Bigg Boss 8 8th October 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on
Day 17
suno sasurji songs starts playing, al contestants gets up from sleep.
lambas vs babbars will continue, today it will be fake marriage, there are vermillion and mangalsutra placed on one special bed in bedroom, upen and sonali have to get ready as bride and groom, and upen have to apply vermillion and mangalsutra to sonali, lambas will help them doing wedding while babbars will have to destroy and put wedding to halt. lambas have to make upen apply sindoor to sonali and have to take couple’s picture to win the task.
karishma says before task start, we should eat lunch, diandra talks to arya and says yesterday the time task started, they started running. siren for starting task rings.
Arya talks to minishha, minissha says
Arya comes to Karishma and says upen have started doing task, he is in bathroom and making tattoo. karishma says stop him then.
deepshikha is making sonali ready for fake marriage.
upen comes out of washroom dressed as groom, he says to puneet that as I promised task will start after having food only, we will wait till them.
deepshikha is busy making sonali bride, karishma comes there and spoils the makeup, deepshikha says you cant do that, its not the task to destroy the makeup, its about clothes and other thing. Sonali ask karishma to stop this, Karishma throws water on sonali, sonali ask het to stop it and ask her to be in limits, karishma ask to tell her limits, she goes from there, minishha ask her to let it be.
karishma comes in lounge, upen says to arya that what will happen with water? task wont stop.
Diandra ask karishma to go to soanli and disturb her as she is already irritated, karishma and arya goes.
minissha is waiting for sonali to come out of washroom, karishma and arya comes there to and waits for sonali to come out, karishma ask minissha to not give lectures when you cant follow it yourself, you said don’t be physical so I wasn’t physical with sonali. Sonali comes out of washroom, minissha puts veil on her face, soni throws water on her, deepshikha says let them do that.
upen and sonali comes in lounge dressed as bride and groom, praneet tries to take the picture which is a task but kairshma comes and bumps into him, praneet falls on floor, karishma says it was an accident, praneet says you bumped badly, karishma says it was just an aciednt, minissha ask her to stay away then, they bicker about who is at fault.
minishha with her team mates comes in bedroom guarding the bed which has mangalsutra and sindoor, diandra and karishma are there too to spoil it, praneet comes there and says karishma hurt me a lot, minissha and gautam removes the wood boundries from the bed on which it is written “keep out”, karishma says this foul, they cant removes these boundries, they cant touch it, minishhaa doesn’t take it seriously, minissha comes to pritham who has camera, she asks him to take the picture as soon as he gets the chance.
puneet says to diandra that its been two weeks and all boys thinks that minissha is most cunning and selfish, karishma says we all are doing task but she makes weird faces like is not enjoying, we are just enjoying the task.
minissha’s team is guarding the bed and mangalsutra, puneet comes there and dances, diandra is there too, she says to puneet and ask him to snatch the mangalsutra, lambas start fighting and says you cant do this, diandra says you tell us what to do or what not, minissha says to diandra that when you threw water on sonali, did a say anything, deepshikha takes mangalsutra, arya comes and says mangalsutra should be placed on bed only, nobody can take it.
sonali is being hidden in washroom by deepshikha.
Sushant comes to upen and says you are looking hot, he says something in his ears, he sings.
upen comes to laundry room, gautam ask him to run from soni and karishma, he runs from their clutches and hides in washroom in which sonali is already there.
Arya and soni waits for upen to open the door of washroom, soni says I was telling you they will hide him here, how would I hold him. upen and sonali comes out of washroom, sonali says vermillion putting task is done. all hugs them and congratulate them for marriage, pritham gets successful in taking couple’s picture but it is blur.
upen and sonali stand on stool, soni stands infront of them, pritham takes their picture, all sits to see it, sonali and upen runs from there, they come in bedroom. upen and sonali poses as couple in bedroom, pritham takes their picture just in nick of time when babbars come there to stop him but he has taken the picture, all lambas gets happy to have accomplished the task.
Karishma in slow tone talks to sonali, she says to her that all what she did was idea of driandra not her, she just followed her.
bigg boss says that lambas have succeeded in the task. all lama team members hug each other.
praneet pritham and gautam talks about karishma, praneet says she jerked me very hard, I fell on floor, Gautma says that only one girl is so cunning here that is karishma, I haven’t seen bad girl like her, I mean she feels good, she has fun in smearing and making other girls faces bad, she gets happy when she destroys others’ faces, now I don’t feel sorry for what I said to her.
upen and sonali see their wedding pictures, upen says you are looking like maharasthran bride, upen ask whom will you marry? sonali says I haven’t decided, I need someone who respect me, who is cool and takes care of me, upen says what if h=you have a fight with him, sonali says then I will leave. sonali says I don’t like karishma, it feels like she is uneducated and she comes from slum area, her career will not grow if she remains like this.
Arya, pritham, praneet, soni talks to camera, praneet says to all our family members, we are fine here, we have to wash our clothes without washing machine, we have to eat boiled food, we have to sleep without blankets, we have to do difficult task but even we all are fine here.
PRECAP- Hirtik rooshan comes in house, all inmates gets happy seeing him and applauds for hum, hirtik hugs puneet and meets him.
all inmates dances alongwith hirtink on song bang bang from bang bang movie.
later hirtik says to inmates that there is task for you all, it is called “BANG BANG” task, glass pieces are placed on floor, all inmates have to walk through them bare foot, all are tensed, some inmates walk on glass pieces.
Update Credit to: Atiba