Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 6th November 2023 Written Episode Update: 9 contestants get nominated

Bigg Boss 17 6th November 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 23
8 AM
The inmates wake up to BB anthem, they all gather around and dance together.

9:30 AM
The alarm plays for ration. House no. 1 goes to get it from store room and they all scream in happiness. Arun hears that and tells Tehelka when will their time come? he says soon.

9:45 AM
Sana is sleeping so the alarm plays. Abhishek and Munawar go their room. He tells them to not sleep. Arun says I am not sleeping. He leaves. Tehelka tells Arun that Munawar is giving us threats for no reason.

10 AM
Jigna tells Munawar that we couldn’t find tea box and asked Ankita but she denied it. I saw it with her. Munawar asks Ankita if she has their tea? she says no. Jigna says I saw you taking it, don’t lie now. Do you want us to guard our items now?

Ankita says you should be careful. Jigna angrily leaves. Ankita says they couldn’t find it before?

Munawar tells Mannara that people are showing ego now. Look at Ankita’s attitude. Khanzaadi says Ankita and Isha did it. They would put it back later on.

10:15 AM
Munawar tells Jigna that Arun stole our parathas. Lets ask them. He comes to Arun and says we don’t have food so give our parathas back. Tehelka says we didn’t steal them. Munawar says we need to cook now, Tehelka says you can take our daadl. Munawar leaves. Anurag says they were cursing us now for no reason.

Munawar and his team hide their ration in drawers. Arun comes there and says we don’t have food and you are threatening us? Munawar says we have to decide about ration of the house and you took our parathas. Arun says don’t blame us when others are stealing from you too. You are calling us ***. Munawar says I didn’t call you that. Arun says your tea and coffee was stolen but you are showing attitude to us, we won’t help you anymore. He angrily leaves. Munawar tells Samarth to take Arun and tell him to sleep

10:30 AM
Samarth tells Arun that Munawar told him to make Arun sleep. Arun goes to Munawar and says you told Samarth to make me sleep? Munawar says you keep sleeping so what? Arun says who are you to say that? Munawar asks him to get lost, apply cream and sleep. Arun says you want cream? Munawar says stay away from me.

Samarth tells Vicky how Arun and Munawar started fighting.

Munawar tells Arun to give him cream if he wants to. Arun asks him to get lost. He leaves. Munawar asks him to get lost. Arun says you get lost. Munawar says you haven’t seen my real face. Stay away from me, you are spitting on my face. Arun charges at him and says I won’t spare you. Munawar says apply cream and go to sleep. You are a ****. Arun says you are a *****. Samarth says don’t curse like that.

Tehelka tells Arun that I won’t spare Munawar now.

Ankita tells Munawar to not curse like that. Munawar says I don’t care.

11 AM
Ankita tells Jigna that she didn’t have to shout at her for tea. We would have given it back if you just asked. Jigna says I was hurt. She starts crying so Neil and Aishwarya try to console her. Jigna says people curse her too much but I can’t even shout? she was wrong.

11:30 AM
Ankita tells Aishwarya that we have to get some potatoes from them and hide it. Ankita steals from brain house. Aishwarya says don’t steal too much. Neil helps them. Aishwarya asks him to help her but he says my hands are full. Aishwarya says you don’t listen to me. Neil shouts at her to not shout at him. Aishwarya shouts at him to get lost. Neil charges at her and says why are you fighting with me? you start shouting at me for no reason. Munawar says we can’t do anything as they are husband and wife. Abhishek tries to calm down Neil and pulls him aside. Rinku says we have to stop them as they are contestants. Ankita says you never came to stop Vicky and I fighting. Neil goes from there.

Neil comes to Aishwarya and hugs her as she is crying. He asks if she is okay? He pulls her in his lap. She says you are not listening to me. He says I am.

1:30 PM
Arun tells Samarth that people are playing in groups. I haven’t opened up but if I do then I won’t spare anyone. I am not scared of anyone, I am following the rules but if they curse me then I will not be silent. If someone disrespected me like that in the outside world then I wouldn’t spare them.

Munawar reads the message on the digital screen that there is a ghost in the house.

3:15 PM
Munawar is packing food for their house. He tells Mannara to help him. She says you don’t listen to me. Munawar tells a poetry to her and leaves. Rinku says you both are flirting. Mannara says really? Jigna says this is flirting. Mannara says I like his way of talking. Munawar comes there. Rinku says we were asking if you both are flirting or there is some attraction? Munawar says she is my friend so I like to joke around with her. I know after Bigg Boss, she wouldn’t have time to meet me, she would be all around the world. Mannara says he can chase me.. I mean he can join me in traveling.

3:45 PM
Mannara tells Anurag that no one is talking about Ankita being wrong in the tea issue but you all started fighting with Arun.

Isha tells Abhishek that she was keeping him as a priority because of the game. He laughs and says I thought you still had feelings.

Munawar tells Anurag that if our lunch is gone then wouldn’t I be angry? then Arun started misbehaving with me and cursing me out.

5 PM
Abhishek tells Jigna that a lot of people thought that Isha and I’s relationship was scripted but its not.
Samarth tells Isha that she shouldn’t joke about her priorities with Abhishek. She says okay, leave it now. Samarth says you never listen to me.

Bigg Boss calls everyone to the lounge. He asks Samarth what was he telling to Isha? He says I was telling her to not joke about her priorities. Bigg Boss says there will be a ghost in the activity area. I asked him when will these people stop being childish because they thought their task is done so the ghost decided to start the nomination task to give you a reality check. He says heart house will come first to nominate. He says Abhishek is part of their herd too.

5 PM
Heart house come to the activity area. Bigg Boss says you have red and green water. You have to choose 2 inmates from our own house to nominate and make them drink red water. He starts one by one.
Neil: He nominates Vicky as he is a competitor. He nominates Ankita as she interferes between Vicky and I. Ankita says I thought you had no issue with me.
Abhishek: He nominates Aishwarya as her game is weak. He nominates Ankita as she is dominating and also a good competitor.
Isha: She nominates Neil as she doesn’t connect with him much. She nominates Ankita as she has a grudge against me. Ankita says she is playing a game so its okay. Isha says you keep taunting me.
Ankita: She says I didn’t know that Isha and Neil would nominate me when I thought they were my friends. I don’t think I can still nominate Isha. She nominates Neil. She says Aishwarya keeps taunting Vicky. Aishwarya says I have nothing against you. Ankita says you can be my competition so she nominates Aishwarya.
Aishwarya: She nominates Ankita as we don’t get along much. She nominates Vicky.
Vicky: He nominates Aishwarya for keeping grudges and not trying to resolve things. Aishwarya says you just want to act all pious now. Neil says its their habit to provoke first and then act all saint. Vicky says don’t interfere now. Ankita shouts that Aishwarya started it. Vicky nominates Neil for interfering in a topic with Aishwarya. Aishwarya says you taunted our marriage so he had a right to say. She shouts at Vicky, Neil tries to calm her down but she pushes him away and says I am fine.

Bigg Boss asks Abhishek if he left the house for his peace? Abhishek says yes, I sacrificed because I could see things. Bigg Boss tells them that Neil, Ankita and Aishwarya are nominated for now. Others drink green water.

Jigna tells Anurag that Munawar started cursing Arun. Arun says I won’t allow anyone curse me out. Munawar says I was frustrated about food. Arun argues with Anurag to not talk on his behalf. Anurag says I am taking a stand for my house. Tehelka says you shouldn’t talk about us. Anurag says why are you blasting at me for no reason? Tehelka asks him to get lost. Anurag pushes him away. Khanzaadi and Samarth stop them. Tehelka asks him to get lost, I won’t spare you. Anurag says you have not guts. You touched me first. Khanzaadi says you provoked him first, I saw that. Anurag says he can’t do anything. Tehelka charges him and says you got physical first. Anurag says he touched me first, get lost. Tehelka says you are a ***. Arun says don’t curse him. Anurag says I am not talking to you, what can you do? Anurag says he got physical with me first. This is wrong. Tehelka says he charged at me.

5:30 PM
Abhishek tells Aishwarya that I had to nominate you because I gel along with others more. Abhishek tells Vicky that these houses will break soon. Aishwarya says Ankita is a coward. Ankita says Neil didn’t even talk before nominating me. Neil says can you talk to me normally? you are shouting at me. He tells Ankita that I don’t have any issues with Isha and Abhishek so who should I nominate?

Ankita tells Isha that you could have discussed things with me but you nominated me? Isha says you drawed a line, you didn’t even try to talk.

Bigg Boss calls the power house for nominations and tells them that they to nominate internally one by one.
Arun: He nominates Anurag and Samarth for not being teammates.
Sana: She nominates Anurag for being negative. She nominates Tehelka for being aggressive.
Anurag: He nominates Tehelka for being just talk and no show. He nominates Arun as he thinks he playing the game but he just sits around and does nothing.
Samarth: He nominates Tehelka for being aggressive. He nominates Arun for self-hurting himself by punching his fist.
Tehelka: He nominates Anurag for provoking him for no reason. He nominates Samarth as he doesn’t spend much time with him.

Bigg Boss says Tehelka, Anurag, Arun and Samarth are nominated. All others drink green drink.

Aishwarya tells Vicky that he thinks everyone is puppet, get lost. Ankita says this is real you. Aishwarya mimics her. Ankita laughs and says you are stupid. Aishwarya asks her to get lost.. idiot. Ankita tells Neil that if you had issues with Vicky then why did you nominate me? Neil says you are a crybaby, you can’t take nominations. Ankita says you are crybaby. Aishwarya shouts at her and says you interefered in our fight for no reason. Neil tells Ankita to not shout at them. Ankita says stop your wife’s mouth firs.t Neil says why would I? He shouts at Ankita that she is an idiot. Aishwarya says she is a witch. Vicky charges at her and shouts to not call Ankita a witch. Aishwarya pushes him and says don’t you charge at me. Neil and Ankita pull them away. Aishwarya says she is a chudail so what? Vicky says don’t call her that. Neil tells Vicky to not charge at her.

6:15 PM
Aishwarya tells Neil that you should see what you are doing. Neil says what am I doing wrong? Aishwarya says don’t eye me like that, you don’t understand what you are doing? you try keep maintaining your friendship with them and just don’t call them out. Neil says I am not trying to be their friend anymore. You are talking too much now. She says I always do. He asks her to shut up.

Bigg Boss tells brain house members that 3 inmates were nominated from house 1 and 4 inmates from house 3. I want you all to guess who were nominated. If you guess all 7 correctly then you all are safe and you can even nominate 2 other inmates. But if one of your guess is wrong then you have to nominate two of your own housemates. They all discuss it. Munawar says I don’t think Isha would nominate Ankita or Vicky.

Tehelka tells Anurag that he shouldn’t backbite them. Anurag says I won’t take a stand for you people anymore.

Bigg Boss asks brain house who do they got nominated? Rinku says we think Neil, Aishwarya and Isha got nominated from the heart house. We think Arun, Tehelka, Anurag and Samarth got nominated from the power house. Bigg Boss says you were wrong about one person only. You were very close and were wrong about one member from the heart house. Khanzaadi says it must be Abhishek. Munawar says I think its Ankita. Bigg Boss says I am giving you 5 minutes to finalize again.

Vicky asks Ankita why did she get hurt if Neil nominated her? Ankita says I had no issues with Aishwarya and Neil but they nominated me for no reason. Vicky says we did have issues with them but you started saying extra things to them for no reason, do you just want to shout for no reason? you should think about your game and who you would need in the longer run. You have to analyze who you need in the game, don’t be scared of the nominations. Don’t change and be yourself.

Mannara and others say we think its Abhishek. Rinku tells Bigg Boss that we think its Aishwarya, Neil and Abhishek got nominated. Bigg Boss says you are wrong, it was Aishwarya, Neil and Ankita. He asks them to nominate 2 inmates from their house.
Rinku: She wants to nominate Khanzaadi and Mannara for using foul language
Jigna: She wants to nominate Mannara and Navid
Munawar: He wants to nominate Khanzaadi and Navid
Mannara: She wants to nominate Rinku and Khanzaadi
Khanzaadi: She wants to nominate Mannara for backbiting. Mannara shouts that I apologized to you but you are the one who behind my back. Khanzaadi says I want to nominate Munawar as he said she is insecure with Mannara.
Navid: He wants to nominate Rinku and Munawar

Rinku says to Bigg Boss that we are nominating Navid and Mannara.

Vicky tells Ankita that if she is not finding connection with Isha than change her stance.

Mannara gets emotional so Munawar consoles her and says you are the strongest girl.

Bigg Boss says the nominated inmates are Neil, Aishwarya and Ankita, Arun, Tehelka, Anurag and Samarth, Mannara and Navid.

7 PM
Rinku asks Mannara if she is okay? Mannara says the fight was more then the curse words.

Ankita tells Munawar that Aishwarya that she got too aggressive so I had to nominate her. She asks if he nominated Mannara? he says no no.. why would I. She leaves. Munawar says she kept saying she had nothing against Aishwarya and vice versa, both are liars.

7:15 PM
Mannara tells Anurag that Jigna and Rinku always told me that they stand with me but then they nominated me against Khanzaadi. They didn’t mind Khanzaadi’s affair but my words?

Munawar tells Ankita that she should play her game if Vicky is playing his game. Ankita gets emotional. Rinku comes there and tells her to not lose her identity. Munawar says if you play with heart then play with heart, don’t play like vicky.

7:45 PM
Ankita tells Vicky that she doesn’t want to talk to them, you shouldn’t force me to play the game. Vicky says can’t I talk to you? Ankita cries and says I want to go home. Vicky consoles her and says its okay. He hugs her.

Isha tells Samarth that Abhishek is my friend so I didn’t want to nominate him. Samarth says I got nominated because he is your priority. You want to play the game with him? You have to choose between us. Isha says I have a normal friendship with him. Samarth says you have changed, if you can’t be friends like before with him then cut him off.

PRECAP – Mannara tells Munawar that he poked Khanzaadi against her. Munawar says if you think our friendship is that weak then I don’t want to tlak. Mannara says I am hurt with you.
Bigg Boss says there will be a face-off between TV and OTT inmates for ration. Anurag argues with Aishwarya.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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