Bigg Boss 8 6th November 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on
Day 46
song gali meethi meethi bol plays, all inmates starts dancing.
All comes in garden area. there is one cage in garden, all inmates and are shocked to see Puneet inside cage, Pritham and Gautam screams in happiness, Pritham says yes, Puneet hugs Gautam and Pritham, Karishma comes and meet him, Arya comes there and meet Puneet, Puneet says i am living in this cage for two days. bigg boss says that Puneet said sorry for his mistake, it is true that Puneet used forces on Arya but his intentions were not bad, bigg boss says we have given one chance to Puneet for ratification of his mistakes and we have left the decision on audience to give him chance or not, it will be decided in weekend Ka vaar.
till then he will live in jail, inmates will give him food.
Arya comes to Puneet, Puneet says i love you and please forgive me, arya says dont says like this, you know i respect you but i am feeling cheated by bigg boss, Puneet says i said to bigg boss that i didnt intend to use force, its in contract that you cannot make strategy before entering in house but you tried to do that, were you disqualified on that? if you break some rule then you are half pregnant and if do that then i am full pregnant, lets audience decide, Arya leaves from there.
Upen ask Arya to eat the food, if you want to sit alone then sit but eat food.
Praneet says to Puneet that Arya has started starving moment in house, he is not eating anything, Arya said earlier that i didnt want disqualification then why he is not eating now? Pritham says this is all game.
Arya says to Upen that you are my family and i am swearing on you that i was hurt by Puneet.
Puneet says that diandra got physical with sonali, then Arya twisted gautam’s hand, was not that physical.
diandra says to her group that they are so childish, Upen says they are saying that all were physical, diandra and Arya were too, diandra says this means he wants to be back in house and all that vidoe, forgives was just drama to comeback.
P3G(puneet, Pritham, Praneet and Gautam) are eating food, Puneet makes Gautam eat with his hand, he says its clear that P3G is not remorse but we are proud of it, Praneet says we didnt od anything wrong to them, Puneet says i am remorse that what i did but now i will talk to them with my full voice. he says now we will eat in one plate only.
Diandra says to Arya that if it was not Puneet then what would have happened to me, where are those righteous people, when i waws hurt, nobody took stand for me, even i didnt want those people who have no direction to go, i dont want crowd to take stnad for me, Praneet says but every mistake has its punishment, diandra says but if someone is committing mistakes again and again then, Sushant says dont drag diandra in all this.
in living area, Gautam says i cant listen this diandra’s shouting.
Praneet says that i took stand for Arya, Sushant says you are lying, Arya says no you didnt take stand for me, i was alone shouting that Puneet has pushed me.
Gautam says bigg boss there is alot of negativity in house, please send things for havan.
Arya is in confession room, he says that i have personal relations with Puneet ji, i was in shock that how can he push me like that, i am young too, i could have said slangs against him but i didnt, bigg boss says its not like that he was brought back like normal inmate, he is bearing punishment and its not easy to live in jail as its mental torture, being in jail is insult for everyone as punishment, Arya says i agree with you, what you are saying is right.
bigg boss says to inmates that luxury budget task “high is building” ended without any result, now for making captain, we ask captain to give two names. only those will be contender of captaincy. bigg boss ask two names from Upen for contender as new captain. Upen gives diandra’s name and Pritham’s name. bigg boss says after sometime there will be voting between diandra and Pritham.
Puneet says this is wrong, she do selective work only, she is particular about everything.
voting has started.
Karishma gives vote to diandra.
Praneet and gautam votes for Pritham. Gautam says we are chosing captain so handle house not to handle zoo so i will not vote for diandra.
Diandra: she votes for herself and says i can be good captain.
sushant: he votes for Diandra.
Pritham: he says i think i can become prime minister too but let it be captain for now.
Sonali: she votes for Pritham.
Arya and Ali: they for diandra. Ali says diandra did alot of work when i was captain, she did alot in sweet task too.
bigg boss says that diandra has got 5 votes and Pritham has got 4 votes so diandra has won and she is new captain now, she will handle house from now on. P3G jokes that they are gone.
ali says to Pritham that diandra did alot of work so i gave my vote to her. Pritham says to diandra that congrats for getting crown with thorns.
Gautam says let them run the house, we follow the rules. Praneet and Puneet sings the song.
Siren plays, inmates says who is sleeping. its Gautam who is sleeping behind sofe, Arya ask diandra to go and wake him up as you are captain, diandra goes and doesnt find Gautam, she says let them do what they want, i will take my decision. Praneet finds Gautam behind sofa, he ask him to come from there, Gautam says i am not sleeping, i am drinking milk, i dont break rules, my eyes were closed but i was not sleepin, diandra says but they dont know this so you should not sit in corner. Gautam says give me punishment if you find me sleeping, he again sit behind sofa and says bigg boss play the siren (to irritate diandra).
Praneet reads announcement that luxury budget task couldnt complete by both the teams but you all tried hard so keeping this in mind, we are giving both the teams 300 points, total you will get 600 points but this time shopping will be different.
music plays and Lisa Haydon comes in house, diandra gets most excited as she know her, they both hug each other, Lisa says i am here to promote my film, she hugs Diandra again and says congrats you are boss of house, she says diandra is bossy na? all agrees. Diandra says you are putting fire here. Gautam is not there, he is with Puneet and says look should be like Lisa, little classy and little cool.
there is stall in garden area, all comes there, there is phone too, they take slefie with Lisa. all sit in garden, Lisa says this is Shaukeen shop, you have 600 points and have to buy from this shop, she calls Karishma, Karishma buys bread. then comes Diandra, she says i wanna buy coffee for all inmates, Lisa says you have to impress one boy here to get it, Diandra brings Upen and says coffees is nice but you are more nice than it, Upen says ok, i am impressed, he kisses on her cheek, Lisa says you will nto get coffee easily, now Sonali have to do same, sonali ask with Upen? Pritham says i can come too, all laughs. Sonali comes and kisses Upen on his cheek, they hug each other tightly, Gautam notices all this and is smiling, Lisa gives coffee, then gautam comes, Lisa says i will give oats for 200rs if you win against Arya ion one task, gautam says give me in 100rs, you know how much beautiful you are, your eyes, your hairs, do you have any idea, Lisa smiles, Gautam says your smile is amazing, Lisa says ok gautam you have to break the tiles. Gautam break one tile, lisa says i am impressed , Arya break two tiles, Lisa gives him oats and gives neutella to Gautam. then comes Pritham, Lisa ask Pritham to imitate two inmates, Pritham imitates Puneet, Pritham does drama and cries to bargain on things, Lisa says go back, points are finished. Lisa gives key to Gautam and ask him to open fridge, Gautam opens and takes out drink for himself and Upen.
Ali says that i asked for drink from Gautam but Puneet commented that throw on ground the drink he is asking for, Karishma says Gautam have hidden neutella in puneet’s cage too, she says how can anybody say like that to throw drink on ground instead of giving it to person, they are so evil, Ali says now there is group.
Gautam shows scrap in kitchen and says this is okay for new captain, nobody notices al this, he call diandra and says look here so much scrap in kitchen. diandra says i dont know who has done it, if you find then tell me. she leaves, gautam says look at her reply.
Sonali says to Upen that you are favorite of all, you got cadbury from Lisa, i got two chocolates, i gave one to you and one to Gautam, Upen says you are in love triangle,
PRECAP- inmates are wearing some costumes. they have fun. later two wild card entries come in house. gautam taunts Karishma that you love me so much, Karishma says you come out of house then i will show you my love, Gautam says you have underworld connections? i am challenging to show me.
Update Credit to: Atiba