Categories: Bigg Boss 17

Bigg Boss 17 9th January 2024 Written Episode Update: Mannara and Munawar don’t nominate each other

Bigg Boss 17 9th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 86

8 AM

The inmates wake up to BB anthem, they all dance to it.

2 PM

Vicky asks Ankita to come to him and show some softness but she says if you want softness then find another for yourself, you still have time so find another one. Munawar tells him that things are bothering her, she wants exclusivity from you. Vicky says its a partnership. Munawar says you have pampered her a lot and she has expectations from you. Vicky says I am not anyone’s servant. Munawar says I have gone through the same but girls need exclusivity. Ankita comes there and hugs him. Vicky tells her that he just wants her to smile at him. She says you don’t give me attention, I will go back to my mom’s if you have issues with me. Vicky says you don’t need to leave.


reads the message about nominations.

3:30 PM

Ankita asks Mannara if she is angry at her? Mannara says I am feeling awkward now, I don’t come from a background where I would try to interfere in relationships. Ankita says I am sorry but I don’t want you both to be uncomfortable. You both can talk. Mannara says he is a respectful man so he won’t talk easily now with me. Vicky thanks her.

4 PM

Arun is checking Vicky’s ear. Bigg Boss asks what happened? Vicky says maybe my ear wants to stop listening to taunts. Ankita says he can hear everyone but me.

4:30 PM

Bigg Boss tells everyone that today is about nominations. He asks them to change to costumes and come to activity area.

5 PM

The inmates come to the activity area. Bigg Boss says its a white room. He says Ankita will choose inmates and put their photos on the wall. Then inmates will vote for the person whose photo is on the wall, if the person gets 3 votes then he/she will be eliminated. Ankita starts with:

Vicky: Arun, Abhishek and Ayesha vote for Vicky’s photo. Ayesha says he is just playing a game with people. Abhishek says he is playing in groups. Arun says I think he is a stronger contender.

Abhishek: Arun. Isha, Samarth and Vicky vote for Abhishek. Isha says he has no game except for fighting with others. Samarth says he gets extremely aggressive and not mentally strong. Vicky says his reactions are fake. Arun says he has changed at all even after doing mistakes.

Isha: Abhishek votes for her but no one else. Bigg Boss says she is safe.

Munawar: Ayesha, Arun, Mannara, Samarth and Isha vote for him. Ayesha says he is playing a safe game. Arun says he has no stance and playing a 3rd class game. Mannara says I had a link-up with him but I am embarrassed that its with him, he can’t even take a stand for himself. Samarth says he is a coward and doing nothing in the game. Everything about him is fake. Isha says he is playing very safe, he has no clarity in relationships.

Ayesha: Samarth, Isha, Mannara, Vicky, Arun and Munawar vote for her. Isha says I don’t understand her motive of coming here, she tries to butter up people a lot. Samarth says she is weak in the game. Mannara says she badmouths Munawar but then goes to him and wants his validation also. Vicky says she is very selfish and destroyed Munawar’s reputation just to get into the show. She went on Abhishek’s side after seeing how fake he is. Abhishek says don’t bring me up here. Arun says I don’t like her game. Munawar says I tried to put efforts towards her but she didn’t have clarity on the purpose of coming here. She doesn’t deserve to be here as we have both hurt each other.

Arun: Isha, Vicky, Munawar, Ayesha and Abhishek vote for him. Isha says he needs to be more active. Vicky says he thinks he would get Tehelka’s support and being lazy. Munawar says I don’t like him and he has no points of his own. Abhishek says he has no fights of his own.

Samarth: Ayesha, Abhishek and Munawar vote for him. Munawar says he has provoked Mannara against me, he even badmouthed about Isha with me so I can’t trust him at all. Abhishek says I don’t like this joker. Ayesha says he has no other game than Isha. He just pokes people. He is fake and weak.

Mannara: Ayesha, Isha, Ayesha and Vicky vote for her. Isha says she could have voted for Munawar but she didn’t so she still wants to keep that door open. Vicky says she could have taken a stand for Samarth but she didn’t. Ayesha says her stance changed suddenly which seems fake. Mannara says she is cheap. She fishes for Munawar’s compliment and asks him to look at her from front or back. Munawar says don’t say all that. Bigg Boss says Munawar taunted Mannara but didn’t nominate her. Mannara says he wanted to show how good of a person he is.

Bigg Boss says Vicky, Abhishek, Munawar, Ayesha, Arun, Samarth, and Mannara are nominated.

6:15 PM

Ankita asks Munawar why didn’t he nominate Abhishek when you accepted he did a mistake? Munawar says I don’t think its about nominations, I don’t want to nominate my friends even if we are not friends anymore. Ankita says I supported you everywhere but you are wrong today.

Ayesha tells Mannara that she is passing cheap comments on her, don’t do this again. Mannara apologizes to her. Vicky tells Mannara that we all agreed that Abhishek was wrong and Munawar was supporting him but you didn’t nominate him? Mannara says its not about that. You didn’t take a stand for me. Vicky says you were not talking to me even after Ankita apologized to you. I am feeling bad for Samarth that you didn’t take a stand for him.

Ayesha tells Abhishek that I didn’t expect Munawar to nominate me and give me those reasons. Abhishek says you shouldn’t have any expectations from him now.

Isha tells Mannara that she played it safe, you are liking Abhishek because he is against Munawar now. Mannara says yes. Isha says you played it safe today.

Munawar tells Ankita that I used to let go of things with Mannara but not with Ayesha anymore that’s why I nominated her but I don’t have expectations from Abhishek that’s why I didn’t nominate him.

Isha tells Mannara that she would never take a stand for Samarth. She tells Samarth to see her real face today. Mannara says you are provoking him. Isha says you are playing it safe by not nominating Munawar, you think he might become your friend again that’s why you didn’t nominate him.

Abhishek asks Ankita why she wanted Munawar to nominate him? Ankita says I didn’t like your behavior, you need to change.

Mannara tells Ankita that his wife plays it safe too. Vicky says I am not trying to save people that are cursing me out. Ankita tells Mannara that you saved Abhishek without any reason. Mannara tells Isha that she didn’t nominate Abhishek because she knew he would be nominated already. Isha says you just wanted to play it safe. Mannara tells Vicky that I am a loyal friend unlike you. Vicky says you can never be a real friend, you couldn’t even stand up for Samarth. You play as per your convenience. Mannara shouts at him to shut up. She starts crying so Samarth tries to take her away. Mannara tells Vicky that he is a mad man, he can’t blame her. Vicky says you are fake for not nominating Abhishek and Munawar. You proved how fake your friendships are. Your friendship values at 0 now. Mannara says you couldn’t even console your jealous wife so don’t point fingers at me. Samarth takes her away.

Mannara tells Samarth that Vicky is crazy to say all that.

Munawar tells Ankita that she didn’t need to bring you up when fighting with Vicky.

Mannara is shouting and says Vicky is fake. Ayesha tells her to calm down. Mannara says he is a hypocrite. Vicky says Ayesha went to console her after she said such cheap things about her.

6:45 PM

Mannara tells Isha that Vicky would take his wife’s side against me. I hate Munawar but I don’t need to prove it. Abhishek tells Ayesha that Vicky said you went to consoles Mannara after she said cheap things about you and you have no self-respect. She comes to Munawar and Vicky, she confronts them. Munawar says you have no respect if you went to her. Ayesha says I don’t care, I went there as a human.

Ankita tells Mannara that I am not jealous of you and Vicky’s friendship. Mannara says I won’t talk to Vicky anymore. Ayesha tells Munawar that she cares if someone is crying so I don’t care what she said about me before. Ankita tells Mannara that she makes friends as per her convenience.

Mannara cries and tells Samarth that Ankita thinks I make friends as per my convenience.

7 PM

Bigg Boss calls Munawar to the confession room, he goes there. Bigg Boss asks if relationship is important or game? He thinks and says game. Bigg Boss but you put relationship above the game today. He asks if he is scared of Ankita or Vicky? He says no. Bigg Boss asks if he regrets not nominating Abhishek today? He says yes. Bigg Boss says first Ankita sent Abhishek away and then asked to bring him back and then Vicky fought with her, and then Ankita said she wanted to nominate Abhishek today so Vicky did on her behalf. He asks who is his priority in the game? He says Ankita, Abhishek and Mannara. I want to repair things with her but she has burned bridges. Bigg Boss says Mannara didn’t nominate Abhishek because of you and now fighting with others. Munawar says this is how it works in the house. Bigg Boss thanks him and he leaves.

Ankita tells Mannara that Munawar looked wrong today. Ayesha says he is such a coward. Mannara tells Ankita that her relationships are made on the basis of convenience too, you were in support of bringing Abhishek back. Ankita says I said I regret that, you are jealous of my friendship with Munawar.

8 PM

Arun tells Mannara and Samarth that he doesn’t trust Vicky and he warned them before. Samarth says why was Vicky fighting with you on my behalf? Isha comes there and they all stop talking. She asks if they don’t want to talk in front of her? Arun says its not like that.

8:15 PM

Isha tells Samarth that he was consoling Mannara but he didn’t even think to talk to her? I am looking like a fool. I went there to talk to you but you didn’t even care, you never came to talk to me. You console other girls but you don’t bother about me? Mannara is saving Munawar and Abhishek but you are consoling her? Samarth says she was crying so I went to console her. Isha says just go and console her more.

Mannara tells Abhishek that Ankita said I made friendships as per convenience. Abhishek says I thought you didn’t nominate me because you didn’t want me to nominate you. Mannara says I didn’t nominate you because of Munawar only.

Ankita tells Ayesha that Mannara stoops low when she is angry. Isha says I don’t care about her anymore.

Munawar tells Ankita that he has a soft corner for Mannara that’s why he didn’t nominate her. Ankita says she has taunted you so much.

Bigg Boss 17 9th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 86

8 AM

The inmates wake up to BB anthem, they all dance to it.

2 PM

Vicky asks Ankita to come to him and show some softness but she says if you want softness then find another for yourself, you still have time so find another one. Munawar tells him that things are bothering her, she wants exclusivity from you. Vicky says its a partnership. Munawar says you have pampered her a lot and she has expectations from you. Vicky says I am not anyone’s servant. Munawar says I have gone through the same but girls need exclusivity. Ankita comes there and hugs him. Vicky tells her that he just wants her to smile at him. She says you don’t give me attention, I will go back to my mom’s if you have issues with me. Vicky says you don’t need to leave.

Samarth reads the message about nominations.

3:30 PM

Ankita asks Mannara if she is angry at her? Mannara says I am feeling awkward now, I don’t come from a background where I would try to interfere in relationships. Ankita says I am sorry but I don’t want you both to be uncomfortable. You both can talk. Mannara says he is a respectful man so he won’t talk easily now with me. Vicky thanks her.

4 PM

Arun is checking Vicky’s ear. Bigg Boss asks what happened? Vicky says maybe my ear wants to stop listening to taunts. Ankita says he can hear everyone but me.

4:30 PM

Bigg Boss tells everyone that today is about nominations. He asks them to change to costumes and come to activity area.

5 PM

The inmates come to the activity area. Bigg Boss says its a white room. He says Ankita will choose inmates and put their photos on the wall. Then inmates will vote for the person whose photo is on the wall, if the person gets 3 votes then he/she will be eliminated. Ankita starts with:

Vicky: Arun, Abhishek and Ayesha vote for Vicky’s photo. Ayesha says he is just playing a game with people. Abhishek says he is playing in groups. Arun says I think he is a stronger contender.

Abhishek: Arun. Isha, Samarth and Vicky vote for Abhishek. Isha says he has no game except for fighting with others. Samarth says he gets extremely aggressive and not mentally strong. Vicky says his reactions are fake. Arun says he has changed at all even after doing mistakes.

Isha: Abhishek votes for her but no one else. Bigg Boss says she is safe.

Munawar: Ayesha, Arun, Mannara, Samarth and Isha vote for him. Ayesha says he is playing a safe game. Arun says he has no stance and playing a 3rd class game. Mannara says I had a link-up with him but I am embarrassed that its with him, he can’t even take a stand for himself. Samarth says he is a coward and doing nothing in the game. Everything about him is fake. Isha says he is playing very safe, he has no clarity in relationships.

Ayesha: Samarth, Isha, Mannara, Vicky, Arun and Munawar vote for her. Isha says I don’t understand her motive of coming here, she tries to butter up people a lot. Samarth says she is weak in the game. Mannara says she badmouths Munawar but then goes to him and wants his validation also. Vicky says she is very selfish and destroyed Munawar’s reputation just to get into the show. She went on Abhishek’s side after seeing how fake he is. Abhishek says don’t bring me up here. Arun says I don’t like her game. Munawar says I tried to put efforts towards her but she didn’t have clarity on the purpose of coming here. She doesn’t deserve to be here as we have both hurt each other.

Arun: Isha, Vicky, Munawar, Ayesha and Abhishek vote for him. Isha says he needs to be more active. Vicky says he thinks he would get Tehelka’s support and being lazy. Munawar says I don’t like him and he has no points of his own. Abhishek says he has no fights of his own.

Samarth: Ayesha, Abhishek and Munawar vote for him. Munawar says he has provoked Mannara against me, he even badmouthed about Isha with me so I can’t trust him at all. Abhishek says I don’t like this joker. Ayesha says he has no other game than Isha. He just pokes people. He is fake and weak.

Mannara: Ayesha, Isha, Ayesha and Vicky vote for her. Isha says she could have voted for Munawar but she didn’t so she still wants to keep that door open. Vicky says she could have taken a stand for Samarth but she didn’t. Ayesha says her stance changed suddenly which seems fake. Mannara says she is cheap. She fishes for Munawar’s compliment and asks him to look at her from front or back. Munawar says don’t say all that. Bigg Boss says Munawar taunted Mannara but didn’t nominate her. Mannara says he wanted to show how good of a person he is.

Bigg Boss says Vicky, Abhishek, Munawar, Ayesha, Arun, Samarth, and Mannara are nominated.

6:15 PM

Ankita asks Munawar why didn’t he nominate Abhishek when you accepted he did a mistake? Munawar says I don’t think its about nominations, I don’t want to nominate my friends even if we are not friends anymore. Ankita says I supported you everywhere but you are wrong today.

Ayesha tells Mannara that she is passing cheap comments on her, don’t do this again. Mannara apologizes to her. Vicky tells Mannara that we all agreed that Abhishek was wrong and Munawar was supporting him but you didn’t nominate him? Mannara says its not about that. You didn’t take a stand for me. Vicky says you were not talking to me even after Ankita apologized to you. I am feeling bad for Samarth that you didn’t take a stand for him.

Ayesha tells Abhishek that I didn’t expect Munawar to nominate me and give me those reasons. Abhishek says you shouldn’t have any expectations from him now.

Isha tells Mannara that she played it safe, you are liking Abhishek because he is against Munawar now. Mannara says yes. Isha says you played it safe today.

Munawar tells Ankita that I used to let go of things with Mannara but not with Ayesha anymore that’s why I nominated her but I don’t have expectations from Abhishek that’s why I didn’t nominate him.

Isha tells Mannara that she would never take a stand for Samarth. She tells Samarth to see her real face today. Mannara says you are provoking him. Isha says you are playing it safe by not nominating Munawar, you think he might become your friend again that’s why you didn’t nominate him.

Abhishek asks Ankita why she wanted Munawar to nominate him? Ankita says I didn’t like your behavior, you need to change.

Mannara tells Ankita that his wife plays it safe too. Vicky says I am not trying to save people that are cursing me out. Ankita tells Mannara that you saved Abhishek without any reason. Mannara tells Isha that she didn’t nominate Abhishek because she knew he would be nominated already. Isha says you just wanted to play it safe. Mannara tells Vicky that I am a loyal friend unlike you. Vicky says you can never be a real friend, you couldn’t even stand up for Samarth. You play as per your convenience. Mannara shouts at him to shut up. She starts crying so Samarth tries to take her away. Mannara tells Vicky that he is a mad man, he can’t blame her. Vicky says you are fake for not nominating Abhishek and Munawar. You proved how fake your friendships are. Your friendship values at 0 now. Mannara says you couldn’t even console your jealous wife so don’t point fingers at me. Samarth takes her away.

Mannara tells Samarth that Vicky is crazy to say all that.

Munawar tells Ankita that she didn’t need to bring you up when fighting with Vicky.

Mannara is shouting and says Vicky is fake. Ayesha tells her to calm down. Mannara says he is a hypocrite. Vicky says Ayesha went to console her after she said such cheap things about her.

6:45 PM

Mannara tells Isha that Vicky would take his wife’s side against me. I hate Munawar but I don’t need to prove it. Abhishek tells Ayesha that Vicky said you went to consoles Mannara after she said cheap things about you and you have no self-respect. She comes to Munawar and Vicky, she confronts them. Munawar says you have no respect if you went to her. Ayesha says I don’t care, I went there as a human.

Ankita tells Mannara that I am not jealous of you and Vicky’s friendship. Mannara says I won’t talk to Vicky anymore. Ayesha tells Munawar that she cares if someone is crying so I don’t care what she said about me before. Ankita tells Mannara that she makes friends as per her convenience.

Mannara cries and tells Samarth that Ankita thinks I make friends as per my convenience.

7 PM

Bigg Boss calls Munawar to the confession room, he goes there. Bigg Boss asks if relationship is important or game? He thinks and says game. Bigg Boss but you put relationship above the game today. He asks if he is scared of Ankita or Vicky? He says no. Bigg Boss asks if he regrets not nominating Abhishek today? He says yes. Bigg Boss says first Ankita sent Abhishek away and then asked to bring him back and then Vicky fought with her, and then Ankita said she wanted to nominate Abhishek today so Vicky did on her behalf. He asks who is his priority in the game? He says Ankita, Abhishek and Mannara. I want to repair things with her but she has burned bridges. Bigg Boss says Mannara didn’t nominate Abhishek because of you and now fighting with others. Munawar says this is how it works in the house. Bigg Boss thanks him and he leaves.

Ankita tells Mannara that Munawar looked wrong today. Ayesha says he is such a coward. Mannara tells Ankita that her relationships are made on the basis of convenience too, you were in support of bringing Abhishek back. Ankita says I said I regret that, you are jealous of my friendship with Munawar.

8 PM

Arun tells Mannara and Samarth that he doesn’t trust Vicky and he warned them before. Samarth says why was Vicky fighting with you on my behalf? Isha comes there and they all stop talking. She asks if they don’t want to talk in front of her? Arun says its not like that.

8:15 PM

Isha tells Samarth that he was consoling Mannara but he didn’t even think to talk to her? I am looking like a fool. I went there to talk to you but you didn’t even care, you never came to talk to me. You console other girls but you don’t bother about me? Mannara is saving Munawar and Abhishek but you are consoling her? Samarth says she was crying so I went to console her. Isha says just go and console her more.

Mannara tells Abhishek that Ankita said I made friendships as per convenience. Abhishek says I thought you didn’t nominate me because you didn’t want me to nominate you. Mannara says I didn’t nominate you because of Munawar only.

Ankita tells Ayesha that Mannara stoops low when she is angry. Isha says I don’t care about her anymore.

Munawar tells Ankita that he has a soft corner for Mannara that’s why he didn’t nominate her. Ankita says but she has disrespected you so much. Munawar says I know Mannara gets influenced by others easily. Ankita says you saying Ayesha was doing everything for the game? He says I got this clarity after the weekend episode. Ankita says you were flirting with her and suddenly stopped. What Mannara is doing is also disrespecting you so why different decisions for Ayesha and Mannara? Munawar says I told Mannara to get over me.

PRECAP – Ayesha tells the inmates that his brother sold a relationship to come in the show and how he is using personal reasons. Munawar asks what personal reasons? Ayesha says don’t confront me otherwise I will open up about everything. Later on, Munawar is crying, his sister enters the house and hugs him. Vicky’s mother tells Ankita that Vicky’s father called your mother if she used to kick her husband like you do with Vicky? Ankita says why are you dragging my parents in this? you know my father is no more. Later on, Ankita tells her mother that Vicky has said a lot to me but why is his family questioning me so much? Her mother consoles her and says let him be for now. 

Update Credit to: Atiba

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