Categories: Bigg Boss 18

Bigg Boss 18 19th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Salman questions Arfeen

Bigg Boss 18 19th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Weekend ka vaar. 

Salman welcomes everyoen. He says the most senior member of the house didn’t get food or an apology. Let me show you. He shows Avinash misbehaving with Shilpa. Alice says when he is wrong we point out. Shilpa says then ask him to make a point. Did you say anything today? Alice says, ma’am. She says it wasn’t even that big. Alice says you were already shouting. He was wrong about good books. Shilpa says he said don’t demand food, ask me for it. Alice says just ask. Shilpa says he meant blogging. Alice says no he didn’t mean that. Shilpa says what you think about him is different from what everyone thinks. 

Shurtika says to Avinash please talk to Shilpa, ma’am. She’s very hurt. She hasn’t eaten anything. Avinash says to

Shilpa what wrong did I say? I didn’t humiliate you. Shilpa says it might not be humiliation for you but it was for you. It might be right for you but not me. I want an apology. I am a mother of a 20-year-old. This is a humiliation for me. You said you can’t be in my books. What did I do? Avinash says this isn’t humiliation. She says I take it personally and I don’t accept it. He says I talked about your tactic of being in a good book. She says what book? What book are you writing? I don’t want to be in it. I don’t need to. I will not eat what you send out until you say sorry. It’s not a big word for me but it’s too big for your dog. He says you are bringing your dog. You’re not eating. She says it’s my choice. 

Karan says to Vivian to give food to Shilpa. She’s not eating. Vivian takes the food to Shilpa. He says I made it. Please eat. She leaves. Karan says please taste. He says give us this energy too. Eisha says she is also bringing between. He talked about good books but he didn’t get personal with her. We are in a game. Alice says she cried four times and she cried 4 times and made it look like Avinash said evil things. Eisha says he says things in anger. Alice says I told her it’s not a big deal. 

Karan says to Shilpa P, ” Please eat. Why are you giving yourself pain? S” He says I am not. He says eat then. She says I will tell you when I am in pain. He says I am putting myself first. Vivian says to Avinash I, “If Anything happens to her, you know what will happen. S” Ara says to Alice, “I am worried for her more than Arfeen. “Lily says it was her decision. I was there. 

Shilpa vomits. Karan says don’t do this. Please eat. shrutika says what you’re doing is wrong. Karan says please eat now. Shilpa says don’t punish yourself for his mistake. Arfeen and Sara eat. Alice says to Avinash she still hasn’t eaten. Avinash says to call her. Chum and Shurtika try to convince Shilpa. Alice comes and says he wants to talk to you, please. Eisha shows her outfit to Sara and Arfeen. Shilpa says I don’t want to come. Let me be here, please. Kaan says Shilpa come, please. Arfeen says he is ready to apologize. She cries and says I want to be alone. AvinashtellssVivian ton take her food inside. I will talk from here. Vivian asks Shilpa to take her medicine. Avinash says Shilpa ji. Vivian says you eat. Vivian says to eat the rice. Avinash says please eat the rice. I didn’t misbehave with you but if you felt bad I am sorry. Please eat now, it’s been 2 days. he says I had no intention to misbehave. Everyoen claps for him. 

Salman welcomes everyone. He asks are all of you okay? They say yes. Salman asks did you all eat? They say yes. Salman says did everyone apologize? Everyoen says yes. Salman asks Salman anymore pending sorry?  He says no sir. Salman says you can ask for it. He says I wanted to talk about things. Salman says I’d come to there. Salman says to Shilpa how would your daughter feel if she sees your tears? Shilpa gets teary. Salman says she is still watching. Your sister must be watching too. Shilpa cries. Salman says when your daughter was young and would get angry on food what did you say? She says I was mad at the behavior, and attitude. Salman says then keep it there. Dont let his words affect your food and you’re on medication. Dont let your feelings play you. I didn’t feel like coming here today but I am bound to. I didn’t want to talk to anyone but it’s my commitment. Everyone was eating and only two people remained affected. You and Avinash. Everyoe else moved on. They took their food and didn’t even care. When you weren’t eating why didn’t Arfeen keep the kitchen closed? 

Salman says let’s start from the start. When Bagga and Hema were in jail they gave all the food. When they had to come out they sacrificed the food to BB. No one had a problem. BB said you’d live on basic. Everyoen was okay. Then for 2 days onwards, people wanted full-course meals and then BB gave you this option. You all chose the jail option. Everyone got their apologies. I have a simple question. If you are accused on national TV, and that allegation is that girls aren’t safe around him, and on that basis, you’re eliminated. And then when the same person is given control, who wouldn’t take revenge or teach a lesson? He asks Rajat what would you do in that case? He says I know how it feels. I wouldn’t give the food at all. I know it’s wrong but I’d clear it out. Salman says how many great people are here who would give the food? Chum says I would. Karan says me too. Shilpa says I would also give but ask for an explanation. He says Avinash did the same. He asks Salman what would you do? He says I wouldn’t be in this position. I’d give the food but talk later. I wouldn’t use food to force people to talk to me. I wouldn’t expect people to beg me for food like I am God. He was calling people and asking people to beg. 

Salman asks what was his demands. Shilpa says I felt bad for him. I was happy when he came back. Salman says I don’t think many people were happy. She says I was happy. She says he demanded that people should come individually and ask for food. Chahat says no one was ready to talk to him. He wasn’t asking to beg. He was saying just come and talk to him and ask. Chahat says that’s why I wanted to sort this matter but no one was talking to him. Shilpa says Karan did go to him to talk but he went to sleep. Avinash says I said the unsafe word. Salman asks Eisha She says he was very angry. He wanted sorry. No one came to talk.  Then no one came so he gave the food. Then we all ate after that Karan came. Salman says I don’t want to comment on Karan and Avinash’s argument. But Shilpa their argument wasn’t even related to food. It was about Karan’s ego vs. Avinash’s ego. Karan said that clearly to Alice. So now Shilpa it’s not necessary to comment on them. It’s a different topic not related to food. 

Salman asks Eisha what were the demands. She says he wanted to have a conversation with Chum, Karan, and Rajat in front of everyone. I want an explanation. Then no one came but he gave the food. Alice says the next day he didn’t even say he wanted a sorry. Salman says let me tell them his demand. It was that the allegation against me should be talked about in front of everyone. What is wrong with that? Then he kept saying it. Eisha and Alice kept coming to you all and said he couldn’t come here so you’d have to come. 

Karan says you are right. But his tone was different. Salman says if this allegation was on you how would you react? He says I’d never come back in and say come to me and tell me who said anyone isn’t safe around me. He says then I went to talk to him. I tried to resolve the anger. Salman says it was about anger and ego. His way of talking was wrong but if anyone is accused, they’d react. How would his family feel? People would question his parents about their upbringing and that women were not safe with him. I have been accused so I know what my parents go through. Rajat said I won’t give food but he was fighting against Avinash. I knew he’d tell me straightforwardly. If I ask mindcoach he’d say something else. He asks Arfeen what would you do? He says I’d give food but says I wanna talk after it. I spoke to Avinash about the allegation. Chum said it was frightening for her. It wasn’t for girls but. She felt scared as a person. Karan says he just used his heart and got a small power and he got distracted. Not everyone can manage power, it’s the most powerful thing. I am not supporting him. Everyone claps. Salman says he had that small power. You used the word process because you thought about all the possible combinations, you thought about this. If you were in that position and your wife was there, you wouldn’t be able to control your anger. Right now you’re in a different position. You’re talking about steps and processes. 

Salman says let’s talk about a process. You had a process to keep the gas closed. How intelligent is that on 1 to 10? Arfeen says when he came in he was angry. So much happened. I wasn’t clear in my mind. Salman says you should be the clearest in your mind because you clear other people’s minds. He says no I don’t. That isn’t my job. Salman says you save lives. You study human nature. He says not true. Salman says at least you know it better than us. He says I am not a guide and I advise. My process is based on provocation. People should see what they should do. Salman says you’re right. I am sure you know people are different. And you know how to tackle. 

Arfeen says all my interactions with Avinash. Salman says what is this sign you do on the shoulder? He says it’s my process. Salman says the viewers want to know what that process is. He says I can’t tell. Salman says they did it. They might conclude anything. Salman says my interpretation is to get lost. Throw him away like dirt. Or now you watch. He says people would interpret anything if you don’t tell. He says that could also mean Meet me outside I’d smash your eyes. Arfeen says I don’t do such things, that’s not me. I will tell you. Salman says what side is a demon on? he says I don’t know. Salman says why do you keep mentioning the left side. What’s your left side? He says my main focus is to empower your heart. The heart is on the left side. Divert to the heart. Body language is more powerful than words. I point at their heart. Salman says you called his nasty, evil man, your heart is sick. Arfeen says I said you have a hard heart. Sara says I feel like everything is done to mock. He says the wife will speak. Arfeen says not let me speak. He says everything I teach is heart-driven. People can interpret what they want. Salman says so you are blaming his heart? Were you triggering him? Where was your heart? Arfeen says I was breaking his pattern. Salman asks what pattern? He says it could be anything. Salman says if it can be anything then what’s the pattern there? Salman says you didn’t know how would he react. Does it take one heart to recognize another? Salman says you told him he’s playing mind games to manipulate people. Arfeen says that was wrong. I never gave a narrative about mind games. I always said I work on the heart and empower it. I’ve never done that in the house. 

Salman asks everyone how many times Arfeen adn Sara have spoken about their profession. They still were doing. Arfeen says you just asked me. Avinash says since day one. Vivian says they spoke many times but I still don’t have clarity on what their profession is. I have heard things in bits and pieces. Salman says I agree, I don’t understand either. They are trying to make their place based on their profession. So it’s the publicity of their practice. Arfeen says that is incorrect. Salman says we are ordinary people. We don’t have knowledge and intellect like yours. So we’d only think of these things. Arfeen says no. Salman says that’s our thought. I will let you speak. Dont they teach you listening in your profession? He says I’ve to respond. Salman says don’t they teach you to listen to others?. He says no. Salman says so you don’t let people speak? Do you understand with just one look? He says no. I can talk about the past. Salman says we don’t even understand. You’d have to come to normal land to explain to us, basic people. You also have to come to our planet, earth. You’re on the seventh sky. We’re simple people. You can only talk to God. He says not true. Salman says then you got so angry when your profession was mentioned? People don’t even understand what your profession is. He says your wife isn’t even raising her hand. Arfeen says that proves I am not promoting my profession. Salman says we have been asked by people wanna know what exactly is it. He says it’s simply heart activation. Salman says you blew off my intelligence. Arfeen says I was upset. I must give my explanation as well. Salman says I wouldn’t interrupt you like you interrupted me. He says many people do the same thing that I do. It’s the people who are stuck.. not with very serious things. But stuck in life, it shows them light. Salman says so basically psychiatrist? He says no. Salman says what is it then? He says imagine I am going in a cave and it keeps getting darker, our job is to just nudge them and look behind adn look in a different direction. Salman says so you nudge then? Salman says so you turn them around. Sara says I just feel. Salman says let me also talk to an intelligent man. Salman says so Arfeen and Sara I just wanted to make one point. When your profession is discussed, you get angry. There are so many people in their profession. Arfeen says I never said anything about their profession. You said their community is only acting. They can’t be real. He says I didn’t say that. I respect actors myself. Salman says it’s recorded. He says I’d like to see it. I’d never say it. He says I didn’t say it. Sara says I said it. Salman says so you can speak about them but not us. Sara says we never mocked it. Arfene says I’d never say it. Salman says you can come out and see it. You said this about Chaahat they are actors and they’d act only. Sara says everyone says it. Salmans says but you felt bad when your profession was targeted but you can mock actors. You said she acts so she can ie, she is a fraud. She says their co-actors also said it. Avinash also said it. Saman says I am talking about you in coaches. We are simple people. We make mistakes. Arfeen says we don’t say such things. Salman says honestly.. what all am I going through in my life and I’ve to come and handle this? He walks out. 

Sara says I feel targeted. Arfeen says I don’t care. Avinash says you’re misbehaving. Sara says we’re not talking to you. He says I heard. Arfeen says don’t waste your time on him. Arfeen says they don’t try to understand and when we explain it’s advertising. Arfeen says when did I target an actor? Nyrraa says he was talking about Sara. Arfeen says she’s an actor herself. Sara says I did it in the heat of the moment. Chum says then tell him. Sara says don’t mess with my mind. Chahat says I didn’t know you say such things. Arfeen says we were made to say these things. Arfen says so BB made you say this? Shilpa says I hope he speaks to you about your attitude. You have no manners. Avinash says yes. She says go back to jail. Arfeen says he has no knowledge adn he’s speaking. Shilpa says he has no respect for his colleagues. Avinash says to Eisha that they manipulate people. Arfeen says we wouldn’t talk about our poerfessin. When we weren’t talking we were told it’s a confused profession adn to tell our story. And if we don’t, it’s advertising. Avinash says Salman will target them. Eisha says really. Sara says we are also humans. Arfeen says I am not here to tell what I do. Sara says that all actors are ego-massaging other actors. Mind coaches are also humans. We can also react. Avinash says I only said you’re a mind coach, you need an aminc coach. Arfeen says they are seeing it from a psychological perspective. Sara says that one actor is biased towards other actors. Why target us? Arfeen says it’s okay. Sara says that’s the game. She says we are being targeted. Shilpa says he’d talk about other ones too. He addressed mine too. Sara said very respectfully but he wasn’t respectful to us. Avinash says now Shilpa has to explain everything. Eisha says she was laughing all the time. Chaaht says I saw her laughing. Arfeen says that is Salman’s perspective and mine is mine. And that’s life. Avinash comes. Sara says now he’d comment. He says I am going to jail but I would comment if I want. Shilpa says your turn would come next. He says I’d listen. I won’t say I am targeted. 

Salman says SAra you’re in the same profession? She says I am in no profession. He says why are you mad? She says I am mad at myself. He says what for? A coach needs a coach. That was said. Sara says yuo’re not seeing what he said. Avinash says that was my statement. Sara says you’re always right. He says you created so much drama. She says what about all the drama you did? Salman says Arfeen are you the best in your field? He says no. Salman says I am sure you discuss things with your wife. He said mockingly that the coach needs a coach. You know everyone’s triggers. You forgot your own. He says I do have mine. I am a human. Salman says thank you for telling us. Sara says it’s the way he said it. His friends didn’t like it either. Avinash says you also have a way of talking. You and Arfeen need to be extra cautious. Cause you can destroy your career from here. If you wanna be in this profession then you need to be very cautious. Arfeen says I agree. He says if you’re acting like people you help then what’s the point? Arfeen says I agree. He says what people say shouldn’t affect you. Right now both mind coaches are getting offended by what I am saying. Do you think I also need psychiatric treatment? Arfeen says I don’t know about it. Not at all. Salan says but Avinash needs help? Arfeen says he does I think. It’s not a bad thing to go to therapy. Salman says you said it’s from a place of empathy. This can’t be an argument. Arfeen says I have been told that I manipulate. I don’t care if he says I need a mind coach. I also have a coach. There is no problem. Salman says he ain’t doing a good job. Afreen says he’s done a great job. Salman says the basic point is to give it your best adn put your best foot forward. Salman leaves. 

Karan says Arfeen he’s promoting your work. People are asking about the process. He wants you to explain. Arfeen says I am very confused. Karan says he said everything to explain. Arfeen says to Sara drop it all. I know the fuss he’s talking about. 

Salman says today we saw everyone’s reactions. Salman sees off everyone. 

Episode ends

Update Crdit to: Atiba

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  • Mind coach my foot 😂😂 they are just confused compulsive liars who take no accountability for their own statements and then get triggered when someone says exactly the same thing to them. So where is the mind coaching exactly??

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