Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 4th January 2024 Written Episode Update: Ankita’s priority list is revealed

Bigg Boss 17 4th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 81

5:30 PM

Mannara tells Samarth that don’t feel bad, people are just selfish here. Munawar is such a b*t*h that he never took my side in the captaincy task. Isha says he never supported your name, he was okay with you being eliminated. Samarth tells Isha that you are returning favors to others but not me?

Ayesha tells Munawar that she is physically fine so he didn’t need to give that reason. You people are playing in groups. Munawar says then Isha would have supported Mannara or Samarth. Ayesha says you never take a stand. Munawar says I wanted Ankita to be a captain and not Samarth so I did that.

Isha tells Samarth that I have always supported you and was called biased but you are blaming me now? Samarth says Munawar influenced you today. Isha says you

think so. Mannara tells Isha that I hate Munawar so how could you think I would be influenced by him in my captaincy? Isha says I didn’t know that.

6 PM

Ayesha tells Abhishek that Munawar can’t take a stand for me when I am his priority?

Mannara tells Vicky that she hates Munawar, I don’t want him to win now. He wants to play in groups so I would be okay with Vicky or Ankita winning the show but not this man. Munawar says it was Isha’s decision too, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want me to win. Mannara says you can never take a stand for anyone. I always took your side but you never returned the favor. Munawar says Isha wanted to eliminate you too. Samarth tells Isha that she is playing a game with him too. Munawar tells Mannara that she shouldn’t be offended, Aoora was in favour of Vicky or Ankita too. Mannara says I knew you would never support me. Munawar says you can’t curse me as it was not my decision alone. I wanted Ankita to be the captain. Samarth tells Isha that he respects her decision but he is hurt. Mannara tells Munawar that he is hypocrite.

6:30 PM

Munawar tells Mannara that they are not close friends anymore, I wouldn’t nominate you but I wouldn’t favor you also. Mannara says you can’t even respect me? Munawar says you were laughing in the court task when Vicky was insulting me so don’t talk about respect. Mannara tells him that the situation has changed, you never understood my emotions. I was there for you even when you were pushing me away, Munawar says you are making it sound like you did a favor on me for supporting me. Mannara says you were told on weekend that you are being biased towards Abhishek against me.

Ankita tells Ayesha that Mannara wanted to be a captain but she should also blame Isha for this.

Munawar tells Mannara that we decided to not support each other here as friends and I am clarifying again today. Mannara says then go to hell.

6:30 PM

Isha tells Munawar that he never took Mannara’s name for captaincy. Munawar says if I am not her first priority then she won’t be mine. Mannara says he thinks we are all his servants to keep him as a priority.

Ankita tells Vicky to clean the garden as a duty, Vicky says don’t tell me. Ankita says respect the captain. He says you have to earn it. Ankita says I was asking you nicely but you are being mean. Vicky says you are crazy, you just want to order around. Ankita says you are ill-mannered. Vicky says stop it, Ankita says don’t talk to me then. Vicky says to hell with your captaincy. Ankita says you are jealous.

Abhishek tells Mannara that she can’t expect Munawar to support her after all that happened. Mannara says it just shows his hypocrisy, Ankita is nice because she supports him blindly. He just wants people to say yes to him to everything. She leaves.

Abhishek tells Munawar that we fought for you but you didn’t take a stand for yourself? Isha says Munawar wanted to support Ankita too. Munawar says Ankita deserves to be the captain. Samarth says I don’t? Isha says I owed her and Munawar also wanted her to be the captain. I am tired of Samarth questioning me. Samarth says you never supported me and this is wrong.

Munawar tells Ayesha that he would have taken a stand for her but Ankita was more deserving.

Mannara tells the camera that Munawar moves on before repairing his relationships, he is a shallow man.

10:15 PM

Munawar tells Samarth that he triggered Abhishek so much that he raised his hand. Samarth says I did nothing wrong. He slapped near my ear. Munawar says you must be so happy from the inside.

Abhishek apologizes to the camera and says please let me stay in the show, you know he was poking me. Please call me and let me talk.

11:15 PM

Isha tells Ayesha that when she fluctuates for Munawar then fans think you have no stance. If Munawar really had feelings for you then he wouldn’t change his statement in front of Salman. Its all Munawar’s fault but you are looking like a liar. I think you should have a clear stand against him, are you hurt or not by him? just be clear. He flipped so easily so there is no guarantee. I think Munawar can never be trustworthy, he changes his stance as per the situation.

Abhishek comes to Mannara and asks if she is asleep? Mannara doesn’t answer him.

Isha tells Ayesha that you came then Munawar forgot Mannara and now he is not gelling you well with you so Ankita is nice now? if he had to support Ankita then why not before? Ankita is not sitting with us anymore because Munawar is all around her and she is not comfortable.

Ayesha comes to Mannara and asks if she is okay? She says yes so she leaves. Ayesha tells Isha that Mannara is feeling low. Isha says Munawar used to support her so much so how could he leave her alone so easily when she is so affected?

12 AM

Isha asks Mannara why is she sitting alone and over-thinking? Mannara says I feel like this is a couple’s show. Next time Vicky and Samarth will become captains. I know Munawar and Ayesha are each other’s priority too. Isha says Ayesha is feeling bad for you. Mannara says what will I do with that? Munawar is emotionless and I know Ayesha is playing a game.

Ayesha tells Abhishek and Munawar that Mannara is feeling bad. Munawar says it wasn’t in my hands to choose her, what’s my fault? Ayesha says you hurt her with your words. How could you leave things unsolved? Munawar says the task wasn’t about me choosing a captain. I don’t talk to her to much these days, I don’t want to sort anything with her anymore.

Mannara tells Isha that I am not fake, Munawar is a fake person. Isha says you are right, he is totally fake and now buttering up Ankita. I am not with Munawar at all. He is so fake. Mannara says when Abhishek was doing well in the game then he supported him but not anymore. He is keeping Ayesha as a priority because he want to show to his fans that he is so nice and Ayesha would be thankful to him as well. Samarth comes there and tells Isha that she shouldn’t have listened to Munawar. He tells Mannara to not listen to Isha, she is chilling with Munawar all the time. You keep sweet-talking to him. Isha says you are saying rubbish. Mannara says Munawar and Ayesha are acting like a couple. Isha leaves. Samarth tells Mannara that he doesn’t Isha or Munawar anymore. I don’t trust Isha in the game anymore and you also shouldn’t. Isha comes there and says he is just bad-mouthing me today. Samarth says you were okay with Munawar in the last few days and he made you a fool today. Isha says I wanted Ankita to be the captain too. Samarth says I don’t have an issue with her. Isha says you were not happy when I became the captain. Samarth says you saved Ankita against Aishwarya too. Isha says she voted me as a captain and I returned the favor to her. You keep crying and saying that I never did anything for you. Samarth says you are not loyal to anyone and that’s the truth. If you are not supporting me as my girlfriend then how can you be loyal to others? Vicky comes there so Samarth tells him that Isha isn’t loyal to anyone. Isha tells him to get lost, she won’t go back to him now. Samarth says we will see that, look at your love. You just want to prove yourself right? Isha says leave me alone.

Day 82

8 AM

The inmates wake up to BB anthem, they all dance to it.

8:45 AM

Ankita tells Ayesha that she isn’t in Munawar’s group. Vicky taunts her that she is just being bossy now. Ankita says you don’t seem happy as I am a captain now. Vicky laughs at her. Ankita tells him to stay in his limits, he has gone crazy.

Isha taunts Samarth that my closed one is doubting me so I don’t expect anything from anyone else. Ayesha tells Samarth to stop fighting with her. Samarth says she didn’t do anything for me.

11 AM

Ankita asks Isha to wash dishes but she says she wants to do something else. Samarth argues with Munawar to clean up the kitchen and wash dishes. Munawar says he is misbehaving with me, this is wrong. He is talking like its his house. Samarth tells him to wash and clean the dishes silently. Ankita tells Samarth to stop arguing with him. Samarth mimics Munawar and says you have no guts, get lost. Vicky helps Samarth in washing the dishes. Ankita tells Samarth and Munawar to stop fighting.

Ayesha asks Isha why is Samarth and Munawar fighting? Isha says they have nothing else to do.

12 PM

Ankita hugs Vicky but he ignores her, she slaps him jokingly and he says she should be thrown out of the show, this is wrong. Ankita jumps on him.

1:15 PM

Abhishek tells Munawar that Samarth poked you too today? Munawar says he was unnecessarily fighting with me.

Vicky says Ayesha saw my reel with Sana, what was it about? Ayesha says Vicky and Sana were holding fingers in a discreet way. Mannara says that’s disgusting? Ayesha says I was like what is Ankita’s husband doing? Ankita glares at Vicky. Vicky says she abuses me that’s why I do that.

2 PM

Vicky tells Munawar that his situation is difficult but I think you lost a friend in Mannara. Munawar says I had distanced from Mannara before Ayesha even came here.

2:30 PM

Vicky tells Isha that he needs love. Isha says Ankita keeps looking for you throughout the day but you don’t give her attention. Vicky says I am stuck now.

3:45 PM

Vicky is lying near Ayesha and sings subha take main karun pyaar. Ayesha says have some shame, Isha says he was looking at Ayesha. Vicky says I was just singing. Isha says that wasn’t normal. Vicky turns away from them and laughs. Ayesha tells Ankita to listen to her husband. Ankita asks what song is he singing? stay in your limits. Vicky says I was just joking. Isha says yes, he was just joking. Ankita takes Isha aside and tells her that Vicky was singing the song while looking at Ayesha. Ankita tells Vicky to stay in his limits. She tells Ayesha to complain to her if she thinks he wasn’t joking.

4 PM

Bigg Boss asks Mannara if she lost this chance too to become a captain? She says its a couple’s play now. Bigg Boss asks Ankita to put the old ration in the storeroom and divide the new ration among the inmates. Ankita takes the ration that Samarth had hidden. Arun comes there and asks what is she hiding? she is surprised with the stuff he was hiding. Ankita says Samarth has skills as a thief.

4:15 PM

Bigg Boss asks Ankita to divide the ration among the inmates which is in her room for now. He calls her to the archive room. Bigg Boss says you are in the brain house now so lets talk about how much you play from brain and heart. I will call inmates one by one to your room and they can keep taking ration from there till you press the buzzer and then they have to leave with the ration that they took. Whatever is left at the end will be your individual ration. He calls Ayesha first.

Ayesha: She takes some fruits and Ankita presses the buzzer.

Samarth: He takes a lot of stuff and then Ankita presses the buzzer.

Vicky: He takes flour, pulses, fruits, milk and other stuff. Then she presses the buzzer.

Arun: He takes milk and other stuff before Ankita presses the buzzer.

Abhishek: He takes eggs and other stuff. He thanks Ankita when she presses the buzzer.

Mannara: She takes milk, rice, and other stuff then Ankita presses the buzzer. Mannara says she pressed the buzzer as soon as I went in.

Aoora: He takes some stuff and then Ankita presses the buzzer.

Isha: She takes some ration and then Ankita presses the buzzer.

Munawar: He goes in and takes less stuff, he says Ankita eats butter so I will leave it. He says she doesn’t have much so he doesn’t take a lot. He leaves before she even presses the buzzer. Munawar says I will manage.

Bigg Boss says the remaining ration is for Ankita. Ankita comes in the house and says Arun took a lot of ration and Vicky too.

4:30 PM

Bigg Boss says lets talk about the priority list of Ankita based on her division of ration. The first one was Vicky, then it was Ayesha. Ankita says she was first so I wasn’t sure but Isha was my priority. Bigg Boss says after Ayesha it was Samarth, then Mannara, then Abhishek and then Isha. Isha says I took a wrong decision. Bigg Boss says Arun and Aoora got the least amount of time.

Ankita tells Munawar that people took away a lot of stuff which they didn’t want. She tells Abhishek that he took away 5 milk packs without thinking? He says I couldn’t think much.

PRECAP – Ayesha tells Munawar that his behaviour has changed. Munawar says we shouldn’t be together so lets stay separate. Ayesha says your feelings changed in a night? you can play your game but you can’t have real relationships. Stay away from me. Later on, Vicky asks Mannara if she had food? he sits to eat with her. Ankita tells Vicky that he ate with others when she was waiting? Vicky says I can’t even eat there? Ankita says then go and sit with her. Vicky says you sit and eat with Munawar but I don’t make an issue. I won’t talk to Mannara if you don’t talk to Munawar anymore. 

Update Credit to: Atiba

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