Categories: Bigg Boss OTT

Bigg Boss OTT 25th August 2021 Written Episode Update: Neha, Milind, Pratik and Akshara nominated

Bigg Boss OTT 25th August 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

8 AM
Everyone wakes up dancing to pretty women. Zeeshan says to Divya she gave her heart to Pratik but asked to give 5 points why he should accept it? He can’t even think of half of it. Divya says it’s not about Milind. She must have realized he’s not vocal and isn’t playing well. she thought I should go ahead in my game with someone who is out there. That’s the basic reason. I am mad even if that’s the reason she should have been honest. Not being mean. Divya asks Shamita when did he shift? She says last night. Zeeshan asks Akshara when did your duty change? She says yesterday. They said they can’t do the kitchen. They said I should do it. Shamita says no one ate yesterday so what’s the point? Zeeshan says because it had chicken. Shamita says

it comes in the way of my workout. She has more knowledge. I don’t want to.. She has the solutions. I have basic knowledge in cooking. I am being practical. He says so you are doing washroom? She says yes. Divya says is this attitude right? At least talk and say you can’t. People will have to eat no matter what’s cooked.

9:30 AM
Raqesh says something is happening. Moose asks who is cooking? Shamita says Akshara and Milind. They know but not the captains. Nishant says captain we are hungry. Divya says people change duty and don’t tell me. Nisho says you should ask as well. She says I slept. It was Shamita’s duty. Don’t fight with me. Nisho says I am hungry. What kind of captain are you? Why is breakfast not ready? Divya says people change duty and don’t even tell others? I slept. Nisho says you should ask them. Divya says she was in the kitchen. She asked Akshara. Akshara says it was decided everyone will eat oats. Divya says Nisho you are fighting wrong with me. Nisho says how can they decide? Shamita said it’s difficult. She asked Akshara if she can do it? Akshara said five minutes. I don’t know what happened. Now we are suffering. Nisho says Zeeshan was there. Nishant says I am hungry now. Akshara says I won’t cook now. I can’t cook if people shout. Divya says it’s not my fault. He says I get irritated when I am hungry. People should do their duties. Divya says to Zeeshan did you know? He says I didn’t know. Nisho says then question us. Divya says someone should have told us. This is wrong. Nisho says I don’t eat this cereal.

Zeeshan says I am making eggs. You want to eat it? says no I will eat break. I am making it. He says I was hungry because of you all. Divya says it’s not our fault. They didn’t tell. Nishant says it’s about duty. People get on our heads. Divya says what will you eat? He says I don’t want it now. Divya says I said the cooking team will cook and people have to eat. People care about their workout and not other people’s food. We are here to cook. We have a heart at least. Shamita might not understand Hindi. Akshara says you only know how to open your legs. Shamita says what do you mean Akshara? Akshara says Neha has her foot on top. Neha says my leg hurts. The doctor has asked me. Shamita says you said a disgusting thing. Akshara says that’s your mentality. You get it that way. Shamita says yeah we can see yours. Neha says should I show you my prescription. Akshara says you did when I came here. Neha says it’s the other way. Divya says they won’t get it. I don’t like her. Neha says you would tell me?

Neha says so ill-mannered. Shamita says she says disgusting things. Pratik who says this thing like that. Pratik says that was not right. Akshara says you can’t tell me what’s wrong and right. He says I won’t like those words either. She says that’s my culture. We say it normally. Am I here to cook only? Neha says started again? Akshara says the world can see what you tried to do to me. You had your foot towards me. Pratik says try to understand.. Akshara says don’t you tell me. Akshara says she is always saying things from here and there. Neha says do you have proof? Akshara says everyone has seen. Neha says you are crazy. Akshara says you are. What can one do. Neha says you say weird things. You shouldn’t talk to me. Akshara says I am not here to learn from you.

10 AM
Divya says she’s so selfish. Akshara says they always do the same. Divya says this is so selfish. Don’t keep people hungry. Akshara says to Shamita to take her side. You will see. shamita says she’s my friend. And what you said is wrong. It doesn’t sound right. Akshara says we say it. Raqesh says don’t shout Shamita. Shamita says she can’t say wrong things. Akshara says we say it all the time. I will say it. Shamita says it sounds wrong. Akshara says I didn’t have bad intentions. I am a girl myself. Shamita says you kept arguing. Akshara says she was taunting me. Shamita says you started first. Akshara says she’s your side. Shamita says I stand by the right. Akshara says you also say things that sound wrong. Raqesh says then you say sorry. Akshara says I would never say sorry to her. She isn’t right.

Milind says she betrays people. Shamita says she wasn’t okay with you. She wanted to talk to you. You are taking it personally. Raqesh says it was the fault of both of you. Milind says you are wrong. Shamita says she felt judged. That’s on her. If you keep asking her not to fight, how would she change her personality? He says I have a soft personality then? Shamita says you had been told to do more in the weekend ka war. She wants to take a chance. Raqesh says don’t take it personally. he says you both fought. Zeeshan and Divya fought. But you understood each other. I cared for her and understood her. It’s unfortunate that you had an illness but I stood with her. She demeaned me and went to another place. Raqesh says you are right. She should have discussed. He says she said she would leave.

10:30 AM
Akshara says she bullies me. Pratik says we are here for you. She says no one needs that. He says your emotions are okay. No one came here with anyone. Akshara says I am not saying anything to you. You can’t tell me what to do. Akshara says I am playing a game. Pratik says then don’t sing taunting songs? Akshara says don’t tell me right or wrong. He says one person is being isolated. She says so did I but I didn’t ask for sympathy. He says but bullying isn’t right. She says I had been bullied. Pratik says we stood with you. She says no thank you. I had anxiety last night. I asked Raqesh for medicine. I am not crying to anyone. Then don’t tell me what my reaction should be? My friends are with me.

Neha says I know Akshara is hurt. Shamita says she’s not expressing it. Neha says it becomes an attack. Shamita says the wound is still fresh. Shamita says the wound is still fresh. Shamita says to make arrogant remarks.

Nishant says Gaba didn’t you notice everyone went to her and said things but he also did wrong. Akshara says I did that. I stood for a friend too. I said what my emotion is. Nishant says you are ignoring people who stood with you. Akshara says don’t be loud. He says I am not. Akshara says I also have the right to say things. You can’t say things for me.

Zeeshan says she is arguing. Milind says she feels unsupported. Zeeshan says she shouldn’t repeat the same thing. She said you have opened your legs, that’s not right. Divya says yeah it was wrong. Pratik says you are not alone Akshara. All these people were with you. Akshara leaves. Akshara goes in and cries. Milind hugs her and says don’t cry. Pratik looks at her. Milind cleans her tears and says don’t cry. Let’s go. Pratik says Akshara don’t cry, please. She ignores him. Milind gives her water. Pratik says I remember all the feelings.

11:30 AM
Pratik says she was crying. I didn’t feel right. Nishant says it’s okay. You are fight about the game. He says I care about my happiness and my friends happy as well. What I was doing was only making my friends happy. Not me. I know she is hurt. Nishant says everyone has to survive here. Pratik says can you 100% trust her? He says no. Pratik says I can’t trust her or even Neha. Nishant says we 4 have a strong personality. Neha comes. Nishant says how do you like this morning? She says it’s fine. I will leave. Nishant says no you are my favorite. He says to Pratik what have you done? Neha says it will take time.

3:15 PM
Divya reads saving your weak connection and motivating them is also important. Time for the third week’s nomination. The store has cards. The name that is left will be saved. There will be a bell. One of you will have to come to the confession room. If there is a blank card in front of you, write the name you want to save and give a reason. If it has a name already then you agree to it and give a reason or disagree and give reason and tear that card. All connections will get 1 chance to go to the room. Then you can do either of these situations and decide. At the end, if the card has one of your connection’s names, that connection would be saved. Otherwise, all of you would be nominated.

3:30 PM
Divya says to Nishant Neha is their friend. Raqesh and Shamita. Nishant says I don’t trust Shamita. Divya says let me go in end and I will make sure not to nominate you and moose. Neha says we can be nominated. Pratik says everyone hates us. Except for Moose and Nishant. Moose says even if everyone gets nominated it doesn’t matter. Pratik says we should go second last.

Milind says Shamita will save Neha. Pratik will save Nishant. Zeeshan says Nishant has maximum. He can be saved. Nishant asks who are we saving? Divya said she will save us but I won’t trust them. She asked me to let them go in last. Neha says not for this task, these two can be trusted. Shamita and Raqesh. I don’t trust the other four. Nishant says neither do I. Pratik says he talks to everyone doesn’t trust. Divya says to Zeeshan lets save our friends. If you think Neha and Pratik will save Nishant and Moose, I don’t trust them.

Moose says to Pratik if you go second last, you can write our name. If we go last and it’s blank. Nishant says tear it if it’s Akshara and Gaba. Pratik says I would Nishant says I would write your name.

Raqesh says I want to put Nishant’s name but he would be saved. Shamita says then we will waste our point. Think smartly.

4 PM
Nishant asks Raqesh when will you go? Nishant says we will go last. Raqesh says you will do it? Pratik says we are deciding on the same thing. Pratik says it should be left blank. Nishant says if my name is last, I will stay. Bell rings.

Divya says we have to send someone. If time is gone, we will all be nominated. Nishant says they wanna go second last. Zeeshan says they can’t be trusted. Zeeshan says someone has to go. Divya says we are going if no one is. Now decide who will go second. We are safe anyway, you all will be nominated.

Bigg boss says you have the chance to save one connection. Zeeshan says Nishant said Pratik and Neha are going for Shamita and Raqesh. If Gaba is also saving Shamita and Raqesh, they get two votes. Divya says we can’t trust them. They will say something and do something. It depends on who will come last. Zeeshan says what to do then? Divya says we should do our thing. They write Nishant and Moose. Divya says we want to save Nishant and Moose. The last two weeks were unfair. Zeeshan says they were targeted. We made groups as well.

4:15 PM
Everyone decides who will go. Nishant says we will go last. Shamita says but we are on the same page, right? He says yes. Raqesh and Shamita go. Zeeshan says the audience already likes Nishant and Moose. They will be saved. The next week you can say you were fair with them. Milind says will he fight for me? Divya says then let the whole house be nominated. the audience will decide.

4:30 PM
Raqesh and Shamita will go in. Shamita reads Nishant and Moose. She says I was thinking to tear it. If Nishant sees his name, he won’t tear it. If they wrote someone else’s name we would tear it. Raqesh says we decided we will tear it. Shamita says I am confused. Nishant will ask. Raqesh says that’s the process.

Pratik says Zeeshan is very image-conscious. He might try to save Milind. He won’t write your name. Nishant says I think he would. Neha says I also have doubts. Raqesh says I don’t want to save because Nishant and Moose are playing safe and they are a competition. Whatever fights happened were unpleasant. So I should tear it. He asks Shamita do you agree? She says yes. Raqesh tears it and throws in the bin.

They come back out. Shamita says we had to tear it right? Mosse says was it us? Shamita says yes. Nishant says I told you. Raqesh says she was confused but I said we decided to tear so we gave a reason that we want fair play. Shamita says we thought your would be the last. Pratik says he showed you loyalty but he would tear it. Nishant says but Raqesh tore it. If you write mine, Gaba will tear. Pratik says if gaba leaves Nishant will tear it. Either them or we will be saved. Neha says you shouldn’t use people. Pratik says they have been very smart. Neha says you are not alone. He says they were not fair to you. What if they are fooling? She says I don’t think so. If I am not wrong, then what? Pratik says if it’s not according to us we will nominate everyone.

5:30 PM
Milind says if there’s a blank paper, can I expect loyalty that you will write my name? Nishant says then I will not write anything. Let’s all get nominated. Pratik will write my name. If you tear it, I will have to write their name. But would you want them to be saved? Then save me. Then I will make sure to play for you. Akshara says they are taking names. We don’t know if they are saying the truth or not.

Neha and Pratik decide what to do. He says loyalty stands. we have to do it. They write Nishant and Moose. He says they are honest to me. Pratik says I believe they will support me. They are strong as well.

6 PM
Neha says I am glad I told her then. Neha says it depends on Gaba now. Pratik says to Nishant I wrote your name. He asks what happened? Pratik says Neha supported my friends instead of hers. This has to be about trust and support. Moose says it can’t be equal. Pratik says she can be questioned. I am asking them to start trusting you. Neha told me if she’s with me she is. Nishant says what’s your goal Neha? Neha says I do. Everyone is here for that. Moose says our group should be till the end.

Shamita tells Milind I tore Nishant’s and Pratik wrote it again. Milind says I will see. Shamita says you should go last. Think about it. Milind and Akshara think. He says we have to play not go from here.

Zeeshan says if Shamita and Raqesh go, Nishant and Pratik will make a team. If Pratik leaves, Nishant will be confused. It’s very important for you to become boss man and I want you to. The bell rings. Milind and Akshara go. Divya says to Nishant I don’t know how capable they are in tasks. Neither is Neha. It will be on me and Zeeshan. Next week we will be open to play. You will pick neha or me? forget Pratik. I don’t want Neha to go forward and neither does Moose. Nishant says we will see. it’s not only my decision.

Milind says we want to save Nishant and Moose. They are strong and competitive. They leave the name there. Akshara says we saved you. But don’t tell Pratik. Milind says he would. Nishant says I would say you didn’t say anything. Akshara says I want them in peace. Nishant says I will never save Shamita and Raqesh. It is there. There are multiple reasons. They have done nothing. Zeeshan says congrats. Good job. Akshara says he’s a mastermind. Nishant says I do what I say. Captaincy race, I will make sure I back out but you fight fair.

Moose and Nishant go in. Moose hugs him. Their name is there. Bigg BOss says what’s your decision. Moose says we agree with this. I try to look good every day and so does he. We have the strongest connection. we are good kids. We do our work. Nishant says I agree. Nishant says we give our 100%. If everyone thinks we should be saved, I agree with them. They leave Moose does happy dance. Nishant says keep a sad face.

7 PM
Shamita says what happened in the end? Nishant and Muskan. We went third. We should have gone fourth and tore what Milind wrote. Raqesh says why did you go third? Shamita says you have to put your point across. You are being suppressed in friendship. She says I am. Raqesh says voice your opinion or stay aloof from us so you are not confused. Neha says this team isn’t clear and I don’t wanna betray you guys. Raqesh says you have to be strong. Shamita says I won’t double-cross you. We shouldn’t have any misunderstanding. Raqesh says there will be backstabbing. Shamita says we saw we can trust who. Raqesh says I wasn’t trusting anyone. Shamita says why were you saving Nishant then? Raqesh says he’s deserving. Shamita says, aren’t we? Neha says you are not a judge. Raqesh says I tore it. Shamita says but your first thought is to save them and then you are saying you will be backstabbed. You are sounding confused. Raqesh says I am not. Are you sure? She says yeah I am sure we got backstabbed. What’s your stand? He says Nishant is deserving. I know him. Shamita says you said you don’t trust. Shamita says if you save him next, I will go against you. Neha says you are confused. It’s like we all want one person to win. Shamita leaves. She says I want to be alone.

7:15 PM
Bigg Boss says Nishant and Moose are saved this week. Everyone claps. Zeeshan is boss man and Divya boss lady so they are safe. The nominated connections are Raqesh Shamita, Pratik Neha, and Milind Akshara. Milind says go have intimate talks so people can see how close you guys are. Zeeshan says Bigg Boss Moose wants to run. She runs after him.

7:30 PM
Neha says to Raqesh is too confused. Nishant says we decided. Shamita says I said Nishant would see his name, in the end, would go with it. It went it to tear. Nishant says you tore. Shamita says I had to tear it no matter whose name was it. That’s what we decided. Pratik says if someone else went it would be something else. Shamita says Raqesh said we won’t take anyone’s name. Nishant says I said don’t go second. I would have been left alone. It would be very stupid to tear your own name. Would you do that? Shamita says why is he confused? He understands things very slowly. has he always been like that? Nishant says I don’t know. we don’t play these tasks outside. They all laugh. Neha says relax Shamita. She says he gave a different reason so I am confused now. I have a problem with people who are unsure. Nishant says he isn’t like this outside. Shamita says then what’s here? Nishant says he’s very firm with his things outside. He’s very cool but I am also unsure what happened here. You have to fight to get it out. Shamita says I should speak to him.

8:45 PM
Shamita says Raqesh.. If you want to keep 15 years friendship you can keep it. But just be clear with it. I am your connection here. I wanna walk along. Don’t underestimate us and think we are playing a weak statement because that’s underestimating me. He says I didn’t mean it. I may not be good with words. I mean what I say honestly. I am confused. This game is confusing for me. She says you can be. but be in my shoes? Would you like it if I say someone is playing better than us? Shamita says how would one know? He says Nishant is playing well. she says so are we. He says I didn’t say we aren’t playing or playing bad. He has OTT level and we don’t. She says our way is different but how do we know who is better and worse? We decided Nishant’s name would stay. Raqesh says we were clear about tearing it. She says there’s confusion. Forget it. I don’t wanna discuss it. He says I want to clear it. I don’t want to drag it. She says I came here to clear it. I work on things. We can’t play separately, we don’t have a choice. Even if I want to. He says stop saying all these things. I am not stupid. She says you said you are confused now you are saying this? He says I am connected to you as a person. She says you need you to believe in us more. He says I am. she says you don’t. I got that feeling it. Raqesh says I don’t know how to put it across. Shamita leaves.

Raqesh comes out. Shamita says it’s okay. Let’s move on. He says I have nothing to say. You decide what to do. Shamita says I am not trying to silence you. I couldn’t understand. Raqesh says I didn’t like you talk in front of Neha like this. I was saving Nishant, it was our call. But speaking in front of her is wrong. She says why? He says she is sensitive. She says you have a soft corner for Nishant. I respect it. Raqesh says he’s my brother. I have seen him grow. She says you should say it. He says I don’t like being cornered. Shamita says I can’t gp ahead alone. I want us to win together. He says we are both the same sort of people. It was a difficult life for me to. To move from Pune to Mumbai, to get a divorce, to lose my father. I couldn’t sleep. Had anxiety and insomnia to another level. My mom and sister came to Mumbai, no one told them what’s happening to me. I was on the verge of breaking. They were shocked to see me in that state. I have been strong and holding myself. It’s difficult to do. I can’t keep understanding people. I want someone to understand me as well. I have understood people all my life. She says I am glad we fought. I got to understand you better.

9:30 PM
Bigg Boss says this week, after seeing you for 24 hours. The audience has decided to save Raqesh and Shamita. Raqesh hugs Shamita. Zeeshan says congrats. Bigg boss says nominted connections are Pratik Neha and Milind Akshara. Neha kisses and hugs Shamita. Raqesh says youd din’t kiss me. She says stop being mean. She kisses him and says you are pushing your luck in this game. Wake up and ring your bell. He says should I ring it for you? They laugh.

10:30 PM
Bigg boss says report card says audience liked your performance today. Everyone claps. Nothing will change tomorrow.

12 PM
Nishant says I will always be supporting you guys Divya. Give me a reason. Divya says I am saying everyone has alliances. Zeeshan adn I don’t. He says you chose not to. Divya says I don’t think I can have an alliance like you and Pratik. I had it with Raqesh and Shamita but it didn’t work. They were too much. Nishant says the fight? Divya says the punishment part showed her reality. She doesn’t do her tasks.

Day 17 12:30 AM
Nishant says to Raqesh, she asked me how you are outside. I said you are firm and focused. But it’s a game here and it’s different. She wanted me to talk to you. I would give full support to Pratik. Raqeesh says you and me have a connection. It influences your decision. Nishant says yes. Raqesh says I wasn’t getting you. I didn’t get why were you going in extreme. I would have slapped you outside. Nishant says I never came in your way. Raqesh says now I get it you are playing your game. Nishant says yes play for yourself. I don’t have any expectation. Shamita and I are not going to match on this show. I don’t like a lot of things about her.

Episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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