Categories: Bigg Boss OTT

Bigg Boss OTT 13th September 2021 Written Episode Update

Bigg Boss OTT 13th September 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 36 8 PM
Neha says I knew Raqesh would cut mine but it was brutal. Why did they make everyone do this. Raqesh hugs Nishant and says sorry yaar. Pratik hugs him. Nishant is teary. He cries. Pratik cries as well. Pratik says I am sorry bro. I had no option.

8:45 PM
Devolina and Rashmi come to the house. Everyone welcomes them. Rashmi says sit with who you want. Divya says everyone can sit solo now. Devolina says 6 days and 6 contestants. How do you feel Nisho? He says I don’t know. Rashmi says don’t cry. He says I will be fine. I told Neha you make as fake or real a connection as you are. My connection with Moose was real. It’s a shocker for me. Rashmi says part of your journey. She says but the most real connection is Pratik and Divya’s. Everyone laughs.

Devolina says let’s play your game with no filter at all. You have to answer our questions openly.

Devolina says the first guests are Raqesh and Shamita. Rashmi asks Shamita you think Nishant lost his chance of a ticket to the finale? Shamita says it was a show-off and like Karan said it was overconfidence. It was out of his character. He plays all the tasks and gives 100%. Rashmi asks Raqesh. He says Nishant is unpredictable. Rashmi asks do you agree with Shamita? He says 50-50? Raqesh says I feel like he did it for me. Rashmi asks Nishant. Rashmi says you get over-confidence. Nishant says I know the thin line between over-confidence and confidence. According to me I didn’t feel like I should do it. Devolina asks Raqesh after the connection broke were you happy or sad? Did you feel free? He says I feel free. People saw me differently as a person because of that connection. It went on a different level. Devolina says but you were happy back then too. He says I am always happy. Devolina asks Shamita. she says I agree. I feel free too. BEfore that a lot was said to me. Bossy, demeaning. I was relieved. I wanted him to play his game and let me play mine.

Devolina says that was only because were you in connection because bigg boss made it? Or was there a real connection? Shamita says it was forced in the beginning. We had to play the game together and we made a good bond. He was confused in the first week. We both thought it wasn’t working. Shamita says he also thought he would make a better connection with Divya. He didn’t know how to play so I told him I do know. Let me plan. In that process, I started looking bossy. Devolina asks were your feelings for the game or genuine? She says it was genuine for me I don’t know about him. Raqesh says it was an organic connection. Devolina says it broke the same organic way? He says when you are together your thoughts become clouded. Devolina asks are you okay playing solo? They both say they are but would support each other.

Rashmi asks Shamita who shouldn’t have been here. Shamita says it’s difficult for me to answer this. Everyone has played and they deserve to be here. Rashmi asks who is more deserving? She says Zeeshan was unfortunate. If I were in Divya’s place I would have tried to control him and not provoke the fight. Zeeshan should have been and Divya should have been out. Devolina says so you think she’s not deserving? Shamita says I am not saying that. You said if one person should be out and the other should be in? Devolina asks Raqesh. He says you all know my equation with Pratik. I will take his name. He doesn’t talk about the point. He makes me very angry. I am gonna burst one day. Rashmi says when will that one day? Pratik says at least empty vessels are better than blank spaces and illogical things. At least I stand up for what’s right. And I am not s*xist. Raqesh says yeah it was right of him to take finale tickets from everyone. Rashmi says you are cute Pratik.

Devolina asks Shamita and Raqesh. If you get a chance will you sacrifice the trophy for Raqesh? And Raqesh you tell the same. They both say no. Devolina says Nishant and Pratik bring something from the store. Devolina asks Shamita and Divya to stand there. She says we will do OTT tasks now. Let’s see what Raqesh thinks of Shamita and Divya. Rashmi says there’s no 50-50.

Devolina asks which one of them doesn’t move on? He says I don’t know Divya much. So I don’t know. Devolina says you have spent enough time with her. He says our connection isn’t that deep. Divya says I told Raqesh I have moved on from Shamita’s fight and I don’t like to keep grudges. Let’s start fresh without going back. I don’t like that. Then Raqesh became quiet after Shamita came. She said why I became insecure? Devolina says we asked Raqesh. Raqesh says Divya’s head in the water because she started the same thing again.

Rashmi asks who is more stubborn? HE says Divya. He puts her head in the water. He says she gets stubborn with tasks too. Devolina says who’s more moody? He says Divya. Everyone laughs. He says she gets emotional then she’s happy. Pratik says Shamita see he knows Divya so much. Then he says he doesn’t know her. Raqesh says he doesn’t exist for me. Devolina asks who is more disrespectful. Divya puts her head in water. Raqesh says Divya started the fight. Instigation started from her side. Devolina says we are asking who is more? He says they both are. They both have an equal conflict. He puts both their heads in the water. Rashmi asks who’s boring? He says neither. Rashmi says then put your head in the water. Raqesh says I don’t know. Rashmi says you have to do it. He says Divya. Rashmi asks who’s more interesting? He says Shamita. Rashmi says so Divya is boring? Divya says I feel like Bigg Boss is here. Devolina asks who do you not want to see in top 2? Raqesh says I want Shamita there. He puts Divya’s face in the water. Devolina asks who’s less hot? Shamita says it’s a wrong question. Devvolina says it’s a task. He says I will drown both of them I am less who. They ask what will he say? Neha says he finds Divya hot. He said she’s a diva. Divya says what are you saying. Shamita is shocked. Nishant says I heard it too. Devolina says come on Raqesh. He puts Divya’s face in water. Devolina says you are not honest.

Devolina says Nishant give a review of this task. He says Divya is a friend. She won’t say anything. If he said anything against Shamita she would ruin his life. Shamita says I am fed up of listening to it. There is no third person between us. I don’t need to defend it all the time. Divya says why are you on this show then? She says we have been through a lot in this week. Everyone has their opinion here. I trust Raqesh. Nishant says cute. Divya says we only chill. See I have a relationship too. I am here and he is out chilling, we are cool. No one can come in between two people if they love each other. HE can drown my face. It’s fine. He’s my friend. I will save him from your shouts. Raqesh says I like Shamita. We are two different people. Devolina says no one can see your feelings now. She expressed better. He says I am a different person. SHe’s more expressive than me. I can’t change myself here.

Rashmi says so Divya is more in water as per Raqesh. He says of course. Rashmi calls Nishant and Neha. Devolina says to start with Nishant. She says say something about everyone. He says Raqesh gives up easily. He started taking connection seriously. Raqesh isn’t playing a game here. Shamita looks cool to me the way she carries herself. She wants to play and say, she is a power pack. I don’t know why she doesn’t speak now.

They are a good looking connection. But when the connection broke the reality hit. As friends, I would always support them. Pratik gets lost sometimes but he’s become too emotional. His game was good. He has a personality to win the show but I don’t know why his game slowed down. I am proud of Divya for playing all alone. She sets fire. She doesn’t extend her points. She’s a very good player. She deserves to be in this week. Neha I think she speaks a lot. Her actual point keeps twisting. I feel sleepy when she starts. Rashmi asks Neha is Pratik dependent on you? Or him? She says as a friend I am dependent of him. we are friends and we are unafraid show it. we don’t depend on each other for the game. Pratik says I can’t ever depend on anyone. I became this on my own. I love Nishant, Neha and I used to love Divya too. Divya laughs. He says we fight but we don’t depend on each other.

Devolina asks Nishant who has disappointed you in the game and personally? He says Neha and Pratik disappointed me in the game and as friend too Pratik disappointed me. I always supported him as a friend. He didn’t save me later, he saved Shamita. And Raqesh too. I know him for 15 years but when Shamita abused me, he didn’t take a stand. I kept telling everyone Raqesh is a different person here. And in nomination he said he won’t ever nominate me but he did. Neha says I want to answer him. Nishant is friends with Pratik but he wanted my loyalty as a donation. Nishant says I was upset at Pratik only. We were friends. Neha says I have my friends too. Neha says we are learing every day. Rashmi asks Neha who do you not want to see in top 3? Neha says Divya. I don’t get her sometimes. She says she doesn’t have friends. Then she make friends with wrong people. Divya says so Raqesh and Nisho are not good friends? Neha says second name is.. Raqesh. He saved me today. He is confused and so was I. That’s why I was in redzone. A girl gave me a wake up call for saying things like I want to leave. Raqesh I hope he understands. She says I want to see the rest in top 4. Rashmi says it’s a task. She says Nishant, because I am scared of him. He plays to well.

Devolina asks Nishant who he sees in top 3. He says myself, Pratik and Shamita. She is a strong player. Her game is good. And Pratik started the game with fire. We can stand together. He’s capable of winning. Devolina says who do you not wanna see in top 2? Nishant says Raqesh. He gives up and the next name is Neha. She is getting the game now.

Devolina says I will say some qualities. Rate them. Devolina asks fakness in Divya. She says 4. Neha says she changes a lot. Devolina asks Pratik. She asys 0. Devolina says Nishant? Neha says 3. He is afraid to piss everyone off. He wants to be in everyone’s good books. And Raqesh 2. She asks Shamita. Neha says 1.

Devolina asks Nishant to rate weak players. She asks Divya. nishant says 1. I think she’s a very strong player. She asks Pratik. Nishant says 1. He’s very strong, just that he gets emotional sometimes. So 1 for that. She asks Neha. Nishant says 2. She isn’t good with taking decisions. Shamita, not weak.

Devolina asks Neha rate the villain in the house. Divya. Neha says 4. She never made a connection with anyone. Divya says you show me the love then? Devolina asks Pratik, she says 0. Neha asks Nishant. Neha says 0. She says Raqesh? Neha says no one considers him a villain. Neha says Shamita has been a villain for some people here so 2.

Devolina asks Nishant complains. Divya? Nishant says 5. Pratik. Nishant says 0. Neha? Nishant says 15? She has complain with everything. Neha hits him. He says Raqesh 0 and Shamita 3.

Devolina says Pratik and Divya come here. Nishant says wildest connection. Rashmi asks who do you want to stay friends with after the show? He says Nishant, Moose, Neha, Milind and Shamita. I won’t want to see Divya. I am done. And Raqesh, I am empty vessel, I am better away from him. Rashmi asks Divya. She says I would want to test when I go out. I don’t wanna see any faces. I will go on dinner with Raqesh and Nishant and decide if I wanna stay friends with them. Rashmi asks who isn’t liking solo game? Divya says Neha and Pratik. They plan the whole night about individual friends and Raqesh Shamita. Raqesh was relaxed that Shamita was taking care of the tasks. Divya says they are still sugarcoating. So they don’t like solo game.

Devolina asks who doesn’t deserve to be here in this week? He says Raqesh. He still doesn’t get the game. He’s very scared of I don’t know Shamita or who. He was putting Divya’s face in water for no reason. Just have popcorn and sit here and see us. Devolina says finally you think for Divya. Pratik says I do. Divya says he can go against anyone to use other people. Devolina asks Divya who is the reason for the fights between Raqesh and Shamita? She says both of them. When Shamita says anything Raqesh agrees at that time and then later he spills it out in tasks and to me. And Shamita doesn’t accept if Raqesh’s point of view is different. so Raqesh goes like yeah madam whatever you say it right to avoid the fight. Devolina asks Raqesh what’s your thought on this? He says nothing. I don’t wanna speak about it. Rashmi says everyone wants to know your point of view? He says I don’t wanna speak.

Rashmi asks Pratik who’s here because of another person? He says Divya. Divya laughs and says what? He says let me explain. Pratik says about Divya she tries to find a connection and make a bond. And next is Raqesh because he doesn’t have a stance. Devolina asks Divya if she would have a good connection? She says if we played well it would have been good. But he would later speak it like a favor. He wants people to prove friendships all the time. He called moose fake yet he cut Neha’s wire. Pratik says Neha has been very unconditional to me. The two people who have given all their efforts are Nishant and me. Devolina asks Divya who is your love hate? She says Shamita.

Devolina asks you have to tell how these people entertain? He asks Pratik about Shamita?? Pratik says by crying. Divya says by controlling. Devolina asks about Pratik. Divya says by being a radio. Pratik says about Divya. He says by sleeping. Divya says he’s a romantic Raqesh. Pratik says Nishant is funny. Divya says Neha is stupid. Pratik says Neha is mad. Rashmi says Divya has felt lonely in the whole connection. But you came here on your own. Devolina says you always said you wanted someone here. See we have someone for you.

Varun comes in. Divya cries. She rushes and kisses him through the glass. They both cry. Divya says I missed you so much. Thank you for coming. I could hug you. She cries. Divya says thank you Bigg Boss. Varun says it’s crazy 24/7. Varun speaks about everyone. He says Nishant is very smart. Everyone is his friend. He has played very smartly. When I saw Raqesh I was like thank God I didn’t go in the show. But don’t scream. Keep yourself firm. Don’t be scared. He says about Shamita so much is said about me. She says I never mentioned you. He says you did. He says you are very strong as a player. Just don’t get personal. He says Pratik we fought at the last game. You became my friend. I will always wish good for you. But I felt shocked that you didn’t become friends with Divya. Sort it out. Divya says I tried. He says I know. He says Divya you were standing when no one was with you. Only Raqesh came to you. Shamita said about me am I also aggresive? Some people have given more priority to the show than anything. Shamita says the first week we were friends and it was from heart. She was attacked a lot. I was trying to save her and she said I am controlling her. She became rude so I decided to stay away. I tried to mend but she didn’t work out. Varun says Divya stay strong. He hugs her through the glass and says play with a smile no matter what anyone says. Divya gets emotional. He says I love you. Varun leaves.

Devolina and Rashmi say it’s time for us to leave as well. We will give this hamper to the girl who won our hearts with our answers. It’s Divya. They leave.

11 PM
Shamita says to Nishant Pratik is totally away. Raqesh comes. He says I am done with this game. People see me as confused. I can’t be portrayed like this. I don’t like it. i wanna go out. I am done to another level now. This isn’t my game. I could be wrong but I am tired now.

11:30 OM
Shamita says to Divya I wanted to sort it out. Divya says it was never that way from my side. I have no intentions. I don’t wanna discuss what he said but you saw how much I love him. Shamita says it’s cute. Divya says I will invite you to our wedding. Raqesh says so happy for you. Divya says I have nothing for Raqesh in my heart. Shamita says to Raqesh we wanted to sort it between us. He says you guys see and he leaves. Shamita says people call him confused and spineless. I don’t like it. It is affecting him.

12 AM
Shamita sits with Raqesh. He says I don’t want to discuss anyting. I can’t do this. I am shaken. I am being judged for everything. I was told that I am s*xist. I was only trying to convince Nishant. I am tired. I can’t keep putting forward my point to get demeaned.

12:45 AM
Shamita says to Neha Pratik I am telling you as a friend, what is your difference with Raqesh, he’s human too. He is being told he doesn’t take a stand, he’s spineless. You don’t deserve to be here. This is insulting. Pratik says I never called him spineless. Shamita says I accept you the way you are. Neha says that’s not what Pratik said. Raqesh got upset over his thing. Shamita says being told you’re s*xist is a big deal. Neha says Karan said it to him. Shamita says it didn’t mean it. Neha says he should speak clearly then. Shamita says he’s saying he doesn’t want to be here. Pratik says the audience can’t see his heart. Neha says it’s not going to land anywhere.

1:30 AM
Shamita says I don’t know how to not defend people I love. I want to see how he is in outer world. Neha says that’s not the point right now. We are here. Shamita says he thinks he’s failed here Shamita says in my mind I won’t take a decision here. I want to know how is he outside. If he’s wrong for me. If my family tells me he’s wrong I will consider it because they saw both sides.

Epsiode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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