Categories: Bigg Boss 18

Bigg Boss 18 12th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Salman confronts Avinash and Nyrraa

Bigg Boss 18 12th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Weekend Ka Vaar

Salman comes on the stage and welcomes everyone. He says I am here to take class of the inmates. He says lets see what the housemates did.

In the House:

Shehzada and Karan argue of everyone eating potatoes. Avinash says no one is listening to others, I just want everyone to have food equally. I just asked why Vivian was making food separately. Shilpa says we make food and I ask everyone to have it. Avinash says don’t play women card. Karan tells him to not raise his voice as people are watching him. Rajat tells Karan that he has been noting that you keep bringing up people watching us, we know our families are watching, you don’t need to tell us. Avinash says I always ask others before eating an apple. Chum says you never ask others. Karan says Avinash

even hid coffee. He says I put it somewhere else so people don’t finish it. Shilpa says I don’t drink coffee too much, you shouldn’t say everyone is stealing food. I have been making food for you all as a woman. Avi says don’t play the woman card. Shilpa says I make sure everyone has food so don’t smile at me and say all that. She says *******. Shehzada says you can’t say that word, she apologizes to him.

Arfeen tells Avi that they shouldn’t be eating potatoes. Avi says I have seen people make food separately from the main dishes. I don’t mind people eating but everything should be equal for everyone. Shehzada comes there and says Shilpa cursed us. Arfeen says I didn’t hear that. Avi tells Vivian that he just wanted him to have food. Karan says Avi shouldn’t have hid coffee and then talk about people having food equally. Vivian asks if he can make food now or not? Avi says you can make it. Karan tells Avi that everyone has different diets.

Shilpa tells Rajat that she makes sure everyone has enough food but then Avi is taunting her. He didn’t even feel bad that I am the one making food for everyone.

Nyrraa tells Avi that he shouldn’t disrespect Shilpa like that. He says I didn’t. Shehzada says she even cursed us. Avi says I talked to her respectfully only. Shilpa says I am here. Avi says I just asked why Vivian was making food separately. Shilpa says I am a woman who cooks for everyone and makes sure everyone has food. Rajat tells Karan that he always cuts away from the situation after picking it up. Karan says Avi is talking about it. Rajat says you just have to say something useless in every argument. Shilpa tells Avi that she doesn’t need to explain to anyone. Avi says I just want everyone to have food equally. Karan asks why did you hide coffee then? you are acting like you care but then you hid coffee. Avi says I don’t want coffee to finish early that’s why I kept it away. Arfeen says we shouldn’t be arguing over food so much. Shrutika comes to Vivian and asks for food, she shakes him and jokes around so Vivian tells her to get lost, he will give it when its cooked. He tells her that don’t feel bad but he doesn’t like the way she talks, like she flails her arms so he doesn’t like that. She says I will never do that.

Shrutika cries because of Vivian’s words. Vivian tells Eisha that he told Shrutika to not shake him while talking. I told her we are bros but we can talk without her shaking me all the time.

Shilpa cries so Arfeen consoles her and says you are strong. Hema says don’t cry, its okay. Chum says just ignore them. Karan comes there and says don’t cry.

Shrutika is crying so Hema consoles her and says don’t feel bad.

Avi tells Shehzada that he shouldn’t blame him because he knows where coffee is. Shehzada says you did hide it so don’t lie. Avi says you keep changing sides and talk without intensity. He mocks him. Shehzada says you are copying Asim. Chum tells Shilpa to leave the kitchen and let these guys handle it. Nyrraa says let them figure it out. Shehzada and Avi argue, Avi mocks him and says you are not loyal. Shehzada says you are shit. They both charge at each other. Shilpa tries to stop them. Eisha tells Rajat that Shehzada is doing this for content and footage. Karan tells Shilpa to chill and don’t cry. Shehzada tells Avi to get lost, Avi says he got the footage he wanted. Shehzada says he can’t even look at me.

Karan tells Shilpa that Avi is doing this to be seen. Sara says they are all doing fights for footage.

Eisha tells Avi that she tried to stop their fight and got pushed. Shehzada pushed her, Avi apologizes to them. Eisha tells him to not entertain Shehzada as he wants that.

Vivian comes to Shrutika and finds her crying, he offers her potatoes he cooked and says talk to me. She looks away and cries. He says don’t cry please, I don’t seem emotional but I am, we are all missing our families so don’t do this please.

Sara says if Avi asked nicely then Vivian would have offered him food. Shilpa says there hasn’t been a single day when Vivian didn’t ask if everyone had food or not. He always makes sure everyone have food.

Arfeen tells Avi that he shouldn’t have argued with Shilpa. Avi says Shilpa started interrupting me.

Vivian tells Shrutika that if she doesn’t eat then he will go and sleep hungry too. He feeds her food and says nobody can cook like me. He says you are my sister so please don’t cry. He leaves from there.

Vivian comes back to Shrutika and offers her potatoes, he says people are fighting over these potatoes so much but I brought these for you. Nyrraa tells her to stop crying, they already have enough material for the episode.

Bigg Boss tells the housemates that there is a Colors spy in the house. You people might not recognize her but its Nyrraa. She knows when we have the episode material ready, she even knows who have how many promos. Nyrraa says I was joking. Bigg Boss says this is an illness and we never gave her an editing licence to her. Please continue and make the episode. Nyrra says this is savagery.

Shilpa asks Arfeen why no one confronted Vivian as he was the one who was cooking.

Shrutika tells Vivian that she felt bad because he made it sound like she had bad intentions towards him. Vivian says I was telling you to not touch me so people don’t take you wrongly. I hope you understood my intentions.

Alice tells Avi that Shilpa is very senior, you can put your point across without crossing a line.

Avi tells Vivian that they were asking me why I didn’t confront you and others only. Vivian says I am going to observe everything now. Arfeen wanted me to fight with you.

Shilpa tells Karan that you don’t feel lonely with the choice you made? he says not at all, I don’t waste my emotions/anger on useless people. Shilpa says Shehzada’s personality doesn’t seem real.

Gunaratna talks to others about Daud Abrahim. Vivian jokes that Karan is dreaming about picking the trophy.

On the Stage:

Salman connects a video call to the house and greets them. He says lets starts with Shrutika.. it was her dream that I scold her. He shouts at her for crying so much. She says I will be happy if you show anger to me every week, all laugh. He praises Gunaratna. He tells Muskan that she was called in the confession room because your family wanted to know if you are still in the house or not. She says I am trying my best. He says you are not getting captured by any camera. Salman jokes with Shrutika that her husband is going to Bangkok. He asks Chahat to mimic Vivian, she makes a face and talks like him, he says I don’t talk like that. Salman asks if its only Chahat who is acting in the house so we gave a task to you.

Bigg Boss asks the housemates to give a name who they think are not real and acting like Chahat?

Rajat: He takes Tajindar’s name and says he is acting like a sacrificing person

Vivian: He takes Tajindar’s name and says his replies are calculated

Eisha: She takes Tajindar’s name and says he is too sweet

Shehzada: takes Tajindar’s name and says he doesn’t like his sacrificing act

Avi: He takes Shilpa’s name and says she is fake

Gunaratna: He takes Shilpa’s name and jokes that she was his favorite actress but he wants to see that real Shilpa

Alica: She takes Nyrraa’s name and says she is bossy

Chahat: She takes Vivian’s name and says he keeps taunting her

Nyrraa: She takes Avi’s name as he keeps fighting

Karan: he takes Avi’s name

Shehzada, Arfeen and Hema take Avi’s name for targeting Shilpa

Shilpa: She takes Avi’s name for saying he respects her but he doesn’t

Chum: She takes Avi’s name and says he made a scene on potatoes but he eats apples everyday

Shrutika: She takes Avi’s name and says he doesn’t listen to others when he is wrong

Vivian tells Nyrraa that Chahat called me fake.

Avi tells Tajindar that he didn’t hide coffee, he just put it away from the kitchen. If I am saved then they will see my real face.

Eisha tells Alice that Avi is totally zoned-out, I can’t even talk to him.

Nyrraa tells Avi that he is acting so restless and angry man that its difficult to talk to him.

Eisha tells Avi that his ego overtakes him which doesn’t look good. Alice says the way you talk makes your valid points seem invalid too.

On the Stage:

Salman tells the inmates that 8 people said Avinash is fake. Karan says he is a hypocrite. Shilpa says he calls me ma’am but then he argues with me for no reason, I don’t demand respect from anyone here but if someone says they respect me then follow that word. She gets emotional so Salman laughs and says this is just one week. Shilpa says I am very happy but I am just feeling emotions. Salman says if you are happy then we are happy.. Shilpa gets emotional and wipes her tears. Salman tells Avi that he shouldn’t lose respect while doing anything.

Salman tells the housemates that its good that the issues are related to the house only and you people aren’t talking about outside matters which is good. And the credit for that goes to Avi. Audience will decide if he is fake or not.

Salman tells the housemates that he will talk to the inmates who are not seen, who are boring and not doing anything. He tells Muskan that she can spend 3 months by smiling only. She says I took time to adjust.

Salman says a doctor will check you all and see if they are fine or not. A doctor comes there and checks inmates. He finds Nyrraa to be ill. Salman says Nyrraa has an illness so we are going to talk about it. He says Nyrraa was seen 4 times this week, one when she was on the stage with him. We couldn’t cut your dance performance because Nishant choreographed it. Then you were seen when you read the letter of the task. Then you were seen when Bigg Boss talked to you. He says others are looking real while your comments are weird. You said Bigg Boss’s first fight, the episode content is given already. Our episode’s content is based on real moments, content can be in any form, it can be sweet, funny and nice too. Nyrraa says I just wanted to say that they should stop fighting that’s why I said that episode content was given already. Salman says then you should have used the correct words. I am sorry. He asks Alice why she thinks Nyrraa is fake? Alice says she is bossy and doesn’t let others come close to her. Salman says but Nyrraa is not seen in the house at all.  She says I will focus on putting more effort now. Salman says now we have a full episode content from you. She laughs and apologizes. Salman ends the call.

On the Stage:

Salman connects the call to the house and an alarm plays. Salman says we will open a new room today and we will have a time fight there. He says Vivian and Alice will go there first as BB saw you both as top 2.

Vivian and Alice enter the time room. Salman says this is not an ordinary room, this room can give you power to take decisions based on past, present and future. He says you can punish the people who you think were not punished for their mistakes. Then you will throw trash at them. He asks who was responsible for Tajindar and Hema going to the jail? They say they were responsible themselves. Hema and Tajindar come there so Vivian and Alice throw trash on them. Salman tells Tajindar and Hema that they didn’t need to make their sacrifice. Salman asks Vivian and Alice who was responsible for the task failing? They take Karan and Avi’s names. They come there so Vivian and Alice throw trash at them. Avi says I don’t agree with this. Vivian says Karan tried to do the task alone. Karan says I accept that I slept but we failed as a team. Salman says Karan was targeted for failing the task but Shilpa, Shrutika, Sara and Alice were responsible too.

Salman asks Vivian and Alice who is responsible for people not having beds? Vivian says Chahat switched her bed and I didn’t have a place so I slept on a sofa. She chose a better bed without understanding others need. Alice agrees so they throw trash on Chahat. Chahat says I have issue with snoring that’s why I switched my bed. Vivian says I understand but people had to sleep without beds then. Salman says he is right. He tells everyone to snore so Chahat can integrate.

Salman asks who was responsible for not equal distribution of ration? They take Hema and Tajindar’s names. Salman asks if they ever denied ration to anyone? Alice says no. Hema says we gave them a ration as it was decided. Salman asks who was the middle man? Shilpa says maybe I couldn’t manage properly. Vivian says I just knew that we were getting less ration. Hema says we gave ration properly.

Salman asks Vivian and Alice who was responsible for some people not having enough food? Vivian says whoever distributed food was responsible. Avi says initially they were all sacrificing but I wanted food to be equally divided. Shilpa asks if the show is about fighting only? Salman says everyone said they aren’t getting food properly. He ends the call.

In the House:

The housemates talk about how to divide the ration now. Karan talks in the camera and says we are hungry but its okay.

The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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