Bigg Boss 8 28th December 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on
Day 98
Weekend Ka Vaar
song Maria Maria plays, Salman comes on stage and dances. After dance he welcome all in bigg boss, Salman says this is year is going to end, week 15 has started in bigg boss house and if it will soon end or not, we will answer is soon, he says there is one twist remaining in show and you cant even imagine what the twist will be, SONALI, ALI, PRITHAM, DIMPY, UPEN, KARISHMA are nominated, its sad to get eliminated after so many weeks, but this is format of show, they have spent 3 months in house so their minds are in frustration, so they try to predict whats going outside, let me show you a clip.
Clip plays, Gautam climbs a ladder and try to sneak outside house, he look outside, Puneet ask what are you doing? Gautam says I was feeling depressed,
call is connected to house again, Salman ask Sonali how was week? Sonali says good, Salman says you made him drink tap water, Sonali says atleast I dint make him drink jamal gotha(loose motion powder), which Upen made ali drink, Upen says they are different things, it was funny for you but not for me, Salman ask Karishma what is evil? Upen says Sonali is evil, she is mean , Salman ask what about Jamal gotha, Upen says it was fun, Salman says if its about you then its fun but she do it then evil? Upen says no, I know her nature and she is evil, Salman says I asked this to Karishma, but Upen started answering, AKrishma says her thinking is mean, Salman says that was funny, you didnt get affected by this but Ali had to go to washroom several times because of your prank, Upen says this is different thing, Salman says when you joke then its joke but when other do it then its not joke, Upen says I can take the joke, Salman says I am seeing how you take the joke, Upen says it was not joke but mean, Ali says I had to go to washroom 6 times, Salman ask Pritham that giving jamal gotha is more evil or giving tap water? Pritham says jamal Gotha, Upen shows thumb up, Salman says that was fun but this water of null is not fun, 90% of india drink tap water, Pritham says Dimpy knew that it waws tap water btu she didn’t stop Upen, Dimpy says I got to know that after he drank, Upen says it was not joke, Salman says I am trying to express this only that it was prank only, Upen says but we are not friends so why she is joking with me? Salman ask karishma what prank was more wrong, Karishma says ofcourse that was severe Ali had to suffer but they were friends, Ali took that positively, Salman ask people do that like this is friendship? giving powder to him, Upen says I do pranks with him but that was severe so I said sorry, Salman ask when ali do jokes with you, do you take it sportingly? Upen says yes, Ali says he get angry and I have to pacify him sometime but about Sonali.. Upen cuts inbetween and says Sonali is liar, Sonali says yes I am, Salman says Upen you drank that water even after knowing its tap water but you got angry afterwards, what about that I love you scene, Pritham says I was doing sarcasm with Sonali, she said that I made Upen drink tap water, so I said but he loves you re, she also said that I love him re, so it was all fun but Karishma was there and she told this to Upen and he got angry, Salamn ask Upen do you understand joke, Upen saysyou don’t know its not joke, Salman ask should everything in this house works who you want it to work, Upen says I will give my view, I cant live life for others, Salman says Pritham made you understand now, Dimpy says I was there too, Pritham says I was sleepy and Upen came to me and started shouting that I don’t love her, don’t joke and all, Pritham says it was only a joke, Upen says.. Salman ask Upen to hold on for one second, Pritham make Upen understand your joke, he has this hindi English problem, Salman says Karishma what you said to Upen, Karishma says I was irritated with Sonali, not on Pritham at all, Upen asked me what happened, so I told Upen what was said, I know Pritham do sarcasm, Salman ask why were you bothered so much? Karishma asys Upen is my friend, I know Pritham was joking but sonali said that Upen has lost it, he will not get any girl, Salman says Upen didn’t show reaction to any of these comments, he reacted on I love you comment, what Sonali said was in humor, Salman ask Upen did Karishma said that it was humor or serious, Karishma says I just told Upen what their conversation was, Salman says this is weird, when I ask Upen, you answer for him, when I ask karishma, he answer for you, Salman says I understand that if they say I hate you then it can become problem but what is there to fight on comment I love you, Upen says I know it was small thing but I just want others to come inbetween me and Sonali, so I just asked Pritham to not say all this, I know Sonali cant understand sarcasm, Salman says its not Sonali but you who doesn’t understand sarcasm, we can see that from outside, Upen says you are right, Salman says try and understand people’s talk.
Salman ask sonali about captaincy? she says thanks to inmates who made me captain, and I really enjoyed my captaincy, Salman claps for her, he says you got majority votes, Sonali says all voted for me, Salman says first time 8/8 votes, Sonali says all love me, Salman says that’s why you are sitting on danger seat, all laughs, Salamn says some people don’t like you then how they voted for you? Sonali says exactly ask them how they got so much love for me, I wanna know too, Salman says Sonali wanna know, answer her, Salamn ask Pritham who was fraud in voting, Pritham says Karishma, Upen, Dimpy. Karishma says take your name too, Pritham says why, I was supporting her from before, you all were supporting Gautam but when you go to know that Sonali will not get immunity so they voted for Sonali, Dimpy says this is factor, Upen says we tried to make Puneet captain but they didn’t agree to it, Salman ask Pritham to not teach him so much hindi, Puneet says he is reading hindi books, Salman says if he is doing so much by knowing little hindi then what will he do if he learn full hindi, Salman ask Upen if Sonali was getting immunity then would you have voted for her? Upen says we tried to make Ali or Karishma to make captain but then Gautam was chosen, then they were asked to do campaign, Gautam didn’t come to anyone but sonali came to me and very nicely said that she supported me in captaincy so I said that I will vote for you, Pritham says first they were pressurizing Gautam that you have to win task, Salman says you people have shut me too, all laughs, Salman ask what you do there Sonali? Sonmali says I do nothing, Salman ask even then you two are here, Salman says Upen was trying to write other name but the supernatural force made Upen write Sonali’s name, AKrishma says when Sonali came to us, I thought that sonali should be given chance, also she supported me too in captaincy, plus Gautam didn’t even come to us, it was task that he has to do campaign, but maybe he was over confident or he didn’t want to be captain, maybe he wanted Sonali to be captain, Pritham says when you people chose him then why would he come to you people? Karisham says his name was chosen by Puneet not us, Sonali is doing bhangra in their fight, Salman says to Gautam that what you wanna say, Gautam says I wanted to make Sonali captain but my name was given, I was thinking that she should be given chance too, I thought what to convince them when they had already given my name so I thought they will vote for me only, later on I got to know that they voted for Sonali only, it was all immunity game, Salman ask Sonali did you understand anything? Sonali says yes, that they love me a lot, all laughs, Salman ask Sonali do you think that you were good captain? Sonali says yes, Salman says till now how many captains were made, you have to rate them in 10, Soanli says for Puneet 7/10, Gautam 9/10, Pritham 9/10, Ali 7/10, Dimpy 6/10, karishma 0/10, Karishma expected, Upen 0/10, Upen says thank you, Salman ask what about you? Sonali says 10/10, all laughs, Sonali ask Karisham to say expected, Salman ask Sonali what are duties of captain? all laughs, Sonali says captain lead the hosue, Upen says wow, Karishma says Sonali can say anything, Sonali says captain is one who take team ahead and follow rules, all point to her that rules and Sonali? they laugh, Karishma she is warned every single second by bigg boss, Sonali says hang on I am talking, why you people have problem (chul mach rahi hai), Gautam falls on sofa laughing, Ali says at night, sonali was wiping her make up, blinders of houser were going down, bigg boss kept announcing that blinders are shutting come in house, it happened for 45mins, I asked Sonali that you are captain, bigg boss is asking you to come in house, she said that big boss saying, I do this from start of show, all laughs, she said that its my USP, I am late from start only, Puneet says it was bigg boss’s fault, he should understand that sonali need 45 mins, why was he announcing, bigg boss are wrong, Salman says youa re right, Upen says I just wanna say I love Sonali, Salman ask joke or serious? Upen says joke, Salman ask Sonali her reaction, Sonali says I love you too, I always say that I love Upen PAtel, Upen says what is your love, I cant explain, Ali says Soanli slept in her captaincy in candy room Upen saw her, sonali ask what Upen was doing there? Dimpy says he loves you so he was finding you, all laughs, Sonali says I was not sleeping in candy room, Upen says you are a liar, liar lair, all laughs, Karishma says when captain break rule then how we will accept, Gautam says she was not good herself but she was warning others, Karishma says we have named announcer girl as sushela and she said that this Sushela talks a lot, she has I care a damn attitude, Salman says Sushela is my mother’s name and when you take my mother’s name then take with respect, Pritham says we will change name of announcer now, all laughs, Sonali ask Karishma did you see me sleeping? Karishma says is it I should believe only you, all are wrong and you are right, sonali says they will say what they want to, Karishma says it is recorded on camera, Gautam says she was cute captain, Salman congrats Ali for captaincy, Salman says you have been captain for 3rd time, this is achievement, Puneet says he has done so much work in captaincy that he didn’t do as contestant. Salman ask Ali to show outfit, Ali say dialogues in funny manner, Salman says ALI YOU ARE SAFE, Salman says one bad news for you ali, DIMPY IS SAFE TOO, Ali says this torture, Salman ask Ali were you shocked to see that Upen and Karishma supported you for captaincy, Ali says no, they were my friends before too, Salman ask Karishma reason for supporting Ali, Karishma says because we didn’t want to support Sonali, Ali is better captain then Sonali, Salman says so much not liking for Sonali, Karishma says no captain should be like he shoul set example and he is good captain, Pritham says I was supporting Sonali because she says that laziness is her USP, so I thought to make her learn that captaincy is not casual work, she should understand that captain is big thing, Dimpy says then why you didn’t give Karishma a second chance, Karishma says that you said to me that you cant make me captain back to back week but you were supporting Sonali, Pritham says that you had greed for immunity but wasn’t case with Sonali, there I wanted to make her learn things, I wanted to punish her, world can see you greed, Karisham says everyone wants to be captain, we are in game, what is this greed, don’t you want to be captain again? Pritham says ofcourse but Sonali’s case is different, they think that we do politics and make people evict, Pritham says people are seeing everything, Salman says public are supporing you, PRITHAM YOU ARE SAFE.
call is connected to snapdeal customer Nitesh, he has bought lighter for Gautam, Ali brings lighter, Gautam ask where did I put fire, Nitesh says I want Gautam to lit his mind, and warm up, I am not seeing Gautam much in game, where that Gautam is gone who used to fight all, Gautam says honestly in starting it was like film, there was action comedy but I feel like I have no problem with everyone now, I have good rapport with everyone, also I am feeling depressed, I am missing my family, I don’t want to create fake fights, Nitesh says you have enemies still now, Gautam says I will try to bring that energy back, Salman ask what will he do with lighter, all laughs, Salman says he is going good and you are provoking him, Nitesh says we want that he show that he is a man, Salman says he can become like that but then comes me on Saturday, SAlman says I will send Gautam to your house, then you wont enter your house, all laughs, call ends.
Salman says SONALI, KARISHMA, UPEN are in danger.
PRECAP- Salman will go in house. later Salman says now its time for new twist, Ajaz Khan(season 7 contestant) comes on stage. Ajaz says that I have come again with same style but new words. Salman ask who is Gauhur of this season? Ajaz says that Gautam and Upen demoralize Sonali a lot, Salman ask about Karishma? Ajaz says that I don’t know what is between Upen and KArishma, I will ask them. Salman ask about his action this year, Ajaz says its like if anybody hit me with a brick, I will use wall against him, who will love me, will get love back and for audience it is entertainment, entertainment, entertainment.
Update Credit to: Atiba