwen us. We now what you’re trying to say. You are making it worse. I request you. Munawar says every person has a weakness. We should work  on it. Don’t say blaming things right now. Mannara says I didn’t mean that. He says it sounds like it. Abhishek cries and hugs Arun. He says it’s my fault. Sorry bhai. I am sorry. Vicky says we’ve ot move. Mannara holds Munawar’s and. Munawar cries and says he made us all smile the most.

Karan comes back to the house. He says let me explain you all one thing. You might be confused but BB is very clear about rules. If someone breaks them even after multiple warnings, they can’t be spared. it’s as simple as that. You can  have a problem with taking no action. But you can’t question us taking suitable action. You can’t do things under the tasks. The show must go on. Tehelka made mistakes and he paid the consequences. Some people get highlighted with their mistakes and others get away with them. Now you’ve to high those people and put that person under the spotlight and tell how they were not brought under spotlight for their mistakes.

Khanzadi calls Isha under sspotlght. She says I told her many times I’ve nothing eprsoan wiht her but she still inteferes inmy problems. SHe keeps saying I shout and all. What have I done to you? You can ignore me. Isha says you don’t say things in my face. Khanzadi says I’ve no issued with you. Karan says thank you Khanzaid for participating because you boycott out tasks She says sorry sir. Neil calls Ankita. He says when you go against the, her tone changes and she gets very attacking. Karan says we feel like Aishwarya doesn’t let you talk to her. Neil says no. Aishwarya says I was excited that Neil got the grocery power. Karan says Aishwayra told on your behalf that we don’t need help. We’ve all seen your aroroagcen. Mannara calls Ankita. She says Ankita keeps saying she’s nothing against me. She asks my friend to be there for me. But he she plays divide and rule. She thinks she is superior or classy and we’re all trashy. Ankita says I have nothing against Mannara.

Karan says now I’ve a special surprise for you all. Karan says our Ekta Kapoor won Emmy Director awards as the first director from our country. They all clap for her. Ekta says to Ankita and Vicky don’t fight. Be nice to Ankita Vicky. Her hert has broken many times, she’s very sensitive. And Munawar you started well but not it’s getting boring. Neil and Aishwarya are now playing very well. Abhishek and Samarth move forward. Anurag has stopped crying after he was saved from nomations. She says Khanzadi don’t create so many issues. She says Sana 3 is better than 2 not always works.

Karan says now let’s come to the elmiations. Anurag, Khanzadi. Rinku, Neil, Ankita. Vicky, Mannara and Arun are nominated. The bottom two are Rinku and Vicky. Everyone is shocked. Ankita says to Vicky I will go home with you. Karan says the name is.. I won’t take the name because there is no elimination this week. Ankita hugs Vicky. Aishwarya says to Ankita I never stopped Neil from talking to you. Aishwarya tells Vicky you got saved. He laughs and hugs her. Sana falls. Abhishek andAnkita get her up.

Precap- Mannara says to Ankita we all know what you say in heart. Ankita leaves in anger and says I am done with this girl Sana. She tortures people and she thinks she looks cool. She cries and says I want to go home Vicky. Vicky says relax. Samarth and Isha fight over Abhishekk. isha says you say I am jealous about him. Samarth says we can all see. Isha says learn to trust. Isha says he knows bme better than you but you don’t.  Samarth says you keep saying he understands you better. It hurts me. 

Episode ends

Update Credit t: Atiba

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