Categories: Bigg Boss OTT

Bigg Boss OTT 28th August 2021 Written Episode Update: Everyone punished in the house

Bigg Boss OTT 28th August 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 20 8 AM
Everyone wakes up dancing on rock and roll.

8:15 AM
Neha says good morning Akshara. The alarm blared. When you wake up we will tell you the duty. She ignores. Neha says everyone has to do their duty. You Moose and Raqesh will do the kitchen. You can choose between alternate days. Akshara says I don’t want to work. I want to do my work. I am hurt emotionally. Neha says there’s no point in the blame game. Divya comes too. Akshara says he didn’t do right.

Nishant says she said I won’t do anything. Pratik says they said they won’t do anything. Divya says we are not doing anything. Raqesh says food was there. Akshara says people always cooked for themselves. Everyone can eat what they want. Nishant says then do your own dishes. Akshara

says I won’t share their work. Neha says Divya is also saying I won’t do anything. Raqesh says then leave the house.

Pratik says to Divya then do your own food and dishes. Divya says sure. Pratik says okay Divya and Akshara will do their own stuff. Neha says okay fine. Shamita says clean your dishes. Akshara says it was there already. It’s not ours. Shamita says okay fine.

9:30 AM
Neha says I haven’t spoken to him. Nishant says it’s not working. Pratik says to Akshara do your dishes. She says that’s not mine. It was there. Shamita says it ended. Akshara says he started it. Akshara says I have worked a lot already. she cries and says I can’t even eat? He says there’s the cooking team. Gaba is your friend. Akshara says I have worked a lot. Pratik says I know. You can help in chopping if you want. Divya says don’t cry.

10 AM
Akshara is upset. Shamita say what’s in your heart. Get it out. If I have hurt you it wasn’t my intention. Akshara says I don’t exist for you in this house. I see your vibe and how you treat me. I have worked from day 1. There are groups on both sides. Shamita says I want you to get out of this state. You are not alone. She hugs her and says cheer up.

Milint says to Pratik I have no grudge against you. Pratik says yes bro. I can’t work. Pratik says you’re working for yourself. Milint says I am ready for the punishment. You can eat what you want. Milint says I can stand in the kitchen. Pratik says it was a competition. Milint says I can’t work for now. I am ready for punishment.

10:30 AM
Pratik says I don’t like hiding tea from them. Shamita says it’s extreme punishment. Raqesh says it’s not. Nishant says it will look like we are bully. Raqesh says this is right. Pratik says I don’t want to hide the tea. I don’t feel like punishing. Akshara says you can stop our food too. He says if you can feel like helping please do. I am no one to stop food. Akshara says he is very clever.

11:30 AM
Moose says who says like this when someone is crying. Nishant tries to cheer her up. He says I asked you if you need space. She says you say this every time. Akshara, Gaba, and Divya made me laugh. You are laughing with Neha and Pratik. It looked like I was the only one who had the problem. You’re having fun with them. I look the dumb one who’s saying it for no reason. He was shouting at me. And you are all okay with it. I don’t like it. He says what? She says nothing. I don’t like anything. I am wrong. He says about what? She says what I said to Neha was wrong. I don’t know what to say and what not to. She cries.

Pratik comes and hugs her. He says don’t cry. He says we are friends. It’s okay. It happens. They cheer her up.

4:30 PM
Pratik says we all welcome you to come face. Team A has Akshara, Milint, Gaba. They play and dance on the Money heist’s theme. Neha and Pratik call Shamita, Raqesh, Moose, and Nishant. They also dance on the Money heist’s theme. Everyone claps. Neha says I see the artist in Gaba out. It was amazing. They all chant money heist.

7:15 PM
Bigg Boss says time to choose people you think deserve punishment. Mutually agree on two connections who should get punishment. Divya doesn’t have a connection but she can get the punishment. If she is chosen, then only one more connection would be chosen. Now you all should decide. Pratik asks everyone. Raqesh says I don’t want to do this. Pratik says we have to. Akshara says I am not doing it. Nishant says no offense. I would choose Divya. There’s the only reason when she was given a task when they were captain, she couldn’t get the task. If she did it would have ended differently. Also, she isn’t doing duties when she isn’t the captain. She expected everyone to work as per her when she was captain. She hasn’t given anything when she became the captain. Divya says I am alone I am being targeted. Nishant says when you came you were alone but you played well.

Shamita says we did all the work. Divya did nothing. She has to do her task. Divya says I was being targeted. Pratik says I took the punishment last time. Try to understand. Neha says I always did my duties. People give excuses like periods. Divya says excuses? Neha says you can give your reason but don’t say loudly I won’t do it. Divya says I don’t like you and you are bringing it on me. Divya says it’s my turn now. Now keep shut. Neha says you can’t shut me up. Pratik says Divya is the first name as per me too. We did all the duties because it was for the house. You have to be responsible.

Milint says you had to give a reason to break the blocks. Nishant and Shamita gave no reason and they were charging to destroy my blocks. I think Shamita and Nishant’s connection. Akshara says I am being sidelined. Shamita influences people to bring me down. She speaks a lot of English. Raqesh says she always takes things personally and is always negative. I don’t like that at all. Shamita says no matter what I do, his opinion remains the same. Akshara sees things negatively. Akshara says Divya came to speak to me and no one else did. Only she stood by me. If someone is alone, you should understand them. Neha says you have done character assassination Akshara. You called me wash basin. It isn’t okay to say that. I feel bad, I also have a family. Akshara says I know my intention. I know my language. Nishant says that isn’t part of the task. Akshara says she shouldn’t say it either then. Divya says Moose and Nishant. Moose says they said they won’t work and other people had to work. We think they should be punished. There was no gas. Everyone worked together. They acted like snobs. It’s Akshara and Gaba for me.

Milint says we did our dishes. We did all our work. It’s Neha for me. She spoke about body. I told her she does the same for other people. Shamita was pissed. She said I didn’t expect this. Neha says what was your context. Milint says let me speak. Moose says you said you are too close I can feel your body. Whole-body. Milint says she meant it in a bad way. I wasn’t hugging her or something. Milint says she started that convesation. Moose says her words made him uncomfortable. They were both wrong. Neha says did I say something that you want to do? Divya says you oh God. What is wrong Neha. He said sorry. You made him uncomfortable. Neha says I am done with it. Divya leaves in anger. Nishant says can we stick to the part. Neha says Moose was it okay for him to come that close? Moose says then you shouldn’t have made him uncomfortable. Neha says so was it okay to say that to a woman? Milint says then you say you have elders? Divya says I don’t agree with this. I am not taking the punishment. Do what you want. Pratik says what should we do bigg boss. Divya says I don’t agree. Nishant says you can’t do this every time. This will make it difficult to live. You can’t say not to things as per your convenience. Pratik says everyone has agreed but Divya isn’t agreeing. She isn’t getting the reason. Let us know what to do.

Moose and Nishant say we will do it. Nishant says why? That is wrong. The entire house will suffer. Pratik says then everyone will suffer. Raqesh says I don’t agree to it. Nishant says Divya we will do it. She says doesn’t do this favor. Nishant says we won’t say anything come out. Pratik says then give a name Divya? She says Shamita and Raqesh. He says you took Moose and Nishant. She says the second one is Shamita and Raqesh.

8:15 Pm
Divya says do what you want. I will take my stand. I won’t take this punishment. The entire house deserves it. They all did wrong. Everyone broke the rules. Shamita is giving reasons in english. Raqesh’s dirty cups are here and there. Milint says you are right. Divya says I can take a stand for myself. You can kick me out.

8:30 PM
Bigg Boss asks Pratik about the decision. He says we have mutual agreement on Milint and Akshara. Divya isn’t agreeing to her name. Bigg Boss says if because of one person you couldn’t come to mutual agreement, you will all be punishment. Except for Pratik and Neha. You have to push the see saw for an hour. This includes Divya as well. Raqesh says we are not taking it. Divyas ays why are we tolerating this shit from her. We are not doing this. Selfishness. I am not doing it. Raqesh says neither am I. Nishant says she will say we cornered her. Pratik says Bigg Boss has given it.

Milint and Akshara play on see saw. Divya says I will do it alone. Pratik says how will you do it alone? You have to find someone. Raqesh says we won’t do this. Pratik says Bigg Boss has given it. Shamita says she needs to stop talking like a queen. raqesh says this wasn’t right. Pratik says go and talk to Bigg Boss them.

Milint says we are nominated already. We have nothing to lose. Let’s go. Pratik says complete your hour at least. This isn’t right. Divya does it alone. Alarm blares. Milint and Akshara get off. Pratik says no one is doing it. Should I sit. He says to Milint complete your hour at least.

9 PM
Neha says I think you will understand moose. That’s why I called you. If Gaba was your friend you could talk to him. The body thing that he said, I didn’t imply s*xual part in it. When he’s talking about body, what was your context. Moose says I told him the same. Neha says why weren’t you open? This was the right time. Moose says it was about him too not just you. Moose says I am done with you.

Milint and Akshara sit on the see saw. she says to Pratik Shamita has always been unfair to me. Pratik says she did her work. Divya says so did I. Pratik says but not today. Divya says I thought what happened with me is unfair. I can’t work.

Shamita and Raqesh say to Nishant you have to talk to her. This isn’t right. Nishant says don’t push me. I spoke the most. She’s not working. That’s her choice. You guys are also not doing the task.

9:30 PM
Divya says you people love taking my name right? I supported you all. He says I always said. She says you all keep targeting me. I told you not to do that. I consider you my friend. Why are you always targeting me.

Raqesh says Nishant is laughing with her. Naha says that’s his game. He fought for Gaba from Pratik, he tries to keep everyone on his side.

Nishant says to Moose how is Moose being our ally helping us? Moose says she has no reason to be supported by us. She had to prove her point. She acts like she’s a victim. Nishant says I have nothing to do with her. Moose says we are playing for us not her.

10:00 PM
Pratik says to Divya you have to work. She says Shamita doesn’t want us to talk. We talk on sensible issues. Everyone was doing the task but Shamita didn’t even speak to me. You know everyone’s equations. He says I don’t care about equations but tasks. She says I am doing it with Milint because Bigg Boss asked. Pratik says I asked them what can I do. You don’t listen and neither do they.

Divya comes to Raqesh and Shamita and says I am not here to fight. When you were announcing you said you feel bad giving people punishment. But if as humans if we do it together, what’s wrong. Raqesh says why are we talking? She leaves. Shamita says what’s her problem. She isn’t normal. How can she even say this to us? Divya says stop pretending. Raqesh says don’t do that I am warning you. Divya says what’s the threat? He says not a word more. she says what will you do. Don’t threaten me like that. I am not here to take that. Fake people.

10 PM
Bigg Boss says time for your report card. People are happy with your today’s poformance. They all clap.

Moose and Nishant sit on the see saw. Neha says to Praitk if we have to take tasks, you don’t have a choice. They don’t trust me. When you three are together, you are. They stand for you but not. I find that dangerous for myself. Nishant says to Moose you are my connection here. It will stay that way.

Neha says they are not sure since I came to your game. Youd don’t control your emotions. Divya says to Milint you can get off if you want. They get off the see saw. The alarm blares. Divya says I am not responsible if everyone gets punishment now.

Pratik says to Shamita in your opinion I am wrong. Shamita says it doesn’t matter. We should have taken a stand against her. Pratik says what can I do now. Shamita says I won’t do it. It’s not wrong. Divya says it’s not difficult. Nishant says to Raqesh we did but you not doing is wrong. You are doing exactly the same thing she did. Raqesh says she can’t do whatever she wants. We are taking a stand and we would.

Neha says everyone should have spoken to Divya. This won’t end this way. Divya will always do it. Divya says to Raqesh it’s not that difficult. Nishant says then take stand in everything why just one.

Nishant and Moose sit on the see saw again. Nishant says what’s the difference between her and you both now? Pratik says bigg boss gave this. Shamita says how can you go against us? We were not punished. Why should we do this? We did no drama. Raqesh says they should be mad at Divya. We should ignore it. Shamita says the audience is seeing. We can’t stay quiet. We are not wrong. He has to say we are wrong. Raqesh says audience can throw it out if we are wrong.

Moose says there is a crack. Pratik says get off. There is a crack. You can get injured. Nishant says it’s broken. Raqesh says nishant is so sweet to Divya and going against us now? We are not wrong. Shamita says yes we aren’t. Nishant says you can’t take a convenient stand. Neha says you are wrong. Nishant says don’t tell me what to do. I say what it is. They were mad why divya ate from my plate? That’s so wrong.

Shamita says he’s willing to now come and fight with us? Neha says I agree with you. Just because she did after bigg boss asked, she’s still wrong. Nishant says she is wrong but so are they.

12 AM
Bigg bos says the punishment time is over. Everyone claps. Shamita says to Pratik you see what Nishant is doing. He says his point isn’t wrong either. Her opinion differed. Shamita says who got the punishment? I took my punishment last week. He says everyone is not the same. We should have done it if bigg boss asked. Shamita says she is being a brag. I won’t take someone else’s punishment. She is responsible for it. We have morals but she can’t take advantage.

Moose, Nishant and Divya dance. Milint plays the music.

12:30 AM
Neha cries. She says they are on one side. She goes and sits in the garden.

Episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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