Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 8th December 2023 Written Episode Update: Salman calls Abhishek fake

Bigg Boss 17 8th December 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Weekend Ka Vaar

Salman welcomes everyone to the show. He says lets see what happened last night.

In the House:

Aishwarya shouts at Khanzaadi that she is an attention seeker and crazy. You had an affair with Abhishek for attention and you used your health card too.

Munawar tells Arun that I knew no one would play for you so I did.

Khanzaadi tells Aishwarya that you are shameless. Khanzaadi says she called me attention seeker. Rinku tells her that she is a shame on girls. Mannara tells her to calm down. Khanzaadi says she is calling me attention seeker because I was flirting with Abhishek? she is crazy.

Rinku tells Neil that I will not spare Khanzaadi, her tongue is bitter, she is a *****. Vicky tells her to calm down. Rinku says I will break her face, she should

die, she can’t be a real woman. Aishwarya tells Samarth that I never talked about you intentions when you touched me, my point was that you were touching me in the game which wasn’t right. Rinku says tell her to not come near me.

Khanzaadi tells Vicky that they said that Abhishek and my health were used for attention seeking? Rinku says she will go inside the blanket again with Abhishek. Vicky tells Khanzaadi to calm down. Rinku says she should be ashamed of being a girl. Khanzaadi says I would spit on your face. Munawar tells Rinku to calm down. Khanzaadi says you are a follower and bootlicker. Rinku tells Vicky that if you go to Khanzaadi then you are wrong today. Khanzaadi says I will speak the truth. Rinku says you just go inside the blanket with Abhishek to get footage, you are shameless and not a real girl. She has no honor so take her. Abhishek tells Khanzaadi that you want to go? why are you doing all this? She tells him to leave. Abhishek says why are you fighting with me? I was playing my task. Khanzaadi says so you can fight with me in tasks and I shouldn’t care?

Anurag tells Mannara that I can’t Khanzaadi’s responsibility on this. Mannara says you should be objective here.

Khanzaadi tells Abhishek that I don’t want to talk to you but if you want to then okay. You called me unfair and biased. Abhishek says I was just playing the game.

Aishwarya cries and tells Neil that I would never do anything for attention. I have issues when people say that I use woman card for attention. Samarth didn’t cross the line, I just told him to not touch me. Khanzaadi is an idiot, Neil says just ignore her. Aishwarya says I don’t want anyone’s attention except yours.

Abhishek tells Khanzaadi that she keeps fighting with him too. Khanzaadi says you always spoil our friendship.

Anurag tells Mannara that I told Ankita in fun that you were angry that I didn’t nominate Vicky. It was just a fun topic. Mannara says you shouldn’t have fun about my name. Ankita says he was just talking to us. Mannara asks Munawar what did we talk about? He says I don’t discuss about my friends’ issues. Anurag says Munawar is provoking Mannara. Ankita says I had a discussion with Anurag generally. Anurag tells Mannara that you are possessive about your friends so I want to leave this close friends tag. Sana says Mannara is not loyal to anyone. Anurag says at least I don’t talk behind people’s back. Sana says I was loyal to Mannara but she doesn’t even trust me. Mannara says I don’t trust you when it comes to Vicky. Abhishek tells Munawar that Mannara is a liar, she has issues with her friends and is very possessive. Anurag says Mannara even backbited about Munawar with me but if I talk to Ankita about Mannara then I am wrong?

Anurag tells Mannara that I was feeling bad that you were not talking to me for last few days, you discuss about me with others too. Mannara says you are talking in front of everyone, I never unveiled about our topics with you. Anurag says our friendship was good but I won’t try too much now.

Khanzaadi tells Ankita that I am sorry for hurting you in the task. Ankita says you shouldn’t have called Aishwarya an attention seeker.

Sana tells Mannara that you should have known Anurag can’t be trusted. Mannara says he is so egoistic, she cries and says he is blaming me for no reason. Sana says you should discuss things with people who you can trust.

Vicky tells Khanzaadi that we can’t be part of your revenge. Khanzaadi says I was just countering him.

Mannara is crying alone. Isha consoles her and says don’t complicate things . She says your friends are not trustworthy. Mannara says Anurag is talking to people who he wanted to nominate. Isha says let him be. Mannara says Anurag has lost all morals. Isha says you stand up for your friends but are they standing up for you? she says no. Isha says then let them be.

Mannara tells Munawar that Anurag was telling you wrongly about me discussing things with him about you. Munawar says you must have discussed things with him but I know you didn’t talk about my game. Mannara says I didn’t talk in that context. Munawar says I trust you over him.

Isha tells Ankita that Vicky was considered to be the strongest contestant and now he is being called weak. Vicky says they are all going crazy.

Abhishek tells Vicky that Isha was enjoying by bringing up old topics, she wants to bring up that all and I won’t back down now. Isha says keep doing what you want to. Abhishek says what she did was not right.

Samarth tells Isha that you wouldn’t sort things out with Abhishek. He says not at all. Samarth says what if Salman tells you that you shouldn’t have stooped to that level then what will you say? Isha says I will manage it. Samarth says you have to answer him. He tells her to not discuss this with Vicky.

Abhishek is in bed with Khanzaadi, they talk in whispers. Bigg Boss asks them to not whisper. Ankita tells them to stop talking, she needs to sleep. They both go under the bed.

On the Stage:

Salman says there is too much trash in the house. We asked the inmates who they think are not original and trash so see what happened.

In the house:

Samarth: He says Abhishek is trash as he is not original.

Arun: He says Abhishek is just trash.

Aishwarya: She says Abhishek is following the patterns of old contestants. He is trash.

Vicky: He says Abhishek feels artificial, his emotions are fake. Abhishek says look at your fake relationships.

Isha: She says Abhishek is like this outside too but he is not giving importance to relationships which is not his real personality.

Khanzaadi: She says I would say he is not fake.

Neil: He says I think Vicky is fake, he is following old contestants.

Mannara: She says Vicky is fake because of his manipulative words.

Anurag: He says Vicky never fulfils his relationships, he is trash and fake.

Sana: She says Vicky is fake and following old contestants.

Munawar: He says Ankita seems fake because she tries to keep a balance with everyone. Ankita says I fulfil my relationships. Munawar says you told Sana that Mannara has a good relationship with Vicky but doesn’t let her. You told Sana to not tell it to Mannara but then you told me.

Rinku: She says Khanzaadi is trash, she doesn’t even listen to BB.

Ankita: She says Mannara is fake, she is a combination of two old contestants. I feel like she is playing that cute character like old contestants. Mannara says I never copy anyone.

Abhishek: He says Isha is being fake, she never poked people in real life. Isha says you are fake and everyone knows that.

Abhishek tells Khanzaadi that she shouldn’t care about what others are talking about, if she wants to be with him then don’t be offended.

Ankita tells Munawar that I never over try to make relationships, if Sana came to me then I didn’t say no to her when she tried to talk to me.

Khanzaadi tells Abhishek that the way he is talking to her is wrong, don’t come to her now, she angrily leaves.

Munawar tells Ankita that whenever you have a fight with others, you talk good about them so you can indirectly earn brownie points.

Vicky tells Neil that I tried to talk to you and even apologized for nominating you. Neil says I am unable to trust you.

Munawar tells Ankita that I don’t like that your nature is super sweetening, you get irritated with small things but you don’t react on big issues. Ankita says I had a big breakup, whatever he did with me, I never bad-mouthed about him, I said that maybe I was wrong. I am like that only. I take blame on myself.

On the stage:

Salman connects the call to the house. All inmates gather around. Salman tells them to gather around in time. Bigg Boss says you people keep us waiting, you are even making Salman wait, at least respect him. Salman tells them to respect the channel. You people talk to Bigg Boss who listens to you nicely but you people are taking advantage of hin. You keep making him and me wait for a long time. I come here on time as I respect my work. Did you people respect Karan last week? No. You people won’t be able to work with him because of your attitude, people can make or break their careers here. Bigg Boss tells him to start the episode, salman says they don’t respect you so don’t talk to them. Let them do what they think is right, they have no class. You handle them nicely and never get angry but I have to be upfront to tell them that they are wrong.

Salman tells the inmates that I don’t like people cursing in the house. Abhishek misbehaves because he thinks thats the format of the show. He pokes people but then he cries to gain sympathy. He shows the clip of Abhishek poking people, provoking them and then crying on top of his lungs. Salman tells Abhishek that your conduct isn’t good, nobody would give you work seeing all this. You came here to get fame but you are acting like a fake person. You provoke people but then you cry to gain sympathy. I have noticed that you take approval of others after fighting. You even misbehaved with Karan. Abhishek says I apologised to him. Salman says I kept telling you to control yourself but you want to copy others. You have shown your real personality. You misbehave with others to get footage. You charge at others to make them lose patience. We didn’t bring you here to provoke others. Khanzaadi and Mannara are not your projects, you used Khanzaadi first and then fought with Mannara. Who would trust you in real life. If we can give an award for a fake contestant then it would be Abhishek, you are just copying others. You said Isha is above everyone for you but you bring up old topics with her, you insult and provoke her.

Precap – Salman tells Abhishek that if you misbehaved with Isha in front of me like that then I wouldn’t have spared you. Salman says Mannara and Ankita don’t have clear relationships in the house. He says Mannara, Ankita and Isha are running the house right now. All others are clueless and lost. Later a wild card Aoora enters the house. Arun jokes around with him.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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