Bigg Boss 8 3rd November 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on
day 43
Nomination Special
song nach baliye plays, All inmates wake up and starts dancing. Upen lifts Sonali in his arms and try to wake her up.
Pritham makes Sonali learn how to use broom, he acts like women, Gautam laughs, sonali i am not here to clean house.
Nomination time is started, Ali and sushant are nominated from before. Upe is captain of house so he cant be nominated and is given one right, he has to tell five names and people can vote against them only to be nominated, means the people he will chose only those will be considered to be nominated by getting maximum votes, Upen says first is Praneet as he broke rule, second is Gautam, then Sonali, then Pritham, Puneet as they supported me in captaincy task. bigg boss ask Karishma
Bigg boss says nominations are done, the nominated people for this week are Ali, sushant, Gautam, Sonali, Praneet, Puneet.
Puneet says to Upen that i said to bigg boss that upen was partial in choosing people so i cant nominate in between the five, Upen says i was not partial. Puneet says you were my choice for captain, Upen says but you didn’t support me infront of Salman.
Puneet talks to Pritham and Gautam, he says sonali was with Gautam but now she changed her party.
bigg boss calls Karishma and Gautam in confession room. they comes. all inmates are seated in lounge where they will see Karishma and Gautam doing task in confession room. in confession room, bigg boss says to both that you have to do the task here, you will have to show yes or no card on things which we will say to you, you will get three things on which you both show yes card. Karishma and Gautam blindfold their eyes, they hold playcards, bigg boss says first thing, pizaa for all inmates, Gautam shows yes card while karishma shows no, second thing is give diandra her make up back, gautam shows no card, karishma shows yes card, third thing is give sushant his soft toy, Gautam shows no card, Karishma shows yes card, fourth thing is give plates and spoons, both shows yes card, fifth thing is to give ice cream to all inmates, both shows no card, sixth thing is to give karishma her make up back, Gautam shows no card while karishma shows yes card, seventh is give arya his soft toy, Karishma shows yes, guatam shows no card, eighth is relieve/free Sushant from his servant duty for all inmates, Gautam shows yes card while Karishma shows no card, all inmates are shocked that karishma is sushnat’s friend and she didn’t support him while Gautam who doesn’t share good bond favored him, last thing is to save one person who is nominated this week, Gautam shows yes card, karishma shows no card, all are stunned.
All inmates are seeing their task, after task is done, bigg boss says you both showed yes playcard for one thing only, that was to give plates and spoons are for house and you both didn’t agree to anything else, Karishma says so my make up was not given, karishma says i gave my make up on gautam’s insistence, bigg boss says we give you one more chance to ask for one thing from given things, you both have to decide after discussion, Gautam says if you want make up then we can ask for it, Karishma says no i don’t want it now, you should have said yes in first place, Gautam says you are beautiful, why you need make up, Karishma says cut this crap and tell what you want, Gautam says we should.. karishma says bigg boss what have you done, you have made me sit with ugly person like you, all inmates says that why karishma is dying for her make up, its her individual thing, they should choose to relieve Sushant, Karishma ask what should they choose, Gautam says we should relieve Gautam, Karishma says yes but then she cribs about her make up again, she says i want my make up, Gautam says now you wont get your make up, karishma says then nothing, i don’t want to bicker infront of bigg boss, gautam says then choose one thing, after much time they agree on relieving Sushant.
Sushant is relieved and in tears as his friend didn’t support him. Sushant goes from there in tears. Karishma comes out of room. Gautam says to bigg boss that i am wrong in everything i do.
Karishma comes to Sushant, she is told that all inamtes saw their task on tv, sushant says to Karishma that i am very hurt that you didn’t agree upen my relieving, i was dying today because of pain after lots of work, Diandra says to karishma that you didn’t choose your friend, Karishma says i thought Gautam would not agree to Sushant relieving so i said no too, i didn’t know he would says yes, Sushant says its not about him, its about you being my frined, if was in your place, i would have chosen you.
Praneet tells Gautam that they saw everything on tv, Puneet says all are shcoekd seeing your right decision, Gautam says i chose what was right for everyone in house, karishma was cribbing about her make uo, make up is not that important, Sushant comes there and hugs Gautam, he thanks him for relieving him and goes from there.
Diandra says to Karishma that you have become villain after this task, you have mad Gautam a hero, he was right on many things but you opposed him, Karishma says minissha was hurt on Sushant’s abuse and she gave him punishment, Sushant should be punished so that’s why i said no for his relieving.
Upen comes to Gautam and ocngrats him for doing right in task, he says to Gautam that you were excellent in task, you didn’t think partially but thought about everyone, we have misunderstanding between us but i applaud you for task, our friend ditched us, Gautam says we have nothing, we are friends, he hugs him, Upen leaves.
Karishma comes in lounge, Upen says to karishma that why you didn’t chose Sushant, Karishma says i am not here to make friends, i am here to play game, sushant says but we have bond, Karishma says minissha gave you bomb even with fact that sushant have to work for everyone, Sushnat says it was between me and minissha, why you didn’t chose me, you should have chosen me on humanitarian basis, i could have saved even a dog, karishma says i wanted my make up, Sushant says you can use my make up, Karishma says no, i cant use other, i get pimples without make up, Gautam says people get pimples with make up, Upen says if you were given choice to do something for one person or to chose make up, karishma says i would chose my make up as i wanna look good on national television. what gautam have done? Upen says he thought about Sushant even with fact that he was not his friend, he had humanity, Puneet says to diandra that Karishma made Gautam hero, Diandra says she made him for second time. sushant drank chili juice for Karishma and what she did, diandra says to Karishma that people call you selfish, Karishma says i don’t care what people think, i will play my game.
Karishma comes to sushant and says that you bad mouth about minissha, that was not good, she felt bad about it and now when i didn’t chose you, you are feeling bad too, so its equal, Sushant says it was between me and minissha, i cleared things with her.
Puneet says to Gautam that you have become hero after this task and you have exposed Karishma that how much selfish she is, you have showed her real face which she was hiding behind her mak-up, she used to call sushi, sushi my friend and now what she did.
Puneet’s group surround Ali, they ask him to take oath before coming in their group, Ali takes the oath, Pritham says you will not change your group, you will not backbite, you will not tell things to other group, you will not ignite fire between two people, Ali repeats all this, he is taken in their group.
Pritham says to Puneet that i am not sure about Ali, he is not to be trusted, we have taken him in our group but we cant trust him, he can change his group or can tell things to them, Puneet says you are right but we need men, Pritham says we should use him captaincy tasks, we will take his help but wont involve him in other things, Puneet agrees.
PRECAP-in confession room, Karishma says to bigg boss that i cant live with guilt, what happened yesterday was mistake and i have burden of it, she cries and says i am not like this what i am potrayed. later task is going on, Puneet pushes Arya, Arya gets angry and ask bigg boss to open confession room, he breaks the door of room.
Update Credit to: Atiba