Categories: Bigg Boss 18

Bigg Boss 18 22nd October 2024 Written Episode Update: Nominations day

Bigg Boss 18 22nd October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Karan asks Avinash for oranges and pears. He says don’t you want an apple? He says no. Avinash says don’t share Karan says I can give a piece to someone if they ask. Karan says to Vivian would you eat it? Vivian says I can take it from your plate. Karan says to be a contestant to me. If you stay Vivian, we’d say BB give him the trophy.

10:15 AM
Karan jokes Bagga talks to BB secretly. Everyone laughs. Karan says it’s his voice BB falls for.

Eisha asks Bagga who would be the next option for jail. Bagga says, husband and wife. Arfeen says if you need marriage counseling come to BB. Does Vivian say this behavior is better? Arfeen says she is an angel here. It’s like Aladin’s chiragh you wish is my command. Everyoe laughs. Vivian says at home she

hits the high. Arfeen says she’s winking me here. Everyoen laughs. He says I can’t tell other things. She said pass me a towel in the shower and then said come inside. He says I ran away there are cameras. Vivian says he’s too scared. Sara kisses him and says you’re so cute. Vivian says what you consider love is his fear.

2:15 PM
Rajat sleeps. Alarm blares. Rajat says it wasn’t me. He says Chaahat was also sleeping. Nyrraa says you were dead asleep. Rajat says stop accusing me. She says you were. Nyrraa says then don’t sleep. Rajat says I’d sleep what would you do? She says I’d dance on your head. He says now if I say anything on the dance you’d get offended. She says to say it.

Karan says is not taking it seriously. Shilpa says she is overdoing. Rajat says dance on my head. Nyrra says I am facing. I don’t wanna dance on your head. Chum says she wants footage. Rajat says if I say anything you’d be offended. She says I was joking. You get triggered. He says then keep doing it. They both shout. Rajat says no opinion and you’re doing this. Vivian says she wanted footage. She tried with me as well. Rajat says to Nyrraa you can do whatever you want. I won’t give you footage. She says I will do what I want. He says to put the finger down. Karan says Nyrraa has lost it. Arfeen says it looks fake. Rajat says to do this for the footage. Just cook, sit, talk and sleep.

2 PM
Alice tells Nyrraa that my parents never had a good relationship. They had major fights. I was closer to Dad because he used to understand my emotions. Nyrraa asks was violent with you? She says everyone but so was my mother. She says would he realize after being violent? She says we grew up with that. This was normal for us. Eisha says to Avinash I don’t get Alice and Nyraa. Alice said she wants to spend time with others too. I want to sit with others. It irritates me sometimes. She says I don’t want my game to be around Avinash.

Alice says Mom asked me to call Papa one day. I called him. Soemoen picked I said give the phone to Papa. They said who papa? She says I called Papa. The person said he’s no more. That person told me he was a policeman and they went into his flat by breaking in and he had committed suicide. I didn’t believe it. I said it’s a bad joke. He sent me a photo of him. Nyrraa says oh my God. She says that image haunted me forever. She says the ambulance guy gave me the rope. Nyrraa says how can they do that? She says they don’t care about emotions. She says he said this is what he used. Nyrraa says where was your mom? She says she wasn’t too interested. She was married to someone else, she was focused there. She says he was not the right person. Nyrraa askif if s is mom still with him. Alice says no. She says he was also a very bad person. I had to move out. I was kicked out because my mom was influenced by him.

4:45 PM
Karan asks Vivian do you have a problem with you? Alcie says I am not your biggest fan but you did a good job. He says thank you. I will try to make you my fan. Eisha says to Avinash Alice is sitting outside. Avinash says to Karan. Alice says you said I like you. He says I said I least unlike you. Eisha said she hates me. You were like a person who I could talk to.

5:15 PM
BB says Eisha there is a word said around different corners. It’s my favorite. You try to be my favorite too. He says I’d say some things around that. I heard people talking about my favorite or color’s favorite. Who is the favorite of this house? Avinash says you can consider me. Arfeen says okay. He says thank you, sir. Everyoe everyone. Karan says Shurtika. Avinash says no me. Shilpa says Shurtika. That is my opinion. Avinash says show me mercy. Vivian says I am the network’s favorite. Karan says he’d be the villain for this house. Shhurtkaa says you are an oxymoron. He doesn’t even give coffee. He only thinks about himself. Avinash says I was normally talking. He asks Chaahat. She says if they ask one person I would say Shurtika. If two then I can consider you. Shurtika says don’t act nice, be nice for real. Avinash says to stop acting first. She says at least I am not the villain. BB asks what is the opinion? Karan says Shurtika. Alice and Eisha say Avinash. Everyone chants for Shurtika. BB says if your kindergarten class is over tell us. Karan says Shurtika.

Eisha says, “What makes one favorite? Acting cute all the time.” Sara says, “I don’t get it either.” BB says, “So Shurtika is the favorite of the house.” Come to the activity area. You will know today that you should think before making a decision. It’s very important. Avinash says to Chaahat, “I will remember this.” She says, “I said what I wanted.”

6 PM
BB says Shurtika is the favorite of this house. She will make your life difficult. Shurtuika says AVinash is perfect then. He makes everyone’s life hell. BB says how many times do you guys change the decision? No one wants to take responsibility. BB says there is a high in front of you all. It’s a magical high. And it has a genie. Shurtika is that genie today that you chose as a favorite of this house. She will control today’s nomination. He says Shrutika sits on the chair. He says you have to come and rub the chirgah. Shurtika will decide whether that person has nomination rights and how many. He asks Shurtika would you give it equal to everyone? She says no. Avinash says she can’t be fair. Shurtika I can’t be with unfair people. She says I will show people mirrors. BB says Shurtika 4 people will not get the right. 4 people will get the right to nominate one person. 4 will nominate 2 and 4 will nominate 3. In the end, the people who get more votes will be nominated.

Rajat comes forward. Shurtika says 1. He says I want to nominate Nyrraa. She speaks but has no opinions. She only irritates. Shehzada comes. Shhurtika says 2. He says Rajat, does a lot of character assassination. If I am sitting with someone that doesn’t mean I’ve a bad connection with them and he sleeps all day. He says I don’t have a second name. BB says give the name. Shehzada says,, Vivian. He says things that can hurt people. He gets into things that don’t relate to him. BB says Shurtika gave a person 2 nominations who didn’t have have 2 names. But he was scared to take it. Shehzada says I want to give him time.

Alice comes next. Shurtika says zero. She says Avinash Alice and Eisha have the same opinions. I see Eisha has a difference of opinion so I’d give her a chance. Vivian says why were you negotiating with Alice for food? She says Alice is much better than Avinash. But I need to put 4 people here adn fit here. Chaahat comes next. Shurtika says 1. She says when she overthinks she gets overboard. Chaahat says, Eisha. She never has a personal opinion and no involvement in the house. Eisha says not involved with you. Chahat says not with anyone. Shilpa comes. Shurtika says she has a lot of clarity so I will give her 3. Shilpa says it’s not easy. But my first name is Chaahat. She wants me to speak for her but she doesn’t do it. Avinash is next. We are trying to resolve but he loses track. My third name is Myra. I’ve not bonded with her.

Avinash comes. He says I know but say it. Shurtika says zero. He says you are scared of me. She says yeah keep crying. He says I have my opinions at least. Shurtika says he wants attention all the time. You deserve this. She says I know who deserves it. He says keep getting scared of me. Nyrraa says stop it.

Rajat says to Shehzada it wasn’t character assassination. Shehzada says you have that mindset. I don’t. Shehzada and Rajat fight. Everyone tries to calm them. BB says there is no time god. So no one is safe today. Aisha comes next. Shurtika says one. She says Karan Veer. I didn’t like the way he reacted to Avinash. I had expectations from him. He has no opinion. He says I take it like a man. Muskaan comes. She says Bagga ji. He was very active yesterday. He should be that way. Karan comes. Shurtika says 3. He doesn’t think diplomatically. He makes me interesting. He says my name is Muskaan. She never has opinions. Second is Avinash, he plays the victim card. He never grows up and fights like a man. As you saw Rajat and Shehzada were fighting like men. Karan says I said sorry to him many times, although I am older in age and experience but he never says it. He is ays third name is Nyrraa. She is confused about the game.

Sara comes next. Shurtika gives 3. She says Nyrraa, Muskaan, and Shehzada. Shurtika is next. BB asks how many nominations do you wanna do? She says 2. My first name is Avinash. He demeans a lot. You can’t talk to him. Second is Muskaan. She isn’t utilizing this platform. Bagga comes. Shurtika says two. He says Arfeen and Sara. They manipulate everyoen together. Their vote is also always the same. Chum comes. SShurtika says 3. She says first is Avinash. He has no manners. Rajat is very impulsive and third is Vivian. You took Avinash’s side even though he was wrong. He says it wasn’t clear at the start. Karan says what did you clear? Chum says he did charge. He says it was wrong. Chum says you said he was right. Nyrraa comes. Shurtika says 2. She says Rajat is very impulsive. He gets fired up on jokes. She says secondary you tease me with Shehzada. It’s very wrong. Rajat says when did I? Shehzada says you do it. She says he sleeps all day. Rajat says that is not character assassination. She says her second name is Avinash. He gets very fired up and hurts people. He didn’t do that with me but my friends. BB asks who are friends? She says Shurtika. Vivian and Arfeen come next. BB says what’s the point only 0 are left. BB asks why didn’t you give them a chance? She says Vivian gets too neutral. He’d stay neutral in nominations as well. Vivian says I stood against everyoen to not eliminate Avinash. I give an opinion and then give a solution. The people she gave power to are her friends. She says Arfeen couldn’t have opinions when he was given power so there was no point in having it here.

BB says this ends the animations today. The people who are nominated are Avinash, Nyrraa, Rajat, Muskaan, and Vivian. What a nomination! The time God should have this right. And it went to the person who you thought was entertaining. He says sorry Shilpa it was so difficult for you. Be mad at Shurtika as to why she gave you the right to nominate 3 people.

Rajat says I wanna ask the girls I am accused that that tease people. I want an explanation. Like the nomination. Shehzada says you lick. He says mess with me if you can. Shehzada says what is your worth? Eisha tries to stop Shehzada. Shehzada says one call will show you your place. Nyrraa also tries to stop him. Shehzada says you associate my name with someone. Avinash and Shurtika right. He says you couldn’t do one task right. She says I did what I thought was right. He says I saw how fair you are. You have no brain. Shurtika laughs and says keep crying.

Rajat says he is threatening me with phone calls. He doesn’t know who am i with. I will tear him apart. Avinash adn Shurtika fight with Avinash. He says you are scared of me. Shurtika says go back to your jail. Shehzada comes to the kitchen. Avinash says Chahat was footage in the middle. She says you want everything about yourself. He’s lost his mind in jail. Rajat says he threatened me with a call. Karan says but you don’t have a phone here. He says he said I tease them. Karan says he meant with Nyrraa’s name. You said it. Chum and Vivian talk. He says I am happy you voted for me. I want everyoen to play normally with me.

Eisha says to Avinash she didn’t give it to Vivian. Arfeen says Chahat won’t ever. Alice says she is so stupid. Eisha says if Vivian comes into our picture, we 3 need to stand strong together. Rajat says Shehzada said I’d get a phone call and I will say sorry. I will wait for this call. Now he will see what I do. Shehzada says you were also accusing me. Avinash says now I will tell people openly what I can do. Alice says I won’t come in between. Eisha says I am with you but I will pull you back.

Shehzada says he thought I’d get scared. Nyrraa says I will answer him back. Shehzada says people are tolerating him for no reason. Vivian says to Alice and Eisha that people are showing real faces with nominations. Chum said I know you won’t go. Alice says what name is that. Shehzada says to Sara you had to give a reason. You said confused. She says you had no contribution. Eisha says Nyrraa and Shehzada shouldn’t have the right to vote adn Muskaan either. Vivian says they are playing a family game. Shehzada says to Rajat I am not scared of you. If you can’t take nominations don’t play then. Rajat says you threatened me. Vivian says there is a big brother in the family.

8 PM
Eisha says to Rajat you have to pick a side. You can’t be on both sides. Avinash says it gives me doubt. He says I will break them. Alcie says I would. Eisha says but choose one side. He says I would. Vivian says to Shehzada this man isn’t worth my time. I told him he didn’t exist for me. He’s shouting all day. Rajat plans with Alice to bring Sara into their conversation. He says Bagga is against them.

Vivian says Muskaan what happened? She cries. Vivian says why do you cry? Don’t be scared of anyone here. Karan comes and says can I talk to Ainvash? Karan says I was having a word with everyone I nominated. Not justifying because it’s part of the game. So I thought I should talk to you too. Avinash says no do it. It’s fine. Karan says you’d do too. Avinash says do what you think is right.

8:15 PM
Shilpa says to Avinash I want to start afresh with you. He says if you did you’d nominate someone else. Let’s just accept what it is. She says it was my opinion. Shilpa says he is not giving the food. Vivian says twist in the story.

Chaahat says Avinash give me the food. Everyone would nominate. This has to happen every week. This is wrong. Why bring food to it? He says not eating one night won’t hurt anyone. Does she say so you won’t give it? He says no. She says you’re stopping everyone’s food for nominations. You’re a villain. You can never be a hero. Chahat says he’s not giving it. He said I won’t give it. Chaahat says I won’t let him sleep then. Avinash says no food. I will give it to whoever I want. He says to Arfeen Sara, I will give it to you four only. I am biased now. Avinash says to Shehzada you can ask for anything. Arfeen says I can’t eat if other people aren’t eating. Sara says I agree. Rajat says Chaahat is saying I won’t let him sleep. Vivian says she is hungry.

9 PM
Vivain says sir I want five minutes to Arfeen. Shilpa says you can’t talk here? He says your team doesn’t tell the truth Vivian asks Arfeen are you hungry? He says I will be. Vivian says you won’t eat it? He says no I won’t eat unless other people get basic food. Chahaaht says I am hungry. Avinash says say you made a mistake. She says it was my opinion. Shilpa says to Vivian I am not on any team. I don’t say it when you sit with Eisha and Alice. I never expected it to come from you. He says I believe your word. He says I’ve to go solve the problem. She says I want to move on with Avinash too but he wants to keep it this way. You don’t see the reaction of these people. Vivian says don’t stress. She says you make a statement and go away. Karan says don’t cry.

9:15 PM
Avinash says she can take the food and eat her medicine. Karan asks Shilpa what happened? she says if I was Vivian I won’t say that. She says I am not on any team. Karan says I am proud to call you my team. He says are you not confident about us? She says I am confident. He says don’t need to give Vivian the importance you did to him. He’s not a team player himself if he tries to break the team. Chaaht says he’s not giving food. Vivian asks Shilpa did you take your medicine? Vivian says he’s asking that people come adn ask. I just want no one to sleep hungry. I got 2 apples for everyoen. Karan asks are you eating apple? He says I’d eat what I get. Eisha says so he’s feeding his team as well? Karan says he’s the judge of the house. He says I am just solving the problem.

9:30 PM
Shurtika asks are you giving food or not? He says just apples. She says so no basic stuff? He says no and the reason is personal. She says okay fine. Nyrraa asks him, he says I am not giving protein powder. I told Shehzada I’d give him what I wanted.

Karan says he’s a kid and Vivian is playing off his hands. He’s a 40-year-old man. He looks like that 28-year-old cartoon. If Rajat did it it’s okay. He’s making Rajat dance. Does that look good? Avinash gives protein powerder to Shehzada. Sara says Shilpa isn’t eating. He says give her one roti and tell her it’s yours.

Chaahat spills the deal. She says I am sorry. Shehezada helps her pick it. She says I am making daal chawal. Avinash says it’s for tomorrow. Vivian says to give her rice to her. Avinash gives it to her.

11 PM
Eisha brings the food for ships. She says it’s not ours. Karan says it’s okay to eat it. She leaves it there. Shilpa says we will all eat it together.

1 AM
Alice says to Avinash you didn’t handle the situation well either. He says what you think is wrong. She says sure. He says she’d smash my face. I told her what you said. Beyond friendship, I don’t think anything. Alice laughs adn says the poor guy. he says stop it. She laughs. He says no you have to accept. She says who am I to accept? He says we’re both clear. Alice says when husband and wife are agreed what would the solicitor do? She laughs.

Baga says she thinks she didn’t give me nominations because of me but she did it for her people and she didn’t have a calculation. Bagga says that’s what I think.. Vivian says she’s not a kid.  She is smart.

Alcie says we are getting a team.

The episode ends

Precap: Chaahat throws water on Avinash. He says you will remain aware. She says you called me that because I come from village. He says knows the meaning of it. She says I’d tell you the meaning. He says I know she loves me in her heart. She says my sandals don’t love you either. I spit on people like you. Arfeen also comes to jail. He hears an audio clip where Arfeen says Sara shouldn’t be in jail. Sara is shocked. BB says so according to Arfeen Sara shouldn’t be in the house. In 24 hours Sara will be out of the house. Everyoe is shocked. 

Update Credit to Atiba

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