Categories: Bigg Boss 18

Bigg Boss 18 15th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Vivian and Rajat fight

Bigg Boss 18 15th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 9 PM
Arfeen says Chum, Sara, Shilpa, and Alice will do the cooking. He says Muskaan, Bagga, and I will do the dishes. We need some volunteers for the bathroom. Arfeen says Bagga will keep an eye on everyone. Avinash says I don’t agree with that. It’s not such a big house that we need a monitor. Arfeen says if anyone doesn’t want to work, there will be consequences. I will decide how to run. Avinash says you were not made the captain. We gave you this power. Arfeen says what do you mean? Avinash says you didn’t understand my Hinid. Hema says you captain your own family. She asks Eisha is he your friend? She says yes. Chaahat laughs. Eishat says what’s funny? She says I’d laugh, it’s my choice. Eisha says to stay away from me then. chahaat says I will

stand here. This isn’t your house. I will stand here. Eisha says go away. Chaahat says I won’t. Eisha says to stay away from me. Chaahat says I will stand where I want. You can’t move me away. Eisha says I can’t stoop to your level. Chaahat says you asked me to get lost. Avinash says Eisha calm down. She says she misbehaved with me. What rubbish is this? Chaahat says why should I move. She asked me to move. Why should  I? Am I touching you? Arfeen says you both can go to a corner and fight there. 

Arfeen says to Avinash if you don’t wanna listen, you can go as well. he says I will decide who will do what? This is my time and my opportunity. You can become the time of God and decide them. Everyone claps. Avinash says I don’t agree. Eisha says Avinash let it be. Avinash says I don’t think you’re the captain. You are a time of God. Hema says he can decide things. Eisha says will you do it or not? He says I won’t. Vivian says kick him out. He wouldn’t listen. Tell the rest of us the duty. He’d face the consequences. Arfeen says to Avinash you need coaching. Avinash says oh please. Shilpa says you’re being very irritating. 

9:45 PM
Vivian comes to Eisha and says he doesn’t listen. Eisha says he wasn’t listening to me either. Vivian says looking at his behavior. He doesn’t listen to anyone. She says I told him his attitude is wrong. Arfeen says you’re undermining my authority. Avinash says you were just time power over time. Not to run the house. We are letting you run the house. Arfeen says I won’t then. Vivian says Arfeen can give him consequences. Eisha says we can’t do anything. he doesn’t listen. He’s not a kid. Arfeen says if I am given this power right now, I can run it right now. I can act as a captain and get the work done. Vivian says it’s impossible to have a conversation with me. Eisha says Chaahat said he is my friend and mocked. Vivian says she just says rubbish. She cries. Eisha says I can’t stoop to her level. Vivian says to ignore her. She says they are all crazy people. 

Rajat and Nyrraa sit with her. She says she’s misbehaving with me for no reason. Rajat says it’s very simple. Just ignore her. Alice comes there too. She says she was laughing like crazy. I can’t go to her level. Vivian gives her water. Alice hugs her. Rajat says Avinash isn’t your responsibility. Alice says we can’t influence his decision. We can just speak to him. Eisha says I can’t stop him. Alice says we did speak to him. 

10:45 PM
Does Avinash say to Eisha did I overreact today? She says yes. He says it was very wrong. I shouldn’t have done it. You were speaking for my better. He says Alicce was silent. I think you were trying to say something. I didn’t know if you were speaking against me or for me. Alice says you asked her to shut up by saying relax, it wasn’t right. he said I am sorry. Eisha says you’re not a kid. We can’t tell you what to do every time. You don’t understand, maybe this is who you are. You can do what you think is right. Alice says we don’t know when will you blast. Eisha says I said we also don’t know how will you react. You act crazy sometimes. Then Chaahat started shouting. He says I am sorry. I didn’t know it was you. She says you said Eisha relax. She says everyone was saying why don’t we ask you to stop. It makes us look wrong too. I can’t do this anymore. This isn’t right. I can’t fight for no reason. She says your attitude was wrong. Alice says you made no sense today. He says I hope I can fix things. Avinash says you can be mad at me. Eisha says I don’t want to.

Day 10 8 AM
Everyone wakes up and sings the anthem. 

Arfeen asks everyone to wake up. Eisha says he’s doing the alarm. Rajat and Gunratan keep sleeping. BB blares the alarm too. Arfeen says you’re breaking the rule. Does he say did the real alarm blare? He says yes. 

9 AM
Rajat asks who will do the dishes? Alice says Eisha and Vinash. Arfeen says he’s not listening. If he doesn’t accept he can not do anything. Rajat says okay fine. arfeen says what is his problem? Alice says we try to make him understand things. He accepts and understands but then does the same thing the next day. 

Eisha says to Avinash to talk to him. Say you want to have a fresh start and want to work. He says he’d say the same thing if I said the same line. Eisha says that you don’t consider them captain. You don’t have to do it. He says then let it be. She says yeah you chill. Arfeen says he’s impacting your identity too. Alice says it already does. Rajat says who had to put the dishes in? Karan says tell the time God. Rajat says I will tell the people first. My job is to ensure the house runs. 

9:15 PM
Karan says BB please send food. Haven’t eaten eggs for a long. They come to the store and pick up the groceries. Avinash says I don’t consider his caption. Eisha says that won’t change the fact that he is. Arfeen says BB they are all lean now.  Nyrraa says we are skeleton now. Nyrraa says we have lost the glow. Arfeen says please send the food. 

Eisha asks Avinash to at least talk. She tells Vivian he’s gonna talk to Arfeen. Avinash says to Arfeen I’d like to do the dishes. I overreacted last night. It’s a new day. Arfeen says you don’t have to consider me captain but authority. Vivian says I was stressed if I became the time god, it’d be too early. Avinash comes out. Eisha says did you talk? Vivina says did you say sorry? Eisha says he’d never. He says I said it’s a new day. Vivian says that’s at least some progress. 

11 AM
Arfeen says to Vivian doesn’t Chahat’s doll look like Annabelle. Vivian says she’s the Anabelle herself. She has no emotions. She never said sorry to me. She thought ice broke just like that. Chaahat says Rajat keeps sleeping. Hema says to Sara Chaahat gets too extra. It doesn’t feel real with him. 

Gunratan comes with a new outfit. Vivian says I am going to shower the first. gunratan says you can’t book it. Vivian says you dress up before everyone. Gunratan dances with Karan adn Hema. Vivian says to Arfeen we have to clean the living room. Chahaat has storage. She has to take her stuff from the living room. Chaahat says it’s my stuff. Vivian says I am not talking to you. She says okay fine. I will keep my blanket here. Vivian says it’s the living room. She says I have half-storage. He says then use it. Chaahat asks where is your blanket? He says this is my bed. I don’t have storage. You do. Arfeen says you have to clean the living room. Do it however you want. 

Karan says if I become the time God I will make them work 24 hours. Rajat says I knew. Chahat says I will keep my stuff outside. Nyrraa says okay fine. Vivian says no need to respond to her. Arfeen says to Shehzada this table area is yours. You don’t listen. Shehzada says did you give it to Bagga? Arfeen says I will decide who does what. Vivian says he can even go into the past and change his duty. Arfeen says exactly. Shehzada says this is a dictatorship. Arfeen says you will do it. Shehzada says fine sir. Vivian says now he’s trying to get a topic out. 

1 PM
Vivian serves the food. He asks who wants more. Chahat says to put in mine. He says say please. She says why? he says everyone said it. I am not your servant. She says okay don’t give it then. He says don’t give me these orders. She says I just asked to put it in mine. He says people say please, it won’t make you a smaller person. She says I spoke nicely. He gives it and says next time say please. She says I said respectfully. She says you create such big problems. Vivian says there is a difference. Nyrraa says ignore and eat, please. 

1:30 PM
Vivian says to Shilpa before you come out of the shower let them know. I don’t wanna know possession of the bathroom. Chaahat says to Nyrraa he said I should say please for no reason. Nyrraa says it sounds like an order without please. Vivian says Nyrraa come here. He asks do you wanna go? She says yes. Chaahat says, Vivian. He ignores. She says I was talking to you. He says it’s my choice to not listen. She says I want to shower. You asked if someone else wanted to go. He says I want to go now. She says you didn’t even respond. Vivian says bye-bye. 

Gunratan comes to the confession room. He says you have to come out for your matter in court. You are needed for it. You’ve to come out for some time. Gunratan says yes. He says come out from the right door. Gunratan leaves. Vivian asks who wants to shower? Chaahat says I want to shower. He ignores her and says Rajat do you want to go? he says yes. Chaahat says I want to go. He says it’s my chance. She says you asked who wants to go. He says you’re not included in every one. 

1:45 PM
Vivian says I will decide who will go to the washroom. It’s in my possession. If someone goes it will have repercussions. Chaahat says I want to use the washroom. Rajat says I want to go. Nyrraa says let her go. Chahat says he doesn’t have humanity. Nyrraa says why we are fighting for the washroom. Vivian thinks I won’t let you go to the bathroom if you misbehave if you misbehave.

Vivian comes to the bathroom. Rajat says she’s gone. Vivian says I gave you the authority. Rajat says she needed to go. Nyrraa says it’s nature’s call. Vivian says I will throw her stuff. Rajat says I will decide what I want. Vivian says I give you the authority. Rajat says she had to go. Vivian says you asked me, did she ask me? I had the control. I told you I’d tell you who goes. Rajat says don’t show me your finger. If I felt like she could go without bothering your time then I can’t stop her. It’s for everyone. Vivian says everyone knows I am not that inhumane. Rajat says I did what I thought was right. I don’t need your authority. Shilpa asks what is happening. Chaahat says I had to use the washroom that’s why they are fighting. 

Vivian says this isn’t done. Rajat says how could I stop her. Don’t show me this finger, I’d put it in your pocket. I won’t tolerate it. Don’t drag me in your fight. He says Chaahat went before he came. What’s the harm? Don’t create drama. I won’t stop people because you ask. I don’t care who you are. BB says Rajat I feel bad for you. Your frustration could be right. But you’re speaking in front of people who are scared to say anything against Vivian. He says they can be scared. I am not scared of Vivian. Someone who deserves respect will get it. BB says if you had the same argument with Avinash, Shehzada would jump right in. 

Karan says why did you stop Chaahat from using the bathroom Vivian? he says she tricked into getting there. Karan laughs and says tricked into using the washroom. Alice says she said she didn’t let her us. Eisha says I thought Vivian didn’t want her to shower. Avinash says then stands there. Eisha says it’s everyone’s bathroom. He says everyone can use it. I’d support her. 

2:15 PM
Karan says to Vivian you were somewhat wrong.  You can’t stop her from using the washroom. He says it was my chance. Arfeen says you weren’t there. He says my stuff was inside. Vivian says she could have said it. Eisha says to Alice Vivian was wrong. He’d let anyone go but it was Chahat. Vivian says she could have said it. Chaahat says I tried to talk to him, but he said he doesn’t have to listen. Rajat said I only used the washroom. Still, Vivian fought. 

2:25 Pm
Vivian says to Rajat I said she wouldn’t go for a shower. It was my body language to show the finger. Rajat says I don’t like that. Vivian says I reacted because her attitude was wrong. She was in the room, she never said it to me. It was her ego. Sara says he just assumed because she never asked for that. Avinash says why did he argue when Rajat said she had a nature call. Nyrraa says Rajat was trying to stop her. I told him to let her go. Rajat says to Vivian try not to show me this language. Vivian says I will be careful. He says are we clear? Rajat says yes. He hugs him. 

Avinash says people don’t wanna speak against Vivian. So many people spoke against me. Alice says everyone is divided now. She says Bagga is thinking where am I lost? 

3 PM
Avinash says Rajat told you even then Vivain argued. We said it was wrong. Vivian says she never informed me. Avinash says why would she inform you? Rajat says we cleared the things. Avinash says then why were you telling us? he says my choice. Avinash says then we can have a choice too. Shehzada says people can have an opinion. Now you changed your story. Alice says to Sara you were supporting Vivian for no reason. Karan says to Rajat you got your closure but that doesn’t mean it’s close. Shehzada says what was wrong was wrong. Sara says she said she wants to shower. Then she said she wanted to look. Avinash says no one plots so much. 

Chaahat says I won’t listen to him either when he speaks now. We are all equal here. I tried a few times but I won’t listen anymore. 

4:45 PM
Shilpa asks Vivain where did you meet your wife? He says she wanted my interview. I made her wait for four months. Now she’s still taking revenge. Shilpa laughs. He says she texted me this is very unprofessional and egoistic. She said I should better give an interview in 24 hours. I was like woah who is this person? He says then they called me for an interview. That’s when I met her. She asks how many years have you been married? He says I don’t count. Enough years for her to know who I am and how to tolerate me. She says why tolerate? He says life teaches you. She is a solid girl. 

7 PM
The task area opens with a lot of food. Everyone gets excited. They read its animation task. BB says Arfeen’s decision will start the task. He is safe from nominations today. Your time is related to this house. Now he will play with your time. He says I want Arfeen to tell me two people he wants to nominate right now. He says Bagga Ji and Muskaan. They are not very involved. BB says a mind reader nominated his subject. BB says Tajidner and Muskaan Arfeen nominated you without a chance, but I’d give you a chance. I will give you a chance to change your future. He asks Karan to read out the task. 

Karan reads Time Travel Express would leave the station today. It will pass the danger platform. Then some people will be taken to a safe platform. Arfeen will be the referee. The two people he nominated will be the shopkeepers in that shop. The rest will be travelers. There will be 4 rounds. The travelers have to convince the shopkeepers to give them food. They’d decide who convinced them better. Once the train takes off, you’d have to run and get a seat on the train. The food is your ticket to the train. If you don’t have food, you can’t get on the train. The two people who will remain on the platform will be nominated. Arfeen has to decide who were the final two people. Let’s see who gets a seat and who remains in danger platform. 

Arfeen says I will decide who has ticket. Karan says yes. Shurtika says do we et outside or on the train? Vivian says it’s the ticket, don’t eat it, idiot. 

7:15 PM
Muskaan and Bagga discuss who to nomainte. She says chaahat. Bagga says, Eisha. People come to the shop and ask for food. Muskaan says please wait. They give it to most people. Rajat and Chaahat stay on the platform. They get nominated. Chaahat says I didn’t know the last two people to get on the train. I thought the last two wouldn’t get the food. Rajat says it’s okay. Arfeen says it’s Chaahat and Rajat. BB says I said I’d be fair. I gave Bagga and Muskaan a chance to save themselves. I give two of you this chance. You’d be the shopkeeper in the chance. Rajat says I won’t give it to everyone like them. I’d give it to people who participate. 

7:30 PM
Chaahat and Rajat decide on Vivian and Shurtika. Karan says I wanna go away from danger. Everyone requests them. He doesn’t give it to Shurtika. She says we are not spectators. Rajat says we had to choose the names. Shurtika says you said you’d choose people who don’t participate. This isn’t fair. You should have said you’d decide on your bias. You said you’d do justice. Your words don’t match your actions. Vivian says you have decided. I request you to give me a chance. I want to go. Rajat gives them an item. They both run to the train. Eisha falls while getting on the train. Shurtika was last. Rajat says, Avinash was last. Arfeen says Avinash. He says come Shurtika to the shop. Karan says BB hasn’t said that yet. Avinash says to Shurtika Karan, Shilpa and Rajat. 

Avinash says try to convince us. They all talk. Avinash ays one by one please. Vivian gets it. Shilpa says to give it to Avinash. He says you didn’t speak on Vivian’s matter. You always brush the topics. Hema tries to convince Shurtika. She gives it to her. Avinash says what are you doing? Avinash says you never take a stand. Alice falls on the train. Shilpa and Karan get nominated. Vivian says Shurtika gave it, not you Avinash. 

8 PM
Muskaan asks who would they choose. Karan adn Shilpa decide next. Karan says to Chum you need to wake up. Hema and Alice get nominated. Shilpa says Avinash your friends Alice and Eisha don’t speak either. He says they do. He says they spoke against me as well. They didn’t stand with me. You manipulated them with words like kind and intelligent. 

BB says the nominated people are Muskaan, Bagga, Chaahat, Rajat, Karan, Shilpa, Avinash, Shurtika, Hema, and Alice. 

8:15 PM
 Alice says to Eisha and Karan I got nominated because I was pushed. Eisha says everyone was inside already. Shilpa says to Avinash you chose me for personal reasons. He says you always try to be in good books. She says I can’t always talk nonsense like you. Karan says did you guys speak on the toilet issue? She says we were told different stories. Karan says it looked like you were not involved. Eisha says we are involved in everything. 

Muskaan says to Arfeen I was trying my best. He says it was hard for me to pick. But you have to stand up for yourself. You have to get a shock to perform. She says I didn’t think you’d do it. She says I am hurt. He says I get that. I am sorry about it. But my reason is to push you. 

Karan says one of you has an attitude. It looks like he’s ruling you both. Alice says I get that. Karan says if it’s affecting your image, wake up. Alice says I don’t sit on the fence. He says it feels like you guys walk behind him. It’s one trophy, not 3. 

10 PM
Eisha says Alice is hurt that she is nominated and we are not. He says don’t think that deep. She says this would happen every time. Hema comes. Eisha says I am tired of tying them. Alice says I am also tired. It’s not funny. 

Episode ends

Precap: BB says if you guys want grocery, you’d have to send 2 people to jail or send one person out. Avinash adn Arfeen fight. He says at least I speak in front of everyone. Arfeen says shut up. Chum and Avinash fight as well. 

Update Creditto: Atiba

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