Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 2nd November 2023 Written Episode Update: Khanzaadi & Mannara act like frenemies

Bigg Boss 17 2nd November 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 18
8 AM
the contestants wake up to BB anthem, they all dance to it.

9:30 AM
Ankita tells Isha that we have to decide about duties, I don’t want to do it. Vicky says this is not done. Aishwarya says I don’t want them to look nice and us to look bad. Vicky says we shouldn’t do this. Neil tells Vicky that we are wrong, Bigg Boss never told us that we have to fight with other houses. Ankita says we have to take a stand. Neil says you all can do it but I won’t be a part of it. Vicky says its okay, we will decide on something else.

Samarth tells Sana and others to not let Manasvi cook, she doesn’t know how to cook. Sana says I can cook rice, don’t let her cook veggies. Arun says we should just eat silently what we are getting. He

jokes with Tehelka.

Vicky tells Ankita that she can’t stop doing duties. Bigg Boss the kitchen is open so cook now. Sana tells Samarth that he is supporting Abhishek more than his own team, he says its not like that.

Vicky tells Ankita to wash her dishes. Ankita says I do my work so don’t taunt me.

Ankita tells Vicky that Abhishek is not doing his work. Vicky says just do your work and talk nicely. Ankita says I am doing his work so I can complain. Vicky says don’t argue with me.

11 AM
Mannara tells Munawar that Khanzaadi wanted me do everything with her. She told me to wear clothes like her, do makeup like her and she kept following me. She wants everyone to run behind her. She is trying to make connections like me. I have a good connection with you but I don’t run behind you all the time. She wants me to follow her in everything.

Ankita tells Vicky that Abhishek doesn’t do his duty, we have to highlight it. Vicky says we shouldn’t fight in our house when others are around. You can keep your tone down. Ankita says my tone was down.

12:45 PM
Munawar tells Sana that he has to remove her dresses from the washroom area everyday, please take care of that. Sana says everyone leaves their clothes there. Munawar says I don’t have to clean up your clothes, I am not your servant.

1:15 PM
Munawar tells Vicky that he should do his duty in a better manner. Abhishek jokes with him. Munawar mimics Mannara talking to others.

1:30 PM
Neil tells Aishwarya that Abhishek taunted for being in Vicky’s team and I am playing under him. Aishwarya says you should have confronted him, I won’t tolerate people taunting me, its your fault that you are not speaking up.

2 PM
Manasvi is cooking, Samarth scolds her for experimenting. Anurag says she doesn’t know how to cook. Mannara says they keep scolding her. Samart shouts at Manasvi to leave if she can’t cook. She says look at what others have cooked. Samarth says we can’t even cook what you cook.

Aishwarya comes to Neil and says I am angry at you. Neil says I am sitting here alone. She says you are doing the same thing again.

Manasvi tells Samarth that he doesn’t know what he is talking about. Samarth says you are a ***. Ankita says mind your language.

2:15 PM
Munawar jokes with Vicky and Sana. Manasvi and Abhishek bring Sana there, they ask them to patch up. Sana hugs Vicky and patches with him.

2:30 PM
Bigg Boss tells Vicky that he should have patched up with Sana right after the nominations, why did you wait for 2 days? Vicky says Abhishek and Munawar spoiled my game. Ankita tells Vicky that he shouldn’t have done it.

Abhishek is apologizing to Khanzaadi but she says I don’t want to talk to you. Anurag tells her that their friendship can’t be broken. Anurag tells Jigna that she has to start speaking up, just keep moving week after week. Bigg Boss asks him till when he will stay here? Anurag says I am not your favorite. Bigg Boss says then don’t give advice to my favorite Jigna. All laugh.

Arun picks up Navid and puts him on his back. He screams and laughs.

3 PM
Munawar asks Jigna what are they cooking tonight? Bigg Boss says Munawar should give his menu to Jigna. Khanzaadi says I have stomach ache after eating this. Jigna says wow, you are eating and shitting on it. Khanzaadi says I just talk the truth. Bigg Boss tells her to be toned down. Rinku tells Khanzaadi to have some shame, she shouldn’t be so cruel to others. Khanzaadi says I didn’t come here to make relationships. Rinku says we are all individuals here. Neil comes there and says we have less choices when it comes to food. Bigg Boss says house no. 2 have so many choices that they can’t decide.

3:15 PM
Arun asks Samarth why is he wasting food and not washing his bowl? Samarth says just leave it. Arun says don’t show me attitude. He says fine.

Arun tells Tehelka that I will give dose to others if they misbehave with him. We can rock the house but we are calm. Arun wishes birthday to Bigg Boss for no reason.

6:15 PM
Rinku taunts Khanzaadi that she should at least acknowledge others taking care of you. Khanzaadi says what did I do wrong? Rinku says you said you are all alone, I have been taking care of you but you never appreciate people. Khanzaadi says it was not about you. Jigna says your tone was not nice about food. Khanzaadi says you shouldn’t make this into an issue. Rinku says we are done with your tantrums. Khanzaadi says I was just telling the truth, you people are attacking me now. Bigg Boss understands me, she leaves.

6:30 PM
Mannara tells Rinku that she can make parathas but she needs help. Khanzaadi says I can help you. Mannara says you are charged up so I don’t want to fight while cooking with you. Khanzaadi says what do you mean? I am frustrated but that doesn’t mean I will blast on you. Don’t act innocent now.

6:45 PM
Mannara cries and tells Samarth that people are diplomatic and they just fight with me for no reason. Khanzaadi comes there and says why are you crying? Mannara shouts at her to shut up, I am done with you, I won’t give you attention anymore, you are an attention seeker. Khanzaadi says thank you. Mannara says I want to exit the show, I don’t have any financial issue. I don’t act innocent but she is a ****. Khanzaadi says it shows who you are. Mannara says you are cheap. Khanzaadi says she is playing innocent card. Mannara says she keeps taunting me. Khanzaadi says I talk in front of everyone unlike you. Mannara says she finds everyone irritating. Neil tells Mannara that if you want to go then they will open the doors and ask you to leave. Jigna says you will go out because of her? Samarth asks Isha to give him tissue. Isha says you want to wipe her tears? She leaves.

Samarth asks Isha to bring tissue but she ignores him. He says I wanted a tissue for my nose but you think I was joking? Isha says don’t show me attitude. He throws a bowl from her hands. Abhishek says be careful. Samarth shouts that you are a fool, you think I was getting a tissue for her? don’t talk to me. He leaves. Isha tells Ankita that he wanted me to get a tissue for her. Why would I? I will solve it with him. Abhishek looks on.

Samarth is crying, Abhishek consoles him and says don’t cry.

Tehelka tells Manasvi that if you become friends with Khanzaadi then your game will be stronger.

Samarth tells Abhishek that I asked for a tissue from Isha but she fought with me thinking I was asking it for a girl. Isha says I have a problem with this behavior, if you want to end it then tell me. Samarth apologizes to her.

7:15 PM
Vicky tells Munawar that he is in Khanzaadi’s party or Mannara’s? Mannara says I am not in anyone’s party. Khanzaadi says Munawar is in Mannara’s party only.

8 PM
Munawar reads a task to the contestants. There will be 3 rounds. In the first round, Tehelka, Vicky, Neil, Anurag, Samarth, Abhishek have to do pushups and take name of the person who they hate. Munawar will decide who won. In round 2, Isha, Manasvi, Mannara, Aishwarya Navid, Rinku, will throw 5 balls in their buckets. Ankita will decide the winner. In round 3, Ankita, Khanzaadi, Jigna, Munawar, Sana and Arun will tell the breaking news in the house. Rinku will announce the winner.

9:30 PM
The first round starts, Tehelka, Vicky, Neil, Anurag, Samarth, Abhishek start pushups. Anurag takes Manasvi’s name. Neil takes Vicky’s name. The round ends. Munawar says I think the most passionate one was Neil. Aishwarya claps for him and says take his name openly. Ankita says he is a coward. Aishwarya says we hate Vicky and we can say it on your face, you people are cowards.

The second round starts, Isha, Manasvi, Mannara, Aishwarya Navid, Rinku throw balls in thei buckets. Ankita announces Rinku and Aishwarya as winners.

In round 3, Ankita, Khanzaadi, Jigna, Munawar, Sana and Arun have to tell the news. Ankita says Isha and I stole milk from the fridge. Munawar tells the news that Mannara and Khanzaadi are fighting because of Munawar or because of Anurag? are they fighting because of common connections? Khanzaadi says false. Jigna says Mannara’s nickname is ****. All laugh. Khanzaadi says people think I don’t have a heart but my heart is beating for Abhishek these days. Abhishek is surprised. Sana says Vicky told me that he can’t talk to Mannara for more than 2 minutes. Vicky says you are a ****, you are a snake. Arun says my news that Munawar is black snake who will bite you from behind. He dominates in his own house. Rinku says the winner is Sana.

9:45 PM
Khanzaadi tells Ankita that my heart is beating a little bit for Abhishek. She says its good.

Isha tells Tehelka that Munawar thinks he is a teacher in his house and all are his students.

3 PM
Rinku reads to contestants about Karwachauth for couples. They give gifts to the couples. Ankita and Aishwarya are excited. They thank Bigg Boss.

12 AM
Khanzaadi sits with Sana and taunts Mannara that they are strong unlike others. Mannara says I am done hearing all that, I won’t follow others like others do. She leaves. Khanzaadi comes to her and says don’t say that people follow you. Grow up.

3 AM
Abhishek asks Samarth what’s in Isha that anyone falls in love? Samarth says she was interested in me first. Abhishek says I found out about you both on our breakup anniversary on 26th June. Samarth says this June? that can’t be possible, my relationship with her has been going on for 1 year. Abhishek says I called her and just joked if she has a boyfriend and she accepted. I cut the call and cried for 5 hours. Then she wished me birthday. She is a nice girl, she likes you more than she liked me. Samarth says I feel the same. She said she won’t give me 100% but I was okay. I couldn’t do long distance so I used to go and see her after work to another city every week. Abhishek asks if they had misunderstandings after he was gone to Mumbai? like she going to parties and stuff? Samarth says I never said anything to her for going out, she used to fight with me on things. Abhishek asks if he caught her with someone? He says not that.. she fought with me over some things. Abhishek says she was totally loyal to me. Samarth says she is very loyal to me too. I never caught her cheating and she never caught me cheating. She just lies. Abhishek says she lied in front of 18 people and denied being your girlfriend. Samarth says I will talk about it to her. Abhishek says I couldn’t catch her lies. Samarth says she lies till you bring proof to her. Abhishek says she had many guy friends. Samarth says she never make girl friends of her age.

Day 19
3 PM
Samarth tells Isha that you called Abhishek and wished him birthday? you didn’t tell me. Isha says don’t bring all that up now. Samarth says why you lie to me? Isha says let it be now. Samarth says you keep lying and saying sorry. You talked him and I never knew. Isha says I didn’t want you to fight with me. Samarth says I think you got punished with all this.

3:15 PM
Abhishek tells Samarth that our heroine is a villain. Isha laughs hearing that. Abhishek says heroine cheated two heroes now. Samarth says I confronted her because she never told me that she talked to you. Abhishek says don’t fight with her, its my fault. Samarth says you are wrong, don’t blame yourself in this. Abhishek says I can’t talk about what was wrong with her so I just say I was wrong. Samarth says tell me. He says don’t talk about past. Mannara comes there in a pink suit and says I wore this for Abhishek. Abhishek laughs and goes to her. He says Samarth wants to be my friend now for no reason.

4 PM
Jigna tells Munawar about her person and says he got married while we were dating. He was high profile person. Munawar says this seems like a bollywood movie. Jigna says he was so profile but I never asked for anything, I never asked for money from him. We were just helpless. He never wanted to marry me and then I got arrested. He just left me. Munawar says you didn’t hate him? Jigna says he didn’t stand for me but I don’t hate him. Rinku comes there and asks why is she crying? She says its nothing. I was talking about my ex. Rinku says you are still sulking for him? its been 14 years.

6:45 PM
Neil-Aishwarya, Vicky-Ankita celebrate Karwachauth. All cheer for them.

10 PM
Anurag tells Vicky that Manasvi is lying about her background.

Arun tells Manasvi that Anurag is talking about your background so just go and blast on him. Manasvi says I will use it on the right time, she leaves. Arun says she is crazy. Tehelka says she doesn’t have guts.

PRECAP – Salman tells Isha that this is a small industry so you didn’t need to lie. He asks Samarth if he can ever trust her now? he tells Isha that you are liking the fun and importance but you have exposed your life here. He tells Samarth and Abhishek that they look like fools.
Salman asks who talked to whom before coming here? Vicky says I had a talk with Neil before coming here. Salman says you know that’s against contract. Ankita says I didn’t know about that at first. Salman says but you knew later on right? Sana says they should be eliminated for breaching the contract.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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