Categories: Bigg Boss 18

Bigg Boss 18 10th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Gunratan fights against BB’s decision

Bigg Boss 18 10th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 4 8 AM
Alarm blares. Everyoen wakes up. They dance in the hall. 

Vivian pretends to be Gunratan. Shurtika says do you talk to your wife with this attitude as well? He says she knows how to talk to me. So I don’t need to talk to her. When she comes here you will see. Karan says she talks like this, he sits behind him and speaks in the ears. They all laugh. 

Chaahat asks Hema for groceries. Hema says if BB gets me out today I will make kheer. 

11 AM
Gunratan asks Shehzada do you see Tajinder’s underpants. Shehzada says they are right here. Gunratan says is that what people wear? he says yes. 

Avinash says to Karan we won’t get into the kitchen. We will do the cleaning. We did the whole pool and garden. He asks Karan if you can do it right

now. Karan says I am not in the mood right now. Gunratan gives Bagga’s shorts to him. Hema says to get my things too, please. 

11:15 AM
Avinash says to Vivian can you do the cleaning here? Vivian says Karan won’t do it I know. I know him very well. Arfeen says married men stay happy till what age? Shurtika says always. Sara says we give you an emotional sense. That you guys don’t have. Shurtika says no one would care for you if you didn’t have a wife. Gunratan says my wife is everything for me. Shurtika says see this is real love. Arfeen says I was just asking for an experiment when do they feel it succeeded? I am still trying to figure it out. 

Eisha and Alice sit inside with Avinash. Eisha says that’s all they talk about. He speaks so weirdly. Avinash says he has no topic. He doesn’t care. Gunratan says to the wife is everything. One wife, happy life. 

12:15 PM
Gunratan sings jiski biwi. Tajinder and Hema sing jhoot bole kawa kate. Gunratan says Shilpa didn’t give me poha. I will say it in front of everyone. She says there weren’t enough groceries. Gunratan says what’s the rule that cannot be managed? 

12:30 PM
Muskan says to Vivian, “My grandfather used to watch your show. He liked it. He says that show had many male fans.” Gunrata says I said in the court that I care about the poor people. You can’t shut down the city and just let them starve. Nyrraa says I will also fight tomorrow. Shurtika says, “You too?” Nyrraa says, “Yes, I will also create a fight.” 

1:45 PM
Gunratan says I used to go on so many dates. Shilpa asks when did you get married? he says started dating in 1997, and got married in 2007 and now has two kids. I wouldn’t say I like any face over Jayshri. We fight a lot. She is the perfect person for me. She is just like me. I love you the most Jayshri. 

3 PMthat, 
Avinash says that Shehzada has anada also has an action sequence and is not cut. Eisha says he is t, he’s too hard. He’s over the top. Alice says yes. Shehzada says to Nyrraa that he is manipulating everyone. Nyrraa says he feels very lost here. Alice says he can’t be trusted. 

Gunratan gives cotton candy to Hema and Bagga. 

3:30 PM
Karan asks Muskan what kind of husband would you want? She says caring and loyal. He asks if is it a breed. Arfeen says I am not very manly traditionally. I like working in the house. I only learned male energy from my friends and I was raised by women. Arfeen says we all have a pattern in our brains. Karan says I know mine, I can break it. Arfeen says that based on the way you’re speaking your mindset is pick me. Shilpa says yes. Karan says that’s your judgment. Arfeen says you get triggered. Arfeen says your identity has been wiped many times, maybe in marriage. Probably maybe more than one. You have had violence in the past. You’re a good man. Karan says you are judging me for no reason. I can also say things about you. Like your pattern could be that you married someone from a different cast and converted her. Arfeen says that’s very offensive. Karan says I didn’t take an offense when you were judging me. Arfeen says you’re talking about my wife. Karan says you were also talking about my marriage. Arfeen says I didn’t talk about a specific person and I didn’t convert her btw. You can go and ask her. How can you make such claims? Karan says you talked about my relationships too. I didn’t get triggered. Arfeen says you said I forced my wife to convert. He says I didn’t say that. Shilpa says he said he could be. Arfeen says it was very offensive. Karan says I see a pattern here. Arfeen says you get triggered a lot. Karan leaves. 

6:30 PM
BB says Gunratan you feel so bad for Bagga? He says yes he’s very innocent. BB says come to the living area. They all come there. BB says let’s see the past. I saw a unique bond in this house. He shows a flashback of Tajinder and Gunratan’s bond. BB says how did you like yourself in the court? Gunratan says I act every day in the court. He says Bagga is my brother. BB says I’ve seen a lot of people request me to get them out of jail. This means you all think they should be out. But how can I decide? They went there by their choice. The jail can never be empty too. He says you will decide. The fight will be between their supporters. They ask who is Bagga’s suporter. Chaahat says I want to support them both. Avinash says I am with you. Gunratan says they did nothing wrong. This is unfair. Avinash says to choose a side. Bagga says Hema should go out. Chaahat says don’t say that. BB asks how many people want just Hema to be but? He asks supporters for Hema. Chaahat says I want them both out. BB says I am irritated. 

BB says it’s a simple person who can’t understand this. Chaahat can’t comprehend. This is the person who saved herself and put them there. Now she is saying she supports both. She says it’s tough for me to get everyone out. BB asks who else wants both of them out. Everyone raises a hand except for Avinash, Eisha, and Karan. BB asks what do you 3 want? Avinash says I support Hema. Eisha says Bagga just said Hema should go out. He doesn’t even want to fight. Karan says he takes it too lightly. BB says here’s my decision. I end their jail punishment. But instead of them, Chaahat who was repenting a lot will go there. She says okay, thank you. BB says it’s good to have your opinion on this and stick to it. Avinash, Eisha, and Karan showed that today. They stood by their opinion. So I give them a special right. They can choose one more person who’d go to jail with Chaahat. 

Avinash asks everyone if they are in volunteer mode. Everyone says no. Eisha says I think Muskaan, she’s too lost. She needs a lesson. Karan says Gunratan, breaks a lot of rules. Avinash says I have two options, Gunratan and Rajat. They all agree on Gunratan. Avinash tells BB. BB says Gunratan and Chaahat will go in. He says I don’t accept this punishment. It’s a wrong impression of freedom. I do appeal to it. BB says I told you my decision. If you don’t go there, Bagga adn Hema won’t be able to come out. Gunratan says I won’t go. This isn’t right. Everyone tries to convince him. He says I won’t go. You can nominate me. Hema and Bagga laugh. 

Gunratan says this isn’t fair. Karan says if you don’t go it wont look good on TV. They might get you out to see your health. He says I don’t care about TV. I don’t take this insult. Karan says if Juge says anything do you go against it? He says yes. I’d do a hunger strike. Chaahat says to Bagga why did you say that? I couldn’t choose one of them. Gunratan says this is unfair. I have the right to make a decision. We are here to play not get insulted. 

Eisha says this man won’t understand. Alice says it’s not a big deal. Eisha says why did he come here to play? Gunratan says I didn’t come here to play. I came here to see only. I can’t get insulted like this. Eisha says we are all equal here. We are here in the game. He says you are a screenperson. I am not, what if my health gets affected would you take responsibility? she says why would I? I am not BB. He asked you to go in. He says then stop it. He shouts stop it. I won’t go anywhere. 

Avinash says I like you’re fighting for it. He says I’d change the law. Avinash says just don’t get aggressive. Are you scared? He says I won’t go to jail. Eisha says what is your reason? He says I don’t find this fair. I will protest against it. Sara says to leave him alone for 2 minutes. Karan says we were given responsibility. She says don’t ruin his mental health. Karan says are you okay? She says don’t dare to question me. She shouts and says you can’t keep forcing people. 

Arfeen says to Gunratna you think it’d be bad for your image? He says I’ve been to real jail. He says governments are scared of me. Dawood Ibrahim is scared of me. He says BB you know my image and restraints here. You should also know your limits. You can’t ruin our image for no reason. Sara says it’s in his mind. Let him do it. Avinash says to let them also convince. Arfeen says the jail can’t stop me. Rajat says he’s not acting. Karan says why is he scared then. 

Arfeen says to Gunratan think about it. Dont do this. This doesn’t suit you. You’re a strong man. Avinash says to Karan we don’t need to convince him alone. We had to give a name. Shehzada says you appreciate him. Avinash says I was talking about his bravery. He’s fighting with his will. Shehzada says you 3 made this decision. Avinash says because you all went with an easy way out. Shilpa says that was our opinion. You can’t call us wrong. You arent correct nad we aren’t wrong. Avinash says we had guts. Alice says it’s not about guts, people said what they felt like. Avinash says okay we had a different opinion that’s how we got the power. 

8 PM
BB says I told my decision that Chahaat and Gunratan will go to jail adn only after that Hema and Bagga will come out. Since you all failed to do this transfer in an hour, Hema and Tajidner will continue to live in jail. Avinash says this had to happen. Karan says are you happy now? Arfeen says sorry we failed. Hema says you did all. Gunratan says sorry. Hema says you did what you felt was right. 

Alice says to AVinash that the gut thing wasn’t right. Eisha says you go overboard. He says I fixed it in a second. He says I said sorry. BB asks Hema how is jail? She says I am not happy here. I want to live like everyone is living. She cries. BB says I give you a chance, you chose power over freedom. Eisha says if I got that power I would enjoy and not give  a lot of grocery 

10 PM
Shurtika teaches Alice Telgu. 

Gunratan says people play mind games here. Arfeen says I am not playing mind games with you. Gunratan makes fun of his English accent. Arfeen laugh. Arfeen says to Vivian this is all getting his footage. He became a hero first and then made this scene to show he’s strong. He is very flashy. He’s very smart. Vivian says you’re right. 

12:15 AM
Shurtika says te same doctor who delivered me, delivered my son. She has a rule that her husband should be in the room. When I was being born, my dad fainted. They were both on beds next to each other. Then Arjun couldn’t look at me. 

Shehzada says to Rajat Shilpa is a player. He says I also felt like. Rajat says she’s a person who’d switch anytime. She is building her personality as the sanest person. She has an agenda. 

Day 5 9 AM 
Vivian sits with Shurtika. Gunratan asks how long can you work on set? he says as long as the telecast lasts. Arfeen says he’s saying they can only keep actors here because actors can act all day. I said it’s impossible to act all day. Vivian says no one can act for 24 hours. It’s a requirement of the profession but we do it with a screen. We are natural here. Gunratan says you have acted for 12 hours already. He says there’s one person who was told action but then they forgot to say cut. She’s still acting. I’ve never seen such a great actress. 

11 AM
Nyrraa says I need to arrange the kitchen. Shilpa says don’t need to rearrange it. She says I’d ask people to keep things in place. 

Alice says one person I feel like I’ve cracked and not cracked is Nyrraa. I feel like she tries to boss around. I don’t understand her personality. Arfeen says she is challenged. Nyrraa says at least people can put things in place. Alice says she is very bossy. 

12:30 PM
Arfeen says to Shilpa take care of your health first. Dont need to cook for everyoen. Nyrraa asks Eisha do you work workout? She says I am not. I will do it later. I am down these days. Nyrraa says my gym is suffering. The day I cook I won’t do gym but the day I do, I won’t cook. We can’t expect Shilpa to cook for everyone. Eisha says we can’t. Nyrraa says someone should help her. Eisha says to decide one day prior. Tomorrow we three can do it. 

Chaahat says to Vivian I don’t like the way you take. No one talks like that were I am from. He says I wouldn’t. 

Gunratan says I don’t wanna eat. Afreen says please. He says no in Arfeen’s accent. Everyoen, laugh. Vivian says she said we don’t talk like you do. Alice says she said I can talk the same way. Vivian, I will decide how I talk. 

Nyrraa and Shurtika make tea. They make fun of how tea is sold on the trains. Karan says Gunratan is getting ready. He knows he has a lot of content. Gunratan comes there. Nyrraa and Shurtika sing mein hoon don. 

Episode ends

Update Credit o: Atiba

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