Bigg Boss 8 7th November 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on
Day 47
Wild Card Special
song Parda Parda han Parda plays. all inmates wake up and dances to the tunes.
there are some playcards placed in garden. on playcards different words are written like comedy, madness, drama, action etc.
Praneet says that diandra will laugh so comedy will happen. sonali says everyone can do action here.
Gautam ask Diandra to give oats for Puneet ji, diandra says i cant give like this, we have to divide for all inmates so i cant make it for one person, it will be made for all inmates on one day, Gautam says ok, i will tell Puneet.
Gautam comes to Puneet and tells him same, Puneet says why? ask her to give my share of oats, call diandra here.
diandra sasy to Karishma that we cannot make separate
diandra says to Karishma that make oats for gautam and Puneet. gautam says give five five spoons for both of us, Diandra says we have made something else for all inmates, eat that. Gautam says i didnt eat luxury things before, Karishma says i saw you eating all things, Gautam says i am not talking to you, why are you fighting for small things, Karishma says if you come to my house, i will give you full box of oats, Gautam says i will never come to your house, Gautam says dont talk to me, Karishma says nobody wants to talk to you, diandra gives oats to gautam. gautam taunts Karishma that you love me so much, Karishma says you come out of house then i will show you my love, Gautam says you have underworld connections? i am challenging to show me..
Karishma says to Upen that gautam was passing personal comments.
in garden, Gautam says to Puneet that she was personal with me, and was giving me warning to come out of house, he says she was fighting for two spoons of oats, he says Karishma is nothing for me, i will not see her in house, Puneet says make her show piece, she is doing all this to irritate us, dont take tension, give tension.
in kitchen, Upen ask Karishma to not talk to him, Karishma says he is nothing for me, diandra comes and says Puneet is saying to Gautam to give tension to us, she says let them come face to face, i will show them that i have much energy than them.
Siren plays, some ninjas comes in house, they have one girl with them, all inmates comes in garden area, from other side the warrioe comes, ninjas and warriors have fight between them, all inmates enjoys, Gautam starts fighting too, they leave, ali and Praneet comes to girl and opens her face. she says whats up guys. she is wild card entry Rinni from MTV rodies, sushant knows her,Rinni comes to Puneet and ask hwo are you, Puneet is shirtless, Rinni says my dad has said hi for you, Rinni meets all inmates, inmates says we will show you house around, Diandra jokes how much roties should be made now.
diandra and Karishma are in kitchen, Sonali is there too, diandra says this wild card entry is not so innocent, Sonali jokes we will handle her well.
rinni is with P3G, she says to Ali that you are on high these days, you are famous, ali says nothing like that, Rinni jokes that you must be feeling that i am new creature in house, Pritham says we have got new energy seeing you, rinni does hi-five with him.
Ali ask rinni will she drink water? she says if you are asking me sir then i will say yes, Ali says dont call me, he goes to bring Water. rinni says to P3G that you guys are strong but why you are hiding it, she says to Puneet that you know reality of everyone then you should expose them all, she says to Pritham that you are my favourite, she ask Praneet to not come in others words, she says you guys are targeted and you guys are eliminated week by week, make other group go out of house now. rinni says become strong.
Sushant says to Ali that this Rinni is so strong, if you involve with her then she can tear you apart, she will not leave anyone who come in our way, ali says so she can throw sonali like girls away, i think diandra can stand infront of her, ssushant says no, she is very clever, she will not leave anyone but i am happy someone like her came in house.
Puneet says to Gautam that we are less in numbers thats why we lose captaincy,l now this girl is nice, we can take her in our group, she has guts and is strong, we want one vote, make this girl on our side.
Pritham says that Karishma was saying that can we out Rinni? can she be eliminated this week, Rinni says i am hoping to get captaincy, Puneet says we will make you captain, we have to take them out of their comfort zone.
siren plays, song aata maaji satakli plays, some warriors come in house, its like Ravan vs Ram team, both team fight, inmates enjoy it, one girl comes there in veil and dances, warriors throw things here and there in house, they destroy the bedroom, all inmates look on, Karishma says stop them, they have destoyed whole house, even threw matressed here and there, they leaves, Karishma says catch them, they catch the girl but she runs away too, all inmates are shocked to see all messed bedroom, Sushant says if they come next time, then we will not leave them.
Pritham says to Karishma that i was running behind the veiled girl but couldnt catch her, Karishma and Pritham tells Puneet that some mad people came in house and threw everything around.
Ali had earlier joked aboout Pritham’s name, Pritham and Praneet are discussing that, Pritham says that Ali doesnt exist for me, Praneet says Ali used slangs for Sonali wso much, i could have beat him but i controlled myself, Pritham says now we have to teach this Ali.
Puneet says to Pritham that now if Ali comes to us then ask him to go from here, Pritham says i also joke but why he joked about my name in ksuch cheap manner. Pritham says we will set him if he do anything wrong now.
some goons come in house, they have one girl with them, she is in veil too, song aa re pritham piyare plays, all dance with her. some police officers come there too, they dance with goons too. The girl take off her veil, she is another wild card entrant Dimpy, she meets all inmates. all inamtes take her to show her house. Dimpy comes and meet Puneet.
bigg boss says we welcome new entrants Dimpy and Rinni and we hope that they enjoy in house, Dimpy gives hi-five to rinni.
ali says Upen that new entry are with with other group, he says puneet called me double face as i took stand for Arya. ali says i took stand for wrong, he said to not come near him. i said that i respect Pritham alot. ali says now i will play game.
Dimpy talks to Rinni, dimpy says i called sonali but she showed me attitude, rinni says i dont eat pulse but pulse was made so i took it to eat but sonali snatched plate from me, dimpy says i have self respect too, if she doesnt wanna talk then let it be, Rinni says nobody took stand for her as she is not positive person.
Pritham is washing plates, he says kitchen is all messed, Gautam says we cant say anything, he says now let see when i will say, he calls diandra and says that kitchen is messed, Diandra says kitchen team will clean it. Praneet comes and says lead by example not by complaining, he cleans the kitchen, Gautam says whenever i say anything to you, you say opposite to me, this is not my work, Praneet says i am tired, Gautam says dont use slang against me, i am not liking it, he leaves, Praneet says nothing can happen with this guy.
Gautam says to Praneet thaty lead by exmaple happens where you clean the scrap by your heart, Praneet says its sin to give you advise, Gautam says why are you taunting me, it was Sushant’s duty, Praneet says washing utensils was my duty, i cant fight on anything, Gautam says go from here, Praneet says you irritate me, Gautam says you were psuhing me with leg in task, Praneet says you irritate me to much, Pritham takes Praneet from there.
Sushant ask Gautam the matter, Gautam says Praneet taunted me on thing which was not my thing, Puneet ask Praneet to come, Praneet says i am not coming, Upen says you look handsome when you are angry, Praneet says why he fight on everything.
Dimpy talks to Gautam and says Sonali talk to you rudely but she talks sweetly with Upen, she always need a support so she keep changing groups, Puneet says we know.
Pritham says to Ali that you always joke about my name, i dont like it, Ali says i will not do it from now on.
Gautam says to Puneet that i am not mad, sonali gives me vibes so that i go forward with her but i will never respond to her.
PRECAP- tomorrow is weekend ka vaar, Salman is coming to take class of inmates.
Update Credit to: Atiba